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Iris Kelly Doesn't Date

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This was an amazing end to the series and I loved every second of reading it. I have a personal grudge against HGTV and HGTV-type shows that slowed the second book down for me and made me not enjoy it as much as the first, but I think this book absolutely hits the mark again. The romance is fantastically written and who doesn't love a fake-dating trope?

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I loved this book: the third in the Bright Falls universe. The F/F character work is excellent, it builds out a world we've known and keeps them close while welcoming in a younger group, and centers the narrative in an empowering love on their own timeline.

There's also a lovely chastising of the meddlers, which in my opinion the romance genre often leaves unchecked to its detriment, that shows one of the main characters maturation and self-respect. I love when a book demonstrates the nuance to elevate relationships - and their necessary growth - beyond the primarily romance plot. Sometimes to grow we have to move on, but we always have to move forward.

Iris and Stevie find their power within themselves and the other helps to honor and nurture it. Iris and Stevie's love story feels like mine, for which I can only be grateful.

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I loved this on its own and as a conclusion to the trilogy! I thought the meta elements were charming and found that even the "loose ends" kind of worked.

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Perfection 😍 I love Iris so damn much. She's my favourite character in this series and I couldn't wait to get to her book. She's bi, she has rainbow bookshelves, she has ginger hair, she's curvy! She's perfect. Her story was so beautiful and I couldn't be happier with the ending of this trilogy.

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While you could technically read Iris Kelly as a standalone, I highly recommend the whole trilogy as Iris is present throughout, but now she’s finally our main lady.

I absolutely loved Iris and Stevie right off the bat. Their meet cute was both adorable and hilarious, and I’m not spoiling that for y’all.

I’m always a sucker for fake dating, so I loved that aspect of this story. Iris teaches Stevie how to relax and let herself enjoy some incredible sexy scenes while Stevie teaches Iris about romance and emotional intimacy.

There’s so many great conversations about anxiety, past trauma, and queer identity that I relished in. I felt so seen in so much of this book especially when it comes to queer found family.

I’m going to miss Bright Falls, but I can’t wait to see what Ashley Herring Blake creates next!

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I adored this fake dating sapphic romance.

Stevie is looking for love and romance. Iris doesn’t believe in love. They decide to fake date to help each other. What happens when things get real?

I loved their story! Stevie’s anxiety was so realistic and I loved watching her come into her own. And watching Iris realize she had room in her heart for love.

Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley Publishing for allowing me to be a part of this blog tour and for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The irony in this is Iris is a romance writer but there is no romance in her life. Everyone in her life is in love, except her and she needs some material for her next novel. She sets off to find some inspiration and had the worst one night stand of her life.
Stevie is so embarrassed by the terrible one night stand and she needs to find a solution to overcome her extreme anxiety. There’s fake dating, personal growth and diverse characters. This was such a fun series!

Huge thank you to @berkleypub @berittalksbooks @thephdivabooks @dg_reads @prhaudio and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this as a finale to Ashley Herring Blake's sapphic romance trilogy! I've been looking for a cozy, "Gilmore Girls"-esque series for queer women, and since fake dating is one of my favorite tropes, I had a great time with this one.

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Ashley Herring Blake doesn’t write bad books!

It was insta love for me when I read Delilah Green Doesn’t Care last year. I settled even further into the love affair with Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail, and I’m now in a deeply passionate relationship with the Bright Falls series after reading Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date.

Everything about these books is so swoony! I want to hug these books and never let go. The relationships, the friendships, the settings, the side characters - ALL SO GOOD!

Every book in the series has been a 5 star read for me, although reading Iris’ story was bittersweet since it’s the last. I want more of these books. I want more of the laughs and the tears and the sex and the self discovery.

The latest book is as inclusive and welcoming and heartwarming as the first two. The characters span the gender and sexuality spectrum, and every reader will feel the warm embrace of being accepted exactly as they are.

