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The Wedding Planner

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I loved this book! Weddings are so fun so reading about the experiences of this wedding planner was a great experience for me! This book had intriguing characters and a heartwarming plot! Thoroughly enjoyed it!

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This one reminds me a bit of the movie The Wedding Planner. Even though Faith has two failed engagements under her belt, she works wonders for other brides. Her business is booming. She has two of weddings for the summer that cause her problems. One is as all about the money and showing off while the other is small but only to the groom’s preferences, which Faith finds unsettling. Even with all the drama, Faith makes two very good friends of the brides.

As usual Danielle’s books are quick and easy reads. Even if they don’t wow me, like this one, they’re still enjoyable.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Ballentine for my ARC of this book.

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The wedding planner tells the story of a successful wedding planner named Madeleine who is known for creating the perfect weddings for her clients but struggles to find love in her own life. As she navigates the complexities of her personal and professional worlds, Madeleine discovers unexpected challenges, surprises, and ultimately, the possibility of finding true love. With its blend of romance, drama, and heartfelt storytelling, "The Wedding Planner" is a captivating read for fans of Danielle Steel's novels

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The Wedding Planner follows Faith Ferguson as she juggles her busy job in the glamorous world of wedding planning. Despite the parties and love stories, Faith knows the job involves long hours, stressed-out brides, and tricky budgets. With three major weddings and several smaller ones on her plate, including her own mother’s, Faith faces various challenges. From a lavish Long Island wedding for an unhappy bride to a surgeon marrying his nurse and a gay couple planning their ceremony during an adoption process, Faith makes sure everything runs smoothly. As expected from a Danielle Steel novel, the story ends with a predictable resolution.

Thank you to NetGalley and Delacorte Press for the opportunity to read The Wedding Planner.

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The Wedding Planner releasing at the start of wedding season was a supersmart marketing ploy and I loved it! Protagonist Faith Ferguson balances high pressure/stakes weddings with finesse - I enjoyed envisioning these beautiful weddings and all the relationships that bloomed with them. Thanks to #NetGalley for the opportunity to preview #TheWeddingPlanner by Danielle Steel - I can't ever wait for her new releases!

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Danielle Steel is one of the authors I turn to when I need a break from my favorite genre of mysteries and thrillers and she never disappoints. This story was kinda predictable but I still really enjoyed it. The characters are well written and you can relate to them and actually feel their happiness or sadness during the story.

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The overall story was enjoyable however there was spot of repetition. I felt myself reading the same thing on a page or two and had to double check to see what I had missed. Due to the repetition, the book could have been half the length overall. I enjoyed Faiths story and it was a sweet novel. If you enjoy reading about weddings then this book is for you!
Thank you netgalley!

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I have to admit that Danielle Steel's is my favorite guilty pleasure read. I read many horror and thriller stories, and she is my palate cleanser of sorts. My grandmother is the one that introduced her to me. Purely accidental I might add. She would have her books around the house, and I would sneak read her. This book is an excellent book and Faith is a well written character. This book is a nice cozy story that gives the reader all the emotions. Another great book from this author.

Disclaimer: Thank you NetGalley and Random House for this review copy and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This is another great book from Danielle Steel. The main character is Faith. She is a wedding planner. This book describes how involved she gets with weddings. She gets to know the families and their lives. She gets to see love happening everyday. It is a great story.

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I was lucky to receive an advance copy of The Wedding Planner by Danielle Steel from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review and opinion. As soon as I see a new book by Danielle Steel, I request it right away as she's been one of my favorite authors for years. I seriously do not know how she does it as every single one of her books is fantastic. I loved this one and raced through it as fast as I could to see how it would end. Her books always manage to bring a few tears to my eyes and this one is no exception that! Enjoy!

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It's been awhile since I've read a Danielle Steel book. Maybe they were always like this, I don't recall. This book has an interesting premise, following the tracks of a wedding planner through the course of a year. We get to hear the stories of three very different couples and their families. I requested it because it sounded like something that would be fun to read.

But, the writing in this book is atrocious. Within single paragraphs, the perspective changes from one person to another to a third person--each sentence is different. My head was spinning. Even the sentence structure, at times, was very primitive, with phrases in the wrong location. Often, the same information was repeated a few paragraphs after it was first written, as if nobody checked for continuity. And, I found the story line shallow at best. It seemed mostly focused on describing the extravagances of rich people. Relationships between characters seemed to be quite superficial.

For these reasons, I really can't recommend spending time on this book. I finished it, but begrudgingly.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House/Ballantine Publishing for providing an advance review copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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The Wedding Planner
By: Danielle Steel
Publish Date: May 2, 2023

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group and the author, Danielle Steel for the advanced copy of The Wedding Planner.

Love is in the air, especially when you are a wedding planner. The best in New York! Faith is a highly sought after wedding planner who creates incredible weddings. From small and intimate to million dollar + weddings and never fails to deliver. Although, she has not found her prince charming and traveled down the aisle, she is surrounded by love and bridal bliss. The book follows her Mom, her twin sister, Hope, and a few of her new brides who become even more than just clients in various ways, while faith herself finds love, and happiness. A lovely Danielle Steel which will be a quick, easy ready but the story will stay with you, as they always do!

