Member Reviews

Haunting, unique, mesmerizing an amazing book! I sped through this almost unable to put it down. It’s brutal and yet beautiful. A young child’s future shaped so tragically from a horrific event so vividly written.

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Four year old Margaret has suffered a loss she doesn’t quite understand. Her friend Agnes is gone. Where she’s gone isn't entirely clear. To a better place? Passed away? In the ground? In Poor Deer Margaret tries to make sense of what happened and the role she may have played in Agnes leaving. Fueled by a compendium of fairy tales, Margaret makes up stories to help her forget the moment when everything went wrong and Agnes left. To top it off, Poor Deer is always following her around whispering in her ear. In Margaret’s world (or the stories she spins) fact and fiction are indecipherable. Just when you think you know what’s happening it’s clear you don’t and you're taken right back to the start.

Oshetsky sets this story in an extremely bleak and rigidly structured world of stark contrasts, particularly at the beginning where we are plunged into constant judgements. This is a story about grief but also how our environment shapes how we navigate big complex feelings and experiences. What is “right” and “proper” and “good” and “bad” is always there and shapes Maragaret’s response. It is a unique exploration of the narrative we create for ourselves in our own heads that constantly changes and is influenced by external factors and what is projected onto us by others and their judgements. In many ways, like Margaret, we have never been in charge of our story. Sometimes it is easier to escape than face reality and create an imagined reality for ourselves that is far from fact.

I wrote multiple pages of notes while reading, mostly questions. Poor Deer gave me so much to think about. I’m still contemplating what this book “means” for me and I’m sure readers will take different things from it. With Poor Deer’s grounding in fairy tales and fables I am looking for the moral at the end. I’m not certain I know what it is, or that there’s just one. I love that. I love a book that stays with me and allows me to continue making meaning out of it long after I’ve put it down. This is that kind of book. I strongly recommend it.

Thank you Ecco and Netgalley for the eARC.

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This seemed like an impactful story of trauma and coping. I can see why it would be enjoyed, but the writing style wasn't for me. I DNF'd 56% of the way through.

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Traumatic events have a way of molding life’s outcomes, especially when tragedy strikes at a young age. Margaret’s best friend Agnes dies at age four while they are playing a game, and Margaret’s hand in that death is what drives the narrative.

Raised by a devout single mother and doting aunt, religion is an enveloping presence in this story. While lighting a candle and praying for Agnes’s immortal soul brings Margret joy and hope, the church visit also lends symbolism to other moments in the story. It is then that Margaret hears the whispered: “Agnes Bickford—Poor Deer.” Poor Deer, the creature who will stalk her. The judge, conscience, and misguided mentor who hounds her to admit to others what she has done. Kneeling in prayer, Margaret sees in Baby Jesus’s face the soft gray silt in which Agnes had played. The color of Madonna’s robe will reappear as will her damaged hand and nubby yellow teeth.

The unique approach to structure and point of view perfectly mimics the way the mind works when we mull over the past, reworking the truth, remodeling memories. In her confession that Poor Deer forces her to write, Margaret attempts different versions of that fateful day, hoping to land on one she can endure. If only Poor Deer would allow it.

While the themes in the book are weighty, it is not without hope. I finished this read with a deep appreciation for the level of artistry and craft in these pages.

Many thanks to Ecco and NetGalley for providing this eARC.

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Margaret Murphy is an endearing and heartbreaking unreliable narrator. For most of Poor Deer, Margaret is a child simply trying her best to interpret a world of adults - namely her single mother and aunt. Oshetsky excels at writing what feels like a genuine child's perspective of the world. Margaret is adept and intuitive and yet so deeply underestimated. Though never explicitly stated, there's an implication of neurodivergence in a time and place in which adults had little to no understanding of such things.

As a whole, Poor Deer is an empathetic and imaginative look at the stories that we tell ourselves in order to survive. And the circumstances that push us to develop a complex and self-punishing interior world.

