Member Reviews

Garrett Kohl is struggling to rebuild his ranch but his ranch and his family is again under attack by the threat against a nuclear research plant. This time he draws upon members of his community that have not always been on his side to fight back. If you lie Garrett Kohl, you will like this one, and you will look forward to a new book to see if new connections he has made will be in his best interest. I received this as an arc (though I had already pre-ordered it), and am under no pressure for a positive review.

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Moore did not disappoint! I loved the way this story was written. Keep me on edge wondering what was going to happen next with Garrett. It’s filled with thrill and action. Highly recommend!

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Garrett Kohl has completed his obligation with a mission for the CIA and just wants to get home to his ranch and family in Texas. The ranch had recently been damaged by wildfires and Garett faces financial problems. He has also promised his adopted son Asadi that he is home for good. Even in Texas Garrett finds trouble. Iranian agents have been blackmailing Liam, an engineer at a nuclear weapons facility. His father is being held in an Iranian prison and unless he cooperates his father will die. Through his old friend Ike, Liam is put in touch with Garrett, who notifies his CIA contact. A plan is put into place that goes wrong, critically injuring Garrett’s girlfriend Lacey. The Iranians’ goal is the theft of a train carrying nuclear warheads. Garrett and an odd group of enemies and friends stand in the way of a nuclear threat.

This is the third book in Taylor Moore’s Garrett Kohl series. He is a DEA Special Agent and former Green Beret.. On missions he is decisive and displays courage, but now he faces an unfamiliar situation - fatherhood. Luckily he has the support of his father and his brother. It is family and protecting their way of life that brings a newly released convict that Garrett helped put away, a bar owner who is retired from the military, a ranch hand who has had trouble with the law and the blackmailed engineer together to stop the Iranians. Moore provides non-stop action that guarantees an exciting reading experience. I would like to thank NetGalley and William Morrow Publishing for providing this book for my review.

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I love this series. Yes, it's a bit implausible, yes it's violent, but yes, it's also got a big heart in Garrett who is the guy you want in tough spots. Garrett Kohl, rancher and DEA Agent, also works with CIA officer Kim on special missions but he's promised his adopted son, Asadi, who he rescued in Afghanistan, that he's staying home. Not. Kim calls him out to help when an engineer at a nuclear production facility admits to being blackmailed by Iran because his father, a former CIA asset, had unwisely decided to visit Iran and is being held in Evin prison. Turns out there's a traitor (actually more than one) in the USG and Kim, who has been charged with identifying him/her, enlists Garrett's help, again. Meanwhile, Asadi is struggling with the school bully and Garrett's romantic interest Lacey is approached by her high school friend, now a wealthy woman, with a proposition. Moore, who is a terrific storytelling, mixes the big scary action with the smaller, more personal moments. You will feel the tension more than once. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC of this real page turner. Best of all, Moore has left a very good opening for another adventure.

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Garret Kohl is ready to settle down on his ranch with his father, adopted son, and, hopefully, a new wife. But when he’s called in on another special mission, he runs into multiple problems. He steps up and does what needs to be done. He’ll find himself working with together with his crew of trusted men, friends, and his family to try to defeat the Iranian terrorists who are determined to steal US nuclear bombs.

This book is exceptionally well-written. It’s a page turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat with all the unexpected turns it throws. You’ll find great, realistic characters and a bunch of unexpected heroes. I suspect that you’ll be rooting for the good guys like I was.

My one complaint was occasionally difficult to follow the timeline, but that wasn’t a big problem. Other than that one minor difficulty that was likely dealt with in final editing, this was a gripping story that will hold your attention from beginning to end. This is the third book in the Garret Kohl series, but it can stand on its own. I do think reading them in order will make it easier to understand the connections between the characters and what’s happening, but the author provides enough information to make this easy enough to read on its own. I can’t wait to find out what happens in the next book.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. I thank all involved for their generosity, but it had no effect on this review. All opinions in this review reflect my true and honest reactions to reading this book.

