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Original Sins

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ORIGINAL SINS is the 2nd novel featuring Riley Fisher. It is a standalone novel that doesn't require the reader to have read Erin Young's early book to get invested in Riley's character.

SUMMARY: Riley Fisher, a police sergeant from a small town has moved to the big leagues. After completing her time at the Academy, she's now a rookie FBI agent. Older than most new agents, Riley struggles with issues of self-esteem and wonders if she's set herself for failure by joining the Bureau.
Her first assignment is in her hometown of Des Moines. She's got a Field Office chief who is a less than welcoming, a partner that may or may not be trustworthy, and family obligations that are pulling her in multiple directions. She's also dealing with the apparent return of the Sin Eater, a serial killer who terrorized the city in the 1990s and a kidnapping plot against Iowa's first female governor. Desperate to prove herself, Riley doesn't have time to settle into her new role before she's deep involved in both investigations.

OVERALL: ORIGINAL SINS is a compelling thriller that captures the reader from the first chapter. Riley is an interesting character trying to overcome both her own self doubts and her complicated history. There are times when Riley's constant questioning of her own decisions become repetitive but the story isn't bogged down by it. It is refreshing to not have the rookie be 'superwoman' or the 'smart outsider detective'. Riley is both headstrong and naive which help to humanize the character instead of a cookie cutter characterization of a female lead.

ORIGINAL SINS is a strong suspenseful story that holds the reader's attention. The story has some obvious red herrings but the ending will not disappoint.

Thanks to NetGalley and Flatiron books for this advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Pub Date 13 Feb 2024 | Flatiron Books

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Amid a treacherous winter in Des Moines, Iowa, newly promoted FBI agent Riley Fisher is tasked with assisting in the hunt and capture of a serial killer. The Sin Eater, who has been in hiding for nearly thirty years, has re-emerged, stalking and striking women throughout the city. As with any new job comes new challenges; for rookie Riley, it is no different. While hunting for The Sin Eater, Fisher is bogged down by her demons and those among her colleagues. Riley often considers her Quantico and FBI training, but will this be enough to solve the city's most futile case?

Original Sins by Erin Young is dark, mysterious, and exhilarating! While reading, I kept finding myself unable to put the book down. With just the right amount of foreshadowing, along with the twists and turns, I was hooked! Riley is likable, and her complexities and abilities grip the reader in the best way possible.

Because Riley is such a complex character, I wanted to better understand both her and Kody's innermost thoughts and become gripped by them on a deeper level. I feel through the third-person text, that wasn't achieved. The book would have been much more intimate with a dual first-person point-of-view.

The ending had me longing for more, but I suspect more may come since this is Riley Fisher's second appearance, her first being in that of The Fields by Erin Young, specifically regarding Erin's potential romantic interest, Logan. Though the ending happened as it did, there was a lot of room for potential in Riley's personal life that left the reader wanting more.

Overall, I enjoyed Original Sins by Erin Young.

I am so thankful to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC copy of Original Sins in exchange for my honest review!

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This was a compelling read, that I found I did not want to put down! Great, multi-faceted characters. Very interesting plot. Vivid descriptions. Suspenseful and thrilling. Kept me intrigued from the first page to the last. Simply a GREAT read!

*I received a complimentary ARC of this book in order to read and provide a voluntary, unbiased and honest review, should I choose to do so.

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Let me first start out by saying that as soon as I concluded this book, I immediately ran on over to Amazon to pre-order a copy. I loved this book so darn much I know I will be reading it for years to come as well as wanting this insane cover showcased on my bookshelf.

Original Sins, I absolutely loved the title. Mysterious, sexy, and intimidating... I had to know more.

I read Erin Young's debut, The Fields, last year and fell in love with her writing style. I knew right there I would read everything she publishes to follow. When I saw Original Sins hit the circuit, I knew I just had to have it! I crossed my fingers and prayed to the good ole book fairies.

My prayers were answered and this book delivered!

This is a dark, suspense, crime fiction thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat riddled with anxiety. I can not brag about this book enough but I will tell you that this book is going to break the internet. Don't believe me ? Check out this teaser!

It’s a brutal winter in Des Moines, Iowa, and the city is gripped by fear. A serial attacker known as the Sin Eater is stalking women and has just struck again. It’s a tough time and a tough place for Riley Fisher, a former small-town sergeant, to be reporting for duty as an FBI agent on her first assignment.

Teamed with a man she’s not sure she can trust and struggling to prove herself—while fighting the pull of her old life and family dramas—Riley is tasked with investigating a vicious death threat against the newly elected female state governor. Gradually, she traces a disturbing connection between this case and the hunt for the Sin Eater. Through snow, ice, violence and lies, Riley Fisher is drawn towards a terrifying revelation.

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This talented author has written a page turner set in Des Moines. Red herrings kept me from guessing the ending easily. The characters are realistic and keep the story moving. Some of the language could be left out as it deters from the main storyline. This book was sent to me electronically by Netgalley for review. Thanks to the publisher and the author. I will recommend this book to others as the past joining the present is a perceptive concept. If killers are not caught, do they return to kill again? A thoughtful perceptive way of thinking.

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