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Mister Lullaby

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After fighting in Afghanistan, Gideon Dupree returns to home a hero. With an underserved, to his mind, Purple Heart in his bag and a pronounced limp, the last thing Gideon wants is a hero’s welcome, but his mother has other ideas.

This is the introduction to the folk of Harrod’s Reach. A town with more than its fair share of mysteries and unexplained happenings, but nothing can prepare the residents for the arrival of Mr Lullaby

I loved this book, as I did the Nightmare Man. The writing has touches of Lovelace, Poe, King and Malfi, amongst others, a real treat for horror lovers. Not afraid to go dark and deep, Markert has set the bar for new horror stories and it’s pretty high!

The characters were really well written. Especially fond of Simon, a gem, reminiscent of King’s Tom Cullen.

I always admire a writer who is not afraid to kill off a main character if it’s good for the plot, and this author has no qualms at all of who must go!

For me this writing is excellent, an author who knows his craft, full of suspense, a joy to read.

p.s. great cover!

Thank you NetGalley.

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There is an old abandoned train tunnel in the town of Harrods Reach. It's been nothing but a problem for the town over the years. After multiple people disappeared or were injured inside its walls, it was eventually sealed shut.
But now, the walls are crumbling, and something has awoken in the tunnel. Something is trying to find its way out. Mister Lullaby is coming.

This book is ALOT, a lot of characters, a lot of storylines, a lot of twists, and a lot of pages.. but somehow, J.H. Market still manages to present it in a way that is both palatable and enjoyable. Mister Lullaby is never dull or boring, but just might give you nightmares!

I actually read this book first and then read The Nightmare Man. They can definitely be read alone or in whichever order you choose. But there is a bit of overlap with the world's and some of its characters, so I recommend reading both.

I was originally drawn to Mister Lullaby because of its cover, which, while simple, was equally creepy and gave me serious King vibes. And it did not disappoint! If you're looking for your next spooky read, look no further than Mister Lullaby... just maybe keep the lights on 😉

As always, thank you to netgalley and the publishers for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you for this ARC.
Are you following the bus? Are you a fan past and present lore? This book will definitely not disappoint. It had me smiling and engaged as I enjoyed each word and new page of information. This is a small town Lovecraft, King feel. You’ll get to the end and will surely want to know more. Have fun with this read. I did.
I just reviewed Mister Lullaby by J. H. Markert. #MisterLullaby #NetGalley

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC!! I have had nightmare man on my TBR forever! While there is a slight connection, it is not a prerequisite. This was definitely a creepy book. Small town horror. Including almost every aspect a horror reader would love. I’m excited to pick up Markert’s other works!

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Chilling of a book..creppy and just the right kind of crazyness taking place.
I loved everything about this book. The characters were all brought to life in their own ways making it a brilliant book to read.
The setup of this book around the tunnel and lalaland was so unique. Great idea
I don’t want to sleep now..

Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for an early release of this book.

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I rarely find a horror author who manages to write more than one book that creeped me out and made me hesitate in the dark. But J H Markert has executed it repeatedly, and Mister Lullaby is no exception.

The story is written around the Tunnel in a small town in Nebraska. It's an old train tunnel that had been abandoned for years, and it is the stuff of myth and legend for disappearances, accidents, dismemberment and deaths. Not to mention the strange colourful creatures, plants and shells that are often found around the area, and no one has any idea where they come from.

Gideon comes back from war, sent home due to an injury. Beth is the deputy sheriff of their home town and is obsessed with the violence that surrounds the tunnel. Simon is seen as a simple man, who lives out in the woods on his own. And Teddy is a killer who is taking his instructions about killing comatose patients from a shell. And they all arrived in the small town, to the tunnel at the same time, but why?

This is a brilliantly written, atmospheric, creepy book, one that wraps all the myths about the things that prey on sleeping people, with characters so deeply flawed that they may not be able to solve the problem. The good guys are good, but the bad guys are truly evil, and you have no idea what they are going to do next. A must-read if you like to be scared!

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When nightmares can actually cross over into our world, that calls for one scary book.

Have you ever thought, wow how could anyone do such depraved things...what if it was actually people possessed by folklore creatures that cause nightmares? This is what is occurring in Mister Lullaby. Only a handful of people can save the town from Mr. Lullaby and all of his nightmarish creatures.

