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Preparing to Meet Jesus

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This book is exactly what it is Preparing to Meet Jesus. It brought me to realize that we need to get ourself ready to meet Jesus in a perspective way.

It was a very good Book!!!! I would definately recommend it.

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Oh how this book spoke directly to me; it was just what I needed, and I believe it was in answer to prayer that God would give me a thirst for His Word! Rev 22:17
It takes enormous effort, humility, and self-control to be as holy as Jesus in a world full of aggressive and hostile people, and the pull of the enemy into wrong behaviors and actions.
Are we actually prepared for that world-changing, history-altering, heart-stopping moment when Jesus comes again????
Love the Gospel in this book: Jesus died in order to take away my sin and forgive me. Have you told Him you are sorry? Have you repented? Have you invited Jesus into your heart as Anne and Rachel-Ruth have? Are you, too, a little nervous about meeting Jesus?
This book is the story of Isaac and Rebecca, and Abraham’s efforts to choose a Godly wife for his son and heir to God’s promises. I am a fan of writers who go verse by verse through a portion of scripture, explaining each verse and giving examples of how to apply it to our lives today. THIS book does that!

God wants to direct us, guide us, encourage us, correct us, comfort us, bless us, and ues, even alert us to His imminent return. MAKE time to listen to what God has to say as we read our Bibles.
There is still time to prepare!

Jesus, God the Son, who died for our sins. Our Healer, Protector, Defender, Creator, Sustainer, Comforter, Redeemer, Master, Rescuer, King of kings, and Lord of lords!

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In their latest book, Preparing to Meet Jesus, authors Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright have combined encouragement and challenges for each of the 21 day devotional. Drawing from the lives of Isaac and Rebecca from the Old Testament, they have beautifully woven pieces together, pointing to our preparation for meeting Jesus. Each day’s message has been a great ‘jumping off point’ for going deeper in my relationship with my LORD JESUS.

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This 21 day devotional uses the story of Rebekah, daughter of Laban, to describe the attributes of a true disciple of Jesus. Abraham sent his servant back to his family to find a wife for his son, Isaac. The servant meets Rebekah at the well, and her willingness to provide water for him and his camels shows that she is the perfect choice for a wife. Rebekah is humble and willing to go the extra mile in serving others. Rachel-Ruth focuses on traits such as honesty, hospitality, servanthood, purity, and perseverance, as well as several other traits, to show how disciples of Jesus should think and act. As the end times continue, and we get closer to the return of Christ, Christians must be intentional in their faith, bringing others to Christ through their words and actions. This book provides excellent instructions for Jesus followers who want to walk the walk and be prepared to meet their Savior.

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This book expresses in everyway why we should be preparing ourselves as a bride for His coming. I love how the author interweaves examples from scripture into our everyday experiences providing clear instruction on God's plan and purpose.
I enjoyed reading this book so very much- masterfully constructed it allowed me to experience the beauty of following faithfully and what it might look like to be prepared for His return.
A timely reminder.

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This Bible study/devotional is based on chapter 21 of Genesis, the story of Abraham's servant going to find and bring back Rebekah to marry Isaac. The forward and epilogue were written by Anne Graham Lots. The 21 study chapters were written by her daughter Rachel-Ruth Wright. Each chapter delves into one or more verses and Godly characteristics seen from the verses. Each chapter includes a challenge for the reader and a suggested prayer. I found this book to be both informative and inspiring as a help towards a more Godly life.
This book is written from a definite pre-millennial and semi-Pelagian viewpoint. Anne Graham Lots is convinced that we are living in the last days and that the rapture could be imminent. Even if this is not your belief, I think this book is valuable .
I received a complementary copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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I finished reading "Preparing To Meet Jesus" and I am sad it's over! but grateful at the same time. I thoroughly enjoyed the in depth personal stories that weaved from the bible scriptures. I felt like each chapter was a new gift of learning and inspiration. How amazing that God put into us not only our stories and testimonies to share but also to pass down our families stories of how Jesus blessed our lives, to help others have hope. Yes we must prepare for the day when we meet our Savior, face to face. I want to be thankful for the oil that lights my fire on that day. every page of this book made my flame a little bit warmer. I am so thankful! and I highly recommend it to all.

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Anne Graham Lotz is a geiftes speaker & author. I enjoyed doing to a women's retreat that she spoke at over 20 years ago & have read several of her books.

This one did not disappoint. It's a 21-day devotional/challenge. It's easy to read & includes insights into her life. She also gives examples from the Bible.

You will grow closer to God if you challenge yourself & commit to reading & doing the daily challenges.

I was able to preview this ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Disclaimer: I received an advance copy in exchange for giving a review.

In this book, the authors explore the idea of Christians preparing themselves for the return of Christ by exploring principles taken from the story of Isaac and Rebekah in the book of Genesis. I was pleasantly surprised at their ability to take what is, admittedly, not a particularly stand out moment in the Bible and draw parallels to the Christian life. Wright is the primary author, sharing stories from her own life often, but drawing on many other scriptures to consider principles for living. Her mother contributed the preface and epilogue, and her skills as a writer and teacher stand out there.