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While this book was not for me, I can definitely see the audience that will love it, and I did talk about it wholeheartedly on our bonus Indie Press List episode. For this reader, I was unable to handle the young girl protagonist's guilt over her friend's death.

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Absolutely loved this book. Told through the eyes of a little girl as well as when she's in her late teens, she's grappling with the death of her friend and understanding what she did to contribute to her death.

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"Poor Deer" by Claire Oshetsky is a Blend of Literary Fiction and Magical Realism!

Margaret Murphy is a four-year-old child who experiences the tragic loss of Agnes, her best friend. Her mother forbids her to talk about what happened that day. She insists to Margaret and all who will listen that her daughter was home with her, inside the house, that entire day.

But Margaret feels the whispers swirling around her and now she's forced to keep that day hidden away.

And, so begins Margaret's journey from creating her own written language and making up stories that only have happy endings, to meeting the thing that crouches in corners and taunts her, Poor Deer...

I love Oshetsky's debut novel "Chouette" for its creativity, uniqueness, and brilliance. Its noisiness caught my attention and its boldness captured me completely.

"Poor Deer" feels much softer, quieter, and more reflective. Yet it's a sad, somewhat shocking, and mesmerizing story with simple beautiful writing and storytelling that is thoughtful, thought-provoking, and at times, holds a shadow of darkness.

I enjoyed traveling the many pathways of Margaret's story where the lines become blurred between real and imagined. It does have a fairy tale quality to it, but it also offers lessons of an allegory about understanding, forgiving, and embracing the child within us. My heart did ache for poor dear, Margaret.

"Poor Deer" is the essence of what a five-star read is for me. Original. Creative. Different. I now know that when I begin reading a book by Claire Oshetsky, it's an opportunity to feel the joy of letting my imagination fly. I highly recommend this book!


Thank you to NetGalley, Ecco, and Claire Oshetsky for an ARC of this book. It has been an honor to give my honest and voluntary review.

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"There's always a price to pay for our sins and follies, Bunny, and you'll be paying that price forever and a day."

Margaret is only four, not yet in school, when the bad thing happens to her friend Agnes. Now her new friend, Poor Deer, is here to stay, riding around on Margaret's back like a bundle of sorrows for the rest of her days. This is a beautiful, completely immersive tale of guilt, anger, sadness, grief, and redemption. You may not like many of these characters, but it's not likely you'll forget them any time soon.

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A fairy-tale, fever dream of a book. The narrator is haunted by a supernatural creature who pushes her to tell the truth about the day her childhood friend died. A moody, and dark novel about guilt, trauma and healing.

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"Even in the most terrible chapters of my life I have always known a certain, savage beauty"

Sometimes books feel true, and that makes them hard to read. I started this brief and brutal book months ago and initially struggled to move past the first few chapters, which describe the death of a young girl and the fallout for her friend Margaret, who feels responsible, and maybe is.

Margaret is four when this death occurs and a teen when she narrates the story; as a result, Poor Deer is supercharged by the imaginative power of childhood and the solipsism of adolescence. To Margaret, stuck forever in a moment remembered through the technicolor prism of young childhood, story and memory are one and the same. The tales she tells herself to explain her friend's death, products of continual revisiting and revising of what is true, become woven into her understanding of the event itself. The resulting narrative feels akin to magical realism or a dark fairytale. The setting and characters register as real (almost painfully so), but the plot is unconstrained by the bounds of probability. Focusing on accuracy of emotion allows Oshetsky to grapple meaningfully with big questions: What power does grief have to shape the future we can imagine for ourselves? What is the physical shape of shame, and in what voice does it speak? I don't know that I would say I enjoyed reading Poor Deer, but I'm glad I did.

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𝑨 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒘𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄 𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔.

