Cover Image: The Contessa of Mostul Ûbar

The Contessa of Mostul Ûbar

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Member Reviews

this was hard to get into. had to DNF. :(

— thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the free digital ARC.

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Ok the character development in this one was a little odd, but I suppose not understanding the main character’s decisions may be more on me.

Crazy opening scene and definitely sets an addictive tone for the book.

Also I’ve never met a pirate book that I didn’t devour, and this holds true here!

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L. James Rice does a great job in continuing the Sundering the Gods series. It had everything that I was looking for and thought the story did a great job in creating this. The characters were what I was looking for and it had a great feel to it. It left me wanting to read more in this world and from the author.

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Rating: 4.5/5

Review: It is always nice to discover new authors that hit the reading spot. Mr. Rice gets entered into my little black book of faves.

This was quite the undertaking, with a visceral beginning that hinted at much sublime gore to come. Nope, the plot wends its course through the high seas with many buckles (bucklers?) being swashed. The character development was a bit off with the MC, vacillating between revenge/lust and pirating/nobility. What you think are continuity errors is a major hiccup in the plot where various story lines verge, but in the end it is all for revenge. Kind of weak. Like who follows a revenge maddened maniac in hopes of gaining some loot? I guess life is cheapest on the high seas.

Denfinitely an expansive story line that overrides Poleen’s lack of development. A rage infused revenant to haughty princess pirate slut does not a believable character make. Still, other characters are drawn with beautifully and the world building is top notch. GET IT!

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