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Dripping with vivid images of beautiful weddings, this story is a tapestry of the stories of Faith’s clients and the problems that arise.
Many thanks to Random House and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Danielle Steel has been a long time favorite of mine (her older books are my favorites) so I was excited to read The Wedding Planner. Although some of the authors newer books can be a bit predicable to me, I still enjoy checking out of reality for a short bit to get into a good love story. This story is focused on Faith Fergson, wedding planner expert. While she is excellent at making other people's perfect days magical, her own love life has left her wanting after two failed engagements. The book is more about her finding her happiness with her friendships and within herself. Although there were no twists or turns to keep me interested or involved in the story, it was still a relatively good DS book and I love to have an inside look at the behind the scenes of a wedding planner.

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Thoroughly enjoyed Danielle Steel’s, ‘The Wedding Planner’. Based in New York City, a successful, much sought after wedding planner ultimately finds love while planning fairy tale weddings. Another Danielle Steel feel good read.

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I read this book about a woman planning different weddings in less than one day! It was LOVELY! I wish I could read this for the first time again.

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I finally found one that wasn't fabulous :( I mean, considering that I read ALL of Danielle Steel's books, it was bound to happen that I wouldn't like one. I COULD have loved it (the story had great potential!) - if it weren't for the repetition. I'm serious - yes, she's one of the best wedding planners, she's a twin, she's never getting married, she doesn't want to have kids blah blah blah - Those statements are retold every other page. Its totally possible that this happens in her other books as well but the this story wasn't enough to save the book and maybe the others disguise the repetition?? A digital copy of The Wedding Planner was generously provided by NetGalley and Danielle Steel in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Faith is a wedding planner who has not had good luck with her track record getting to the altar. She is, however, THE wedding planner in New York. When we meet her, she is in the middle of planning three weddings with three extremely different couples and wedding budgets. She then helps her assistant with her wedding as well as her mother getting ready for her third marriage. We also meet Hope, her twin sister, and Edward, who is the brother of one of the grooms that she is doing a wedding for. Faith guides them with a loving hand and does not leave them when the wedding is over.

A good Danielle Steel novel. Faith is a good person and she surrounds herself with good people.

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Great story.

Faith Ferguson, 42, is New York's most sought after, in-demand wedding planner. If a wedding is being thrown by her, everyone knows it will be beautiful and one of a kind. Faith is happy being single, throwing herself in her work and spending time with her twin sister, Hope, and her family. As much as she loves planning weddings, she doesn't want to get married. Two bad engagements proved that she made the right decision.

Right after the holidays people rush to book Faith in January to start planning their weddings. She meets with three different clients and books three completely different weddings.

Annabelle's parents want a lavish wedding, where money is no object and the guest list is important. The bride just wants a small affair. When Faith offers ideas that appeal to the young woman, she sees an ally in Faith.

When meeting with Dr. Doug and his beautiful surgical nurse, Phoebe, Faith sees the controlling man for who he really is. This is his wedding, the bride's wants and opinions don't matter. Faith goes dress shopping with them to help the meek woman get a wedding dress that she'll love. But once Doug saw her in the dress, he flipped out and refused to pay for it. The dress was beautiful and complimented her figure. As payback, he picked out a hideous dress, one that covered her from her neck to her toes with long sleeves and boning that was uncomfortable to move in. Faith warns Phoebe that his control issues will only get worse if she marries him; Phoebe doesn't heed her advice.

And finally, Alex and Morgan, a gay couple who are finally getting married after being together for 10 years. They are having a classy intimate party, thrown in a friend's home. They are also in the process of having a baby via surrogacy.

But life has its own surprises, and not everything goes as planned. Annabelle didn't know she was 4 months pregnant. Faith figured it out at a dress fitting appointment when her gown was too tight. Annabelle's father got caught cheating on her Mother. Doug threw Phoebe out in the middle of the night because of his insane jealousy; but he purposely doesn't cancel the wedding with Faith. Phoebe, who's now jobless and homeless, has been waiting by the phone hoping to hear from him for weeks. Alex and Morgan are offered a baby to adopt immediately before their own child is even born. Morgan's brother, Edward, moves to New York and meets Faith.

Each wedding is a success and is beautiful.

Faith has her own things going on, her mother is getting married for the fourth time, her sister is pregnant again, and her assistant, Violet, who just got married is now pregnant with twins. But meeting Edward has been the most amazing thing that has happened to Faith; she has finally found her partner in life.

A must read!

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If you are interested in reading a lot of details about a lot of weddings, you will enjoy this book. It included details about the individuals getting married.

As I was reading I felt like I was standing outside the door watching the action, not a part of it. I was being told a story, but not involved in it, not really there. I did appreciate that there was little to no foul language and steamy details happened behind the closed doors.

Don't worry if you get interrupted while you are reading, DS repeats sentences several times throughout the book. I have another DS book on TBR list, I am hoping the next one draws me.

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