At times, I felt that Wright indulged in a little too much romanticism - I am not sure if Rebekah and Isaac were madly in love with each other the moment they saw each other, as nice as that may be to imagine. That aside, however, the principles for Christian living that she share are sound. Serving others, having a right attitude, remaining pure, learning from Scripture and being filled spiritually, showing compassion, living with integrity - these are some of the daily themes. The devotional style - one small passage each day, along with specific points for thought and a daily prayer - make it easy for readers to digest a little at a time.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read, thought-provoking, and a good reminder for Christians to live each day in such a way as to please God.

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Another great book by this author. The theology is solid in this book and I enjoyed the story of these people from the Bible. A really solid 21 day devotions.
Thanks for the advanced copy.

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The book is well written from the heart with solid theology. It will jump start your prayer life if you are in a spiritual rut and or deepen your walk with the Lord.

The authors make you think about the day we will all face at God's appointed time. Am I prepared to meet the Lord? Are you prepared to meet the Lord?

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This devotional/Bible Study did a wonderful job outlining the parallels between the story of Isaac and Rebekah and us, the bride, in awaiting our Bridegroom, Jesus. Beautifully written. Beautifully explained. I’ve enjoyed Anne’s studies for a long time and Rachel-Ruth collaborates well with her mother as she picks up the baton to just give Jesus to the next generations.

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“Preparing to Meet Jesus” is written by the renown Anne Graham Lotz and her equally knowledgeable and dedicated daughter, Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright. Both are rays of sunshine, warm hugs, and founts of wisdom. The book contains 21 days of devotions, and both women contribute their wisdom and knowledge. It was a good idea to have women from 2 generations share their perspectives.

Each day begins with a Bible verse from Genesis that tells the story of Isaac and Rebekah. A thoughtful devotion follows, then a Daily Challenge for the reader, and finally a prayer. Both Mrs. Lotz and Mrs. Wright come across as friendly, caring and deeply committed to the Lord. They brought the Biblical story to life and their thoughts and anecdotes helped to bridge the gap between us and Rebekah. Although I knew the story of Rebekah, I hadn’t realized how much it parallels our own personal stories of us hoping and and praying for our Own Bridegroom and eternal home. Whether you have followed Christ for years, or whether you are just getting acquainted with Him, the authors will welcome and encourage you.

I have to say though, that I’m not sure that the end of the world is as near as these dear women think it is. Yet, we don’t know the day and the hour, and I agree we should be ready. “Amen, come Lord Jesus.”

I recommend this book- one for you and one for a friend. I thank WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers for an advance digital review copy. This is my honest review.

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Excellent book! I love the Biblical love story. The author brings out the godly characteristics we all hope to have in our lives - faith, hope, love, kindness, humility, obedience, perseverance and many more. The personal examples from her own life help us relate to our own circumstances and families. In so doing, we relate personally to God’s Word. What a wonderful book! I highly recommend it!

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Preparing to Meet Jesus! Wow! How that thought brings tingles down my spine. Yet, when I think about meeting Him face to face, will I be ready? Will He find me as a faithful servant? This twenty one day devotional has helped me think on and ponder on meeting Him and being prepared for it. Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter Rachel-Ruth have written a beautiful and thought-provoking devotional. Each day has practical, easy to read applications and scripture to go along with it. All the while, not taking long to read. So, even the busiest person can read and digest these principles that are Biblical. I pray many will get this book and be ready and prepared to meet Jesus.

*I was given a copy of this book by WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers, and this is my honest opinion.

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I absolutely love this book. I have never thought too much about the story of Abraham sending his servant to bring back a wife for his Son, Isaac. This book takes you through the story and how it relates to you in your every day life. I highly recommend this book!

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It is very important for couples, friends and family share the same belief in Jesus Christ. Pressure from others of different beliefs or ideologies is great. This may result in folks losing their faith.

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★★★ ☐☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.

Spiritual direction is all the rage. Spiritual formation is a buzz word. But is it transformational? Has your character or longing for the presence of God grown?

Lotz and Lotz-Wright offer a challenge to be changed by a worthy goal, preparing for the day when you will come face to face with the Savior. If that's not motivation, I don't know what is.

Sometimes you go on a journey with a group, sometimes by yourself. Sometimes you have a sabbatical or retreat coming up. Take this 3-week book with you. It offers a scripture, prayer, stories, questions, and a challenge for each day. If you do even half of this, you'll be changed.

I recommend that you take it a week at a time and think about where you're headed after every week is done. Keep a journal of the trip - you'll be amazed at how scripture and the Way comes alive to move you to intimacy and action.

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A very good book with the view of preparing for meeting with Jesus. Gives many ideas on what to focus on in our Christian lives and how to apply it. I received this copy free on Netgalley for an honest review. I would recommend anything by this author.

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Preparing to Meet Jesus by authors Anne Graham Lots and Rachel-Ruth Lots Wright is a 21-day Christian devotional. These amazing authors did a remarkable job organizing and composing this. It is easy to read and understand.

This devotional is about Rebekah. Each day begins with a Bible verse about her journey. Scripture is followed by a lovely devotional that takes an in-depth look into that verse and includes personal stories. After the reading, readers will find a daily challenge and a prayer. These are very encouraging and inspiring.

I highly recommend this lovely devotional. It would make a nice gift or addition to one ‘s personal collection. It gets a 5 star rating from me. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley, but these are my honest review.

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