The steam level is deliciously high and there are many scenes you’ll want to reread under the covers. The author writes sexy scenes so well, without a cringe in sight. They’re relatable, funny, consensual, and spicy . I hope this isn’t the end of adult romances for Blake, because as I said above, I want and need more!

I also need to check out her YA and middle grade books. I’ve loved her writing in the Bright Falls books and I bet it’s equally as good in her stories for younger readers.

I recommend this one 100000%!!

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Five stars, my interview on While You Were Reading, a podcast for contemporary romance readers is here:

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- IRIS KELLY DOESN'T DATE, the final installment in Blake's Bright Falls series, delivers. I loved Iris and Stevie, each trying their best to put up a front in a different way, and each realizing they've found someone they don't have to pretend with.
- One of the things Blake does best is give her characters realistic, messy, queer as heck in a variety of ways backstories and past relationships. It really makes the roadblocks they meet make sense.

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I am obsessed with the entire Brightfall series but I think this one might be my fave!! I was hooked from the very beginning and it only got better. I am swooning over Iris and Stevie!

After two failed relationships Iris doesn't believe in romance anymore. She's built a wall around her heart, doesn't intend to let anyone in and is happy to be on her own. One problem though, she's writing a romance book and can't seem to get past the first page. After a disastrous one night stand she unexpectedly meets someone who might be able to help her so they come up with a deal. What could go wrong?

My favourite part about Iris was how she had this mask she wore in front of other. The wild, confident I don't care mask that hid a lot of her true feelings and insecurities. I found this so relatable! And Stevie! Sweet but awkward Stevie! I loved her sweet to balance out Iris's sass. They were the perfect mixture.

You'll love this if you enjoy:
*Sapphic romance
*Small town romance
*Found family
*Fake dating
*Opposites attract

Thank you Ashley Herring Blake, Berkley, and NetGalley for this arc in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you Ashley Herring Blake, Berkley, and NetGalley for this arc in exchange for my honest review!

I love the Bright Falls series so much! I have been looking forward to reading Iris's book. I loved getting to see a different side to Iris and learning more about her character. I will say that I was slightly disappointed that she wasn't as sassy as she has been in the previous books. However, I do think it was for the purpose of showing some insecurity and that makes Iris even more relatable. I loved Stevie's character and seeing her character growth! I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read more by Ashley Herring Blake!

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This was a good conclusion to the series and I love a fake dating trope.
I thought that Stevie and Iris were both complex with lots of issues to work through. I think that their difficulty communicating and expressing themselves felt real and relatable. They had a really complicated dynamic that I found unique for a romance novel. My main complaint was that Stevie's group of friends were awful and this was never resolved in the book. Her friends almost seemed like a plot device to add conflict rather than a way to help Stevie grow. I wish there was some resolution with them because it would have added to Stevie's character development. Overall this was a steamy sapphic romance with complicated charaters who show a lot of growth.

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If I'm reading back to back Romance/RomCom's, you know it must be that time of the month...

Ashley Herring Blake has entered into my heart and has taken my soul prisoner. Gosh dang it, this little lady is GOOD!

I am ashamed to admit, I had not read this authors previous work but when I came across this cute and spunky title, I knew I had to check it out.

Iris Kelly Doesn't Date

Let's first point out that this cast of characters are ones I would love to be friends with in real life. Iris and Stevie, clearly favorites of mine, won me over instantly. I couldn't help but root for them. The tender moments exchanged between these two had my eyes welling with tears and hearts radiating from my soul.

Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail and Delilah Green Doesn't Care were instantly purchased after I concluded reading this banger of a book. Iris Kelly Doesn't Date is the third installment in the Bright Falls series and although I wish I would have done my research and known this prior, it did not ruin the storyline for me. This book can be read as a standalone.

Big thank you to Berkley, Ashley Herring Blake and Netgalley for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this sure to be bestseller in exchange for an honest review!

Kudos to Ms. Herring-Blake, she slayed on this one!

