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The Love Rematch

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don't we all have those embarrassing moments that we replay over and over again in our head... try having it go viral! Poor Emily. Book boyfriend - check, romantic rivals - check, cute funny moments - check, love story you wish would happen to you - check. I absolutely devoured this book, the plot was fresh and characters ADORABLE.

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The Love Rematch follows the story of Jake and Emily. Thanks to her Mum, Emily finds herself the star of popular dating show “The Love Match”, only issue is, Jake, the show producer, is her high school ex boyfriend who left without saying goodbye and now they are thrust back into each others lives.

This was an enjoyable book. The characters of Emily and Jake were likeable and their story was interesting. However, I felt the pace of this book was completely off. It randomly kept jumping back in time to flashbacks without any real structure.
The story also moved very fast with no real exploration of anything and nothing that really added to the story.

So, whilst enjoyable, it all felt very rushed.

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Imagine this: you're jewelry designer Emily Peters. One morning, your twin sister Sam calls you because your mom appears on a national morning show (think: Good Morning America) to essentially bully the producers to put you on a Bachelor-esque dating show as the single lady all the men compete for. It sounds crazy, but you know what? Your life could use a little jazzing up, and the exposure for your business is something you never could have dreamed of. The whole thing is nuts, and you think you can manage the next six weeks just fine, until you meet one of the producers. His name is Jake, and he's the one who broke your heart. He's the one who got away. He's the one who ruined relationships for you seven years. So now, you have to date, reality-show style, 30 men while Jake literally supervises all of it.

Not only is the premise so clever and the main character Emily so lovable, but the balls-t0-the-walls world of reality dating shows makes such a fun backdrop for what turns out to be a rather serious storyline between Jake and Emily.

What I liked:
- totally fun and insane premise. Emily's ability to dive right in without being self-conscious was what made it all work.
- Jake's character arc
- Samantha. How lucky is Emily to have a sister like her?
- The producers. They're horrible and cutthroat and it's so great to see that in real life. In particular Nina, who seems to have a sixth sense for bullshit and shenanigans.
- Emily!! She's so earnest and true to herself, even in these strange reality-tv-dating situations <The scene at the jousting date.... OMG I was practically cheering aloud>
- the men, and seeing how they're pitted against each other but they're just stereotypes in the storytelling arc of the dating show. Some turned out to be real people underneath the bluster but in general they were just templates

What I didn't:
- there were some time jump thoughts/conversations/memories that were way too confusing. This was between Emily and Jake as they're reminiscing and rehashing their past relationship. I mean - deeply confusing. It was hard to know where the recollection began and ended.
- Some of the character's backstories were a little too vague. They're from Georgia but reference being at the beach, and it's with some regularity. So is this coastal Georgia? Small town, posh town, island? Some of the town vibes would for sure infiltrate the high school, which is where a lot of the 'past' action took place. I think building this part up, even with just a few info points, would help.
- Is Jake's dad dead, in jail, left, other? He plays such a big psychic role in the story that it would make sense to know where he is now

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for this ARC.

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The minute I realised this was a bachelorette show premise book I was like “yesss finally” - why hasn’t this been explored before?!

The thing I liked so much about this book was that I was let guessing how this would turn out and resolve up until the third act. So many books are predictable in their plot but this was a breath of fresh air. It captured everything we love and hate about that kind of show whilst unearthing the past relationship of the two MC’s.

This was a unique take on a second chance romance and I found the authors style of writing really easy to read and follow and it did not skip out on the character development.

I love how she’s set us up for the next book in the series, I won’t give away any spoilers but I think it’s super clever.

Thank you netgalley, the author and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Love Rematch is a unique second-chance romance novel that will have you rooting for the love interests!

Emily is still single in her early twenties, much to her mums disappointment. So, she decides to take matters into her own hands and broadcast her daughters single status across America in the hopes that she will be the new star of the hit reality TV series - the Love Match. Despite her concerns, Emily goes for it, knowing that it will be good for her business. However, she doesn’t expect to the see the ex love of her life behind the camera filming her as she tries to fall in love with a host of different guys. In front of 10 million people.

I really liked the premise of this book. I’m usually not a huge fan of second chance romances but this one may have changed my mind! It was a fresh concept that still managed to get in all of the favoured tropes - forced proximity, jealous love interest etc etc. Jake and Emily had really palpable energy and were completely drawn to each other which I loved.

Although this does fall under the ‘miscommunication’ trope, the characters did have more grit to them and their reasons were more understandable than in most romance books where you are screaming at them for the love of God to just speak to each other. I liked a lot as a main character - she was unapologetically herself and was determined to get the best out of the situation she was thrown into too. Jake was the love interest of dreams - perfect for Emily and absolutely ‘book boyfriend material’. I loved their love.

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I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! The characters were so lovable and I love second chance romances. Also loved that a reality dating show was included. I'm a huge fan!

