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The last book of the trilogy titled Sheets delivered happiness and grief. A story about moving on, self-discovery in the world at a young age and the opportunities for second chances in life.

The graphic novel begins with Marjorie’s birthday, where she reconnects with some of her old friends, Sid and Sasha, from the second book in the trilogy. It is thanks to the intervention of her father because he invites these girls to Marjorie’s birthday party alongside Eliza. Nonetheless, Wendell is intrigued by discovering more about his life, as his parents appear to have forgotten about him. So, this release shows a bit of Wendell’s story when he was alive.

Introducing new storylines from the perspective of Marjorie and Wendell works effective to take a step further into the character development of these two friends. Also, it’s a sensible and fitting way to conclude the story, although it would’ve worked better if these events hand unfolded in the second book, allowing to create a deeper character such as Wendell.

The artwork is sublime, one of the loveliest pieces ever to be published. The level of detail of the characters, the attention to color scheme is what makes this graphic novel worth to read.

In every book, Brenna Thummler presents heavy topics, handling them in a proper manner that is almost elegant, even so some of the subjects are addressed rather lightly despite the gravity of the situation. Overall, the Sheets trilogy had a strong beginning and a wholesome ending, with everything in the middle intertwined in a story worth remembering.

I’m grateful with NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity of letting me read this before its publication.

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I LOVED this series so much! It definitely has to be read in order, so I recommend reading the first 2 before this one when it comes out next month, but it’s definitely worth reading.

The art style is absolutely stunning, the characters are interesting and funny and relatable, they actually act like middle schoolers, and the themes portrayed in the books are real and relatable as well.

In Lights, Marjorie and Eliza help Wendell remember his life and how he died. It’s a little bittersweet at some parts, but overall it’s just sweet and inspiring, and the art is so cozy! I think this was a really good end to a series, but it could easily continue as well which is nice.

I’m really happy I was able to get an ARC of this and read it because I’d never heard of it before and it’s probably one of my favorite graphic novel/graphic novel series ever! I seriously highly recommend reading it immediately!

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I love the friendship between Wendell, Eliza, and Marjorie. I love how they work through their problems and help each other find themselves. It’s kind of bittersweet for Wendell in the end but I’m glad he finally found the answers he was looking for.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher & author for an eARC copy of this book in exchange for a review.

Very cute and the graphics are adorable. The story itself i felt dragged a tad in some places where it didn’t need to but overall still a fun read! 😊

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This is a tough one to review as I loved the first two in the series. I felt like the pacing was a bit off as some parts were very slow and unnecessary to the story, but I did love seeing more of Wendell‘s backstory and getting a nice conclusion to the story. It was nice to see the MC move on and get her story completed as well. I was hoping for a bit more comedy like the first two books, and I felt like this one was a bit more emotional. Overall great series!

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"Lights" was the perfect ending to the Sheets trilogy. As with all the previous books, I loved the drawings, colors, and especially the full page illustration only pages. I also love the relationships that were built upon since the first book and the message that even though we are all a little different, we have to be supportive of each other to make our friendships work, and that those differences are somethings the best thing about our relationships. I'm also glad that Wendell's story finally has a happy ending! :)

I started reading the series to review for my middle school library - happy to report I'd buy the whole series!

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A very worthy conclusion to a fabulous series. The exploration of friendships, differences and resolution is done really well. The art style is also really nice and clearly signposts the changing timelines.
Big thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Expected publication: September 5th 2023
For me, this was definitely the weakest book of the trilogy.

I loved getting more of Wendell's backstory, as he is definitely my favourite character, but I feel like the pacing was off. It was quite slow, and there were some details that I think could have been left out, and other parts could have been fleshed out a bit more.

I also didn't love some of the conversations and reactions regarding friendships. I don't want to spoil anything, but I feel like some things were handled poorly.

I still think the art style and colours were beautiful, and this is definitely a good one for the autumn/winter season, especially with the inclusion of Thanksgiving and Christmas, but Sheets is definitely my favourite.

Thank you to Netgalley and OniPress for the eARC.

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Absolutely ADORABLE final instalment to the Sheets triology - we find out more of Wendell and that was the perfect way to close the series. Once again, the illustrations are perfect when depicting the emotions of the characters.

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Oh my heart. This graphic novel series has me completely hooked. I am absolutely in love with these characters and their stories.

In the second instalment, Marjorie continues to be haunted by Wendell and all of his ghost friends / community and they continue to help her laundromat. At school, Eliza is struggling socially, and when Marjorie’s new friends start to bully Eliza, Marjorie has to make a choice of what to do.

Make no mistake: this book deals with significant and heavy themes. As tender and heartwarming as it is, it is also deeply sad. Please be mindful of the TWs listed below.

I am so glad I was recently approved for the third instalment (coming out September 6th) because I absolutely cannot get enough.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free e galley.

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This was the perfect conclusion to this series even though I’m sad it’s over. I enjoyed learning more about Wendell, and Marjorie and Eliza developed so much too. The storytelling and art are just so beautiful.

