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The Scarlet Veil

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Admittedly, it took me a little bit to get into The Scarlet Veil but once I was hooked, I was hooked. Célie was the type of FMC we need more of! She was equal parts badass and fragile. Michal was giving vampire-Rhysand and I was here for it. The cliffhanger at the end will have you VERY ANXIOUS for book 2! This is going to be a super slow burn romance and the perfect fall read!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc ebook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you #NetGalley and #HarperCollins Children's Books for allowing me to read The Scarlet Veil by Shelby Mahurin.

First, I want to say that this book I was hesitant about because I did not like Serpent and Dove and in fact did not finish the book. I believe that in The Scarlet Veil, you do not need to read the others to understand because I got enough context and background information about what was going on and about the characters to understand. I feel like people who have read her work before would like this as well as people who are new readers of her work would enjoy this book.

Basic Overview of the book:

Célie Tremblay is on a mission to prove that she is a capable woman not only for herself but also for others. She is trying to solve the case of several murders taking place in Belterra. People are being found with their blood drained from their bodies and only two marks on their necks. Célie is determined to prove herself as a capable huntswoman amongst the Chasseurs. Everyone including her fiance Jean-Luc sees her as a fragile doll that can break any minute, but she knows she is much more capable than what they believe. She also knows that what has been happening is very strange and doesn't make any sense. To find out if Célie figures out who is killing all these people you need to read The Scarlet Veil today!

Spoilers Ahead!

The plotline of the story is a slow burner at first if I am going, to be honest at the beginning I was annoyed with Celie, I thought she was pathetic. Then, I put the book down for a couple of weeks and came back. After getting over the part where Celie believes she cannot do anything and she must be obedient to Jean-Luc that is when the plot changes.

Character Development:
First, I was worried typically fantasy books show a very strong heroine which is great, but I felt the Célie was a much more accurate representation of it. She doubts herself, she also goes through the emotions of understanding what is happening and what her role is.

Michal- At first, I did not know what to make of him, but I knew in the first chapter he appeared that Célie and he were going to fall in love with each other. I mean a dark hot vampire, who doesn't age and he is also mysterious and kidnaps Célie It was only going to be a matter of time.

The Romance:
Célie views of love are very limited, she believes that Jean-Luc and her are meant to be, but there is something wrong. Célie finds that Jean-Luc does not confide in her as much as she hopes and this really bothers her. He is also lying to her, which this information is what gets her kidnapped anyways because she is mistaken to be Coco.
Then, her relationship with Michal is I would say would be a typical Enemies to lovers trope. Célie wants nothing to do with Michal and cannot stand the sight of him and refuses to help him. Slowly, as the book goes on she begins to trust Michal, especially after meeting his sister. She starts to see him as someone who she might care about. In the end, their feelings start to get intense, but nothing really juicy happens because of the ending!

The Veil and Other Elements:

Besides vampires, I really thought the element of ghosts and that Célie has special powers because she is a Bride and can open and close the Veil is cool. Having this power, helps her to gain information to not only help solve the crime, but also Michal.
The ending:
Okay, my question is she alive? What is going to happen? Is the Epligoue of her or her sister I am not sure and the stitching is throwing me off, My last question is when is book two coming out?

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I am not ashamed to say I was one of the millions of young girls obsessed with Twilight growing up. I read the books countless times, watched all the movies in theaters, and covered my walls with posters. For a while, the media was oversaturated with new takes on the classic vampire, from books to movies and TV shows. And then, as if staked through the heart, the trend shriveled and turned to ash.

Within recent years, however, with the so-called “Twilight Renaissance,” there has been a resurgence in vampire media. While maybe not as strong as it once was, the vampire trend is back from the dead, and Shelby Mahurin’s new book The Scarlet Veil is out for blood.

The Scarlet Veil is a spin-off of Mahurin’s popular Serpent & Dove Trilogy. The story follows main character Célie six months after joining a group of huntsmen known as the Chasseurs. After repeatedly being made to feel useless, Célie uncovers a murderous plot and must join forces with the vampire Michal to try to stop it.