This is a quick read and interesting read.

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I had high expectations for Mr. Lullaby after reading The Nightmare Man. J.H. Markert’s first horror novel was a true win for me, checking off every box of what made a book perfect (in my mind). It is a book I recommend over and over again; to people who love horror, to people who love thrillers; to people who love fantasy; to people who love to read. Mr. Lullaby will be another one of those books in my own “top recommended” category.

If I’m completely honest, I struggled to see Mr. Lullaby as a sequel to The Nightmare Man until about halfway through the book. As a stand-alone, Mr. Lullaby was unique and enrapturing, however with the expectation that it was connected to The Nightmare Man, I wasn’t quite convinced. This novels multiple narrators and timelines made it easy to forget that the was any sort link between Markert’s two horror novels until the Mare Trees came to light. From there it all began to make sense. I still wouldn’t call Mr. Lullaby a sequel, but I do love the link between the two. Mr. Lullaby explains how The Nightmare Man came to be, however it doesn’t keep the storyline of the characters from the first novel. Markert does promise a true sequel for The Nightmare Man in the acknowledgements at the end of Mr. Lullaby, however I now actually feel more excitement for a sequel to or even a “through the looking glass” sort of novel for Mr. Lullaby.

I love that Markert took a plunge into the dark fantasy world of Lalaland in Mr. Lullaby. Even with this fantasy world as a major element to this story, it was still realistic enough to draw me in the same way The Nightmare Man had. While reading both novels, you could absolutely imagine many of these horrors happening in your own life, in a small mountain town near you.

Be sure to pay attention to the time line. Each chapter is listed as “before” or “now” along with the narrator’s name. If you have a tendency to look past that and jump right into the chapter, you WILL get lost. Otherwise the unique structure of the novel allows you to develop your own connection until, WHAM, the truth hits you.

Mr. Lullaby is another win. As far as I am concerned, J.H. Markert is right in the realm of writing he needs to be, and any subsequent novels he pens for those who love horror, dark fantasy, and thrillers cannot fail.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publishers for sending me a copy in exchange for a review.

I really enjoyed this book, especially with the timelines being 'before' and 'now', as well as diary entries from a former detective in the town to add some historical stories to the town's folklore.
I've heard a lot of reviewers compare the author to being a good contender for Stephen king's throne, and I can see that in this book - it had similar feels to the plot and the writing style, but it still feel fresh and new to the horror genre.

overall, this was a really good, creepy small town horror story and I really look forward to what this author will write in the future.

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I feel very conflicted on how to review this book. Mostly because, though I’m not quite sure if I enjoyed it, I didn’t realize that until about 65% through.
I was hooked by the premise alone—a mysterious entity named Mr Lullaby controls the realm of nightmares. There’s coma patients that aren’t really in a coma and a haunted tunnel that punishes whoever enters it.
That was what worked for me.
What didn’t work is that, around the point when I could see details webbing themselves together, not everything made sense to me. And I didn’t care for every POV written.
Do I think this is worth a shot? Sure. It was a fun read, for the most part. And I look forward to seeing what the author comes up with next.

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Not quite as good as Mr Nightmare but I really enjoyed this book. It had a strong feel of Koontz to it and the characters were likeable and in the case of the ‘monsters’, some even familiar.
The plot was fast paced and interesting with a few surprises along the way.
Can’t wait for the next book by this author.

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Mr. Lullaby by J.H.Markert is every bit as good as his first novel, The Nightmare Man.

The novel reads between “now” and “ before”, with alternating points of view, but the timeline is very short. I also didn’t think it entirely necessary to have before and after, as one relates to current events and townspeople, and the other relates to a murderer, but not separated by a dramatically clear event.

I loved the characters! All of them (including the ones that only feature for a chapter) are vital to the story in some manner, and added to the mystery surrounding the connections between each person. Some of them cross over between the two timelines, and then you really start to figure out what is happening. The connection between the coma patients was hair-raising!

The idea of Lalaland, a place dominated by (night)Mares, Elders and Seers, is intriguing and mystifying and I really do see this being explored in a subsequent novel. And with that ending, there simply must be another!!

Mr. Markert has taken his place firmly on my “automatically TBR” list of authors.

