Cover Image: Snowed In for Christmas

Snowed In for Christmas

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This was the cutest read in preparation for the upcoming season! It’s been a horrible 100+ heat index around here so this was a fun read to help cool down.

Becca was so quirky and Harrison was a grump, but he wasn’t like a mean grump. He was just going through stuff and I loved her interactions with her helping him process and learn how to let go.

This was a sorta 2nd chance romance with some fun tropes like forced proximity and grumpyxsinshine. The spice was good, but the rest of the story was so sweet that it practically smacks you in the face and seemed abrupt. Maybe if their had been more tension built up it wouldn’t have seen that way.

But it was cute and I would definitely recommend! So thankful that Netgalley gave the opportunity to red and review 🥰

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Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read this book for my honest review! This was such a cute story! It was very fast paced which I enjoyed. Becca the sorority mom and Harrison the college football coach got their second chance after becoming “blizzard buddies”. Harrison redeemed himself after previously ghosting Becca after their first date. Becca was such a fun, quirky character, complete opposite of Harrison. She really made him see life differently after being labeled as a “grump”. This was a great fast paced, romance story!

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What a super cute holiday rom-com!! Becca, a bubbly sorority house mother, and Harrison, grumpy college football coach, end up snowed in together during a blizzard over the holidays. Having gone on a date 2 years prior and being ghosted, Becca wasn’t sure what to expect when swoops in and invites her to his house to weather the blizzard together but what she finds surprises her. He may not be the mean, grumpy coach she had thought he was afterall. This was a little winter escape that I will be recommending to family and friends. Thank you to NetGalley and Forever publishing for an arc copy!! 4 ⭐️

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
The plot was decent and the set up was very good, but the story didn’t draw me in.

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The cover immediately drew me in, especially for this Christmas loving girlie 🫶🏻 This book had a lot of potential and I really liked the idea of being snowed in together during the holidays. Ultimately though the storyline just fell flat for me and I had a hard time staying engaged. Unfortunately I didn’t feel a connection to the main characters. Becca and Harrison’s miscommunication along with the lack of communication was not my favorite and it just felt immature on both character’s parts considering their ages. I usually enjoy second chance romance but with this one being built on the fact that the MMC ghosted the FMC after their first date and how he made every effort to avoid her for the next two years (they were next door neighbors 😳) rubbed me the wrong way. Overall it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

❄️ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐈𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲:
⇨ grumpy/sunshine trope
⇨ dual pov
⇨ Christmas romance
⇨ forced proximity
⇨ second chance romance

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This was a sweet romance and I loved the set-up. I did find the dialogue a little cheesy and Becca immature for her age. This had fun parts but overall this was just okay.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this arc.

Do you like grumpy/sunshine? Second chance romance? Christmas books? Fast burn? If you answered yes to any of those questions, this is a good read for you! I’m currently sitting in a heatwave, this snowed in romance was a great escape from my current reality!

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This is a steamy romance that I read in one sitting. If you enjoy grumpy characters that are slowly brought out of their shell, than this one is for you. Snowed in for Christmas is a perfect weekend read that will get you in the mood for the Christmas season. A fun, light read with not too much depth.

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The weather outside lately has been… miserable. It’s hot, sticky, the mosquitos are just everywhere, it’s awful. So naturally I’ve been using holiday romances to escape, and this one was perfect for that, especially since it’s set in a blizzard.

Becca is a sorority mom who is basically the definition of sunshine with her bubbly personality and passion for bright, mismatched clothes. Harrison is her grumpy neighbor/football coach/guy-who-ghosted-her-two-years-ago. When a blizzard hits they find themselves sheltering together at Harrison’s house and things get a little hot.

Now, before I get into things, let me just reassure you. We forgive Harrison for ghosting Becca. Was it silly of him to do that? Yes. But, it was only a year after his divorce and he just wasn’t really ready to date yet. It’s fine.

Okay, moving on. I really enjoyed this read. Not only do Becca and Harrison have amazing chemistry but they also put a lot of energy into just being there for each other. They are each dealing with their own complicated family dynamics and insecurities so seeing them be each other’s support system was nice. They also have to work together to fix multiple broken windows and did a much better job than my husband and I would have.

