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Out of Nowhere

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Sandra Brown is one of the authors that I look for when a new book hits the stands. Whoever does her covers also does a great job, because they always stand out.
This story has a plot that one would think wouldn't work. Take a mass shooting, a little bit of insight into the killer, and add a possible romance that comes from the shooting is one that might take some extra pitching.
That said, the author has done a great job. I really felt that I felt the mass shooting. At one point, walking around my house, I kind of forgot it was a book and not something I'd seen on the news. There's a really clever spin, police officers that I wasn't sure of, and a lot of working through the aftermath.
I also liked the characters. There is some sex, but I'd suspect if you're reading Ms. Brown's books you know that ahead of time. I couldn't put this down and stayed up late into the night reading. I highly recommend this to fans of suspense or romantic suspense. Great job on an original plot.

Thank you to the author, Grand Central Publishing, and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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If a book about a mass shooting that is also a sex-fueled thriller seems baffling, that is just what readers get in Sandra Brown’s latest, Out of Nowhere, available in August. The carnage occurs during a county fair in Texas where Elle Portman and her two-year-old son Charlie are caught up in a logjam at the entrance/exit gate. Several people were shot, some fatally. One of the injured is Calder Hudson who is hit when he makes a flying leap to rescue Charlie whose stroller goes off course and starts to tip.

Some good police work turns up a dead shooter quickly, bringing some relief to the survivors. However, when the forensic evidence does not fully support the early findings, the detectives question Elle and Calder along with three other survivors over and over, leaving them emotionally bereft.

Adding to the confusion, the pressure from news media for the latest tidbit, including Calder’s girlfriend, reporter Shauna Calloway, is overwhelming. A support group brings together some of the survivors including Elle and a woman named Dawn who was shot in the calf. While Elle refuses all interviews, Dawn Whitley is the first to give her story to Shauna. Calder refuses to let Shauna interview him or use his name to persuade other survivors to come forth with their perspective about the attack. Their relationship comes to a breaking point causing Calder to move out.

The devastating circumstances of the shooting are hard to read as in any news media coverage of real mass killings. The drive to get justice for those who died is a uniting force between Elle, Calder, and Dawn. When Shauna irresponsibly reveals their names, authorities swoop in to secure the three in a safe house as already one has received a death threat.

Bonded by tragedy, Elle and Calder cannot ignore a growing attraction between them, but the circumstances of their meeting make them question if being together would just be too painful to create a lasting relationship from the steamy one that has developed. When the killer finds Elle, Calder, and Dawn in the secure house, their grieving turns into a fight for survival. The twist of an ending is shocking when the killer who has been an unreliable narrator throughout is revealed.

Sandra Brown, whose first novel was published in 1981, has penned more than 70 novels. Known for romantic suspense and detailed sex scenes, she once tried her hand successfully with a book of historical fiction about the Great Depression, Rainwater (2009). Brown, who lives in Texas, has seen four of her books adapted for film.
My review will be posted on Goodreads starting July 26, 2023.

I would like to thank Grand Central Publishing, a division of Hatchette Book Group, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in return for an objective review.

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Sandra Brown has easily been one of my favorite authors for decades and with good reason. I could not put this book down. A thrill ride of a read, emotionally gripping, dripping with romance and hot, steamy scenes and a plot twist you won't see coming! Pick this book up immediately!!

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Reading this book while looking out at the rolling Pacific Ocean with the sounds of happy kids playing in the surf it is so hard to believe that such depravity can exist, but it does. Mass shootings are taking place so often that we almost have become desensitized to them. The survivors and the families of the victims live with the loss forever and Sandra Brown pays homage to that reality. Elle's journey may strike some as not plausible, but I prefer to think of her as a very strong person who reached out with both hands to grab life. The story was gripping, and I was totally surprised by the baddie and the motive.

Elle Portman is an author of children's books. She is taking a well-deserved outing at a Texas county fair with her two-year son, Charlie, and best friend, Glenda. Charlie is near meltdown, and it is time to leave when gun shots ring out through the crowded midway. Everyone panics and Elle loses control of Charlie's stroller.

