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Tarot Magick

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This was a wonderfully whimsical book. It is gorgeously illustrated and has a lovely aesthetic. There were lots of new spreads that I’d never seen before and I would highly recommend it as a gift for a tarot loving friend.

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A fun, fascinating journey through the major and minor arcana, using rituals and meditations to gain a deeper understanding of the meanings of the cards. Anyone interested in tarot and/or magic will enjoy this.

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This book was really interesting and helpful. I felt like I learned a lot. Very fun and informative. Highly recommend 😊

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A great introduction to tarot or further exploration into the world of tarot for those who already know the basics

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New to tarot? This book will help you tremendously. I loved the illustrations and how each chapter was laid out; making it easy for me to reference. I will definitely order a copy to use when I practice my tarot readings.

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This is an excellent book for both tarot beginners and those with some experience. As well as covering how to choose, cleanse and bond with a tarot deck, the author discusses numerology, astrology, colours and symbols in relation to the cards. They also provide a good brief description of each card and some suggested spreads. All of this adds up to a comprehensive introduction which should give beginners confidence in their readings.

I particularly liked the section on spells and rituals, which differs from other tarot books I have read.

I was given an e-copy of the book to review, and thank the publisher and NetGalley for this. Although it is not easy to see on an e-copy, the book looks beautifully illustrated.

I would recommend this to anyone interested in a brief but comprehensive introduction to the tarot.

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I found this book to be a great intro guide to those wanting to work with Tarot. I have some experience however I found myself referencing this book over and over again. The books layout it wonderful and easy to follow. This book back a lot of information for those learning about tarot. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about tarot or novice.

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Lindsay Squire has crafted the perfect guide to tarot reading and continues to publish my favorite books regarding magick! Alongside beautiful artwork, this is an easy-to-digest book that I look forward to purchasing and referencing for years to come.

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I recently purchased a tarot pack and I found the little booklet that came with it to be inadequate so I was thrilled to find this book available on NetGalley. I have a lot to learn but I look forward to coming back to this book as I become more adept at reading the tarot. I definitely recommend Tarot Magick for learning more about tarot.

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As a relative newbie to tarot reading I found this book to be a nice dive into the basics. I thought the illustrations were beautiful and enjoyed the descriptions of the meanings and how to set up for a reading. This is one I would revisit for a refresher.

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(I'm in between 4 and 4.5 stars ^^; )

Going into this book, I knew it was going to lean spiritual, but the number of five star reviews had me curious, so I decided to take a dive--and I absolutely do not regret it! Even as a secular reader, I really enjoyed this book. The author did a fantastic job describing the cards and giving information about tarot. I think it's a very beginner friendly book, but also a book to check out just to see another reader's interpretations.

The book opens introducing tarot and some frequently asked questions, along with further information on choosing a deck, bonding and caring for it, how to start, various spiritual connections (astrology, colors, timing, planets, etc), numerology (useful for secular readers too, imo!), yes and no questions, and reversals. So definitely a lot to start with!

The majors all had an original card artwork along with the card explanations. The minors only had card explanations with one graphical art element, not a full card. Each card has its name, ruling planet(s), zodiac sign(s), element(s), yes or no, key words upright and reversed, along with more details on the upright and reversed meanings, often containing symbolism meanings. I really liked the author's interpretations of the cards, and appreciate that each had a couple options for meanings to try and be a catch-all. It was also nice to see the stereotypical 'doom and gloom' cards to have positive bits about them too.

After the card explanations is a section discussing advice on setting up for readings, a list of 3 and 4 card spreads (really liked these!), the celtic cross (which interestingly had a different position meanings than I'm used to), spells and rituals, and recommended reading.

I had a few nit-picks, however. But I wish the minors had accompanying card art, like the majors. (Without them, unless you know the RWS imagery, you'd either need a deck to use with the book or search up the cards online. Not difficult to do, but a little annoying.) In the 'rituals' section, several minors had card art shown, so I'm not sure why they weren't included with the minors. I also thought it was random and strange for some pages/cards to have a white background and others black. It didn't seem to serve a purpose and was just a little jarring when the colors inverted while I read. And some of the colored background pages' text was hard to read, just not enough contrast between the text color and the background color. And for the 'yes or no' interpretations for the cards, well over half of them were a 'yes', which feels unbalanced to me. I don't really do yes/no personally, but mentioning for those who do.

For secular readers like myself, you won't be using /all/ the information in this book, but I do think this one is worth looking at. You can totally read this from a secular perspective and be just fine. The explanations are easy to wrap your head around and I think the author did a great job getting all the information across. Definitely a book I wish I had had starting out.

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I was given an ARC to review via Netgalley. My reviews are always honest and all opinions are my own. #TarotMagick #LindsaySquire #NetGalley #ARCReview #SpiritualityBookReview #BookReview

Tarot Magick is the fourth and final instalment in ‘The Witch of the Forest’s Guide to..’ series and it delves into the powerful world of tarot. Tarot cards are rich with meaning, symbolism and secrets waiting to reveal themselves and this is the perfect beginner guide for the new tarot reader or even those more well versed in the cards. With breath-taking illustrations from Lindsay Squire’s on Tarot Magick deck, illustrated by Viki Lester and brimming with easy to follow and learn explanations of the meanings and symbolism behind the famous cards this book is bound to improve your practice.