Check out this teaser :

A fake relationship after a horrible one-night stand is anything but an act in this witty and heartfelt new romantic comedy by Ashley Herring Blake.

Everyone around Iris Kelly is in love. Her best friends are all coupled up, her siblings have partners that are perfect for them, and her parents are still blissfully married. And she’s happy for all of them, truly. Iris doesn’t want any of that—dating, love, romance. She’ll stick to her commitment-free hookups, thanks very much, except no one in her life will just let her be. Everyone wants to see her settled down, but she holds firmly to her no dating rule. There’s only one problem—Iris is a romance author facing an imminent deadline for her second book, and she’s completely out of ideas.

Perfectly happy to ignore her problems as per usual, Iris goes to a bar in Portland and meets a sexy stranger, Stefania, and a night of dancing and making out turns into the worst one-night stand Iris has had in her life. To get her mind off everything, Iris tries out for the lead role in a local play, a queer retelling of Much Ado About Nothing, but comes face-to-face with Stefania, whose real name turns out to be Stevie. Desperate to save face in front of her friends, Stevie asks Iris to play along as her girlfriend. Iris is shocked, but when she realizes the arrangement might provide her with some much-needed romantic content for her book, she agrees. As the two women play the part of a happy couple, lines start to blur, and they’re left wondering who will make the real first move....

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Thank you so much to Berkley Romance, Netgalley, and PRH Audio for providing an advanced copy of this! All thoughts and opinions are still my own.

I have a lot of mixed feeling about this final book the Bright Falls series. Delilah Green was one of my favorite books of the year when it released, and none of the books since have lived up to that romance...

I was very excited for this romance about Iris. She's a character that I felt like we were only getting a small part of in the previous books and I was excited to learn about who she really was.

On one hand, I really liked Iris' backstory. She puts up such a shield to protect her from getting hurt and buries everything in fake bravado and humor. But deep down just wants someone to prove that she's worth more than a checklist of life achievements (marriage, babies, etc).

And the pressure that her family puts on her is something I think a LOT of people can relate to. It was almost painful to read about how much no one listened to Iris's desires for her own life.

I also loved the fact that we got a character with intense social anxiety. It's not always a very "sexy" disorder (proven by the fact that Stevie literally throws up on her haha), and I love seeing that representation get an HEA.

But I never really bought into any aspect of the story. I felt so separated from the characters and their romance and plot. I didn't feel a single ounce of chemistry. The familial and platonic friendships were, in all honestly, absolutely terrible. Stevie's friends in particular should have been dumped.

And the plot overall felt meandering. There was so little driving the plot forward because the main focus was put onto the fake dating element. And it just couldn't carry the plot.

So I was left feeling absolutely nothing upon finishing this romance.

I think that Ashley Herring Blake does a great job highlighting queer relationships in her stories. But I do think that sometimes it's almost TOO much... And in these last 2 books, I felt like not enough time was spent building the relationship and chemistry and too much time was spent elsewhere (discussing important, but not entirely relevant, topics, side plots, and backstory).

I'm curious to see where there author goes from here though. While her last 2 books haven't been my favorite, I love seeing trade pub'd sapphic stories, and will continue to pick up her romances. I think this one was just a casualty of me not connecting to the characters in the way I need to fall in love with a story.

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I did not read the prior two books in the series - so maybe that played into my feelings about the book. But, unpopular opinion, I did not love it. I found the main characters to be annoying and childish. I felt that their story was not realistic. It felt very YA like, but that wasn't the target audience for the book. I just really struggled to connect with the characters and the story line, making it a somewhat disappointing read for me. All that being said, if you enjoyed the prior books in the series - definitely give it a try. It seems that I am in the minority with my review of this one!

Thank you netgalley for my advanced reader copy.

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That was just about the cutest ending I have ever read!

