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In the Likely Event

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Man this book put me through a whole list of emotions. I went from one extreme end to another, wondering when it would be their time. Every time you think this is the moment Nate and Izzy make it official, something always comes up. When it did, I wanted to throw my kindle at the wall but eventually they got the timing right.

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I flew through this book with such ease that I had to enjoy it to some level. However, as my first military romance there was something about the setting being a rapidly falling Afghanistan that felt off. I adored the level of life getting in the way for Nate and Izzy but I was starting to predict a medical discharge via a lost limb as there was no real clear path besides Nate just having enough, or quite frankly dying. I would love to see the pair appear as an easter egg in another novel as we didn't get enough time of them just existing outside of that time.

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“In the Likely Event” by Rebecca Yarros is an emotional roller coaster full of angst and romance. This story does not lead the characters to an easy happily ever after but instead slowly teases them with glimpses of happiness and then yanks it away. Never fear though they do finally get their happy ending. I expected this type of story from Rebecca Yarros as every single book I have read of hers is comparable to an emotional wrecking ball! I love this type of story but it may not be for those who enjoy a smoother journey on the love train.

The tropes explored are “Right Person, Wrong Time” “Second Chances” “Military Life” and “Forced Proximity.”

One of my favorite quotes that absolutely gutted me,
" I Want you to live, Izzy. I want you to go to class and get excited for your Friday nights. I want you to smile and laugh and not spend your months locked away in your room, waiting for me. It would kill me to watch you waste your life like that. i want us to get the shot we deserve, which means we both have to agree the timing is right, and it's just....not. Not yet."

Overall I enjoyed the story but I always enjoy a good angsty romance 😉

4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

📚Disclosure: I received a review copy of this #book from the author/publisher via #Netgalley. All thoughts, opinions, comments, and interpretations of the story are my own and bias free. I did not receive any money in exchange for this review. Thank you to the publisher/author for allowing me the opportunity to review. 🦄
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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC.

Unfortunately this one was not for me.. I think if I had better read the premise versus just seeing the author's name I would have known it quicker.

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Soooo I’m not going to have a popular opinion on this one. Nope.
I want to start off by saying I have loved many stories by this author. In fact, at least two of her stories have brought me to tears.
I officially gave up on this one around 26%. I don’t even care enough to see how it ends. It just seems a little too drawn out for me.

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10 So Much Changes In Ninety Seconds Stars!!!

This book changed me in ways I wasn’t expecting. I not only got to read this book but I also listened to the amazing narration of Carly Robbins and Teddy Hamilton. Not only was I glued to my kindle at every opportunity I could find, but I listened to each chapter as I was reading them and it made the reading/listening experience exponentially higher than I’ve had a while!

Izzy and Nate are complete strangers but that all changes within minutes of meeting each other and they’re forever linked. Both of them in their own ways have experienced life that is different from each other. Izzy’s family is rich and connected whereas Nate’s isn’t. But as they say, a tragedy and/or trauma will change your life and in this case, it brought these two to each other even if it did take some time for them to find their forever.

Throughout this book, we’re taken on a journey through the past and the present. There aren’t many authors that excel at this type of story, Ms. Yarros is one of them and she does this expertly and with precision and excellence. We’re in the heart of a war as Izzy is on a mission that no one really agrees with, because it’s different than what she led certain people to believe and Nate is not only her protector, but also facing demons that are so hauntingly present in his every day movements, I was gasping at times with his pain.

There are moments in this book that had me in tears as I watched Nate’s and Izzy’s worlds colliding especially when it comes to Izzy’s relationship with her sister Serena. Their bond can be felt across the miles and they’ll do anything for each other. When Nate and Izzy have a conversation that is way overdue, I found myself mesmerized by how beautifully Ms. Yarros handled it. It’s gut-wrenching at moments.

If you’ve read Rebecca Yarros in the past, you know that sometimes she gives us moments that are devastating but they’re done purposefully because life isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. This is one of the reasons that I will read anything and everything that she writes… even if I bawl like a baby! This is a not to be missed book because it will forever change you!

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Thank you for my eARC of this book. This was an emotional and captivating read, I loved the flashbacks and the dynamic between our 2 main characters. The plot itself was satisfying and I thought the romance was great. I loved the portrayal of poor mental health and trauma too.

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This is my favorite book with alternate time lines I've ever read!

I was hooked on this story from the very first page. I immediately was rooting for Izzy and Nate as their connection and chemistry was undeniable from their first meeting. They take right place, wrong time to a whole different level. The chapters set in the past gave glimpses as to how their relationship has formed over the years and present chapters filled me with frustration as I just wanted them to figure it out already!

This author never ceases to amaze me with her story telling skills. I devoured this story and while I couldn't be physically reading it, I was listening to it. If I couldn't listen to it, I was thinking about it. I would take more of Izzy and Nate's story any day.

Grateful to have received a complimentary ARC copy to honestly review.

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Une romance militaire comme sait si bien les écrire Rebecca Yarros. Une explosion d'émotions et des flashbacks qui nous permettent de revenir sur les détails du passé. De l'action, du suspense et un coup de coeur pour ce couple.