This novel tore at my heart. What the tale accomplishes with perfection is express the confusion minds that are just forming experience and how attempting to draw a curtain over facts with easy lies (well-intentioned or not) can poison a child’s future. Two little girls are running outside looking for adventure, Margaret Murphy and her next-door neighbor Agnes Bickford, both are four years old and the exact same size. They are drawn to the schoolyard, where big kids attend classes, further than they should be venturing, but where are their mothers and why aren’t they being watched over? Just the day before snow stood upon the grounds but now a wonder has taken its place, a small lake, calling to bold Agnes, who cannot resist wading in while her best friend watches. It isn’t long before they are chased off by Mr. Blunt, a third-grade school teacher. Ordered to go home, the girls decide to disobey him and look for adventure. They decide they will play a favorite game of theirs in the old toolshed in Agnes’s backyard. It will be their doom.

Through tragedy, guilt and trauma Margaret comes of age, not quite moving forward as time passes. Sifting through the confusion of what she remembers and what her mother refutes, Margaret struggles to process the past. Tortured by the death of her vibrant friend Agnes on that ill-fated day and haunted by visions of a Deer with boggy breath who calls her a liar and provokes her to remember the brutal truth, Margaret must finally finish the tale. After losing Agnes, she is gobbled up by loneliness. Time behaves strangely, terrible things keep happening to her, and shame oozes from her pores. She is a clever child, but grief, guilt and dread are feelings that should belong in the world of adults. Can accidents be a sin? Is she the villain or the victim? She will spend many years asking herself that very question. As she tells herself many variations of that day, with angry Poor Deer urging her to stop her dirty lies, will she arrive at atonement? Will she make peace and be able to allow herself love?

A haunting, original tale. Oh yes, read it! What a writer!

Publication Date: January 9, 2024


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My first five star read of 2024 came early! Poor Deer is the story of a young girl named Margaret grappling with her complicity in the tragic death of her friend when they are 4 years old. Margaret's mom blames her as well in not so many words, but will not let the truth come out. Margaret is left alone to deal with the fact that her first real memory, her first real emotion, is true grief. Not the normal sadnesses of a child like losing a toy. She pushes these feelings away in any attempt to cope.

Poor DEAR is a line frequently directed towards Margaret. This is where the title comes in. Poor DEER is a physical yet imaginatory deer like being that becomes Margaret's shadow. Poor Deer is there to make sure Margaret atones for her wrongs.

I loved everything about this book. It reads like a fairy tale in the most untraditional sense. Oshetsky is doing unique things with her story telling with narratives shifting, making it so I truly could not put this book down. It is literary and accessible and magical and tender. Viewing grief and guilt through the eyes of a child as she grows give me chills and I will be thinking about this book for a long time.

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I went into this book completely blind as to the plot and ended up absolutely loving it. It is a dark story, particularly in the beginning. But beyond the darkness is an interesting look at one young girl's grappling with grief.

Poor Deer is told by an older Margaret, looking back at the time when her friend Agnes dies. She is haunted by guilt surrounding this death, manifested in the form of a terrible creature she calls "Poor Deer". Margaret attempts to tease out an account of her friend's death, but is constantly drawn off track to a more idealized version of events. Poor Deer pulls her back on track each time she goes astray, dragging her back into the darker version of events.

As dark of a story as this was, I loved the way that Oshetsky deals with the different layers of grief and guilt in this story, both from Margaret's perspective and what we hear about Agnes' mother's suffering. Because of the way the story is told, the reader is never quite sure what the truth really is. You will start to read one thing, only to be interrupted by Poor Deer chastising Margaret for not telling the truth. It's an interesting discussion of who is guilty in the wake of an accidental death.

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Oh, Claire! What a book. Not easy, not fast to read. I had to do it in bits. . .but it didn't let me go. Poor Deer sat in my corners until I "got it" and only then did she fade back into the pages, smirking a little.

You've absolutely caught the mind of a guilty human, regardless of actual basis for the assumed crime. . .did it happen? whose fault? what motives? and the dangling of no proper accusation, discovery and getting away with it. . .how many of us have gotten away with s* and were just waiting to be found out - AND NEVER WERE. . .that's worse than discovery. . .creating the need for a Poor Deer to stand over the perp forever. . .sorely wanting an opportunity for redemption.

