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XOXO, Cody

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

I was very excited to get this book- I own a peloton bike and Cody’s classes are some of my favorite. I expected to laugh as I was reading as I do when I ride- and Cody delivered. There was many ‘laugh out loud’ moments. I was pleasantly surprised though the raw emotion that Cody gave when describing his childhood and life that led him to where he is today. He shared a lot of wisdom and good areas of advice. I don’t think you need to be a peloton owner to enjoy Cody’s humor, as well as, lessons he has learned throughout his life.

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Like so many others I signed up for a free trial of the Peloton app when my usual fitness studio closed down during covid. Maybe it was luck or maybe it was fate that the first class I tried was a Cody Rigsby cycling class. As soon as he uttered his famous phrase "settling gets you an ugly boyfriend" as I pedaled up a hill I was hooked. Almost four years later I am a regular peloton user and member of Cody's "Boo Crew".

XOXO, Cody is half memior/half self help with a sprinkle of fun mixed throughout. If you take his classes regularly, you will be familiar with a lot of the topics from his rides. He's made it no secret that he was homeless as a child and worked hard to reach the level of success he has today. But I will tell you, the stuff he talks about during his rides only skim the surface and he really opens up in a vulnerable way about his childhood, coming to terms with his sexuality, being a gay man in the rural south, and being the sole caregiver to his mom Cindy. To lighten the mood in between each deep, emotional chapter there is some fun content you will recognize from classes (the only thing missing is smash or pass!).

If you love peloton and Cody- read this book! If you have never heard of peloton or Cody Rigsby- still read the book! There are many lessons to be learned from him such as acceptance of others, gratitude, self love, respect for others and how to be a good friend and son. And of course Cody tells it all in his signature snarky hillarious way.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of XOXO, Cody. This review is my honest unbiased opinion.

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This was a quick, easy, fun read - thank you NetGalley!

Like a good portion of Americans, we invested in a Peloton during covid. Cody quickly became one of my favorite instructors due to his humor, wit and honesty. Couldn’t resist reading his memoir/advice book.

I was pleasantly surprised at how well-written the book is. Cody offers legit advice for anyone struggling to find themselves plus a ton of relationship tips. Despite his breezy manor, Cody is a smart, authentic and down to earth. His personal
stories of poverty and his mother’s mental health struggles, coupled with fun behind the scenes looks at his “Hollywood” experiences makes this an engaging tale.

He is unabashedly pro-sex, filled with Gay Pride and an obvs millennial - if these attributes don’t appeal to you then this book might not be for you…which means you should read it anyway.

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I loved Cody’s classes on the bike when I was subscribing to Peloton. I love his reels and his sound bits from his classes that go viral. Cody is fun! It was great to get to know a bit more about his life. He shares a lot in his classes but seeing it all in a book at once hit different. He gives great advice. And it comforted me to know that even someone as successful as Cody still feels imposter syndrome at times but recognizes that discomfort usually means opportunity.

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this one even though I I don't really know much about the author except that he's a Peloton instructor but I just love autobiographies so I requested this one and it was better than I had expected. There's definitely more to his story than just a celebrity. The stories from his past and how he got where he is and how he had to and still does take care of his mother. I think those make him more relatable because he doesn't just tell you all the positives, he really does tell you about the lows as well as the highs. Many thanks for the opportunity to read this book.

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XOXO, Cody: An Opinionated Homosexual’s Guide to Self-Love, Relationships, and Tactful Pettiness was on my TBR list since I heard that Cody Rigsby had written a book. I was excited to be able to read an advance copy ahead of its September publication date in exchange for an honest review. (Thanks, @Netgalley!)