I have not read the original Serpent & Dove books (though I hope to pick them up, having finished The Scarlet Veil), but I was too excited about the chance to read a new YA vampire book to pass up the opportunity. My lack of knowledge of Mahurin’s universe did cause some confusion in the early pages (there are several references to the characters and events from the original series, as well as some worldbuilding that isn’t thoroughly explained in this new book), but once the plot thickened, I was hooked.

I enjoyed Célie as a main character. In recent years, it seems YA heroines have to be badass 100% of the time. There’s no room for softness. That’s not the case for Célie. Her peers do not see her as strong, and her wanting to prove herself is an important recurring motive throughout the book. She feels overlooked and underappreciated, and I immediately empathized with her frustration. She may not be physically strong, but her determination carries her forward on her journey in this new, dark world.

The one person who just may see her for who she truly is is Michal, the (spoiler alert) love interest. I’m a sucker for a good slow-burn, enemies-to-lovers romance, and I absolutely ate this up. Célie didn’t know vampires existed until she met Michal, until she found a dead body drained of blood and was enlisted by Michal and his vampire relatives to find the murderer. Michal appears to be a pretty typical brooding YA hero: he’s cold and mean and he hates Célie… or so she thinks. The tension between the two builds slowly, and by the end I was desperate for them to be together.

I felt that the side characters were pretty well-developed, too. We learn their secrets and backstories alongside Célie as we wonder who is to be trusted. I did feel like I was missing out on the original Serpent & Dove characters; it’s assumed in this book that readers already know who they are, and I did not. However, I’m interested to see how everyone’s stories continue to align as this series moves forward.

I think what I enjoyed most about this book, though, is that the vampires are vampires. A lot of stories try to put new twists on the classic creature (like sparkling or being able to walk in the sun), but Mahurin keeps things pretty standard here, in the best way. The vampires are not ashamed of drinking human blood, they blister and burn in the sun, and they hide in coffins. It was all things I’ve seen before, and I loved it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Overall, The Scarlet Veil is an engaging, Gothic read reminiscent of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I eagerly await the rest of this series and hope to catch up on Serpent & Dove in the meantime.

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There words immediately come to mind as to how I felt after reading The Scarlet Veil:


This book consumed me entirely. I was thoroughly enthralled with its story, its cast of characters, its world-building, with all of it. I absolutely ate up the deliciously slow burn romance. And that ending! Good grief, that ending! I will not stop crying, screaming, flailing about until the sequel is out. I need more, more, and more!

This book served each of its tropes gorgeously. I came into its world without having read the Serpent & Dove trilogy and believe even without reading those books, this book provided enough context and background to characters those readers will be familiar with. It’s a book friendly to both previous readers and new ones. It’s a book that welcomes you warmly even as its narrative weaves a tale that will prickle your skin, chill your bones, and set fire to your heart.

》The Lead《

Oh my lovely Célie. She is the exact type of heroine I most adore. Soft, kind, gentle, resolved, intelligent, and determined. I must admit I was initially a bit worried when I saw the note of “huntswoman” in the blurb. I wondered if she’d be another weapon-toting lead who is strong in the very physical sense, not to mention mouthy and sassy, basically another traditional fantasy heroine. I unfairly judged her before I got to know her, because it turns out Célie can barely lift a sword, much less swing it. In fact, she is a character who is constantly judged without first getting to know. She is overlooked and underestimated constantly. She is deemed by many as nothing more than a fragile doll who needs to be protected, holding a position she has not earned. Because her strength is different, because it’s not found in the force of her fist, in the weight of her muscles, in the quickness of tongue, because it comes from her heart, her resolve, her determination…in the things that cannot be measured, she is seen as a less than. She is judged before she has a chance to show who she is. To even learn for herself who she is— who she wants to be. Her journey is one that both broke my heart and inspired it.

She is vulnerable yet courageous. She may not possess the expected traits of heroines on the type of adventure she is thrust into, but she shows that she still has all that is required to take on such a journey.

She can still lead to the best of her abilities.

She is not secondary.

》The Romance《

The second Célie meets Michal I was hook, line, and sinker. It was them for me. Just them. Luckily the romance isn’t as quick to develop as my opinion of their potential. No, in fact this narrative lets the romance simmer gorgeously. It’s very much a slow burn romance and rightfully so— there’s trust that needs to be earned, understanding to be dealt, and a camaraderie to build. Not to mention a whole history to learn of a people Célie believed only to exist in scary tales at bedtime.

