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Deadly Fate (Detective Kim Stone Book 18)

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The excitement of the latest Kim Stone read never fades. Each book as good as and better than the previous. Angela Marsons has done it again. A fabulous read. Enjoy!

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I'm beginning to think it would be easier to copy and paste my reviews for the Kim Stone books as I'm running out of praise to give!

Every time I think Angela Marsons couldn't possibly beat the latest book, she just goes and does it again! I'm sure she is using my reviews as a challenge now.

But here we go again,

The characters in these books are just friends now. And each break between books is the time we go between a coffee and a catch up. I think it's about time we start getting cake to go with it!

Kim and her team are thrown a case that seems savage beyond belief. A killer even more sadistic than the last. But once again the team work between the team is faultless and beautiful to watch and cheer along right to the end.

As always, I can't wait for another coffee and catch up. I'll bring the cake!

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Deadly Fate by Angela Marsons

There is the old saying - Don't judge a book by its cover , so I don't , but I do judge a book by its author , and with a Angela Marsons book you know you are in for a great read and with her I'm never wrong.
Brilliant book !
We are with Kim Stone for the 18th time and it never feels samey or past its prime. The characters are now familiar friends , I like that the characters are always evolving and feel we still have a long way to go.
Bring on the 19th.

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This is book number 18 in the Detective Kim Stone series and although it can be read as a standalone I recommend reading the previous books for the back story.
You would think by book number 18 you might be tiring of the series but this is still as fresh as it ever was. How the author keeps coming up with new ideas for her stories is amazing. The team are like a family and have a great banter between them.
This book was an interesting look into psychics and I think book number 19 will continue where this one left off and I can't wait for it. Hurry up Angela!
Highly recommend this series!!

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Thank you for the chance to read Kim's latest installment
This is the eighteenth installment of the series and it just gets better and better!
I thoroughly enjoyed this read
We take a fascinating look into the world of Physics from both perspectives
I just flew through this book and couldn't believe it was over
I wanted to stay with the characters and storylines
Kim just keeps growing and evolving in a way that the reader is also growing with her
I feel like I know all the characters and live their lives with them.
Bryant, Stacy and Penn and now Tiff are an integral part of the team
I especially loved the reappearance of Eloise
She is a lovely gentle soul and the moments with Kim becoming more open are really heartwarming
Could not recommend this series more
If you haven't read this series by Angela Marsons
Start now!

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As always a new Kim Stone book always delights me, I know nothing will be done for a few hours while I devour it. Having read the previous 17 this one did not disappoint.

Thanks to Angela and net galley for this arc.

Kim and her team are baffled as psychics are murdered and as alway immediately get stuck in to try and solve the case. Always successful but this case brings along other issues as they look into why someone would want to murder theses people.

Great to catch up with Kim, Bryant Penn and Stacey like catching up with old friends. I will be awaiting the next installment to find out how Stacey deals with her latest problem.

5 stars

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DI Kim Stone, oh how I missed you but this latest installment was certainly worth waiting for. You'd think by book 18 that the series would start to become a little tired and lacklustre but this is not the case. Kim and the team are on fire yet again
I love their friendship and their camaraderie. Each character brings their skills to the table. I love how Penn has slipped nicely into the team, he and Stacey have a great relationship. Bryant is just a love and Kim is the gift that keeps giving, she's even growing on Keats.
Angie Marsons, you've done it again. A fabulous read
I received this copy from Netgalley and Bookouture with no obligation to leave my review.

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Do you believe in psychics? That is the question that many in Deadly Fate (Detective Kim Stone Book 18) by Angela Marsons have to come to terms with and whether they believe in Psychic Sandy.

Oh my gosh! This definitely was a totally unputdownable and gripping serial killer thriller. Deadly Fate is book 18 in the Detective Kim Stone series. And they just keep getting better and better. Most of the characters were hiding too many secrets, and it was so fun to try to figure out what they were and what was going to happen.

Bryant made such a sweet gesture in one part of the book (don't want to say what it is so as not to reveal too much of the plot). One reveal in the book actually had me gasp out loud as I did NOT see it coming.

I was glad to see Eloise back for some brief but very powerful scenes. I love the interactions between Eloise and Kim.

Deadly Fate is one of those books you race through because it's so good and you want to find out more, but it's also sad because you don't want it to end and have to leave the characters.

Reading an Angela Marsons book in the Kim Stone series is like reconnecting with old friends. The team has great camaraderie, with fun, laugh-out-loud moments and heart-pounding action.

A roller coaster of a read. More, please!!

5 out of 5 stars!!

