Member Reviews

Firstly, I wanted to say thank you so much to Netgalley, and I presume Kennedy Ryan's team for not only allowing me to read an ARC of the re-release of 'The Kingmaker', but also the masterpiece that is 'The Rebel King'. Going into reading this, I was very excited and anxious considering the intense cliffhanger we were left with 'The Kingmaker' - I genuinely thought my Kindle glitched and that there was still more. Nope, it was just a good ol' cliffhanger. Additionally, I was a little apprehensive to be completely honest. I didn't know how Kennedy could possibly top 'The Kingmaker', but wow! I would love to know how Kennedy managed to obliterate my heart, but it back together again and then repeated that process a good couple of times. I would also like to know that despite the absolute heartbreak and emotional turmoil I had been subjected to, I still managed to ADORE this entire book. Also, if anyone could please tell me where I can find a Maxim "King" Cade please do let me know! This new Bloom edition also has an extended epilogue that I didn't know I needed until I read it. If you've not read this yet, do yourself a favour and DO IT! Ok, class dismissed :) xx

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The Rebel King is a second book in a series, I would recommend reading the first book to set up familiarity with the characters. I haven’t read the previous book but each character felt unique. I liked the depth and the richness of how individualistic everyone was. From page one, Lennix really grabbed my attention.

As the reader I really felt like the author put her characters through the wringer. The endured hard challenged but were able to maintain perspective in a difficult time. My favorite character was Grim, security man exceptionaire. I felt like Grim a was a source of grounding in the upheaval of the character’s lives.

There was also a good level of spice and that did not disappoint :)

I was provided with this NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I would rate this a 3 out of 5. I had a harder time jumping into book 2 without context. But it was well written and thought out.

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Wow, so this book was definitely going for an let's trigger every emotion we can reach type of book. Overall, I enjoyed the series. The only thing that infuriated me was Lennix and Maxim inability to just listen to each other. They are very very good at communicating, and voicing their issues, but they didn't always listen or react in a way I would've hoped after everything they went through during this book. Again, I felt more of their lust than I did their love and I just need more moment where I could feel like love.

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This was an awesome follow up to The Kingmaker. Every girl wants a man like Maxim who will burn the world down just to get them back. The two main characters went through so much to get to their happy ending but they finally got there. Whew! I loved this book, devoured it in one day.

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I am SO glad I got the opportunity to read this one after reading The Kingmaker. I think I loved this one even more than the last. Kennedy Ryan blows me away with her writing everytime. Even with a story like The Rebel King, where the plot itself could be considered a bit outrageous, she finds a way to make me really feel the emotions in storylines that are so unrelatable (a kidnapping, assassinations, running for President as an independent?! but then I remember that I was a huge Scandal fan so it tracks).

I absolutely love Lennix and her finding her power as she continues to grow, and giving herself the time and space to process what she wants for herself and how she can also fit that into her life with Maxim.
Maxim can be an alpha male but I love that Lennix doesn't back down from him, when normally FMC's bow to what the man wants with a character like Maxim.

I was truly heartbroken for Owen's story, especially for Millie. I'd love to follow a story about her, even though I know that's not likely.

Thank you to Sourcebooks and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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We know Kennedy Ryan can write and I appreciate her thorough research on the native American community as well as political topic. This second book directly dive down into the cliffhanger that was left off.

I gave 5 stars on the first book since I really love that one. BUT…. this book? I was actually feeling kinda annoyed and bored reading it. How do we end up here? There’s a lot of things going on and It’s all over the place. The second book definitely heavier on the political issues, it felt like an info dump. I was also put off by the attitude of Lennix, as much as I’m cheering on a strong headed heroine, Lennix was kind of annoying. I mean seriously… would it be soooo bad to marry a guy that you love, supporting your cause and dreams? and to think that they are a professional but chose to keep their relationship secret? I mean how stupid is that sound? I can see how it will end up from miles away. smh.
And the romantic side from this book? I mean where is the conversation? everytime they are together then there will be spice in there.

The only good thing about this book is the important issues that got highlighted about the Native American community. The presidential issues? oh please don’t get me started on that one…….

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The conclusion to Lennix and Maxim's story was everything I wanted and I am heartbroken but healed all at the same time. You know when you know something is coming in a book but you talk yourself out of it like noo.... the author would not do that do us.... and then it happens and you are mad that they lulled you into that small window of trusting them. Yeah that definitely happens in this book. Still the writing is supreme, the love story span's decades and ends up victorious through all of the struggles is epic.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

This book picks up right where the first one left us with a cliffhanger. This book offers a little bit of everything; politics, activism, romance, spice. This was a great conclusion to the series and left me feeling complete. The characters were well developed and the plot moved pretty quickly.

Definitely would recommend the series
4.5/5 stars

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☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

I LOVE Maxim and Lennix's love story.
This book starts off with nail biting, on-the-edge-of-your seat drama, but it concludes with one of the BEST love stories I have read in such a long time. I feel like a lot of romances only leave room for one super powerful/successful/accomplished main character, and typically the other MC, while being important, has the "I would give up ANYTHING for you!!" attitude. Which is fine!
But these characters are so powerful, successful, and accomplished on their own, and the way Kennedy Ryan writes truly has you knowing without question that it makes them stronger as a couple. After everything these two have gone through, from Kingmaker, to the end of Rebel King, you know they will get through anything, and you can feel that in these words.