I loved how these two slowly learn more about one another and change their perspective, especially Célie, and I loved how being opening to new perspectives it also helped Célie to come into her own agency and potential.

This romance is one I can’t wait to see further developed, and one I desperately hope has a happy ending by journey’s end.

》The Stakes《

The world-building and plot are built fantastically. The ambiance set has you peeking over your shoulder to make sure nothing spooky is lurking around the corner. Everything came to life vividly in my mind as I read along. The descriptions are beautiful, the atmosphere is the perfect mix of gothic, whimsy, dread, and romance. And the storytelling is incredibly strong. All of it combine to make you feel the high stakes involved, and the ending cements that.

》The Veil Beyond《

I came into this story without having read the Serpent & Dove trilogy, while I’m sure having read that would bring me closer to the recurring cast of characters, I thought this book provided enough context so it can stand very well right on its own. Truly this book shined so spectacularly on its own.

I loved Célie, I loved Michal, I loved the entire cast. I loved the storytelling, the gripping hold it possessed me with with its chilling sightings of spectres, grief, and heartbreak. I loved it all.

I will finish by saying brace yourselves…brace yourselves for an explosive ending.

That ending had me raving and ranting like a lunatic, and I won’t lie— I am so so so scared of what that ending can hold for the future— but I am also so very ready for what’s next. I am buckled in and ready for what the rest of this ride will hold. I have a feeling it will be glorious.

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved The Scarlet Veil! Mixing the character of Celie with vampires was a genius stroke! She is a such a great character and this book gives her so much depth and redemption. Really nice to visit with older characters from the Serpent and Dove series too. I was crying laughing during a particular scene at the end. Shelby Mahurin is wickedly funny and talented in equal measure.

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Are Vampires back? If this book is giving us any hints I think that is a resounding yes!! Where to start? First, I think I liked this even more than Serpent and Dove. Celie really finds herself in this and I adored how she grows from having almost lost herself and becoming a submissive person because of being in a relationship to feeling strong, confident and well... sexy.

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I didn't realize this was related to Serpent and Dove when started, and to be transparent, I haven't read that series first. A very typical but still fantastic read about 1800 style vampires. You follow the story of Celie, a girl who suffers from severe trauma from waking up, locked in a casket next to a dead body. Yikes.
As she deals with this trauma, her fiance hides secrets of mysterious deaths occurring throughout their town, in order to decrease her anxiety. However, his lies end up in Celie's abduction as she walks the dark streets alone.

Celie wakes up to discover she has been kidnapped by a group of vampires who intend to lure all her friends and fiance to the island to kill them all. During Cillas hunt for a way to kill them before the fated night of all hallows eve, she discovers she can speak to ghosts... But why? Is Celie human? Not human? Why haven't the vampires killed her yet? Why do they want her friends and fiance?

This was a great read that had you very frustrated at the FMC as she is so OBLIVIOUS to everything around her. Definitely one of those stories you end up yelling at and setting down aggressively for a break.

I've not read Shelby Mahuran (@shelbymahurin) before but I'd definitely pick her up again.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced reader copy.

This book was atmospheric and filled with sexy tension that really put a focus on the characters and their fun adventure. I thought the story was well-paced and a good callback to Serpent and Dove. It was a overall fun and wild ride with characters that we already know well.

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I loved this book from the beginning to end. The prologue hooked me and definitely made me want to keep reading. I loved all the characters and watching them develop throughout the story. I cannot wait to follow this series.

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A steamy, sexual tension filled romance full of gothic haunts and classic vampire tropes. Shelby Mahurin's best work yet!!!

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Thanks go to NetGalley for the e-ARC of this book. In exchange for this arc i will be leaving an honest review.


3.5 rating but rounding up to 4. <b>Book to be released September 26, 2023 </b>

I did read all of the Serpent & Dove trilogy when it came out so learning about a spin off I couldn't say no. Though I admit the main character of this book, Celie, was not my favorite in S&D due to how different she was to Lou and Coco's strong independent women vibes that she started to develop late in the series.