Calder Hudson is a successful business consultant who has just completed the largest contract of his career and the last place he wants to be is at a hick county fair. But his girlfriend, a beautiful TV reporter, is interviewing an up-and-coming Country star and wants him there. Shortly after clearing the entry gate gun fire erupts and people start dropping, running, screaming. Calder tries to stop a runaway stroller but is shot.

Police at first believe the shooter killed himself, but soon come to believe he escaped. Calder and Elle have a chance meeting at the police station. Calder was injured but survived. Elle lost the love of her life. They both want the same thing: Justice. This is a mutual goal, and an attraction grows as they share their feelings about the shooting and how the case is going. As unlikely as it is, they grow closer to each other and that scares the heck out of Calder and brings Elle some measure of guilt, but the attraction isn't to be denied. As the police investigate, a leak exposes Calder and Elle as witnesses, putting their lives in danger from a shooter who wants no loose ends. Calder is determined that he and Elle will survive even though "tragedy brought us together, but I'm not going to let it keep us apart."

My thanks to the Publisher and the Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.

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Sandra Brown is one of my must read authors and I was excited to get an early copy of her newest. The story unfolds with a mass shooting at a county fair and goes 100 miles an hour from there. The story unfolds into a mystery of who done it, and a blossoming romance between the 2 main characters. The shooter identity was a complete surprise and made for a neat conclusion to the story. I highly recommend this to any fan of romantic suspense.

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Although Sandra Brown addressed the elephant in the room, or in this case the book, through the story, I really struggled with the romantic premise so I struggled more than I should have with the story. That is a shame because I was way off on who the killer was and really love to be surprised. There is no doubt other readers will likely struggle with the romantic part of the story. I appreciate the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review from Grand Central Publishing and #NetGalley.

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Bring it because Sandra Brown is ready!!!
Out of Nowhere was an amazing read, full of character, and ripe with thrills!!
Just when you think you have it figured out the plot twists come at you with a force that's not to be reckoned.
Now, we all have worried about our surrounds from time to time but in this day of mass shootings it's alarming how often we look over out shoulders.
Building upon this emotion is fear, trauma, and other emotions that come to a head especially as parents.
When Elle Portman takes her two year old son Charlie to a Texas County Fair she didn't expect to end the day on a sad note much less with tragedy.
However, could tragedy bring something so horrific into a positive light?
Could a young shooter that possibly killed numerous individuals be the only one held responsible even upon death?
Or, could there be far more to this story that we are just learning....
Calder Hudson is a corporate consultant who happened to be in the right place at the right time or was he....It makes one think what else is lurking around.
Thank you to Sandra Brown, Grand Central Pub, Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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Holy Moly, can I give this book 10 stars? Calder and Elle come together at a lowest point in their lives. The hunt for the shooter was suspense-filled with twists and turns to make your stomach drop to your knees. The ending was amazing.

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This is a book about people who experience a tragedy that changes their lives. They come together as two unlikely people, when circumstances throw them together. And they try and figure out how the tragedy happened. Definitely a good book!

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4 out of 5 stars

Out of Nowhere Sandra Brown

Sandra Brown has the male inner voice down and can weave a taunt thriller. She has a way of making us question everyone’s motivation by the thoughts and actions she reveals or hides. It hurts that such a tragedy brings the characters, Elle Portman and Calder Hudson together but togetherness and support is better than blaming and tearing each other apart. That male inner voice and reactions make Calder more likable, relatable and endearing than he has a right to be. Elle makes what she treasures most in life happen. In tragedy, she struggles along with a self awareness and quiet fierceness to come out on the other side. It is finding that person who makes you want to put one foot in front of the other and eventually experience life’s joys and sexy times again.

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A mass shooting at a county fair takes several lives, including that of Elle Portman’s young son. Calder Hudson tried to save the child but wasn’t successful in doing so and lands in the hospital himself. This is a gripping story with twists, turns, loss, grief, heartache, guilt, and more. And it seems the shooter is now determined to take out the survivors under police protection, but how is that even possible? Can the shooter be found before more lives are lost?