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I received this book from NetGalley as an advanced copy

This is the second book I have read by this author, and I really enjoyed it!

Garrett is h oping to slow down and be back home with his girlfriend after fulfilling his CIA contract.
He gets pulled into another adventure that is fast paced and interesting. Really good action, suspense and this book just pulls you in to it all.
I really enjoyed it and will continue to look for books from this author.

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I received a free copy of Ricochet by Taylor Moore from the publisher, and I want to thank them for the chance to read an Advanced reader copy.

Garret Kohl is home from another mission that he took on for the CIA, and he's told his family and adopted son, Asadi that he's done with traveling to help the government and the CIA. He wants to stay home, raise and teach his adopted son, and spend some quality time with him. But,that isn't going to happen when he's asked to help a man who works for the government and is being blackmailed by a foreign source, that is going to need to be stopped!

this book is the 3rd in this excellent series, and can be read as a stand alone, though I do recommend that you start with the first book "Down Range" so that you can follow along with all that has gone on since Garret came home with Asadi to start a new life for both of them. on his ranch. The author does a great job of keeping the book going at a good pace, with plenty of descriptive information that I can actually visualize the area in Texas and everyone involved.

This book is a fast paced, action packed story that is well worth reading.

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Garrett Kohl is a former Green Beret now deep cover counternarcotics for a DC alphabet agency. This author focuses his books in his native Texas and I’ve wanted to read one of them since hearing him interviewed by Cindy on her @thoughtsonthepage podcast. Thanks to #SceneoftheCrimeearlyread,
@NetGalley, and @williammorrowbooks for allowing me to jump into the middle of this series. I think I was probably missing a little bit of context but thoroughly enjoyed this thriller all the same.

Starting off with a rocket paced underwater swim to a human hijacking then lots of gunfire, near misses, and loss of crucial life-sustaining equipment then moving to the Texas panhandle where Kohl calls home, there is a shot of adrenaline in every chapter to keep the pages turning including bombs, car chases, floods, bad guy hijinks and good guy rescues.

With a strong sense of Texas and a vein of inside the beltway intelligence this propulsive novel is the perfect summer read to offset some of the more serious books. It’s coming on 8/29/2023 if it sounds like something you would enjoy.

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Ricochet is a fierce and fast-paced story of treachery, misdirection, redemption and family. Taylor Moore has delivered a compelling thriller that wonderfully balances dangerous action with tender moments. A great addition to this stimulating series.

Garrett Kohl has paid his debt to the CIA after completing a mission to hunt down a traitor on the run. He’s looking forward to settling down on his ranch with the love of his life and his adopted son when he gets pulled back in to help an engineer at the nearby nuclear weapons plant who is being extorted by Iranian operatives. Garrett crafts a plan to turn the tables on the Quds Force spies but before he can get the mission under way, all hell breaks loose when the Iranians hijack a train with nuclear weapons. Enlisting the help of his friends and an enemy, they must do everything in their power to stop that train, recover the nuclear devices and keep their sacred home in the Texas High Plains safe from a catastrophic outcome.

Ricochet contains several expertly crafted action sequences that are ridiculously intense and sure to please the most hard-core thriller fans. But the heart of this book and what makes it memorable is the emotion elicited by character development and relationships. Father/Son communications, male/female dynamics, and overcoming adversarial interactions. Finding oneself, standing up to bullies, not being defined by your past and determining what’s most important in your life. All these themes are present and create a story that is much more than chasing down rogue spies hellbent on destroying America. They shine a spotlight on the human spirit and explore how interpersonal connections add richness to life.

This book has it all - high speed chases, gun battles, fist fights, flash floods, assassination attempts, business dealings, life lessons, personal betterment, and more. Taylor Moore has the goods and is now a perfect three for three in delivering intense stories that will give you the feels.

