Member Reviews

Brilliant storytelling: The Rosewood Hunt takes you on a roller-coaster ride full of twists and turns and loops that leave you thrilled and excited throughout the entire book! If you love suspense, thrillers, mystery YA novels, this is a must read!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

When Lily Rosewood's grandmother dies suddenly and the fortune from the family company goes missing, her life starts to unravel. Always fascinated with riddles and clues, Gram leaves behind one last game as her legacy. A last letter appears from Gram however, giving Lily a piece of a much larger puzzle. In order to be successful, Lily finds herself teaming up with an unlikely group in the hunt for an inheritance. Along the way to locating the money, they learn about themselves as individuals as well as their relationships with one another.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It is very reminiscent of The Inheritance Games series, but it holds its own in providing a very different story. The focus of the novel is less on solving actual puzzles and finding clues and instead really dives deep into the characters. Reed did a great job in her portrayal of the individual characters and creating their relationships with one another. There are some moments where I think the narrative could have been a little more suspenseful, but it moves along as a quick pace. I also appreciate that she wrapped everything up into a stand-alone. Recommended!

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I always love a good YA mystery story. It took me a little bit to really sink into the story, but after the first 10% or so I found myself really flying through it. I enjoyed the treasure hunt aspects a lot (that's probably one of my favorite themes/tropes in the genre) and I liked that it wasn't trying to be this overly deep, overly emotional story. I liked all the characters a good amount, but sometimes I found myself frustrated with their decisions (in the way, like, you scream at the girl in the horror movie who runs back into the house to get away from the bad guy). Overall, had a really fun time with this!

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This is a great book for fans of The Inheritance Games and mysteries. I thought this book had a bit of a slow start but once I got into it I really enjoyed it.

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I love that this is a Halloween release! I had no idea that this was a YA thriller until after I had finished and went to write the review!
. This thriller was very interesting, i loved the treasure hunt vibes, and it wasn’t heavy, which was a nice change of pace. The town, the family, the lavish parties… all added to the overall feel of this book. Once you hit the climax it’s full steam ahead until the very end! I did find myself sometimes wanting to scream at the characters. I got the feeling that you get when watching a scary movie and instead of the main character running out of the house they run upstairs and hide… like why are you doing the opposite of the logical thing!?!? But I really liked this read!

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Thanks so much to the publisher and to Netgalley for providing me with an e-ARC copy of this book!

I have scheduled promotional posts around release day for this book and I will provide a full review on my Instagram once I am able to get to this read.

Rating 5 stars on Netgalley as a placeholder for me to update later once the review is complete.

Will also complete a review on Goodreads once read.

Thanks again!

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This may be my new favorite YA mystery! I was hooked from the very beginning and it held my attention until the end. I loved the treasure hunt vibe and really enjoyed the characters. Its just one of those feel good mysteries that you find yourself just being able to read and enjoy. I couldn't help but try to guess the outcome, but found myself just along for the ride. Very fitting that it will release on 10/31!

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Excellent fun!

Lily Rosewood lives with her grandmother in the large mansion on the hill. Her grandmother, is a millionaire (!) due to her coat dynasty and is happy to have Lily live with her after the death of her father. Lily is super close to her grandmother and is completely shocked when following her death she is cut off from the mansion and unsure of her financial future.

But Gram and Lily played tons of games with invisible ink and riddles. So Lily isn't surprised to receive a note that sends her on a chase around the town looking for clues that Gran left her. Along the way she is forced to work with her cousin.and some friends that she parted ways. Can she find a way to work with them? What happened to her beloved Gran? Will she earn some of the inheritance that she badly needs to college?

Read this super fun novel and have a blast!
#HarperCollins #TheRosewoodHunt #MackenzieReed

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what i loved about this book:
- the found family
- the mystery (my only gripe was that i wanted even MORE clues and MORE sleuthing, but that's because i couldn't get enough of it!)
- rosetown and the townies (seriously, can i be invited to parties at gram's and the annual ivy ball?)

overall, this book was so fun and enjoyable, and i loved the lessons lily learned over the course of it. i can't wait for all of you to get to read it come HALLOWEEN AHH!!

and here is my (semi-official) blurb:

A high-stakes exploration of grief, greed, and what it means to choose your own family, The Rosewood Hunt is a perfectly twisty mystery filled with complex characters and reveals that will leave your heart racing. A must-read for any National Treasure or The Goonies fan!

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The Rosewood Hunt was a slow burn for me. It took me a few days to get into it and even once it started getting better, I skipped the descriptive paragraphs and only read the dialogue. The whole premise and plot felt dry to me. I sniffed out where the treasure would be; who was involved with the hunters, and figured out the ending almost to a "T".

The book's pacing was slow in the first half but, once it picked up toward the middle, everything moved quickly with the exception of a big final moment where there is way too much talking and observing when they should have been moving! To be fair, I also hate this in movies but, why is there so much dialogue and reflection with others when someone is chasing you?... R U N!!

This idea of a treasure hunt has been done before. There is a need for antagonists and others who throw a wrench in the plan, to throw you off the hunt. That's a given. The family drama is not new either. But my one real complaint is that I wish the drama had some more depth. For me, it seemed like all the conflicts were surface. The two cousins, once their "issue" is revealed is something so basic and immature -- well, they're young so *shrug*. Then the family drama with Nonna and Leo also made no sense. Why would his grandmother have an issue with HIM, of all people involved, his own grandson? That didn't make sense to me. However, I did like Caleb's story about being brave.