Nathaniel Phelan est un héros comme on les adore. La rencontre avec notre héroïne nous colle des papillons dans le ventre car on sent tout de suite que ces deux-là vont matcher. Deux destins opposés et pourtant l'alchimie entre eux est vraiment géniale. J'ai adoré découvrir cet homme qui aura toujours à coeur de protéger celle qu'il aime clairement. Il s'est promis de réussir les épreuves pour se lancer dans les forces spéciales et sa rencontre avec Izzy ne pouvait pas plus mal tomber. Il devra faire un choix mais ce ne sera jamais facile et on dirait que les cieux se sont ligués pour rendre leur amour impossible. Avec ses frères d'armes, il va vivre l'enfer, il va y survivre mais il y laissera des plumes. Quand quelques années plus tard, il est en charge de la sécurité de la seule femme qui a compté dans sa vie, rien ne sera simple. Des non dits, des quiproquos mais ils devront se parler à coeur ouvert pour espérer tourner la page et pourquoi pas en écrire une nouvelle.

Izzy Astor a une peur bleue de l'avion et elle va tomber par le plus grand des hasards sur un jeune homme plus que charmant. Ils vont très vite faire connaissance mais des circonstances dramatiques vont surgir et les marquer pour jamais. Elle aura toujours un lien spécial avec lui et ses relations amoureuses ne pourront qu'être vouées à l'échec. Elle est enoturée d'une famille qui n'en a rien à faire d'elle mais qui se servira d'elle pour leur aspirations politiques. On les voit peu mais suffisamment pour savoir qu'ils sont détestables. Elle pourra heureusement compter sur son seul pilier, à savoir sa soeur Serena, qui saura lui dire les bonnes paroles au bon moment. Cette histoire d'amour est magnifique car elle est faite dans la douleur et les obstacles seront tellement nombreux qu'on se demande si on aura vraiment droit à une romance.

Bref, j'espère que ce roman de l'autrice sera traduit car il est vraiment magnifique et j'ai passé un superbe moment en le lisant. On sait que Rebecca Yarros maîtrise les romances militaires et elle nous le prouve une fois de plus.

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Frustrating yet epically wonderful at the same time!

Oh my! I highlighted, marked, and re-read so many passages and quotes and scenes from this book already!! Nate and Izzy are a second-third-fourth chance couple. Their first meeting is fated - I mean a plane crash, c'mon!! Then they run into each other years later and so begins a non-relationship relationship.

These two will frustrate you, the circumstances will stress you out, these two will make you scream, and oh how they will make you cry. But epic love stories are like that. In the Likely Event is a fantastic read that survives deployments, boyfriends/girlfriends, an engagement, and everything in between.

"'I have one weakness on this entire planet...So please, have some...mercy on me for once in your life...'"
"It was impossible to give away a heart I'd never gotten back in the first place."

This book will surprise you, delight you, and drive you absolutely insane. These two aren't easy, but in the end - they are so worth the wait!

I adored this story. It ranks up there with The Things We Leave Unfinished by this same author and that is my fave read EVER!!

Epicness achieved once again Ms. Yarros - well done!!!

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I loved this book so much! It was very different in comparison to Fourth Wing, but Rebecca Yarros did an amazing job building the relationship between Izzy and Nate. I was rooting for them the entire storing. Also, the story ended up being better than what I thought it may be based on the description. I could not stop listening to find out what would happen between Izzy and Nate. The story constantly took such interesting turns, I loved the dual perspective as well as dual timeline. Strongly recommend this book!

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Oh my days! This book gave me all the feels. I was on the brink of bawling twice and I don’t cry at books easily. I laughed, I loved the characters, I was furious with the characters, I wanted to give the characters a good strong shake…. ALL the feels!

The end almost felt anti-climactic but I loved the happy ending we got. Beautiful.

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Advanced Readers Copy

" You're still trying to save everyone but yourself"

Title: In the Likely Event
Author: Rebecca Yarros
Publisher: Montlake
Edition: Kindle
Amount of Pages: 348
Genre: Romance, New Adult
Trope's: Military Hero, Forced proximity, Right person at the wrong time
Spice: 1 1/2/5 peppers

Date Read: 10-08-2023

Favorite Quote: " You can't control the decisions other people make, nor do you bear the blame for the consequences of their choices"

" Ignoring a situation doesn't make it better for the people living it"

" Promise me you're out there living and not just existing"

" I Want you to live, Izzy. I want you to go to class and get excited for your Friday nights. I want you to smile and laugh and not spend your months locked away in your room, waiting for me. It would kill me to watch you waste your life like that. i want us to get the shot we deserve, which means we both have to agree the timing is right, and it's just....not. Not yet."

I really enjoyed this book. The jumping back and forth in time and giving us pieces of information here and there really kept me going. I just wanted to know what was going on so everytime I though let me take a break and they jumped back I just had to keep going.
I liked the right person wrong time trope but it was also frustrating because I thought they could easily be together regardless of him deploying, but I do understand his reasoning.
I do wish I got to see them actually be together, in a relationship a bit more.