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Such a gripping fast pace thriller that unfortunately is happening to often these days. I appreciate the warning the author wrote in the beginning of the book. And I did have to take a breather and collect myself before I could continue reading. The setting is at a Texas County Fair and the unthinkable happens……shots fired! There are several murdered and the survivors are trying to piece their lives together. Including Ella who lost her son and Calder the man accredited to saving many lives but couldn’t save the toddler. The police is trying to piece together what happened and why, to find out who is the culprit. There is an emotional roller coaster ride throughout the telling of the story, many twists and turns. I really don’t want to give away anything, but I do highly recommend reading this book. Thank you NetGalley for this eARC. I am voluntarily posting an honest review after reading an Advance Reader Copy of this story. #NetGalley #OutOfNowhere

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Sandra Brown novels are a must read for me. I loved this book. The subject matter was a bit hard at first but I loved the 2 main characters and the ending was a surprise. I highly recommended this to lovers of romantic suspense.

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Fans of Sandra Brown don't need a review to know that this is going to be a fast paced and twisty read. For everyone else- this tale of Elle and Calder, two people who were left traumatized and horribly victimized after what was meant to be a happy day at a county fair will make your pulse race and touch your heart. These two meet after a mass shooting and, as they are both trying to adjust to a new reality, they learn that the person believed to be the shooter, a person who was killed at the scene, was not the villain. They join forces to find the truth and it's a quest that puts them both in danger. No spoilers from me but know that there's a surprise ahead. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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Got approved for this the day before vacation. This book ruined all my vacation reading plans. Read it in 2 days and loved it. Definitely the best Sandra Brown book I've read in a while.

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Another great read by Sandra Brown. Fast paced with little bit of something for everybody. Romance, mystery, and suspense. Great characters and an enjoyable plot. Highly recommend. Thanks to NetGalley for advanced copy for a honest review.

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NetGalley advanced copy.

Sandra Brown is an automatic read for me. Out of Nowhere was a good, quick read. I was pulled in from the beginning and couldn't put it down. I did struggle a bit with how fast the main character seemed to move on/come to grips with a mom's worst nightmare. Overall, thoroughly enjoyed!
*Check trigger warnings

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Fans of Sandra Brown will enjoy her latest offering. Great characters, romance, and mystery make this a great beach read. Strongly recommended

Thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for an advanced reader copy.

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I am a huge fan of Sandra Brown and always look forward to her next release. This story did not disappoint. I was nervous about the storyline as it felt a little too scary to engage and feel vested without feeling outraged. The first 10% of the story will be tough to get through but force yourself to do so and buckle up as it will take you on a dark path that has a fast pace and suddenly, you're at the end.

Elle is a survivor of a mass shooting. Her emotions are stretched and tested as she along with other survivors learn over time that the event has unfolded causing them to question who is responsible and why? The author does an exceptional job with the characters reaction to the event with tapping into their emotions, i.e., their guilt, and their grief. Elle proves to be a very strong woman and ally to Calder, who is angry that the mystery has not been solved and the detectives on the case do not appear to have any new evidence to bring them close to an arrest. Calder is not able to stay idle and wait for results. He and Elle have a connection and the two believe there is more to the story. They follow their instincts and soon discover that their lives may be in danger........again. The story ends with a shocking twist, and at times uncomfortable, but worthwhile.

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Thank you to Net Galley for providing an early copy of Out of Nowhere by Sandra Brown

Sandra Brown knows how to write characters, and Out of Nowhere features a man and a woman struggling to come to terms with surviving a mass shooting in which the woman's two-year-old son was a victim. It is said that only those who have suffered the same loss can comprehend what a survivor goes through. That concept is clearly evident here.

Elle attends a carnival with her toddler son where the shooting takes place. Calder Hudson attempts to move the stroller the toddler is in and inadvertently causes the child to take the bullet. Calder himself is injured. From this scenario, Elle and Calder work together with the police to find the shooter and bring him/her to justice. Passages along the way indicate the vindictiveness and mental instability of the shooter.

Elle and Calder veer from the police work on several occasions, placing them in danger but proving that together they are more calculating and smart than the police working the case.

In Sandra Brown fashion, a romance develops between Elle and Calder that has its own ups and downs. With so much sorrow and so much going on in order to catch the perpetrator, the romance must take a back seat to the investigative work.

Readers of Sandra Brown will immerse themselves once again in characters who ultimately makes things work for them.

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