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Perfect for fans of the Inheritance Games series. It has a great friends-to-rivals-to-lovers romance and a good mystery. I enjoyed it a lot.

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Mackenzie Reid’s THE ROSEWOOD HUNT is a delightful romp into the backstabbing, thrilling world of the ultra-rich.

In it, we meet Lily Rosewood, our MC who belongs to the wealthiest family in Rosetown — but isn’t actually all that loaded herself. Lily’s Gram is the matriarch, and has been her guardian for the past year, taking care of Lily’s every need. Gram had always been there for Lily — that is, until she suddenly passes away, leaving behind the keys to her massive fortune to Lily and an amalgamation of unexpected people. Together, the group, orchestrated by Gram herself, race against time to figure out a series of coded, hidden clues.

This kicks off a mystery that resembles Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ INHERITANCE GAMES (thankfully minus the sibling love triangle) but focuses less on the romance, and more on the treasure-hunting game itself.

Despite a relatively slow start, I liked THE ROSEWOOD HUNT. It was somewhat predictable (I called the villain within the first few pages), but carried just enough intensity and character development to keep you reading to the end. I can’t say I loved it — the central relationship fell really flat for me, and Lily wasn’t the easiest protagonist to root for — but it was an easy, at times even engrossing, read.

If you like stories that feature plenty of notes written in invisible ink, deeply plotted mysteries that take a group of strangers to figure out and plots that focus on former rivals and redemption arcs, I expect you’ll enjoy it, too.

*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.*

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I really tried to read this but I'm 20% in and nothing has made me want to keep reading. The MC is boring and whinny. It just not my cup of tea. I won't be continuing this one. I had high hopes for it but unfortunately I can't keep reading it.

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Thank you, #NetGalley and HarperTeen for allowing me to read this book. #The Rosewood Hunt is about a girl named Lily who doesn’t realize who she can truly become. Lily is so filled with anger over the loss of her dad, she does not understand why her grandmother has not taught her how to run their family business called Rosewood Inc. One night after a party, she wakes up and goes to her work. During her shift, everyone is comforting her. What she does not know is that her grandmother was found dead. This sends Lily and some of her soon to be best friends on a hunt for the Rosewood money. Eventually, on the hunt Lily, Leo, Quinn, and Caleb learn a valuable lesson that this hunt was not about the money it was about friendship.

If you are looking for adventure, friendship, and little bit a love then The Rosewood Hunt is for you!

Spoilers ahead!

My honest opinions about the book that the beginning felt choppy and predictable. Then as the book goes on it’s less about the hunt and more about Lily learning who she truly is and learning to let people in again. I liked this and the fact that Lily not only gained love, but also true friends. She lost everything when her dad died and the town turned her back on her including her cousin Daisy. After, the hunt brings everyone together. This reminds me a little bit like Jennifer Lynn Barnes series called The Inheritance Games.

My favorite characters besides Lily, would have to be Caleb. He seems to be smart and relatable. Caleb opens up about being brave for his mom and how he struggles with that. I think everyone would connect to this. We all feel moments were we are faced with a decision to be brave.

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This book will appeal to readers who enjoy a mystery and a treasure hunt, as well as those who enjoy a plot-driven book.

Thank you HarperTeen for the eARC!

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I really enjoyed this story, the banter between the characters, the romance and even the rivalry between Lily and Daisy. The treasure hunt aspect was a lot of fun and what kept me reading. I would have given this a 5 star review if it hadn't been for all the cursing. I can understand a few choice words here and there but the overuse of the "f"' word got annoying especially towards the end. It added nothing to the story and took away from the characters in my opinion.

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-Mystery vibes
-OBX vibes
-"finding my place"
-Treasure hunt!!
-A cast of characters you'll never forget. Leo stan here, reporting for duty. If Leo has a million fans, I'm one of them. If he has one, it's me.

No but seriously, Lily drives the narrative in such a convincing, compelling way and I can't wait for the world to meet her!

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Great for those who love The Inheritance Games! It was a phenomenal teen mystery. I would recommend this to mystery readers of all ages. I look forward to Mackenzie Reed's next one!

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As a fan of YA thrillers, I can honestly say that The Rosewood Hunt is a twisty, mysterious joy of a novel. Reed weaves a tale of intrigue with the same skill as Karen M. McManus and Maureen Johnson. More than just a mystery, The Rosewood Hunt presents a compelling protagonist in Lily Rosewood; a girl who is as flawed as she is admirable. The book's strengths lay in its ability to focus on more than just the treasure hunt and adequately tackles a complex cast of characters, childhood trauma, and family dysfunction. On a personal note, I grew up in a town extraordinarily like Rosewood and it has made me skeptical of books that use a "small-town, coastal, New England" setting; The Rosewood Hunt is one of the few that executes it well. Overall, a stunning debut novel that has convinced me to buy whatever Reed writes next.

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The Rosewood Hunt takes us on a fun ride with one of my favorite tropes, found family. With a ragtag groups of friends, twists and turns at every corner, and a lot of love in every note, it was a joy to read from beginning to end. Though slightly predictable at times, the ending is satisfying and succinct. I would recommend this to anyone who likes a little bit of mystery, a little bit of heist, and a whole out of friend and family relationships.

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