Member Reviews

A family drama with a big heart, this novel by the author of the popular “We Are the Brennans” reminded me of why I love this genre so much. Tara Connelley and her brother and sister grew up among challenging circumstances and they’re barely holding on when Tara does time in prison for a crime she isn’t truly responsible for. The novel begins when she returns to her family after 18 months, and the disfunction picks up right where she left it. With multi layered complications and unquestioning love for a young nephew who lives with them, the siblings’ circles of misguided decisions overlap to create seemingly insurmountable chaos. The cop who put Tara in prison circles back to become involved with the family in complex ways, looking for his own redemption.

The well paced plot unfurls with just enough back story, and kept me company on a 11 hour solo drive. Excellent audio narration by Barrie Kreinik!

For those who read and loved Mary Beth Keane’s Ask Again, Yes.

Thanks to Net Galley, Macmillan Audio and Celadon Books for the early copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This will be a next great read novel. The best way I can describe this story is smooth. The narrator is easy to listen to, the story flows nicely, solid and consistent character development and at no point did I think when will this end. As a reader I was rooting for the main character and her dysfunctional situation. I’m fact I may have a bit of a book hangover now.

This has been posted to Goodreads.

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I don’t typically read family dramas, but I have to say, I really enjoyed this story! The story follows Tara, her two siblings, and nephew, and does an excellent job about portraying the family bond. Their lives are messy, but I was intrigued to keep reading and see how thing played out. Overall it was a great feel-good read.

Thank you to NetGalley, and MacMillan Audio for the ARC of this book!

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My Thoughts:
I binged this story in one sitting! It was so good I couldn't put it down/press pause. Lange draws you into this family immediately from the start and you just feel a personal connection to them. I didn't care much for Geralidine because she seemed so judgy and I loved Eddie and his funny son. (His jokes made me smile!) I was rooting for Tara from the start of the story and I couldn't wait to see how her life would end by the end of the book.

I would say that this family drama was handled so well. It is an easy read and perfect for a day where you have tons of laundry or house chores to handle while you listen to the audiobook-- I thought the narrator did a great job!

If you enjoy family dramas and stories about what family will do to protect you no matter what, this is for you!

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I'm sorry, I just couldn't get into this one.
I think it was the narrator. When I have to rewind and listen again many times it's time to throw in the towel.

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Thank you so much to Net Galley, the publisher, and author for providing this audiobook for my honest review. First of all, I loved the narration. It was absolutely excellent. I got swept away listening to it. I also enjoyed this story. It’s just a beautiful family drama that is so well written. I couldn’t stop listening. What a powerful story about family and family connections. I highly recommend this audiobook. Thank you again.

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Tracey Lange follows up We Are the Brennans with another character rich novel, The Connellys of County Down. Both are fabulous books and I will gladly read anything that Lange writes.
The Connellys are three siblings - oldest sister Geraldine, who is drowning in anxiety from the secrets she’s keeping; Eddie, a single father dealing with a traumatic brain and injury; and baby, Tara, who’s just gotten out of prison having served an 18 month sentence on a drug trafficking charge. Each has made mistakes but I was rooting for each of them to forge ahead. Because underneath their faults and weaknesses, there is love, sacrifice and loyalty. Shame also figured prominently as the reason so many of those faulty decisions were made. “Well congratulations Connellys, you are a normal, healthy screwed up family.”
Kudos to Lange. Not just the main characters were fully fleshed out and believable, so were the secondary and even tertiary characters.
Lange keeps up the tension as each sibling deals with their secrets. Chapters alternate between the three siblings and Brian, allowing us to see the secrets they’re hiding from their loved ones. I thought it was pretty obvious why Tara had remained silent and gone to prison. But still, I tore through this book, desperate to see how it would play out.
I listened to this. Barrie Kreinik did a great job.
My thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for an advance copy of this audiobook.

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This was a wonderful family drama! We are following Tara who just got released from prison and is trying to get her life back on track. She goes to live with her siblings and the cop who put her in jail, comes back around wanting to apologize.
Each character had something complicated going on with them which kept me wondering what was going to happen. I found the main character to be somewhat frustrating but also loyal and noble to her family. But AT WHAT COST?!
This is a great story of family and redemption which was super enjoyable.

