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Hex and the City

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Member Reviews

I love a good Halloween romance! I really enjoyed this one and think its perfect for the fall season. I highly recommend if you're looking for something light.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

I’m going to DNF this book. I’m so confused what is happening. The beginning of chapter 1 is reading like abc soup to me. This book isn’t not for me.

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A fun, modern retelling of Tangled/Rapunzel , with a chaotic witch with possibly sentient hair and a viking god/human who performs as an illusionist. It was almost love at first sight and while I didn’t feel the chemistry, the story was quirky enough to keep me interested.My only complaint is we didnt get to see enough of the cat! (The Sabrina vibes were clearly there….)

Special thanks to HarperCollins UK and Netgalley for providing an advance review copy in exchange for honest feedback!

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I have been known to throw around terms like “Great book”, “Fantastic Read” etc. But I don’t think I have ever used the term and also fully meant it. “Mind Blown”, because that’s what this book does, it well and truly blows your mind! Loved it!

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This book had me wishing it was fall which is saying a lot since I’m a teacher and it’s currently about to be summer break! Poppy was oh so much fun and I was cheering for her the whole way. This book will be on everyone’s TBR this September.

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While I was reading Hex and the City I felt like I should be cuddled up under a blanket, watching the autumn leaves falling from the trees. It felt like such a bewitching, Halloween-y book. The book was fun, magical, quirky and just a delight to read.

Poppy was a chaotic and hilarious main character but it is her strength and compassion that make her the witch you want to be friends with. Her first interactions with Axl are hilarious and their budding relationship made me swoon. But my favorite thing was that it wasn't all superficial, they both have a deepness to their characters that make you root for them and their relationship.

Overall the book exceeded my expectations. I thought that the cursed amulet was going to be the focus of the story but there was a deeper mystery going on that I thoroughly enjoyed. This was my first Kate Johnson book and now I'm going to read the rest!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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Kate Johnson’s HEX AND THE CITY is a fun, easy read that mixes classic magic tropes with rom-com plot lines you’ll quickly recognize.

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Poppy is a witch. An ok one with a talent for chaos. Chaos that follows her through London & into the arms of a viking-esque onstage magician named Axel.

Just like Poppy the book is a bit chaotic in parts with so much happening it's hard to follow. It's an enjoyable witchy rom-com with an insta-love/enemies to lovers thing going on. It's a palate cleanser type book, light & fluffy and only mildly spicy (if you can get over the chaotic feel of the writing).

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Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins UK/One More Chapter for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

What a delightful and enchanting adventure full of chaos, magic, witches, mystery, romance and Poppy's magical Rapunzel like hair! Hex and the City is the second installment in the series. I have not read book one and I had no struggles reading this one first. This is my first read by Kate Johnson and it will not be my last! I absolutely loved this book so much!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Poppy Thistlefoot is a witch that designs jewelry and works at the Hubble Bubble Magic Shop. Chaos seems to follow Poppy everywhere! She accidentally sells a cursed pendant to Alex (Axl). Alex is a popular illusionist who is so swoon-worthy. Poppy and Alex must work together to reverse the curse. What could possibly go wrong? EVERYTHING!!

Overall, it is a fun and lighthearted read that deserves all the MAGICAL stars!!🌟🌟🌟🌟

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What I loved
-Spooky Autumn vibes
-excellent pacing
-wonderful character development

What didn't work as well for me
-odd dialogue use
-I wasn't ready for it to be over

Who I would recommend this title for
Hex and the City by Kate Johnson is a great read for Fans of the Ex Hex.

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I was drawn to this book by the fun title and witches! Im so glad I was able to read this title. This is a perfect spooky season read but it also can be read at any time. I found myself laughing out loud and just falling in love with these characters!

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Brilliant! A new look at some old subjects. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Loved the characters and there were a few surprises along the way. Definitely a must read if you love witches, magic and a touch of romance.

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This is Kate Johnsons second book in this witchy series, I had the privilige of reading the first one, Hex Appeal, as an ARC as well. And I fell in love with her writing style. In Hex Appeal we first get introduced to the witches in Essex, a small town and very cottage core vibes. In this next installment, Hex & the city, we get to meet the witches of London. We are moving to the big city!

Poppy, our main girl, is this free spirited, chaotic, modern Rapunzel. Literally Rapunzel, because yes, our girl has magic hair.
In this book we will get to meet the ”coven” (but they don’t like that name) a crazy vindictive witch, a gorgeous man built like a norse god. You will get to experience chaos magic, banishing an ancient egyptian mummy ghost, travel back in time to the great fire of London and statues coming to life.

So much funny banter and such a chaotic book, just like the first one, you will fall in love with the characters. They are so quirky and unique, brutally honest and give off such amazing found family.

I do think you should read Hex Appeal before diving into this one, because you will get some guest appareances from the first book! 👏🏼

Highly recommend this witchy, funny, crazy and thrilling rom-com! And yes, I know you are wondering, you will get spice 😏🌶️ Kate definitely upped the spice factor from the first book, the passion between our main characters is palpable 🔥

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The beginning felt a little too much like an information dumping. It was a bit chaotic and honestly unnecessary. But once you get past that I think the story overall is cute. Very witchy, romantic and funny. I did enjoy after the first little bit.

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While I really enjoyed Hex and the City pacing was a big issue for me throughout the story. I love a good spice witch story, especially with a fat cat, but this one unfortunately was a bit flat for me.

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Hex in the City - or sex in the city is a steamy and sexy, laugh out loud witchy romcom. With great characters leading lady Poppy, who has golden flowing magical hair, just like Rapunzel from Tangled, who live with head of the coven Iris, ewho is a witch, who loves her job at Hubble Bubble and who is just a great leading lady.

We then have leading man Axl who is a celebrity magician, who is six foot four, hunky viking. Who she accidently sells a cursed pendant too.

Suddenly Poppy and her real magic have to sweep in and fix the day, to save a cursed city, to travel back in time and oh and also fall in love.

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A cute witchy romance with a bit of smut thrown in. This was a fun book with a different type of magic than most. I enjoyed the banter between our main characters and their relationship growth throughout the book.

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Gosh this book was a ton of fun. I absolutely loved the character development with Alex. Poppy's magic was a wild ride. The story was absolutely great, and I cannot wait to read more of Kate Johnson.

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Hex and the City has managed to get struck with second book syndrome which is quite unfortunate for a standalone novel - part of a wider series but completely separate from Hex Appeal / Johnson's last release. Ithas both an incredible large info dump at the start, then mixes paces with over the top moments and slumps.

I really enjoyed Hex Appeal and had high hopes for this latest release but sadly it did not hit the mark, with the exception of a few "spicy" moments this really reads like a YA witchy romance novel. From the insta-love to the constant miscommunication and overly dramatic scenes it definitely felt better suited to a younger target audience.

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I really wanted to love this one because the description drew me in, but it fell just a little flat for me. While I love a witchy romance, maybe it was because I read it in summer and not fall? I did love the main characters and their development but something with the side story just irked me.
I will read another by this author…. I want to see if it’s just me.

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