I also loved the relationship Becca had with the girls in the sorority. I mean we were in the middle of the blizzard and Becca was worried about their belongings getting ruined. They just felt like a family and it added to the cozy vibes.

Thank you as always to my friends over at Forever for the gifted arc copy of this book.

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This was a very slow fast-burn wholesome read <3 it's a forced proximity during a blizzard + sorta second chance (he ghosted her after their date two years back) + grumpy/sunshine book, and yes, all these tropes are so well incorporated. I really loved the scenes where the FMC is chaotically talking and the MMC is just falling more and more in love😭

TWs - emotional abuse and estrangement from family, drunk driving accident (secondary character), sports injuries, mention of divorce

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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Harrison is the grumpy football coach and Becca is the sorority mom next door, who is literally sunshine and rainbows. They went on one date and have been avoiding each other ever since… ever since Harrison ghosted her. Now, two years later and still neighbors, the college kids have all left for holiday break leaving Harrison and Becca alone to survive a brutal, one in a lifetime Illinois blizzard. Becca is forced to decide between burning the wooden table and chairs to stay warm in the sorority house or take her hunky neighbor up on his offer to hunker down and ride out the storm. Who doesn’t love a cup of hot chocolate and a warm man to snuggle up to on cold winter nights?
This Grumpy/Sunshine, Neighbors trope gave me all the feels. It was funny, quirky, and had me smiling with all the “Fun Facts” Becca knew. One thing I really enjoyed about this book was how Becca was unapologetically herself and even though she had insecurities she didn’t become annoying or whiny about them. Becca is relatable in the sense that sometimes women are “too much”. They talk too much, they are too loud, they are too vibrant and it was a breath of fresh air to see that she held true to her eclectic self throughout the whole book and Harrison didn’t try to dull her sparkle. Harrison is that hot coach/ neighbor all of us are oolging at football games or when he’s mowing his yard. Of course, Harrison had his fair share of insecurities, internal and family struggles but he needed a shift or refocus in his life and Becca brought the light to his dark, which was something he desperately needed. Being in close proximity with no power and not a lot entertainment, gave them a chance to talk and workout some of their own personal struggles. Becca put perspective on a lot of things for Harrison which helped him workout some of the turmoil he was having in his life with his career and family and they both found the courage and confidence to stand up to both of their families.
Some other characters I would have liked to see interact more in the book would be Blair’s family. The kids were cute and loved Uncle Harry so much and you could tell he adored them too. I would have liked to see Blair and Becca have more time together and then them spending time together during the holiday festivities. I loved Blair’s to the point, personality, and the way she has her brothers back.
The way Jacqueline Snowe describes the blizzard with the whipping winds, the white out snow and the cold that would make a penguin seek a tropical island had me feeling like I was chilled to the bone. This book helped me beat the dog days of summer with the chill of the artic blizzard, snowed in romance, and had me wanting hot chocolate on a 95 degree day.

Thanks to NetGalley and Forever for this E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this book!
Enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, forced proximity.
This was my first book by Jaqueline Snowe and I will definitely be reading more books from her. I loved how Becca was the only person who was able to wear Harrison down and get him to talk about his feelings when he would start to close off. Even though Harrison initially thought Becca would be high maintenance and he didn’t want to commit that much time into a relationship with her, she was the most easy going and fun person he had ever spent time with.
The juxtaposition between Becca’s rainbow clothes and bubbly personality and Harrison’s dark and brooding quite demeanor was the perfect example of the grumpy/sunshine trope, which had become a new favorite of mine.
I did think that this would be a more Hallmark, down home romance story, but this book definitely had its fair share of spice so know that going in.
Overall, I did feel weird reading a Christmas love story during the summer, but I will for sure be rereading this during December by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate!

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Becca Fairfield is used to men not taking her seriously. After all, she's all quirky sunshine. And blonde. The weatherman says there's a blizzard on it's way, so she's all set to snuggle in with hot chocolate and a pile of books until it passes. Harrison Cooper is the grump next door, and when the power goes out and he offers her shelter, she'd be silly to pass it up. He may seem like a grump, but he's really just a sensitive softy.

