Cover Image: Enchanted to Meet You

Enchanted to Meet You

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Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books, and Meg Cabot for providing me with a digital copy of this book. This is my honest review.
A witchy rom com with a classic Meg Cabot feel. I won’t lie. This was a little insta-lovey and you have to suspend your disbelief for most of it, but I still enjoyed it. It felt a bit like eating a comfort meal that you know isn’t the best but still satisfies. Yes. I’m a little biased 😂

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Thank you to Avon and Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the eGalley to review!

I've never read any of Meg Cabot's adult novels, but this was a treat and I'll definitely read more of her adult collection! It's a cute, funny, and sometimes sexy story of small town romance and drama featuring witches. So if you like witches, long-time rivalries, and "we're not supposed to be doing this" type romances, you'll love this one.

The romance between Jessica and Derrick is sweet and delicious, with its own bit of drama due to some twists and turns that I honestly kind of expected but were interesting nonetheless. The point of view goes back and forth between the two, alternating chapters, with Jessica's in first-person and Derrick in third-person. We're also treated to Jessica's past with her bitter rival through flashback chapters. All the while, Jessica is also trying to mentor a young teenage witch, who's supposed to help her save the town. It's fun and I really enjoyed it!

This is one of those stories that I can see being adapted into a fully fledged television series and I am all for reading more installments and seeing that if it ever came to be.

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Cute, spooky, fun, and lovely; just what we all want to read! This book will brighten your spirits and put a smile on your face. I loved the characters and watching them evolve into one another was a plus!

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"Enchanted to Meet You" by Meg Cabot is a delightful rom-com that sprinkles magic into the world of modern dating. Cabot weaves a spellbinding tale set in New York City, where protagonist Jenny navigates the ups and downs of love, friendship, and discovering her true self. Cabot's signature wit shines through her writing, infusing the story with humor and charm. The romantic tension between Jenny and her love interest is palpable, and readers will find themselves rooting for their happily ever after. But what sets "Enchanted to Meet You" apart is its whimsical twist of magic, adding an extra layer of enchantment to an already captivating story. With its lovable characters and feel-good vibes, "Enchanted to Meet You" is a charming read that will leave you believing in the power of love and magic.

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I loved this book! It was whimsy, funny and everything I love in witchy books, and rom-coms. It had me laughing out loud so many times.

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Enchanted to Meet You by Meg Cabot offers a cast of likable characters that draw readers into a whimsical world. However, the magic system remains frustratingly unclear throughout the narrative, leaving readers grasping for more depth and clarity. The trope of the 'light bringer' and 'chosen one' feels unnecessary and cliché, detracting from the otherwise engaging storyline. Additionally, the frequent use of sexual language contrasts sharply with the closed-door approach to many of the intimate scenes, creating an odd dissonance in the narrative tone. Overall, while Enchanted to Meet You has its moments of charm, it falls short of fully captivating its audience.

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I finished this months ago and barely remember the premise. Two high school rivals are both told that they're the chosen one, I think? I think this would have been better if they'd both actually been in high school because that's how everyone acted.

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Enchanted to Meet You is typical Meg Cabot; a sweet romance with a magical touch of humor and silly antics all wrapped up in a fun fast moving plot. To be honest, I have liked this author's other series more, but this is a good start to the series. I can see myself getting involved with the characters of West Harbor and I am looking forward to reading more of the small magical town.

Thank you for the advance copy.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the e-arc!!!

This was my first Meg Cabot book and now I’m wondering what took me so long!!!

I was captivated (and even enchanted✨) from start to finish.

I love that the impression I got was that it was definitely tswift coded.
Jessica and Derek were solid characters.
I liked how Meg weaved their story together.

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Confession: I have a love/hate with Meg Cabot. I LOVED the Queen of Babble and Heather Wells series but that was about it. I think I just got lucky on reading those at excellent points in my life that they just fit and brought me laughter. I've even reread these series, something I almost never do!

I don't know what lured me in on Enchanted to Meet You but I was certainly taken by a romantic read with a little mystical vibe. I loved the moments of lighthearted conversations, the steam and the drama.

I have a new Meg Cabot series!