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This is a heartfelt and honest portrayal of a family consisting of three siblings who each struggle with a plethora of issues but ultimately rely on each other to survive. The main character, Tara, is released from prison after serving a drug charge and she must reacclimatize to life outside and a whole host of unresolved, familial issues. The result is a family drama with some suspense and mystery, making it both well-written and entertaining. The audiobook was excellent and the narration easy to follow.

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The Conelly's of County Down is a beautiful story of family and love. The main character Tara Connelly is being released from prison after 18 months. The story follows her release and return to life with her family. She returns to her childhood home that she shares with her sister, brother and young nephew. She navigates finding a job while being on parole and also figuring out her place back inside their family unit. It's a simple story but one I think many people will connect with because it's about the things we do for the people we love. It was a really enjoyable and quick read, nothing too exciting happened but I kept picking it up to see what would happen next. I could have continued to read about this characters for a lot longer!

Lange's first book We Are the Brennans was similar in the way it explored family dynamics. However I enjoyed this book about the Connelly's much more.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Celadon books for an advanced copy of this book to read and review, all opinions are my own.

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Thank you to author Tracey Lange, NetGalley, Celadon Books, and MacMillan audio for my advanced listeners copy of The Connellys of County Down. When I got pre-approved for this one, I nearly fell out of my chair. I even texted a friend RIGHT AWAY to see if she got it, too.

What can I say about this book, The Connelly family, and Tracey Lange without gushing on and on…and on? To try and keep it concise: read. this. book. If you’re a fan of We Are The Brennans, you won’t want to miss The Connellys of County Down.

📖 When Tara Connelly is released from prison, she is forced to navigate life with all of the challenges you’d expect—and then some. Not only does Tara have to find a job, build trust with her PO, and navigate her new family dynamic now that’s she’s back home from literal prison, she’s also noticing that the police just won’t leave her alone. Even though she’s focused on rebuilding her life, she feels a strong sense of responsibility to protect her family, as well as figure out what the heck is going on with her and this man who makes her feel alive again. Oh, and then there’s that urge to, you know, do everything she can to not go back to prison.

💭 I really loved this one. It didn’t come as a shock because I loved We Are The Brennans. Tara is strong, capable, and kind but is also flawed and complex and I found myself really ~feeling~ for her. I understand why Brian had the job he did for the sake of storytelling, but I *really* wish that Lange didn’t make the cop the hero. My personal beliefs aside, it would’ve been really nice for Tara to be her own hero, or at least accept the help of her family in their heroism.

4.5/5 stars rounded up to 5

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This is a story of family, of love, of personal struggles and growth. Lange is a master of creating believable characters, who you are happy to root for.

The narration is well done. The story is enjoyable, although somewhat predictable, easy listening.

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5 ⭐ Read
5 ⭐ Narration

Narration Review:
I thought Barrie Kreinik did a fantastic job narrating this novel. Her dictation and inflection added a sense of realism to the story which helped bring it to life. I would definitely checkout another book she's narrated.

Book Review:
This book tugged at my heartstrings, the Connelly siblings have been through more than their fair share of trouble and trauma.
I appreciated how skillfully the author addressed sensitive topics such as rehabilitation after incarceration, living with a traumatic injury and addiction with compassion and understanding. The character development throughout this storyline may have been my favorite part! I was rooting for this family.

If you loved the Brennans, I would say you'll enjoy the Connelly family just much.

Thank you Tracey Lange, Net Galley , Celadon , Macmillan Audio for providing the ALC of this book!

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I have been waiting to consume something else by Tracey Lange since I read We Were the Brennan's and adored it. One of my favourite reads.

Lange has confirmed that family drama's with complicated sibling dynamics.

I honestly knew nothing about this book going into it.

Our main character Tara is fiercely independent and has just been released from prison. Her brother Eddie is very kind, but people tend to tiptoe around him, and Geraldine is very rigid and doesn't like straying from her routine. These siblings love each other, but don't quite understand each other. They went through a lot of difficult things together. And Lange explore this and I love love loved it. I highly recommend picking this one up as soon as it is published.

The narrator for this book was absolutely incredible. It enhanced my enjoyment of the book (and I already loved it)

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I was a huge fan of Ms. Lange’s debut novel, We are the Brennan’s so when I had the opportunity to listen to the audio version of her sophomore novel, I was thrilled. Once again, this author skillfully weaves a story of a troubled and distant family of siblings trying to reconnect. The Connellys of County Down is simply family drama at its best!

