Member Reviews

Lovely cosy murder mystery. I feel I need to read some of the others to get a bit more context into the characters. But really enjoyed it. Great hooks and suspese.

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I don't remember how I discovered this series, but I"m glad I did! Murder in the Book Lover's Loft is number 9 in Ellery Adams' Book Retreat Mysteries Series.
Jane and Edwin are off on a well deserved vacation, but in true spirit, they come upon a murder quickly into their vacation. And there are more murders as their brief trip continues. This latest story takes place mostly away from the lovely Storyton Hall Resort, which is quite the change for this series. I liked the change, seeing Jane and Edwin on their own, away from friends and family. The murders take place in a Virginia beach resort town, Oyster Bay. Authors, bookstores, family secrets and love round out this latest in the series. I thought the book was over when Uncle Aloysius revealed a hidden secret, but I was wrong! Another chapter had the most perfect ending! I hope this series continues for a long time!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC, in return for my honest review.

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Jane and her fiancé, Edwin, are headed to the North Carolina coast for a much-needed vacation and to visit their new friend Olivia Limoges. Their harborside loft has floor-to-ceiling bookcases and breathtaking views, but Jane’s hopes of exploring the town with her man are stymied when Edwin steps on a stingray. Things take an even less romantic turn when Jane stumbles across a dead body . Instead of taking leisurely beach strolls, Jane is suddenly on a literary chase through time, unearthing a dark secret in her family tree that threatens all she holds dear back in Storyton. And it’ll take a whole village to help her make amends for the past—and stop a madman bent on exacting justice in the present.

I am such a fan of Ellery Adams. I read one of her series to the end and am now reading through two others. She is such a good writer and always has great characters in very real situations. I also love that she has crossed a character from one series to another in a very believable way. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read another book by one of my favorite authors.

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I received this advance reader copy via Netgalley and the publisher, in return for an honest review. While the ninth book in this series, it is easily read as a stand-alone. Do vacations ever turn out as you hope they will? Jane Steward and her fiancé, Edwin, are finally taking a drive to coastal North Carolina before their upcoming marriage. As the owner of the unique Storyton Hall and widowed mother of two growing boys, Jane rarely has time to just enjoy Edwin’s company. Of course, their trip is marred by the discovery of a body that might have something to do with Storyton Hall. The story is another solidly told cozy and the grand finale(s) are wonderful. I hope this isn’t the end of this series as it’s always a pleasure to visit Storyton Hall.

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Always enjoyable to visit Storyton Hall and old friends, if only it could happen in real life, hopefully this is not the last book in the series, but it was an exciting addition full of suspense and kept you guessing.

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Jane Steward, owner of Storyton Hall, has finally found time for a holiday. With fiancé Edwin she makes the six hour drive to meet up with friend Olivia in her coastal hometown of Oyster Bay. Nothing about Jane’s life is simple however and it isn't long before the peace is shattered with the discovery of a body and a life threatening incident occurring on the same stretch of beach, both of which have links to Jane on vacation and at home. Can she discover who is responsible before long hidden family secrets are revealed and everything she holds dear is destroyed?

The ninth book, and sixth ebook, in Ellery Adams's original and compelling series feels as if it is bringing everything towards a tidy finale. I do hope there will be more to come but if I am right, this was a very satisfactory conclusion with only one possible loose end.

I was able to read an advanced copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books but the opinions expressed are my own. If you enjoy the
Book Retreat Murder Mystery Series this is a must read.

3.5 rounded up to 4 stars.

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Jane and Edwin need a true vacation just for themselves. Unfortunately what you need doesn't always work out, especially when murders happen. Do the murders have something to do with Storyton? Will Jane and Edwin have any peace? Another great book in the series.

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Jane and Edwin are off on a much-needed vacation, where Jane has the chance to be pampered away from her own luxury resort. While visiting with their friend Olivia, tragedy strikes when an author with a strange fixation on taking others' tragic pasts and twisting them to become his bestsellers is found dead. They may not be at Storyton Hall for this mystery, but the cast is still lively and pulls you in just the same. A great addition to the series.

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Reading an Ellery Adams book is like visiting with old friends and the latest Storyton mystery is no exception. A vacation for Jane and Edwin turns deadly when a man is murdered. Good thing Jane's friend Olivia Limoges and Captain Haviland are there to assist!

The mystery was fast-paced and I enjoyed having Olivia, who has a surprise romance with a lovable Fin, a part of the story. So many twists and turns kept me engaged and I loved the beach vacation setting.

A fun summer read with mystery, romance, quirky characters and a main character you'll love await!

I received a copy of the book from NetGalley and the opinions expressed are my own.

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Ellery Adams has done it again! Her books are pure gold, and the Book Retreat series is possibly my favorite. (But as a bibliophile, how could it not?)

Jane is simply one of the great protagonists. Her knack for being in the right place at the right (or wrong?) time is what makes these books so delightful. Maybe she's just a young Miss Marple. I often put her on the same tier as Lori from the Aunt Dimity series by Nancy Atherton!