You confused me. I don't tolerate that much in my reading. . .either I'm smart enough to overcome, and keep reading, or I accept my stupidity and quit. Margaret and her odd pet/keeper kept me worried enough to pause, but take it back up and continue. . .for awhile. I read books in a day. This took 2 weeks. . .more if you count the times I pondered, holding it open but not reading - just thinking.

Some will, like me latch onto this - see the genius. . .read the ending paragraphs, read the acknowledgement - I've seen those highway ribbons, you are a brilliant writer, Claire. Don't worry about those who don't sing praises. They have their place, too. We all read from our own experience, our brightest, shiniest understandings and our deepest, darkest wells of confusion. As for me, you hit me in the heart. I'll be thinking about Margaret, her Gloria, about the virtues of those who are never parents but are world-saving guardians and mentors who raise us up with the bio-folks fail us. It is then these others step up and stand-in: the Aunt Dollies and Maarten DeSmets. . .those peculiar characters of whose preciousness we are unaware until we look back over our shoulders to see who had our backs.

A gift, it is. This book. Confusing. Brilliant. Hopeful. Reminding us there are saviors all around us, whether we know it or not, whether they are our saviors or not, and that saving is the job of a moment. The rest is up to us.

*A sincere thank you to Claire Oshetsky, Ecco, and NetGalley for an ARC to read and independently review.* #PoorDeer #NetGalley

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This is a beautiful story, lyrically told. While I wasn't a huge fan of Oshetsky's previous novel, this one was incredibly accessible. I won't forget this book anytime soon.

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How can I describe this book? In superlatives, in short: SO strange. SO imaginative. SO good!

Let me attempt to be a bit more coherent: I found Poor Deer unique and unputdownable. It's simultaneously repulsive and tender, unpredictable and familiar - on that last note, Oshetsky does a spectacular job at capturing the mindset of a child. It's a novel that takes guilt and makes it concrete - in that sense, it reminds me of Julia Armfield's treatment of anticipatory grief in Our Wives Under the Sea, one of my top books of 2021. Like Our Wives, Poor Deer will stick with me for a long time. I'd recommend it to readers who love literary fiction, unreliable narrators, and magical realism.

Thanks to Ecco and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Oshetsky's writing is whimsical, tender, and able to transport me between two states-of-mind: the one I had as a child, and the one I have as an adult capable of reflecting on my past.

The story begins with four-year-old Margaret accidentally being involved in a life-changing tragedy that alters the course of her future. Later on, older Margaret attempts to confess the truth about what happened, but Poor Deer - an ominous, deer figure with yellow teeth - refuses to allow Margaret to lie to herself about the accident.

A beautiful, yet mournful, tale of grief, loss, and connecting our older selves to the kids we used to be, Poor Deer is a wonderful exploration of the connection between imagination, guilt, and reflection.

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A really fresh and clever narrative structure - the epitome of unreliable narrator. I always love a child narrator, because it lays out the moral lessons with greater purity and innocence. A sad portrait of motherhood and family bonds, the book always leaves you wanting more from the characters in the way they behave and treat others. Definitely not a feel good novel, but an interesting premise and hugely reflective.

A mix of plot-character driven, flaws of character a main focus, complicated character development.

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Have you ever wished you could change the ending to your own story? For Margaret, there are multiple narratives she would rewrite—but they all originate with a single choice she made as a child, that changed the outlook of the rest of her life. Unfortunately for her, Poor Deer is standing over her as she recount these stories to the reader & ready to redirect her back to the truth when Margaret’s story wanders from it.

This was a really cool premise for a book, and it’s one that I didn’t feel I fully “got” until I had finished it. It’s so easy to forget about Margaret’s tendency to revise what has happened; I’d be thinking “Wow, what a nice ending for her!” up until Poor Deer would appear and force reality back to the surface. Margaret herself is such an interesting & nuanced character, and I oscillated between sympathy and judgement toward her actions as I read.

Thanks to @eccobooks for this ARC! I’d definitely recommend keeping an eye out for this book when it’s published on January 9th (only a few more weeks!!) ✨

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