I am so happy to have come across these books. Such an incredible journey, with one of my favorite couples I have read to date. I have even put off reading Queen Move because I physically cannot bring myself to put an end to this universe/these characters. Highly HIGHLY recommend this duo!

Thank you Kennedy Ryan and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for the eARC through NetGalley!

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I appreciated that the story picked up right where the first one left off. It gripped me right away. And let me tell you, I was stressed but totally invested and hooked the whole way through! My heart was absolutely shattered into a million tiny pieces. I went through a roller-coaster of emotions. The angst came in abundance, but there was also so much love and growth and passion and strength. I felt like there was always something happening or about to happen that kept me on the edge of my seat and powering through the story. The redemption arc of Warren Cade was so heart-warming and unexpected because I really had a strong dislike for him. I love Lennix and Maxim together. Even if he was an overbearing, protective asshole sometimes. I think that made me love him that little bit more.

Lennix was truly a strong female lead. She kept getting knocked down, one thing after another, and always found her way to stand tall again. All of the women in this book were fiercely admirable, and I loved the female empowerment.

Fair warning, you will be captivated, get emotional, and caught off guard multiple times.

𝑰𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌:
☆ Indigenous FMC
☆ Second chance romance
☆ Political campaigning
☆ Billionaire MMC

Thank you to Kennedy Ryan, Bloom Books, and NetGalley for my copy of this ARC.

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An absolutely fantastic conclusion to Kennedy Ryan's duet!

In this second book of the All The King's Men duet, we see Maxim and Lennix as they come into themselves in their political aspirations. It is steamy, it is full of soul searching, angsty goodness, and it is full of heartbreak and the painful moving forward after everything is lost.

I highly recommend this book, but please read the first book in the duet, The Kingmaker first.

Thank you to Bloom Books for providing me with an ARC of this book!

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We pick up the second installment of the series after a literal cliffhanger. Lennix and her friend Wallace were kidnapped and the closing scene was her being held by her throat over the edge of a mountain. You get wrapped back up in the tension of the election and how it is playing out for Maxim and Lennix. This book some how is even more captivating, heartbreaking, and suspenseful that the first one. It is truly enchanting and blew the first book out of the water which I wasn’t sure was possible. The drama, heavy emotions makes it so fabulous you cannot put in down. So impressed and will recommend this stuffing series frequently!

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* 3.5 stars✨

Thank you to the author, Kennedy Ryan, SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books, and NetGalley for giving me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This book will be published on June 27, 2023.

I liked the plot a lot better in this one compared to the first book. There was a lot more going on, made the plot a rollercoaster, and didn’t feel as stagnant.

The romance still lacked for me though. I think I just prefer more depth and moments between the characters that leave me swooning. Anytime the MCs had a moment alone there was spice, which don’t get me wrong I LOVE spice and in their circumstances you could expect it, but I just wanted them to have some genuine conversations, spend time together that wasn’t related to the plot, and not spicy.

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I loved this so much! I am so glad I got to read this immediately after the cliffhanger from the first book. I don’t want to give any spoilers but A LOT happens in this book!! I was mad and sad and happy. Kennedy Ryan sure does put her characters through the ringer. But don’t worry. We get out HEA!

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Love daddy maxim in this book. The way he loves and supports Lennix is beautiful. He can be too possessive at time but Len shuts that shit down every time. Kennedy Ryan is amazing at her craft and I’ll likely read every book she’s ever written.

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WOW! Usually sequels aren't this good, but this book just blew my mind. These 2 books were just superb! They were more dark romance than contemporary romance but they were just out of this world amazing. This one had more suspense since the last one left off on a cliffhanger. Everything comes full circle. I don't want to give too much away but it was just done so well as usual.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review as always all words are my own.

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THE REBEL KING lived up to the hype of the first one in the series, THE KINGMAKER. Kennedy Ryan always knows how to up the stakes and write passionate and intense stories that have you unwilling to look away from the page. I find that the author addresses and tackles darker subjects such as trauma and grief in a realistic and honest way that adds emotional depth, while bringing awareness to the heavy topic of the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women. The author's love stories are always so much more than romance novels.

Maxim's love for Lennix is so intense that he feels he needs to protect her at all times, while Lennix is an independent spirit who can't be coddled. They must learn how to navigate and work out this huge obstacle in their relationship. How will they compromise and will they compromise? I love Lennix and Maxim's connection and how their story unfolds and ends.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Bloom and NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for my thoughts.

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This book dives straight back into the action and it was nail biting!
I love the couple and their dynamic. Good spice.
This book was slightly more heavy on the politics, which isn’t my particular interest but I still wanted to see how the couple faired as I was so invested after book one.
Thank you for the E-ARC, this is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.

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This was the second book in the All the Kings Men series and it was a good follow up, but I think I preferred the first book overall. This one did get a little deeper and had some things happen that definitely made it more emotional. Not my favorite Kennedy Ryan, but still a solid 3 star book.

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Kennedy Ryan has not missed once in the 4 books I’ve read of hers.; she has an innate gift of writing deep and well thought out characters and stories that MATTER. This book was just so good. SO GOOD. It had me stressed and on the edge of my seat, while also swooning over Nix and Maxim. I loved that there was so much plot and character development, along with Lennix and Maxim’s love story. They’re both such strong and independent characters, and they are the perfect match for one another. I love how everything came full circle at the end.

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