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I love Meg Cabot but this book didn’t do it for me. It left me wanting and not in a good way. It seemed like a half hearted attempt at getting into this romantasy genre

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As a young girl Jessica becomes obsessed with magic. She begins to study magic after finding a book of spells and considers herself a witch, even though the World Council of Witches doesn’t recognize her as a witch. Flash forward to adulthood and hottie Derrick comes into town and tells Jessica she is the Chosen One and she has to train the Bringer of Light in order to save their town.
This was a cute story. It had all of the small town vibes with a cozy, witchy twist. I loved the chemistry between Jessica and Derrick and I was rooting for them from the beginning. I also really loved the dynamics between Jessica and her group of friends. The story line was a little corny but cute, however the ending felt rushed. There was all this build up of training the Bringer of Light to save the town and then it felt like that never really happened and it all just kinda worked out in the end. Still a sweet story, just a little underdeveloped.

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I read this book almost a year ago & loved it! (sorry for the late review) This was a fun one and I loved all the cozy, quirky, witchy vibes that only Meg Cabot can do well. Meg's writing style is so original and you knew right away as soon as you started reading that it was a Meg Cabot book. I hope there are more books to come!

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An absolutely charming, delightful read, Meg Cabot has jumped back into my life with a bang! I've always been a fan of her YA work, and this is the first adult novel I've read by her, and I was really struck and impressed by the story, the world building, and the chemistry. The characters were fleshed out and interesting, and the diversity and inclusion of all races, orientations, and body types was really refreshing. I just really enjoyed reading this book, and I hope others do too.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Avon for allowing me to read this book.

Enchanted To Meet you was a cute and cozy read. However, I felt there was not enough character development between the FMC and MMC to justify their romance. I also felt there wasn’t enough stakes to the plot. Both of these issues combined took me out of the story.

With that being said I do think it is worth checking out.

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"Enchanted to Meet You” is a delightful concoction of cozy romance and mystical intrigue. Set in the charming town of West Harbor, this novel introduces us to a 30-something cottage witch, Jessica Gold, who has been quietly practicing her magical craft. When a rugged and bearded warlock named Derrick Winters walks into her boutique, Enchantments, Jessica’s life takes an unexpected turn.

The plot thickens as Derrick reveals that a deadly rift is surfacing beneath West Harbor, and Jessica is the Chosen One destined to prevent its catastrophic consequences. Alongside them is Esther Dodge, a 16-year-old high school student with a unique ability—she can explode pumpkins with her mind. Together, this unlikely trio must use their powers for good and save their town from an ancient curse.

Meg Cabot masterfully blends humor, romance, and enchantment. Jessica is a strong female heroine, and her chemistry with Derrick adds an extra layer of magic to the story. The book’s pacing keeps readers engaged, and the promise of more adventures in the Witches of West Harbor series leaves us eager for the next installment.

“Enchanted to Meet You” is a perfect potion of cozy, romantic, and whimsical fun. Cabot’s fans and newcomers alike will find themselves charmed by this delightful tale.

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A entertaining adult romance, that I would definitely recommend to fans of Meg Cabot's previous books!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher

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Jess and Derrick were great leads. I was intrigued by Derrick and all his secrecy, but Jess and Esther really stole the show. I loved Jess' passion for fashion and how she weaved magic into her work. Esther was a fascinating character and I'd love to see her explored more in later books!

The setting was also really lovely. Small, coastal New England town feel with impeccable spooky season vibes! This will be a perfect read for autumn!

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First I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to review this book. Enchanted to Meet You was such a pleasure to read. I remember spending so much time as a kid reading Meg Cabot's Princess Diaries series.. She brings the same wit and coziness to every novel. This was a great addition to spooky season- but would be a lot of fun year round .

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I can always count on Meg Cabot to serve a delightful romantic comedy, and this beginning series of the witches of West Harbor did not disappoint. Plus size witch Jessica has put a high school witchy prank behind her and is now a successful businesswoman with a thriving dress store. When Derrick arrives in town and claims she’s The Chosen One who will save her beloved town from outside forces, should she believe this tall, handsome stranger?

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