Jane is one of those heroines who deserves a vacation! (Did anyone really think she was getting one?) This book is just too much fun, a great whodunit with Jane and Edwin.

Ellery Adams is the best. I recommend any of her series (but especially this one). I appreciate the wink to fictional villains (my favs). And a bit of a masked ball, just to top it all off.

"You're beautiful. And terrifying."
Jane grinned. "As are all the best villains."

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I think this is the best book in the series..... A must-read for fans of the series and of Ms. Adams.

I loved it so much that I would hate it if the series ended with this book... There, I said it!!!!

The Book Lover's Loft is a bungalow in a beach resort on the Virginia Coast. Jane and Edwin take off for a week of fun and relaxation at the beach, but the excitement starts when they check in and get to their bungalow. Message in the bathroom mirror, a fake skull in the shower, and soon dead bodies start piling up. This book was non-stop and I could not stop reading it.

The book ends with the beautiful wedding between Jane and Edwin, the boys adopted, and the secret room emptied of all its values (or is it??????)

This was a great book, and if you are fan of this series, this book is def a must-read.

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An exciting installment in the addictive Book Retreat series, Murder in the Book Lover’s Loft was a mix of joyful and intense moments. This is definitely a book for fans of the series, as we get lots of details about all our favorite characters. About half the book takes place away from Storyton Hall, in a fun cross-over with Adams’ Books by the Bay series. Then we go back to Storyton Hall, where tension mounts and leads to a dramatic showdown during a masquerade ball!

Fans of this series will absolutely enjoy this book. I was in tears at the heartfelt end. If you haven’t read these books yet, I definitely would not start with this book, as it won’t be nearly as meaningful if you don’t already have a relationship with these characters. Instead, you should read the first book and start your journey with this fantastic series, perfect for book lovers!

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It was exciting to be able to read the next book in the wonderful ‘Book Retreat Mysteries’ series. It was like catching up with old friends over coffee and being filled in on what they have been up to. As with every the books in this series I settled happily down to spend time with these friends, their interactions and care for each other are wonderful and I feel that they are so real that I could book a weekend at the Hall and spend time to chatting to them all.

Jane and Edwin are taking a break from Storyton Hall and have travelled to the coast to stay at Admiral’s Inn. Before they leave a body is found in the forest near the hall, but as it didn’t belong to a guest there was no need for the two of them to cancel their trip.

After they check in to Admiral’s Inn, Jane is startled by a skull in the bathroom and a message in the mirror saying “Your story is over…”

Turns out the skull belonged to the previous guest - a crime writer with a bad attitude and a habit of basing his books on true disasters without asking permission. When he turns up dead the next day there’s a long list of people with a reason to kill him. Then a second body turns up. Jane and Edwin decide to investigate because there are links to Storyton Hall.

Returning home for a masquerade ball Jane learns the local body is connected to the coastal one and the team prepare to catch the killer before they strike again. All the threads are connected and the killer is revealed during the ball in a wonderful climax as red herrings distract and I changed my mind as to who the killer was quite a few times. Sadly, there are a few scenes which makes me fear this may be the last in the series - I hope I’m wrong - but if I am then the ending was perfect

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Another enjoyable mystery from Ellery Adams. I have not read the previous books in this series so I would recommend reading the others first. However this is enjoyable as a stand alone.
I’ve previously read The Secret Scone and Book Society series.
I’ll look forward to reading more in the Book Retreat series now.

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This was so good, I loved it! It was fun to see how it all tied together, and yikes about swimming in the ocean! And I'm thankful the old books are finally safe. It will be interesting to see what happens next in the Book Retreat Mystery series! I love Ellery's books because she mentions other books inside of them. I love all of her cozy mysteries series and the characters!

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Well it sounds like a book lovers dream - an old library with valuable books, a book retreat filled with laden bookcases, beach setting. But murder intrudes and Jane, while worrying about her fiance who is incapacitated by a stingray accident, is caught up in the case because a keychain from her hotel is found near a dead body. Nicely paced and satisying read. I received this as an advance copy from the author via NetGalley and am leaving this review voluntarily.

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The ninth book in Ellery Adams series Book Retreat Mysteries (please don't let it be the last!). I've read every book in this series and loved every single one. Storyton Hall is a dream hotel for book lovers with literary themes everywhere, as well as a secret library stash of rare books and manuscripts that some people would kill to own/steal.

This one starts with Jane and Edwin finally taking a vacation to Oyster Bay, North Carolina to get away from Storyton Hall and hopefully, relax and unwind. That's not what happened though as first Edwin has an incident, then there's the murder of an author and the murder of a worker at the Inn Jane and Edwin are staying at - The Admiral Inn. Jane, of course, has to investigate and finds some disturbing links to Storyton Hall.