Perfect beach read!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Imagine waking up to a phone call from your sister to turn on the TV - as you watch in horror as your mum is on TV speaking of how single and alone you are? To be placed on a TV show like the Bachelorette where one of the directors is your EX BOYFRIEND?!

Well... this is the first ARC I've been sent and wow! Second chance romance, forced proximity and dual POV - the holy trinity. Reading Emily and Jake's story, I found it hard to put down and I read it within the space of around 5 hours. Kay managed to transport me into the show The Love Rematch, and the character development I witnessed was truly amazing. And I genuinely cannot wait to read about Sam and Coopers budding romance in Kay's next book. I hope we get to see more of Sam and Emily's twin-sisterly bond in the next book - and maybe some of Jemily too!

Thank you Netgalley for providing me the e-ARC of this book in exchange of an honest review.

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This was such a fun, fast-paced read. Emily is the new lead for one of her favourite dating shows called “The love rematch”. After her mum embarrasses Emily on a national TV, exclaiming to the world that her daughter needs a man, the video goes viral and Emily somehow gets convinced to star on “The love rematch”.
With 30 men fighting for Emily’s attention, what could possible go wrong?
Cue in Emily’s ex boyfriend Jake, who turns out to be the producer of the show.

This book was an easy read, made me laugh, gave off bachelorette vibes with a slow burn / second chance romance/ forced proximity and unexpected plot twists.

Release date for this book is 16.10.23.
Thank you to Netgallery & Kay Marie for sending me this ARC for review.

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This was a really fun romance. Romance tends to be very hit or miss for me these days, but this one scratched that itch.

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Um, The Bachelorette with a side of revenge? Yes please. This was hilarious and I ate it up. I read this in A DAY. My only actual complaint is how short it is and it’s only because I didn’t want it to end. I adored this book!

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I think going into this, I knew it wouldn’t be for me. I have never been one for reality shows like the one in this plot, but I thought I’d give it a go. I ended up skim reading about 70% of it. I just had no interest in it at all. However, I’m still giving it 4 stars because it wasn’t for me but I can see how others will love it.

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Such a good read!!! Demolished it in a couple of hours.

The Love Rematch is a second chance romance set in a reality tv show setting. This book is fast paced, witty, steamy and an all round good read! The angst in this is just perfect. Would highly recommend and cannot wait for the second instalment of the series!

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⚡️ All a woman needs to take on the world is a pair of killer earrings and a ring with enough carats to cut. ⚡️

Thanks NetGalley for this arc!

Emily is the new lead for a hit dating show. Jake is the producer and seven years ago they were in love. Let the games begin… Emily spends her days working for her mother at the flower show while also working on her jewellery line. Until her mother ends up on national tv exclaiming Emily needs a man. When clip goes viral the hit show The Love Match sweeps her up but it all turns to a nightmare when she arrives and her ex boyfriend of seven years Jake is staring right at her.. what could possibly go wrong?

This book was so sweet and funny and is the definition of your feet kicking and smiling while reading. I really enjoyed the whole bachelor vibe this story gave and it was refreshing to see a story not go down the traditional plot line. This book was extremely easy to read and the writing was generally so well done, I am not someone that normally enjoys third person romances however, this was just done incredibly well it didn’t feel as if I could really tell the difference. If you’re looking for a story that is all about second chance romances, really funny and has a good slow burn plot/build up this book is definitely for you!

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Emily’s mother got on a popular morning television show, lobbying for Emily to be on the dating show The Love Match. She will be matched with thirty guys who will be fighting for her attention. Jack, the man who broke her heart when he left her seven years ago, is the producer. Her sister, Sam, convinces Emily to enjoy herself and have her revenge. I loved this book. Emily and Jake have so many secrets that need to be shared throughout their love/hate relationship. The men chosen for the show were so different and offered a lot of humor as the dates progressed. Cooper was a special guy, and I loved his strength, humor, and tenderness. Great book with wonderful characters.

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I am honestly surprised by how much I liked this book. At the beginning it felt like the characters lacked depth, and I hated Jake for what I assumed he'd done. But as the story progressed, the emotional depth of the characters became clearer and I loved the story of these two characters who fell in love when they were in school, carrying that torch forward still years later. It was a very sweet, hopeful story of love at first sight. I really enjoyed seeing it through to the end and I'm eager to read the next book to get a glimpse of Jake and Emily again (hopefully)!

Special thanks to Kay Marie and Netgalley for providing an early review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for approving this ARC to me.

Emily Peters needs a Man! That is what her mom thinks! Her mom does the most embarrassing thing every By going to see Emily’s favorite show and to beg the host of the show to have her daughter to be the leading lady of the Love Match. This show is very much like the Bachelor. When the show decides to go ahead with this, Emily does not what to do. She is simply not ready to have a man in her life. 7 years ago, her boyfriend basically ended their relationship by running away from her. One day, boom, he was gone! And Emily never recovered.