Cody is a successful fitness instructor with Peloton. I have taken and loved his classes for years. He is a funny guy and is great at keeping exercisers distracted with humor while they are sweating away for 20, 30, or 45 minutes. Classes all have different intensity levels, and he has different themes. He is a great entertainer. That’s what I was hoping for when reading this book—to laugh and have a good time—and I got just that. I was a little concerned that when the book started strong with Cody-isms, I may not have a high enough tolerance to stick out a whole book, but luckily that was just the introduction to a more comprehensive memoir that covered Cody’s life up to now. He had a rough childhood that included a mother who dealt with mental illness and substance abuse that brought patches of homelessness and family dynamics that no one would want to deal with. The book shares his drive and how he came to reconcile those difficult beginnings and mature into a more self-aware and compassionate individual today. Cody is unapologetic about his lifestyle choices and opinions, which was fun to read. He seems to genuinely believe that people should do the work to create happiness in their life and the examples in this book could prove motivating to others nervous about trying therapy or meditation to find peace for themselves.

Do you need to be an existing fan (like me) to appreciate this book? I have no idea. I do think it is an inspiring story about owning your own life and decisions and could be great for anyone. It just depends how you jive with this funny boo.

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I adore Cody, I do I do I do. Like orange soda. Most of the book I found enjoyable. Cody had a lot to unpack here and I found it very captivating while also humorous and silly. Diving into his upbringing and the struggles he faced with his mother and her addiction and mental health, I felt that deep!

When Cody wrote about body image, body positivity, showing up as you are and wanting to be this generation’s Richard Simmons, I was cracking up but also thinking yes please, gimme more!!! I really appreciated his perspective about fitness and not taking yourself too seriously. His instruction style on the Peloton platform is a testament to how he accepts all bodies on the bike with open arms.

As a mature, married woman of almost 40, I didn’t find a lot of the relationship parts relevant to me personally but there was some solid advice and wisdom. He’s certainly been though some things and lived to tell about it!

I just couldn’t love it. Something about this book… it was all over the place. I loved his story telling, wit and hot takes on a lot of topics. As a traditionally published and highly anticipated book, there didn’t seem to be much structured format to the writing. It bounced from topic to topic, back story and then present.

I might have enjoyed this more if I’d listened on audiobook because I bet hearing Cody tell it himself would have sold me more!

3.5 stars for my boo.

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An authentic & hilarious memoir from Mr Rigsby, perfectly delivered in his unique voice with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and signature no-nonsense advice. Everything you'd expect from a Cody book from love advice, to childhood struggles, to XOXO-style Q&As, and his challenging journey to becoming a true celebrity cycling instructor.

A must-read for any Cody fans who take his classes and want more, since you'll definitely recognise names and anecdotes - even if you're new and just enjoy his humour and authenticity. I truly appreciated receiving an early ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Random House- Ballantine Books for this advance readers copy, in exchange for an honest review. XOXO, Cody relays author Cody Rigsby’s life journey, his many opinions, and some great life lessons.

As an avid fan of Peloton and frequent flier in Cody’s classes, I was super excited to read this book and it absolutely did not disappoint! I usually struggle with celebrity memoirs, as it can be difficult to connect with someone who feels so distant and otherworldly. But, with Cody and this book, it felt like just an extension and deep dive of his stories told on the bike. I enjoyed the easy to read, humor filled chapters on his life experiences, struggles, and of course many, strong opinions! If you’ve taken and enjoyed any of Cody’s classes, you’ll know that his voice rings true in these pages and feels genuine. Additionally, the many vignettes and mini “XOXO, Cody” segments interspersed throughout the book, as they helped break up the chapters and added even more levity/humor to the book.

The underlying message throughout this book rang clear and true, as Rigsby encouraged readers largely to allow themselves some grace and embrace the messiness of life— I found myself highlighting a lot in these pages and despite the lightness within the pages, found that these life lessons were ones that I took to heart. For me, this makes this book even more special and I’m sure that I’ll return to it in times where I could use a pick me up.

Hopefully, this review has conveyed that I would definitely recommend this book to any Peloton/Cody fan, to those who enjoy memoirs by famous figures, or those just looking for a laugh/smile!

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I am a proud member of the Cult of Peloton and I adore Cody Rigsby. I loved reading this book because it gave me some insight to his life while also offering me what I look for in his classes. The XOXO, Cody classes are truly a highlight of my year and I die laughing at his advice, some of which is highlighted in this book!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc ebook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own, boo.