This is a complex murder mystery that involves many suspects. Following the investigation is both fun and intriguing. At one point Jane may even be a suspect. The costumed All Hallows Ball is a hotbed of frenzied activity with the Fins and the Cover Girls, as well as the Sheriff and his Deputies are trying to watch everyone there for suspicious activity. All of this happening as Jane and Edwin's wedding is upcoming.

Thanks to Kensington Books through Netgalley for an advance copy. This book will be published on July 25, 2023.

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A multi-layered mystery with well-rounded characters and, oh, my, books and more books. A definite book lover's dream. You don't have to start on book one to grasp the story, it stands alone nicely, but I recommend it. First, because the series is that good and, second, you'll have a far better grasp of who is who and the full meaning behind Storyton Hall and Jane Steward's role there. This go-round, we join Jane and boyfriend Edwin Allcott on vacation at the beach. But, oh, my, this was not the vacation either was expecting. Unfortunately, Jane's unwanted knack of stumbling over dead bodies followed them to the beach.

I won't even attempt to detail the plot other than to say that Jane's role as guardian of Storyton Hall and its priceless book collection plays a role. As with previous books in the series, the characters' lives are interwoven and complex, with past tragedies playing a role. In the process of watching Jane unravel the crime, we do get to indulge in books, book, books. Author names flowed in and out of the story. Of course, the author characters here are fictional but Adams brings them to life nicely. Along the way, you'll even pick up some bits of sea life info, such as what a group of stingrays are called and maybe, given the Steve Irwin tragedy, more than you want to know about their deadly barbs. If you're new to the series, you'll also note that Jane's past experiences have sadly made her mega-efficient at how a facility can best host a police investigation, bewildered guests, and suspects, not to mention a death in the resort garden. Jane would rather not have that knowledge, thank you, and hopes to re-home Storyton's renowned book collection soon.

As to the murder, er, murders, how are they connected? As Jane talks to others, it becomes obvious that Justin St. James, he of the skull called Septimus, had many enemies. What do they all have in common? How does Jane fit into that pattern? How did he die anyway? Did he just keel over on the beach dune? If so, why no tracks? What does a torn out book page have to do with anything? Will the Finns, Jane's group of protectors and assistants, be able to figure it out? But what is the murdered resort worker's connection, if any? Why does Jane plan to send a thank you to someone after her encounter with Trent? How the heck is he connected? Why is Butterworth there?

And, why....oh, nope. Enough teasers. If you love mysteries, books, talking about books and authors, listening in as smart people figure out whodunit, and, well, even romance, this book is for you. Sadly, while Uncle Aloysus' actions near the end give me hope we'll hear more from Storyton Hall, this sounds like the end of a series. I'll miss it although the ending was a lovely, high point to end on. Thanks #NetGalley and #KensingtonBooks - #KensingtonCozies for inviting me along for the ride. Glad Olivia was along, too.

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This is the 9th installment in the Book Retreat Mystery series. Jane Steward and her fiancé Edwin Alcott are planning to go on a vacation but first on her walk she runs into Sam and learns a body was found by him not far from Storyton Hall. Jane and Edwin depart on their vacation and upon arrival at the Admiral Inn in Oyster Bay North Carolina, Jane discovers a skull in the bathroom shower with a chilling message on the mirror. What a way to start a vacation. It is learned from the manager of the Admiral that the previous occupant of the Book Lover’s Loft was an author (Justin St. James) and the skull is his and a prop. Jane meets the author after witnessing him in a heated argument with a woman (Heather also an author)and when she approaches him, he turns out to be obnoxious and later learns her friend Olivia is hosting him along with two other authors this week for a book signing. She also learns Olivia is not a fan as Justin St. James is known for taking real life stories about hero’s and switching the story up and he hurts the families in the process and Olivia’s husband (former Chief of Police in Oyster Bay) was one such person so Justin is not a popular person in Oyster Bay. When Edwin and Jane are on Olivia’s beach the next day they are shocked to find the dead body of Justin, but before Jane can investigate Edwin is struggling to get out of the ocean as he has stepped on a stingray and has been stung on both feet. She rushes to save Edwin and get him to the hospital. Fortunately, Edwin will be safe but before long another body this time an employee at the Admiral Inn is found dead in the garden outside Edwin and Jane’s loft at the Inn. What is going on. Initially both Olivia and Jane are suspects but soon a new suspect emerges and in custody which allows Edwin and Jane to head home. Upon her return to Storyton Hall she learns the body found by Sam is Alex Hoyt who is Justin St. James’s half-brother and she wonders what is the connection. Now Jane is deeply regretting doing another Halloween Ball and trying to keep track of all guests and visitors as a murderer arrives at the Hall. Was a very exciting and entertaining mystery which keeps you engaged the entire story. I really love all these characters and the romance of Olivia and Butterworth is great. This series is never dull and looking forward to the next installment. Highly recommend.

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This is one of the best cozy mystery series out there. This one is another example of what a cozy should be. Plenty of characters to keep you guessing. Lots of suspense. Well developed plot and story. Thanks #Netgalley and #Kensington for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine.

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