When she finally decides to go ahead with this show, she can’t believe the following thing. Her ex boyfriend, Jake, is on the set as well! He is one of the producers who deals with the single men on the show. But revenge can be a sweet thing! This is her chance to show him that she no longer cares about him and that she can have any guy she wants. He will suffer!

But some things are not what they seem to be. Jake never got over Emily either. What if he had a reason to leave Emily 7 years ago….? What if he is still in love with her? And what if Emily still secretly wants Jake?

I liked this book. The story is definitely Rom-Com worthy! It’s something I would like to see on screen. I loved Emily’s sister as well. She is totally the opposite of her and you just know that the next book will be about her. I loved the ending of the book. It was well written and definitely a page turner. I simply had to know the ending! I was missing some spicy scenes though. We only get one intimate scene, and it wasn’t really mind blowing. You would think after 7 years missing each other so much that the intimate scene would be explosive! But unfortunately, it wasn’t. But overall, the story was well written and Kay really got me excited on her next book.

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The Love Rematch

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I loved this read! The whole book was entertaining and funny, The Love Rematch is a second chance romance. I was hooked as soon as I read the first chapter!

Em’s mum was so funny! I’d be digging my grave if I was Emily and my mom did that to me. Mortified I would be, Mortified.

I really enjoyed Jake and Emily’s story past and present. The story had me grieving from the start about wanting them together but they knew they couldn’t be together. Obviously, because Emily was doing her TV show and he was a producer as there is no way they could be together.

For me, I really enjoyed watching Jake (Emily’s ex) having to watch the love of his life on a dating show but, he is the producer so he has to sit and watch all day every day Emily meeting new men and watching her kissing New men. Can you imagineee???

With above, not seen each other within seven years since he left her in bed and not been seen since until Emily finds herself of the dating show ‘The Love Rematch’ Emily determine to know why Jake left. She has every right to make him jealous, so she can find out about the truth about the past and heal the broken.

I really love this book, and I highly recommend it when it is released. If you are looking for witty, comical romance book, this is the perfect book for you.

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Thanks so much to Kay Marie for the eARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

I loved the premise of this story, the bachelorette elements as well as the second chance and slight revenge plot. It also started off really well. Unfortunately the plot dwindled during the middle and I persevered through. The main action occurs in the last 10% with so many twists that it was hard to keep up. Whilst the twists were an excellent (albeit slightly too many) additions, it would have been great to see these paced throughout the story rather than at the end.

The characters also seemed underdeveloped, I just didn’t quite understand nor connect with Jake’s reasoning behind leaving Emily (I appreciated that the author also dwells on his mistake as those surrounding him didn’t quite understand too). I enjoyed the way the author dwelled on the double edged nature of entertainment and displaying how not everything shown/aired is what actually happened. I also loved the recurring theme of promoting Emily’s business and how she can make the show work for her.

I think the story has everything for an excellent book, however it could benefit from better pacing and more rounded characters.

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this is such an amazing second chance romance, usually alot of them don't usually work for me because they can never make sense the way I want them to. this book was definitely an exception in the best way. it's basically about a woman named emily who goes on a dating show because of her mother. she finds out her ex boyfriend who left her 7 years ago is actually the producer. she decides to stay on the show for revenge. with this concept, I didn't expect it to have such heart and angst but wow it really delivered. the reasons for the breakup were raw and real and so.. human. i loved both of them so much along with the side characters. definitely read this book once it's out. it's perfect.

tw: cancer, domestic abuse, family abuse, trauma.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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The Love Rematch by Kay Marie was a great binge read, paving the way for what I believe can be a great series of stand alone romances!

The story begins with Emily, whose mother just went on live TV to tell the world her daughter needs a man and nominates her for the novel's version of The Bachelorette. Despite her mortification she decides to give it a try, only to be floored when one of the show's producers is none other than Jake, the man who left her with no explanation 7 years ago when they were only teenagers. As she attempts to put their past aside to find her one true love, she realizes there's more to their history than she could've imagined.

I will admit that I felt the novel started off slow. I worried that the heroine would be too meek for my taste and that the MMC was just a bad person, but this novel chipped away at all of those perceptions. At several points throughout the novel, the producers comment on the fact that Emily is too mild for the cameras, but Jake counters every time by pointing out her layers and nuances. I'm embarrassed to admit that I was right alongside the show's viewers until delving deeper into Emily's mind and her interactions behind the cameras. Similarly, while I hate the miscommunication trope, I could genuinely understand why Jake left in the middle of the night, even if I disagree.

All in all, The Love Rematch was the perfect feel good romance with a dash of steam to get me through a reading funk, and I can't wait for Emily's sister's story!

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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