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Oh, Cody! Could he get more lovable? You think you already know someone and then they write a fabulous book and you’re truly all in. This book takes you inside his life from early childhood and on. It’s Cody’s usual voice, but with some real life stories. It tugs at your heart while also giving you a laugh most of the way.

Even if I wasn’t Peloton maniac (currently need to get my life together and get back on the bike after a week break)— I would still love XOXO, Cody. I loved that man and his Cindy before I read this book and now I love them even more.

Thanks early read. Can’t wait to see Cody shine as an author too.

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Cody is one of my favorite human beings of all time. Not only is he HILARIOUS. he’s also a bad bitch in the best way. I felt like I was sitting next to him dishing over a glass of wine. He is honest and shares even the things that may be unflattering - he doesn’t sugarcoat anything. I also loved the mix of advice in there, as a girl who loves a good Dear Abby column.

If you have ever taken one of Cody’s classes, you know the energy he brings. That same energy is felt on every single one of these pages. Read it!

I received an early copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I am a Peloton devotee but a casual Cody fan. Reading this book made me a "stan!" His story is heartfelt and eloquent in the voice we know that's uniquely his. I always knew Cody as the fun and goofy instructor but learning about his story, his resilience and his views on cultivating self love add so much important context and depth to his "laugh at yourself," relatable approach to fitness and life in general. I finished the book with such respect for his journey and a desire to be a part of everything he does next. My biggest takeaway was to never stop "loving generously" no matter what life throws your way.

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“So fix your wig. Grab a water. Grab a towel. Get your life together. Let’s do this.”
Many of you know @codyrigsby via @onepeloton or @dancingwiththestars but in this hilarious and honest memoir you learn more about his upbringing, his family (both born into and made), his past and current relationships & friendships, as well as some awesome life advice.
I haven’t been a fan since the beginning because I was one of the pandemic people who hopped on the #peloton bike, but ever since I got mine and asked: who should I ride with first? Everyone on my social media shouted Cody’s name and I definitely see why. He’s funny, he’s cute, he’s authentically himself all the time and very relatable. Anyone who can make me laugh while working out has my allegiance now and always. If you’re an old fan, a new fan or never even heard of Cody(how is this possible?!), you need to buy this book out 9/12!

CW: alcoholism, death, drug use, cheating, mental illness, poverty, homelessness, hospitalization, grief, anxiety, manic-depression

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Cody Rigsby is like a gift that keeps on giving. He's hilarious, genuine and tells it like it is. I absolutely loved reading his stories about his childhood, moving, parents, and what has shaped him to be the person he is today. This book made me love him even more, a must read for Peloton fans and a must read for people who don't know who he is. You'll finish the book wanting to purchase a bike just to get to see his smiling face. Absolutely recommend!

Thank you, NetGalley and Ballantine Books, for the ARC!

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This book is a lot of fun, but also a great personal story. However, it would be way way better in audio format read by the author so his personality could shine through even more!

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Cody Rigsby is my favorite Peloton instructor. He's an open book during his rides and shares about his life. I loved learning more about him and getting his witty remarks in my head!

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Getting the ARC of this book was such a gift! I got a pandemic Peloton and cant tell you how helpful it was to tune into a class and laugh and forget about the real world for a bit. Cody is very well known now and I enjoyed being able to read more about his background and learn about what shaped him. I loved the stories and the humor injected into this book. Its been a while since I've taken a ride from Cody, but I'll add one to do today!

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When I received an advanced copy of Cody's book, I expected the witty quips and funny anecdotes that pepper his Peloton classes. However, I was blown away by the genuineness and emotion in the stories about his childhood, parents, cross-country move, coming out, moving to NY...all of it. What a story! And what a storyteller! The book is so well-written. It is an engaging and fast read - I started it around 7PM and finished it around 11PM. I hope he narrates the audiobook. I don't want to give too much away, but, whether you're a Peloton devotee or not, you'll get something out of XOXO, Cody.

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