I have to say the first thing that struck me about this book, and the previous three, is the ease to follow it. The writing is informative and detailed but with such a tone and flow that you can easily follow along and learn as you go. Even if you have other books or are well versed in tarot this book is a true gem with beautiful illustrations and easy to follow and break down information. It not only includes detail on how to interpret all 78 cards in a modern tarot deck while understanding the major and minor arcana cards but also the differences between the pentacle, wand, sword or cup card. It further delves into the elements associated with the cards, zodiac signs and plants as well that may tie to the card and its meaning as so much more.

On top of this we have rituals, tip and tricks and recipes taken directly from The Witch of The Forest’s personal grimoire. Aiding in how to use the cards as part of spells, to understand yourself and improve your self-love practice. I am somewhat biased since I have adored Squire’s other books; Natural Magick, Earth Magick and Astrology Magick but this book, despite knowing a little about Tarot, is honestly brimming with knowledge and ways to help improve your use of the cards. A brilliant reference book to have on hand and one I would highly recommend.

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Not only one of the best tarot books out there, but one of the most aesthetically pleasing books I've ever seen!
It's unfortunate that I'm not familiar with the rest of the books in this series. After reading Tarot Magick, I'm inclined to check the other titles out.
It's comprehensive without bogging you down with information. It's concise where it needs to be. The book's chapters are so well organized that my neurodivergent brain doesn't feel lost along the way. Yet, there is sooo much wisdom in here that I can't recommend enough! I've only been reading tarot for a year, but I would recommend it to beginners and experts alike.

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Wait! Do I just love tarot books or have I been exceptionally lucky in the books I have chosen to pick up? Because this is yet another charming introduction to what I, admittedly, find to be a daunting subject. Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the eARC.

Tarot Magick is both thorough and concise. I am very appreciative of the many illustrations throughout the book. Not only are they gorgeous to look at, but it really helped me to grasp the concepts under discussion. The information is presented in a compact and organized fashion. Yet it never reads as info-dumping or boring. There is a whimsy to the writing and artwork which keeps the reader engaged - I found reading the book to be a delightful experience. I particularly enjoyed the author's approach as a guide pointing out possibilities, inviting the reader to bring their own curiosity to the subject.

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As someone who loves the witch vibe and adopts many witch ways such as tarot I jumped at the chance to read this book!

I assumed it was just going to be a detailed break down on Tarot, how to read them and the decipher the meanings of each card but I was happily surprised to find it was so much more.

I learned a lot from this book that I had no idea about before and the way it is all broken down into small segments and then broken down again with cute illustrations to help lock that in your brain in awesome!

Being someone who has done Tarot for many years I was so happy to add my knowledge with all the added information like elements and ruling plants, star signs, numerology, colour correspondence and tarot and timing.

Don't get me wrong I adore my trust wild unknown deck and guide book but the way Squire breaks down each card is on another level and I cannot wait to do a spread and adopt what this book has taught me.

Highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in Tarot or like me someone who has done it for years and just looking to grow your knowledge further.

*Thank you to netgalley for send me this arc in exchange for a honest review.

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This is a beautifully illustrated book that covers everything you need to know about learning the tarot. I particularly loved the very informative section on tarot journaling - I haven’t come across this in other tarot books I have read.

For each major arcana card we are given very a useful list of keywords for both upright and reversed positions, then a more in-depth look at each position. I also liked the little piece that told the story of each card through the lens of the Fool’s journey, something else I’ve not seen before. Each major card is printed as a full page in the book.

For the minor arcana each card is described but not shown; it would have been nice to have a visual reference. Again, there is an explanation of both upright and reversed meanings and it is very easy to read and understand. Some tarot books contain reams and reams about each card but this was short and succinct, yet very informative.

In addition to the cards themselves, the book also includes tarot spreads, and also tarot spells and rituals which I really enjoyed reading about and is yet something else I have not encountered in other tarot books. This is an incredibly good book, packed full of info and accompanied by gorgeous illustrations. I highly recommend this to anyone who wishes to learn about the tarot.

With thanks to Netgalley and Leaping Hare Press for this advance review copy. All opinions are my own.

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It is such a beautifully illustrated book with so much information and best of all, the information is synthesised and explained in a way that anyone (regardless of whether they have any or no knowledge of tarot) can understand.
Without a doubt one of the best Tarot books I have read, I really liked it.

Wonderful, perfect for tarot readers of any level or for anyone who wants to delve a little deeper into the whole world of tarot,

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As someone who is a complete beginner with Tarot, this was an easy to understand guide that has given me enough baseline knowledge to start to feel comfortable with my readings. I really enjoy Lindsay Squire’s way of presenting magical knowledge in an easy to understand and visually pleasing format.

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I am a complete beginner with tarot, and I was looking for a good book that would explain everything in a simple way. Learning about 78 cards is quite daunting, but Lindsay takes it step by step, first explaining how to choose a deck and care for it, then what the cards mean, also showing a few common spreads and spells. I love how she gives so many details about each of the major arcana cards, all the details and other symbols to look for.

I have bought all the previous books by Lindsay Squire, and already preordered this one. I highly recommend it to any tarot beginner, five stars!

Thank you to the publisher who provided me with an e-copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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❥ 3 stars ☆

This book is very beginner-friendly, since it’s a beginner’s guide to the world of tarot, and it would be suiting for anyone who wants to start with tarot themselves, or if you are just curious about it.

This was a nice and very quick read for me, even though it didn’t present me with any new information that I haven’t already read before. I liked the art and illustrations but it could have been a bit less of it, except the illustrations that actually are helpful and gives you info along with them.

I would recommend the book to beginners, or if you like the art and illustrations in the book.

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