What I liked: I found both Iris and Stevie relatable in a lot of ways. I love seeing good anxiety rep in books, AND good bisexual rep! Stevie’s anxiety, while different from mine, also felt so familiar. My heart ached for the way her friends took advantage of her, the way she made herself small to be more likable. Watching her journey throughout the book was so wonderful. With Iris, I really related to the way everyone in her life was constantly pressuring her to live life the way they thought would be best. Truly, these two characters are the closest I have felt to fictional people in a long time. They were nuanced and real and didn’t always make the right choices, and I loved them. And then putting them together?? Absolute magic! Their love story was so sweet, it had me wishing for a real life romance just like it.

What I didn’t like: at times I felt like this was a little bit miscommunication, or more accurately, lack of communication-y. That isn’t my favorite trope, and there were times I wanted to jump through the page and yell at them to just talk to each other!! But I also did enjoy the fake dating aspect, and know there wouldn’t have been the same buildup without -some- lack of communication.

Overall: I would highly recommend this for the artfully crafted characters, anxiety rep, and fantastic romance.

Pacing: medium
Intended audience: adult
TW: slut shaming (challenged), biphobia (challenged), toxic friendships

Review to be posted on social media soon*

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Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date is the third installment in Ashley Herring Blake’s Bright Falls series. I have loved every book in this series and every wonderful character we’ve met along the way so I couldn’t wait to dive in and finally get to know more about Iris.

When we meet Iris in this new book, she has embarked on a new career as an author of romance novels. Her debut novel went well, but she is struggling to write her second book and her own lackluster love life might be part of the problem. While Iris is thrilled that Astrid, Delilah, and everyone else in their friend group has found love, she often finds herself the odd man out, so to speak. One night, she decides to forget all of her troubles and heads to a bar in Portland. She meets, and is immediately attracted to, a sexy stranger named Stefania, and the two of them really hit it off. Instead of the hookup Iris was hoping for, however, the night ends in disaster. What Iris doesn’t realize at the time, however, is that Stefania is about to become a very important person in her life.

Following her agent’s advice to get out there and do something to take her mind off her writer’s block, Iris decides to try out for a local play that is a gender-bent retelling of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. When she finds out who is playing the lead, Iris can barely believe it. It’s Stefania, whose real name turns out to be Stevie, and it becomes apparent that Stevie has told everyone involved with the play that she and Iris are dating. Stevie begs Iris to go along with it, so as not to embarrass her in front of everyone, and Iris decides to play along, figuring this ought to at least spark some ideas for writing her novel.

I loved this book so much! In spite of their failed one night stand, it’s obvious that Iris and Stevie have major chemistry. Iris is a fun and confident bisexual woman, but in this book, we finally get to see a vulnerable side to her that we haven’t seen before. Stevie is a former actor who has been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, and the two of them were just so messy and flawed and honestly just perfect together. It was wonderful watching their relationship transform from fake to real, and to see how much they grew to care for, respect and support one another. Some of their more in-depth conversations about things they have gone through just really tugged at my heartstrings because it really made their relationship feel so authentic.

It wasn’t just all heartfelt, vulnerable moments between these two characters either. There was of course plenty of steam and humor, plus several fun appearances by the other members of Iris’ friend group. It also didn’t hurt that Much Ado About Nothing is my favorite Shakespearean comedy. Watching Iris and Stevie actually act out scenes from that play was just icing on what was already a fabulous cake for me.

Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date is another immensely satisfying and heartwarming installment in the Bright Falls series. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys sapphic romance, fake dating, and stories that feature fabulous friend groups/found families.

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I'm a little late getting this review in, but since today is the official release day I figured now is as good a time as any!

I don't really know where to start with this book; Delilah Green was the book that got me into reading romance and I didn't think I could feel more in love with a character since Claire, but along came Iris and she's right there in the same category now. She was such a pleasure to get to see develop on the page and watching her find love brought me such immense joy. I definitely shed tears as I came to the end; I'll miss the Bright Falls girls so much, but this book will definitely be one that I read repeatedly for comfort.

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