Where we start back in this world it is six months after the end of Gods & Monsters and Celie is the first female huntswoman which is hard enough without her fiancé ,Jean Luc, being the captain. Everyone wants her to quit and go back to the life that is expected of her, to be a wife and mother away from fighting and monsters but with friends like Lou and Coco that's not what she sees for herself anymore. More possibilities have been brought to light.

One day after a tough time in training and frustrating conversation (or lack there of) with her fiancé Celie goes to the cemetery to visit her sister's grave, only to find more than the previously dead but also a freshly murdered female drained of all blood and a oddly pale male standing near the gates. One who happens to be cold to the touch as well. This event leads to the truth coming out that Jean Luc has been keeping things from her as well as her friends but now she is a part of this. Monsters have been getting murdered and all look like they have been drained of their blood with only two puncture marks on their neck as evidence. Feeling betrayed and like no one sees her worth she goes out to try and solve this mystery herself. Which leads to her kidnapping and a deal to help a king of vampires solve this mystery (and maybe more) to clear his species' name. In order to solve this mission though Celie must face some things she thought were buried in her past and a few things about herself to lift the veil enough to see who she needs to face and what needs to be done to stop them if it is even possible. Who is Celie really? What does she really want for her life? What happened in her childhood? Does she really need the protection people keep forcing upon her?

Coming into this I was expecting the independent Celie i met in the last S&D book but she started out portrayed as a weak submissive female lead that just didnt sit well knowing the BA things Celie did to get where she is. It almost set her back in my eyes until i realized she was getting angry each time she was forced to be weak and submissive. Thankfully she got her spark back and someone else made her hear all the things she has done that other people had pushed under the rug either saying she didnt do it or bushing off her idea like it was dumb. Celie grew into her independence and self-worth over the span of this book. Bonus points for the fact the original cast of S&D was in this book too and was a big part of it. Every time Celie needed someone or something they were there to help out or save the day.

On to the reason this was marked down. First i was annoyed with the Celie portrayal in the first quarter being a down grade from her in the last S&D. Second the twists werent twist at all. I was able to call who was the villain, what the goal was, and how this was all going to end all before hitting 70% which doesnt really work well for a series it works for a standalone because it shows the author provided clues that could be seen but in a series it just feels like all the suspense and shock that is supposed to carry the plot got dropped off early and new things must be thrown in to keep everything relevant. Third is people dont really stay dead in this S&D world unless you want the character to surviving then boom dead. So the shock value of anyone dying or about to die just doesnt hit after S&D making the cliffhanger a known thing to happen at the end of this. Previous books ended the same way.

Will I be buying a physical copy of this book? Probably not. Would i like to read the following books? Yeah sure maybe but would rent from the library (SUPPORT YOUR LIBRARYS) Would I recommend this to people? Yes if you havent read the S&D books it could be an ok place to start but also it is good for the fans of the original cast who have very strong page time in this book too.

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This was such a fun spinoff, full of delicious tension, deepened worldbuilding, and incredible twists and turns. Cannot wait for more!

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I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book and holy moly—WOW WOW WOW! I was enthralled from the get and couldn’t get enough! I’m desperate for the next book! Seeing this side of Celie, her troubles at start, her anxiety and heartbreak and her memories, surrounded by our favorite characters to boot. Then her groundbreaking decisions, her wit, her sass, and her determination was such a glorious thing to read. Introducing Requiem and Michal, Odessa, Dmitri and the rest was just such a fascinating and mystical, while also quite mysterious, world. I never could have predicted the twists and turns of the journey to solve the murders, the way the characters worked their way into our hearts, nor that breathtaking, stressful, shocking end and then the epilogue!!! Gah!! Give me more. Especially more Michal and Celie!!

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"He is the Angel of Death.
And he can't take his eyes off me."

I thought I understood before, the hold Shelby Mahurin's storytelling could have. Serpent & Dove has yet to release me after all these years—yet somehow, impossibly, The Scarlet Veil may have usurped its place.

This book is a ghost. A delicious, entrancing story that will haunt anyone who's ever tried to be "good" when all the world wants them to be is small, quiet, meek. It's for the girls who grew up in purity culture—who excelled at it, only to wake up one day and realize all the world saw them as was a doll.