#DeadlyFate #NetGalley @bookouture

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I loved this newest book in the Detective Kim Stone series! A woman was found brutally stabbed to death in a graveyard, She fancied herself a psychic and that's immediately where the team begins to focus the investigation, especially when they found out that she had done a group reading the evening before she was killed. They figure it has to be related to her profession somehow - the women she met with all have reasons for being disappointed in their readings. They know they're on the right path when another victim is soon discovered. A victim who worked for a psychic hotline. Now it's certain that psychics are being targeted, but how they can narrow down who could be next? And why didn't any of them see it coming? Ok, I couldn't resist that.

Part of the fun of this book is that both skeptics and believers are featured evenly. Most people have strong feelings either way, and I think the author kept things balanced and fair for both sides. There's even a character who claims to be a psychic but believes all others are frauds. He's so obnoxiously arrogant, you just want him to be guilty of something! I can't say any more about that, though.

There's also a secondary plot involving stalking that hits too close to home for the team, along with another subplot about an unidentified homeless man that Kim has Penn investigate. She can't stand when someone is left as a nameless victim. Between all of the different characters and crimes occurring, there's plenty to keep the story moving along. You won't have a second to spare as you race along with Kim and her team as they attempt to capture the killer while also unraveling multiple mysteries. Can they do it? I don't think you need to be psychic to figure out the answer to that one!

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Book 18 and Angela Marsons is still killing it. She just gets better and better with each book. Kim Stone and her team continue to be totally awesome. Each crime in each book is so interesting and different to the last. Keep writing Angela, I love your books!

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You know those books which are too good to put down? The ones you seem to lose your day/evening too but where you just don't care a jot? Well, it's fair to say that Angela Marsons is a master at writing those kinds of books and with Deadly Fate she has done it once again, delivering a book that kept me on the edge of my seat and left me in no small way fearful for the fate of one of our most beloved team. If you have not read any Kim Stone books by now (and if not, why not) then I urge you to begin. You will not be disappointed.

Book eighteen (yes - you read that right) sees Kim and co heading into a world which they meet with no small amount of scepticism. A vicious murder is committed in the grounds of a church. The victim? A Medium, Sandra Deakin, whose communication with spirits and forces beyond our mortal realm have left more than a few feathers ruffled. From fellow Mediums, to disgruntled former clients, who could possibly have wanted to kill the poor woman and in such a vicious way? And believe me, it is pretty dang vicious. But then the list of suspects is surprisingly long, as, before long, is the list of potential, and actual, victims.

I really enjoy this series. I've never tried to hide it. It's set in a local area to me, towns and villages I recognise, which always goes a long way to making a story enjoyable. Gives it that personal touch and allows you to feel immersed in the action that teeny bit more. And Angela Marsons knows her locations well, using them to great effect, picking just the wright kind of spot, and town, to unleash her dastardly deeds. And dastardly they are too. As for the team, you couldn't meet a more varied and yet lovable bunch, each of whom brings something a touch special to the story. From Bryant, Kim's long suffering DS and partner in crime fighting , to Penn and Stacey, there is a brilliant blent of camaraderie, humour and determination which makes them a very addictive team. I do love the grudging respect hidden by pointed barbs that flow between Kim and pathologist Keats, a kind of dark wit which softens the dark nature of the crime a touch without sacrificing the drama or tension. All of them are on top form once again, testament to Angela Marsons writing that she can still keep this team fresh and interesting, and me completely invested in their fates.

As for the supporting cast, we've a real mixture of characters, and suspects to choose from. Angela Marsons has infused them with characteristics that range from skin crawling to fun loving and everything in between. The women who make up Sandra Deakin's last paying gig are as different as they come and it's hard not to suspect nearly each and every one of them in some way, the author casting doubt over nearly all of their motives and the opportunity they may have had to commit murder. Needless to say, the reasons why any of the women sought the guidance of a medium, or spiritualist, varies greatly, as does the urgency with which they seem to seek an answer. There is a true emotional element to some of their stories, one of which sends Kim and the team off on an entirely different investigation. And there is another, unconnected, case which Kim sets Penn to unravel that gives us an interesting diversion from the horrors of the main murder investigation, and goes a way to show just what a big softie Kim Stone really is and how much compassion runs behind her often abrupt and always direct manner. But that's the reason why we love her, right?