Tara, Eddie, and Geraldine Connelly are all adults now and they’ve survived a rough childhood with their mother’s early death and their father’s abandonment. Geraldine, as the oldest, took on the responsibility of raising her siblings. Now, Tara the youngest is home from an 18-month prison sentence for drug trafficking and is trying her best to readjust to her old life. Her bossy sister Geraldine is acting strange, even for her. Her brother Eddie, who suffered a traumatic head injury at 16 when in a car accident with his father, has changed as well. It seems everyone is keeping dangerous secrets when everything comes to a climatic conclusion.

This character-driven plot was mesmerizing to me as each of their personalities played out to the reader and to themselves as well. Although the siblings are flawed characters, each of them would do anything for their family no matter what. I could gush on and on about this book, but I suggest you read it for yourself.

The only issue I had with the story was how easily Tara was pulled into a relationship with Brian, the cop who put her in prison. It was so reckless on both their parts because it could get her sent back to prison.

The audio narration was superb as well and narrated by the talented Barrie Kreinik. Her voice always pulls me right into the story and keeps me interested.

Many thanks to NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in exchange for my honest opinion. Due to the one issue I had above, I rated this book 4 ½ stars rolled up to 5!

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I was sent a digital ARC and really struggled with it. It was a slow start. Once I switched to the audio I was fully on board and enjoyed the content so much more.

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Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the audiobook ARC! The Connellys of County Down is a story of familial love and devotion. Tara Connelly has just been released from prison after an eighteen month drug charge. Her family is unable to pick her up, but one of the cops responsible for putting her away is there and offers her a ride home (he has always felt guilty about the way Tara's arrest and conviction went down). Back home, she finds much has changed. Her brother Eddie is a single dad working hard to provide a decent life for his son, Conor, but suffers from complications from a traumatic brain injury. Her sister Geraldine seems cold and unfeeling, but may be hiding a dark secret. As Tara strives to rebuild her life, decisions made by her siblings may force Tara to sacrifice her future happiness. Can the Connellys find a way to work together and overcome the effects of their past decisions? This is another highly emotional family drama from Tracey Lange the New York Times bestselling author of We Are the Brennans. Barrie Kreinik provides a powerful performance for the audiobook.

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I love Tracey Lange's writing style. She tells a story that pulls you in from the beginning without having to create a 'hook' or a gimmick. Her warm development of characters is what will put her on the map and I will be a loyal reader from here on out! Auto-Read for me! I wish I could be best friends with her characters. I want to jump into the book to help ease their struggles. Relationships that seem problematic can be resolved in a way that you can't understand until the last page. I highly recommend this book! And if you haven't read Lange's first book...well you should! I loved this audiobook and the narrator did a fantastic job!

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This is a big-hearted story of family drama and secrets. It mainly revolves around Tara, who was just released from prison and returned home to begin putting her life back together. But her siblings are there, and everyone has to make peace with their pasts. I enjoyed this a lot.

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Tara Connelly is just getting out of prison after serving 18 months on a minor drug charge. She’s 30 years old, has no money, and knows that getting a job won’t be easy with a felony on her record. She moves home with her older sister Geraldine, her brother Eddie, and her nephew Connor. Getting back on her feet is a struggle, and her siblings are going through some problems of their own. Things are about to get really complicated, and they will need to pull together to get through it all.

I loved this family drama about sibling love, family loyalty, and second chances. Tara, Geraldine, and Eddie shared a difficult upbringing and they are closely bonded. All of the characters are complex and flawed in their own way, yet they are so sympathetic and endearing that I just wanted to hug them and tell them things would work out. Even when Tara makes questionable choices, her motivations are so unselfish that I never thought badly of her. The author does such a fantastic job of developing deep, nuanced characters, especially Tara’s older sister Geraldine. The budding romances were woven into the plot perfectly, and the story arc was perfectly paced with very satisfying resolutions for each of the siblings.

The audiobook is well-produced and Barrie Kreinik, who expertly narrated “We Are the Brennans”, does a superb job of bringing the Connellys to life. She imbues each character with emotion, and her soothing voice kept my rapt attention the entire time. I will definitely be looking for other audiobooks she has narrated!

Many thanks to NetGalley, Celadon Books, and Macmillan Audio for providing me an advance copy of this book.

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