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Even though Taylor Moore is fairly new to me, I know when I start a book from him I am in for an adventure. I really enjoyed this book. It starts with him fulfilling his CIA contract and hoping to move back home and start his life with his girlfriend and adopted son. Life has other ideas. A group is working through a government location to steal nuclear weapons and only Garrett Kohl can save the day. I love the action and the interactions between him and people of his town such as Bo and his son Sam. This is what puts the book into higher air as it has some levity and raises it higher than a typical straight action book. I look forward to reading more from Mr. Moore..

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Garrett has seen everything bad in this world. He is enjoying being hone with his family. When he is approached about a new mission, he collaborates with his friends. This book lagged in a few places.

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I received a free copy of, Ricochet, by Taylor Moore, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Elite CIA agent Garrett Kohl, just wants to return to his hometown in Texas, and relax. Enjoy family life in his close town. Garrett is asked to do an uncover assignment, and things do not go as planned. I enjoyed this book, not my typical read, but enjoyable.

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I hadn’t read the first two books in this series and had some difficulty learning who the characters were and how they were connected. I might have rated higher otherwise.
There were many intense moments in the book that had me reading faster to find out what would happen and how the scenario played out.
If you like stories about multiple agencies (military & law enforcement) crossing over and having to work together to resolve crises this book would interest you. I was getting lost with the amount of acronyms and descriptions of agencies and devices throughout each chapter. I was most drawn into the chapters following Asadi and his relationships with other characters.

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Taylor Moore's third Garrett Kohl adventure hits all the right notes in thrills, nail biting suspense and matters of the heart. Ricochet picks up a few months after the wildfire that nearly destroyed the Kohl ranch. Garrett, adopted son Asadi, his crusty dad, and girlfriend Lacey are all caught up in a web of lies, treachery, bullies and international intrigue as an assassination plot is unleashed via a runaway train.
Young Asadi learns the hard way how to protect himself and his girlfriend from the school bully.
Garrett must team up with the devil herself to save his ranch.
And Lacey's life hangs by a thread after tangling with Iranian henchmen.
Will Garrett take on yet another overseas assignment from his friend Kim in the CIA? Or will he become the family man he was destined to be?
Only if our hero and his ragtag crew of survivors can save the Texas Panhandle from certain doom!
Let Ricochet fire in to your reading room for a fast-paced adventure that keeps on giving 'til the radioactive finish.

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Garrett Kohl is completing his final mission and paying his debt to the CIA when this book opens. He's promised his adopted Afghan son, Asadi, that he won't be leaving again. He's home for good, focused on rebuilding his Texas Panhandle ranch after a devastating wildfire and deepening his relationship with Lacey.

But, as in each Garrett Kohl novel, the bad guys have other ideas. This time they bring the fight to him.
The Pantex Nuclear facility is the target.

I'm always amazed at how deep the corruption goes in the different agencies and branches of government. This author doesn't shy away from revealing it in a realistic, believable, and knowledgeable way.

So, once again, Kohl and everyone he loves are placed in heart-stopping danger. And while he wants more than anything to protect his family, there is something deeply embedded inside him that won't let him walk away from making every attempt to stop a bold terrorist act that could destroy America. And he recruits a ragtag crew of outcasts and outlaws to help him.

I love everything about this character. His dedication to and love for his family is the true mark of a hero. He's tough, fearless, and invincible, yet on the other hand, he's stumbling his way through his new role as a father.

This is the third book in this series, and even though the author wrapped up the ending nicely, he left enough loose threads to continue the story. Every book by Moore is well-written, gripping, and realistic. Any of these scenarios could happen. I love the setting, the wide and expansive Texas Panhandle. It's a place where a man can get lost or found, depending on the situation. It was great to revisit all the characters from books one and two and to see how Asadi is adjusting to the ranching way of life. If you love a good thriller with underlying family dynamics, you will enjoy this series by Taylor Moore. Even though each book stands alone, I do recommend starting with the first book, Down Range, to get the characters and their roles established.

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