Be prepared for some really tense moments in this book. And it's not a big, all action, high threat finale that will have you slowly leaning forward in your seats (even though there is kind of one of those). There is an altogether different threat that runs through the book, and the way in which the author has woven it into the main story, paying due respect to the subject matter whilst creating an overwhelming feeling of anxiety at times, is just perfect. This is a case that will push one of the team close to the edge but if you want to know the why's and wherefores of that bit of the story, you're going to have to read the book. It's not quite on a par with that book (fans know the one) in terms of the emotional manipulation, but it's getting pretty dang close and the final pages will have you chewing your nails to the quick, wondering what can possibly come next. Contrast that unease against the very emotional scenes which come near to the end of the book, truths which are finally revealed from an unexpected source from Kim's past, and it makes for quite the heady mix and a brilliantly addictive read.

A case that will challenge all of Kim's long held, logically driven beliefs, and that will delight and perhaps even distress fans in equal measure. 18 books in and the series is showing no signs of losing its appeal, leaving me absolutely desperate for the next one. Definitely recommended.

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Angela Marsons’ books seriously need to come with a warning along a ready-made excuse for whatever plans you might have in place, because believe me, as soon as you turn that first page, you have no escape, Marsons’ tentacles reach out, wind themselves around you and suck you right in. Although, it has to be said, there is absolutely zero resistance from me! With her trademark killer hook opening, Deadly Fate had me hooked from page one (actually, it’s Angela Marsons, she had me hooked from the cover!)
It's hard to believe that this is the 18th book in the series, it still feels as fresh as Silent Scream back in 2015. If you are new to this writer then you can read each book as a standalone but I’d urge you to carve yourself out some time and read them all, just to get the feel of the characters and the team dynamics. You will not be disappointed. Over the last 8 years we have watched as Kim Stone and her team merge into a tight knit, almost family like group. The team dynamics are dynamite and each character is brought to life to the point that they step out of the pages and into your hearts. Whenever I pick up one of these books, it feels like I am coming home. Despite the trauma, setbacks and utmost torture that Angela Marson’s has put her characters through throughout the series, they are still a formidable team, and one you would most definitely want on your side should anything go wrong.
Angela Marson’s also always touches a nerve when it comes to the issues of the day - but never feels like she’s lecturing or info dumping on you, it is weaved effortlessly into the narrative and pokes and prods at your brain - providing a thought provoking read – with vulnerability being the theme of this novel and with several story threads running throughout Deadly Fate, it is clear that Angela Marsons is just about to start putting Kim’s team through the mill again and this time one character seems to be about to be at the mercy of the writer’s pen – which one? Well you are just going to have to read it aren’t you!
As a reader it is clear to see Kim Stone’s influence on her team, how they have all developed that keen thirst for justice for the victims and how it drives them each day; their compassion and empathy for those left behind, it really does feel authentic and draws you in closer to the world she has created. I just love the abrasive relationship Kim has with pathologist Keats but dig beneath the surface and you find a level of mutual respect and admiration. It is these little touches that really bring her characters to life.
The tension is ramped up with short sharp chapters, each of them compelling you to turn the pages, to read just one more chapter and to shove any thoughts of adulting you might have had planned for the day! She ends with a bang as usual, it gave me all the feels – a rush of warmth but also the cold fingers of fear running down my spine – I need book 19 like yesterday!
So my verdict – it’s a belter – you would be crazy to miss it!

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Well, here we are on the eighteenth book in the Kim Stone series! Now normally at this point I would have given up on a long-running series as they tend to lose their lustre, become repetitive and, dare I say, boring! (rather like my eighteenth review for this series!) but that’s not the case here. Angela Marsons writes each book like it’s her first. Her plots are imaginative, never boring and they are such a thrill to read. Deadly Fate is no different. Once again, the queen of crime has written a cracker of a book that readers will devour. Smart, gripping and packed with enthralling characters, this darkly addictive tale will reel you in from the get-go.

DI Kim Stone and her team are on the hunt for a vicious serial killer, seemingly targeting members associated with the psychic community. When it comes to intricate plotting nothing daunts Marsons, her research into the fascinating subject of Psychics/Mediums is second to none. It’s such an original topic for a crime thriller. There are various threads running through the plot that ensure the pace never waivers. As Deadly Fate progresses, what the reader thinks are random unrelated crimes deftly intertwine, but not before we have the opportunity to be armchair sleuths trying to fit the various bits of the puzzle together.

Normally at this point in the series it feels like there’s nothing left to know about the main characters, but Marsons constantly proves you wrong! There are so many layers to Kim and her team that make them likeable and relatable. Personally, it’s one of the strengths of this series. I always feel like I’m meeting up with old friends. I share their highs and lows, their hopes and dreams. The camaraderie and humour between the group adds a lighter note to the darkness of the plot and is a release from the nail biting tension.