I loved this book. I always love sunshine and grumpy romances, and throw in a snowstorm and having to cuddle up with each other to stay warm . . . This was a lot of fun. I really loved Harrison. The backstory of a date and a hot kiss in their past makes him so awkward at first, but it is so adorable. Someone get the fireplace started and some hot beverages. This is the perfect cozy Christmas story!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I really enjoyed Snowed In for Christmas. It was a great take on the fantasy, I really loved the characters, and I thought the writing was witty. I liked that Jacqueline Snowe used the miscommunication trope and identified how dumb it is all at the same time. I thought this was a fun, feel good romance. It’s a quick read and good to help you get out of a reading funk.

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This book is a good Christmas read. I was wanting to escape the 100 degree heat that we have been having recently and this book was just what I needed. Jaqueline Snowe knows how to deliver a good steamy Christmas read to keep you turning the pages.

Becca Fairfield is a sorority house mom and works as well, She loves her girls in her house like they are her own. When all the girls go to their respective places for the holidays, Becca plans to ride out the winter storm headed their way on her own. Becca thinks that she has everything that she could possibly need for the storm, but she didn't plan on a window breaking right before the storm hits and the girls leave. When one of the house girls' clothes go flying out of the window, Becca has to try to hunt them down and of course they would be the only place that Becca doesn't want them to be. On her hunky neighbors doorstep.

Harrison Cooper is a coach that has all the girls looking his way. He has not been very outgoing with those around him, but he did have a date with Becca one day. Becca thought that things had gone well but when Harrison didn't call or text after the date, she assumed that she had been wrong. Harrison sees Becca on his porch and decides to ask her what she is doing. Becca tells him he would never believe her if she told him but he tells her to try him. Becca tells Harrison that she is chasing some of the clothes of one if her house girls and Harrison is definitely surprised. Harrison and Becca go about their own ways and Becca goes in to repair the window. Well, Becca ends up cutting herself on some glass and Harrison just so happens to come to the rescue and helps Becca.

The next day after the girls have all left and the storm has hit, Harrison checks on Becca and finds that she was not as prepared for the storm as she thought she was. Harrison once again comes to the rescue and Becca ends up going to stay with Harrison in his house. Well, you can guess what happens when they need to heat each other up with their body heat. Will they be able to only keep it to the winter storm time though or will their sparks continue to flow after the winter storm? I think this is a sweet Christmas read that you will enjoy! I did!

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book and all opinions are my own. Thanks to NetGalley, the publishers and the author for an advanced copy of this book.

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I received this as an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


This was absolutely adorable! Becca & Harrison's snow-pocalypse will definitely make your toes curl & keep you warm no matter the weather!

No Christmas puns, and definitely not as cheesy as it could've been!

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Becca is prepared for the storm thats coming. It was going well until she had to stay with her neighbor. She grew to like him more and more. This was a great holiday read.

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DNF @41% I was enjoying this one, but just lost interest. Harrison and Becca didn't stand out to me in anyway and their chemistry didn't make sense to me. I also don't like second chance so I think that really took me out of the story. I'm bummed I didn't like this one bc I do love the snowed in trope, but maybe it only works for me in fanfic.

Tbh I could've continued with this one bc I wasn't hating it, but I also had no desire to pick it back up and my mind kept wandering so that to me is a sign to DNF.

I'm bummed because I've read from this author before and enjoyed her work, but this just didn't grip me.

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This was a short and sweet, holiday romance. The author did a great job of balancing out a believable premise, neighbors reconnecting during a blizzard, with the romance. The tropes were grumpy/sunshine, there is only one bed, snowed in together, and second chance romance. Definitely a book I think would be best read around the holidays, in November and December. (Thanks to Netgalley and Forever Publishing)

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The perfect Holiday romance book! It was fun reading about this grumpy/sunshine couple and I loved every word of it! Thiswas a perfect book to read curled up under a blanket! Chefs kiss, perfect!
I just reviewed Snowed In for Christmas by Jaqueline Snowe. #NetGalley
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