Célie is a rare breed of character. Groomed to be delicate and soft, she carries this narrative with incredible strength and clarity, as well as the unending will to survive by whatever means necessary. Her journey is complex, full of questions and rapid observations of the world and characters around her as she observes, calculates, acts, and immediately re-strategizes if it fails. She's hopeful not out of naivety, but determination to create something beautiful out of destruction.

And Michal...god is he destruction, but the best possible kind. If the quote at the start of this review tells you anything, it's to be prepared for a Damon/Stefan-type hybrid but ten times better. His tongue is clever, his presence intense, and when his focus locks in on Célie from that first encounter on, their chemistry is palpable. He sees Célie for what she is–brilliant, curious, quick. Even when he's teasing her, or doing the Beast yelling about the West Wing thing, he holds space for her voice and truly listens.

I could go on about the plot but I'm terrified of giving spoilers, so I'll say this: Shelby continues to be masterful in weaving banter with tension, funny twists with gut-wrenching ones, and I had to pick my jaw up multiple times from where it dropped.

And the ending. Holy f*cking h*ll.

This is a Gothic love story, brushed by elements of horror and simmering with heat. It's a romance, yes, but also a raw, intimate look at what it is to grow up without truly knowing yourself—to go through trauma and violations, and try to unpack the truth from lies as the world crumbles around you. Célie's story will stick with me not only because of the sexy vampires and spectacular settings, but because she is me. I am her.

And if she was willing to brave the dark, so can we.

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I MEAN OH MY GOSH. I love Serpent and Dove, but The Scarlet Veil was an absolute delight! Reading a bit more as a crossover, this was a delightful romantasy full of magic, ghosts, vampires, and forbidden romance. Cannot wait for the sequel!

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One of my favorites of the year! I was drawn to the cover immediately and I’m so happy I got an ARC! I loved the magic system and it was such a wild journey! I read it all in one sitting. I was so immersed!

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I adored Serpent and Dove so when I came across the opportunity to read the Scarlet Vale as an ARC in exchange for an honest review, I jumped on it. I was nervous because Celie was so timed in the first trilogy. But I trust the author.

I am so glad I did. I adored this from start or finish. The new magical world introduced is rife with mystery. I cannot find out what happens to poor Celie next. She is daring and brave and the vampires add a lovely new cast of characters mixed in with all the old we already love. Highly recommend it to fans of the series.

I can’t wait to read what happens next!

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I will never stop recommending Shelby's book EVER. They are the perfect blend of gothic, magic, and romance.

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I have to confess, I didn’t really care much for Celie in the S&D series, but I was really hoping that maybe once she took center stage that her character would be developed more thoroughly in a way that made me like her. I still don’t.

But y’all, vampires though, they’re making a comeback and I’m so here for it! I really loved Michal. And a couple of the side characters were also really fun and endearing. But Celie is just… ugh. She is so weak and whiny and annoying. I know not every fantasy main character can be the badass trope but I guess that’s just my personal preference.

I still really don’t understand why Michal would even be drawn to someone like Celie. They just didn’t work for me. Honestly, his character seemed more the type to respect someone who has some fight in them and be turned off by someone simpering - but that’s just me.

This was really a struggle to get through because of how much Celie got on my nerves. I enjoyed the new world building aspects. The mysteries around Celie and her abilities were intriguing and I wished I cared more to find out what was going on. The pacing and the plot were pretty slow. It lacked a solid drive and motivation to keep me turning the pages. But the mysteries were

Although this is a new spin-off series, you definitely need to have read the S&D series completely to understand what is going on here because it picks up pretty much where that one left off. Even though the original cast of characters primarily took a back seat, I enjoyed the cameos that they made at times.

I’ll probably be in the minority here yet again, so don’t take my words to heart if you loved this. But I won’t be continuing with this series. I think die-hard fans of S&D are going to love this new series, especially if you actually liked Celie. For me that series really lost its luster after the first book. I was truly hopeful but this just failed to get it back again for me.

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I have never read the Serpent & Dove trilogy, I saw vampires and my brain stopped working. I'm not sure if I enjoyed the book more because I didn't catch the S&D references, but it stands on its own.

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