Angela Marsons is a writer of extraordinary talents, gritty and taut Deadly Fate is an expertly crafted novel with well-placed twists and turns. With heart and skill, Angela Marsons keeps you hooked from the first page until the last. This is such a brilliant addition to an outstanding crime series and one I would highly, highly recommend to all crime thriller lovers.
My review will be available on and all relevant book sites.

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Deadly Fate is the 18th book in Angela Marson's incredibly popular KIm Stone series, which just goes from strength to strength.

Stone is called to a murder scene in a graveyard and ,shocked at the ferocity of the stab wounds and slashed mouth decides that there must be something deeply personal to the attack. Stone quickly discovers that the woman, Sandra Deakin, claimed to be psychic and had held a session with a group of women the night before she was killed. The deceased woman had also been banned and physically ejected from the church whose grounds she was found in by a misogynistic priest with a mysterious past who saw her as a blasphemer. Is her death linked to any of these people or the sender of the regular death threats Sandra received?
When another body is found with the same slashed mouth it's a race against time for Stone and the team to find a link and stop a killer.

This is one of the best Stone books with a couple of sub-plots and backstories stemming from the main investigation and a whole host of weird and often not so wonderful potential culprits.
The book is often thought-provoking and addresses a number of societal issues,one of which affects a member of Stone's team and tees up the next book in the series quite nicely.
An excellent read.

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Wow! Angela Marsons does not disappoint! What a rollercoaster ride this novel was. As much as this was one novel, there were a number of sub-plots that were very detailed and the insights into each were quite enlightening ... how she tied them together was brilliant!

This book rates a solid 5 stars …and I will admit, I don’t give those out too readily! This isn’t my first rodeo with Angela Marsons... I have been following Kim Stone and her band of dedicated detectives for quite a while. What I like about Marsons writing is that after reading all her books …her stories are still a joy to read. I find a lot of authors will follow a certain format, because, hey they have a number of hit novels under their belt and have been proven a money maker. Ms. Stone has (knock on wood!!) not followed that route. She has taken a chance and changes her format from novel to novel, which makes it quite fresh and exciting to read! Be prepared ... the ending will blow you away, but now I am wishing that it hadn't ended so quickly! As much as this book is a stand alone, it's best savored by reading the books in order. I highly recommend this book! Kudos, Ms. Marsons!

I would like to thank author, the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy in return for an unbiased opinion of her book

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It is always a joy to catch up with Kim Stone and her team. The weaving of different plots into this book kept me enthralled. The writing as always is very addictive and I would describe this one as a page turner. The plots were clever and the added interest of physics made it for me.
I would recommend this to any crime readers

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Deadly Fate (Detective Kim Stone Book 18) by Angela Marsons The 18th book of the series and still going strong. Enjoyed reconnecting with Kim and her team. Interesting insights on pyschics, their methods and the art of cold reading. The resolution of the case was unexpected bringing together many avenues of inquiry. What a cliffhanger of an ending. Now I am going to concerned about Stacy till the next book is available. Highly recommended.
Thank you to the Angela Marsons, Bookouture. and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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This is the 18th book with Detective Kim Stone and her team.
It amazes me the author has written so many books in a short space of time and they are all fantastic.
In this story people who claim to be psychic are being murdered and along the way two other cases investIgated by the team.
I loved how Kim investigates but also questions her own beliefs along the way in relation to psychics. It’s a great story and kept me hooked from beginning to end.
The story ends with a lead into the next book.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for an honest review in exchange for an ARC.
#DeadlyFate #NetGalley

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Book 18 in the Detective Kim Stone series and it didn’t disappoint.

Kim and the team investigate when a local psychic is found stabbed to death. They suspect it is to do with an evening she attempted to do readings for a yoga group. When more bodies turn up the focus changes. Is it related to an old murder case of a 15 year old boy and how does the local church minister fit in?

This was such a good book. Less eventful than others in the series but still enjoyable. Love all these characters. They work so well together. Finishing with a cliffhanger means I can’t wait for book 19!

I highly recommend this whole series, one of my favourites.

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DI Kim Stone and the team are back investigating the brutal death of psychic, Sandra Deakins. The trail leads them to a priest with old fashioned values on the world and the lives of a yoga group who were the last to see Sandra in a professional capacity. All have hidden stories behind what the original reveal to Stone. Stacey, meanwhile gets the attention of a stalker and Penn is trying to identify a homeless person without a name.
Another power punch of a story. Stone and her team are so well defined and developed, they gel and support each other through thick and thin. You won’t be disappointed with the latest instalment which is rather pacy. The dry humour of Stone and also pathologist, Keats helps them through such dark scenes.

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