What is this book about:
This book is about Izzy and Nate. They originally meet on a flight that crashes. Nate wishes he could stay with Izzy after the crash but he has to report to boot camp. After a while they meet again and their connection is just as strong as the day they meet. It's truely a right person wrong time kind of thing because Nate is about to deploy. Over the years they keep in touch whenever they can, meeting up whenever they can but Nate insist their timing is always wrong to start a relationship.

Nate and Izzy meet again in Afganistan, a place where nate never expected to see her again, this is after a few years of no contact and them having a falling out of sorts. Nate is assigned as her bodyguard during her tour in afganistan for a politician. He doesn't want to see her in danger but doesn't really want to switch with someone else. They have allot of things that they need to resolve but their want for each other isn't one of those things. Can they overcome what happened and will this finally be the right time for them to be together.

What did I like/love:
I liked the chemistry and banter between Nate and Izzy. I also enjoyed the tension and suspense the story had. It really kept me engaged.
I did not see the plot twist coming, usually I do but this time I really didn't. It made me want to reread the book to see if I could catch the hints this time.

What did I dislike/hate:

4 1/2 stars

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In The Likely Event follows Izzy and Nate, jumping between their first meeting where they bonded over a shared traumatic event, to the present, where they are reunited in Afghanistan, with Izzy in politics and Nate in the army. Overall, this wasn’t a book for me, I have read previous romances by Rebecca Yarros and quite like her writing style and pacing. In this case, it was the overall trope and setting of the book that just didn’t capture me, generally, when I am reading a romance that involves soldiers/war/army I don’t want it to revolve around these features. I kind of tune out when the army stuff is happening, or prefer it to be referenced instead of explicit and in this case it took up so much of the story, which meant I wasn’t really interested. Unfortunately I only made it to the 20% mark before realising I likely wasn’t going to get into the story, I am sure a lot of audiences who prefer this type of story will love it.

Thanks to Netgalley for giving me the option to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Second chances? Or the right person and the right time to take your shot?

In the Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros is just one of those stories that sweeps you straight into the world and you can't help but fall for the characters. After the masterpiece that was Fourth Wing I couldn't wait for this title to come out. Yarros blew me away with her storytelling abilities.

In the Likely Event is told old over dual PoVs, from both Izzy and Nate. We watch as they survive a horrific plane crash and form a bond unlike any other, all whilst fate plays it's best hand at keeping them apart. Nate has his military focus and Izzy has law school.

I loved this book. It's full of banter, angst, pining and just the right amount of stubbornness.

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I received at complementary ARC of this book from Netgalley on behalf of Montlake and was under no obligation to post a favorable review.

Nate and Izzy meet on a flight by a twist of fate. After this fateful flight they lose track of each other with no way of contacting each other, even though the chemistry between them is so strong and they really liked each other. After several chance meetings in the ten years to follow, the two of them meet in Afghanistan when Izzy is there on a work assignment and Nate is her military guard and the sparks continue to fly.

The romantic chemistry between these two is evident, but their stubbornness keeps them from getting out of their own way. Nate has his military career, that keeps him under the radar and Izzy has been building her career in the states. I liked the premise and the story was good, I kind of felt like it dragged a bit, the tension between them was almost annoying at points, and maybe a bit repetitive. I know a lot of people are giving negative reviews but I think as a romance goes it’s a good romantic novel.

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Rebecca Yarros cannot write anything bad... Her stories are always top tier masterpiece! There're emotions mixed with perfectly perfect banter and steam - no matter what kind of story she's delivering.

It was just like that with In The Likely Event! I enjoyed this story so much . I felt hooked up from the beginning and I couldn't put it down. Author's storytelling was magical and I literally lived between the pages. It was amazing and addictive, with every new book by Rebecca's proving that being a writer is her destiny.

Must read alert!

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I’m not really into military romances but the first half definitely got me into the story! Enjoyed the dual POV and the ‘never right timing’ trope. I cried a little, stressed, and enjoyed Izzy and Nate’s story overall!!

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I picked this up after loving Fourth Wing by this author. I know this is a whole other genre, but I liked her writing so I was intriuged to pick it up. While not my favorite romance of all time, its definitely still enjoyable and on the more deep end of romances. Emotional and moving but still having its bright moments.

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3.5 stars.
There's a lot about this book I liked and some things I didn't quite care for.
I don't particularly care for political aspects and talks about war and that was a huge part of this book. I liked the characters but they are both terrible at communication and so many issues could've been solved with a conversation. Also Nate prioritizes his job over everything and I think he almost uses that as an excuse to be a jerk to Izzy. Not saying he should've been expected to not pursue his dreams but he kind of avoided everything else to do it. Even visiting his mother...
If I were Izzy I would've given up on a relationship with Nate very early on but I can see why she didn't.
The whole brought together by fate is cute and the chance encounters multiple times I loved. Overall the story was cute and I don't expect characters to not have flaws but I honestly think Izzy could've done better.

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