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This was a fantastic end to the trilogy, the story made me laugh and cry.
A great story about grief, healing, friendship, and finding light through the darkness!

I loved diving deeper into Wendell’s life and finding out what happened to him, although it did make me sob 😭 I also enjoyed watching Marjorie grow compared to books 1 and 2! I enjoyed this book slightly more than Delicates, simply because we got more Wendell 👻

The imagery and way Thummler so simply expressed emotions through single images was once again really well done. I’m sad the series is over but thought it was beautifully wrapped up 💗

I’ll definitely be reading more from Thummler and watching for her next book! Thanks to her, I discovered I actually really love graphic novels and am so excited to continue exploring the genre 🥰

TW/CW: child death, grief, bullying (brief reference), death of parent

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Wow, the way I was an absolute sobbing mess at the end…

In the final installation of Sheets, we follow Wendell’s life and death and his journey to remember it. This is really a wonderful ending to these stories with a lot of heartwarming friendships and lessons learned.

This is definitely one of those books that can be enjoyed by everyone - there are so many difficult topics broached in a wonderful way to invoke understanding and acceptance.

The third graphic novel is easily the strongest and I can’t recommend it enough!!

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Thanks to Brenna Thummler and Oni Press, I received and read this free e-ARC via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

This is the third and, I believe, final graphic novel in the Sheets series. The trilogy has addressed friendship, grief, mental health issues, bullying, peer pressure and adolescence. I enjoyed it, particularly the last book. Wendell has always been my favorite character and the exploration of his backstory was the focus of this story. That allowed us to see how the characters have grown and changed and what they have learned. While the ending was bittersweet, it made sense.

My only minor "con" would be some of the designs of side characters was a bit strange. One of them was drawn and colored in a way that made her eyes looked bruised and her nose broken. It was a bit off-putting and distracting. But the main characters were consistent and I liked the color palette, as always.

I would definitely recommend this story and the trilogy as a whole.

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A really sweet and conclusive final to the Sheets trilogy. Thummler did a great job at tying all loose ends in the third and final instalment of the Sheets trilogy.

Lights focuses more on Wendell's life and subsequent death. His backstory was quite interesting and had me hooked from Sheets, when we first learned about his drowning. The introduction of a new character that played a strong role in Wendell's origin story helped to keep the series feel fresh.

I also liked the subplot of Marjorie and Eliza's ongoing and evolving friendship. Thummler has made some great points about the awkwardness and trickiness of making friends as a teenager, which most readers would find relatable.

The pacing of this book was very similar to Delicates. Lights showcases Thummler's refined skills and is a fantastic finale to this sweet and spooky series.

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Thank you to Oni Press and Netgalley for an arc of this graphic novel. All opinions are my own.

This was a beautiful end to the trilogy. The writing and illustrations were great and the storyline flowed well and was evenly paced.

Wendell has always been my favorite thing about the series and I loved how much of this novel was focused on him and his backstory. I do feel like Marjorie as a character didn't have as much growth in the beginning of this novel as I had hoped for, but I did warm up to her by the end of the book.

The ending of this book is bittersweet, but I couldn't think of a more fitting way to bring closure to the story.

This whole series is perfect for people of all ages. The novels are great for reading together as a family/class in order to discuss important topics.

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I assume this is the final part of the Sheets-Series. If it is, I think it is a good ending.
I'm glad that they finally spent some time of Wendell's backstory and ended the series on a postivie note for everyone.

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Lights is the final book in the Sheets series by Brenna Thummler. This is a connected series and I recommend reading the first two before you read this one. This book happens immediately after the end of Delicates. Marjorie and Eliza are working on their friendship and how to let other people in. Wendell is also learning how to deal with Marjorie spending time with other people. The three of them agree that they want to find out more about Wendell's death, as what he remembers is slowly fading.

This was an incredible final book. This story always seems like it will be lighthearted, but tells a much deep story than you would think. It was so heartfelt and poignant. Learning what happened to Wendell was freeing, but also incredibly sad. This book was about closure and getting to a place of comfort. Wendell had closure, as did Marjorie and Eliza with some of the painful things that had happened in their lives.

As always, the artstyle is beautiful and Thummler captures the emotions of all the characters. I like how she uses different tones, depending on whose voice you are reading at the time. Lights did a tremendous job of wrapping up the story from the previous two books and I think that this would be a great book for any middle grade lover. Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for a copy of this book. All opinions are 100% mine.

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Thank you NetGalley for the review copy!

Incredible moving final book. It's been an emotinal and heartfelt journey with these characters who tell a much deeper story then you would think. Highly recommend!

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I'm so sad that this is the conclusion but I'm beyond happy that it ended on such a high note! Both heartwarming and emotional, this made me feel all the feels! Just as with the other two installments, this had wholesome yet spooky vibes and I adored that we had the mystery aspect of finding out what happened to Wendell!
Thummler's gorgeous artwork is a big draw to this series but the story itself is also phenomenal! Can't wait to see what the author does next.

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