#Netgalley #MrLullaby #JHMarkert #CrookedLaneBooks

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I went in really wanting to like this book, but it fell flat for me. The characters never felt fleshed out to me, instead just going where they needed to go. They often just accepted things because if they didn’t the plot wouldn’t happen. There are quite a lot of exposition dumps in the book with groups of people standing around and talking or with one character telling another character a story. Both Maddy and Teddy’s mom feel like characters literally just there to inform the other main characters about what was going on with Lalaland. Nothing about the plot ever really felt urgent, even in urgent situations and sometimes I wasn’t sure why a character would end up at the tunnel yet again when most people seemed to realize the tunnel was bad news. But it's another case of 'if the characters aren't there, the plot wouldn't move forward.'

There are flashbacks in the book that make it hard to clock how long its been in the current timeline and I was shocked that it had only been about a day since the beginning scenes of the book where Sully wakes up. Within maybe two days, two characters also apparently fall deeply in love. Another character is pretty much gutted, but doesn’t seem too bothered by it other than grimacing in pain and holding his stomach sometimes.

Finally, the ending was abrupt and unsatisfactory. I’m really not sure what was going through one of the characters minds during that.

A more minor thing, part of the summary on the book doesn’t even happen. The book makes it sound like Sully talks to his brother, Gideon, to give him an important message, when Gideon isn’t there when Sully wakes up and the message isn’t specifically for Gideon.

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Mister Lullaby was incredibly enjoyable. The amount of shivers and terror i experienced is something unheard of as a seasoned horror fan. This is most certainly one that you should dive into blind, knowing as little as possible - and definitely pick out a weekend to read, since you won't be able to put it down. My only issue was the length, it sometimes felt drawn out for no real reason. But overall, a fantastic read.

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I found this book hard to get into bec of the many different view points and the slow start to the book. I loved this authors previous book and was extremely excited for Mister Lullaby but it just wasn't for me. I will look for this authors work in the future bec i still believe he's great! Thank you so much to NetGalley for allowing me to read this advanced copy

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I feel like I need to start this review by stating that Horror is not usually my genre. However this one drew to me. The cover, the storyline..

This plot is reminiscent of Peter Pan and It-- young people are drawn to an alternate universe in their dreams, some wake up again and others don't. There are Seers and Elders, and it is their job to protect the universe from the Mares (short for nightmares). The line between worlds is drawing ever-more thin... and it has to do with a small town in the middle of nowhere.

A crazy buildup with POV changes every chapter. You really don't know how it's going to wrap up... until the last 1/3rd of the book, when the story barrels to a finish. An unsatisfying finish, at that. My initial response to the ending was "WTF?" It felt like the writer walked away without a true wrapup.

Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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In the vein of T. Kingfisher and Christopher Golden, the boundary protecting our world from the monsters on the other side is weakening—and Mister Lullaby is about to break through

In Harrod’s Reach, a small town with a lot of weird things happening, some of those monsters are about to reach out and touch some folks~

As Gideon comes home from war, his young brother, Sully, who has been in a coma for years, suddenly wakes up and begins reciting names.
Sully is a huge part of this story and you really never hear directly from him.
, but his anxiety seems to be about the abandoned railroad tunnel that the town bricked up long ago. But lately it has been opening up and very odd things are happening.

Mr. Lullaby is coming. He will be bringing all of the nightmare monsters along with him and people will die. Horribly.

Will the good guys be able to stop him?

This author really knows suspense. And horror. And we love it!

NetGalley/ Crooked Lane Books, NOvember 21, 2023

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[Blub goes here]

In a quiet town, there's a tunnel. People are often found dead inside it, their missing limbs wounds cauterized. This has been happening for over a century. Sometimes, the tunnel is more active, meaning that more victims (or just their limbs) are found.

The story jumps from "Now" to "Before" too often. While "Now" is mainly focused on the townspeople, "Before" is focused on a serial killer and an impressive ensemble of lunatics he picks up on his way to the town.

There are many things happening in this novel, too many to let each one coalesce properly. While we get a clear picture of some characters, many will be in the background.

J. H. Markert wrote "The Nightmare Man" (3.9 stars on Goodreads) a while back, and for whatever reason, he decided to bring that lore into this novel, which explains some of the things happening to the townsfolk.

While the story turns into a convoluted mess, it's still creepy and has—unlike The Nightmare Man—lots of action and scares.

IMHO, this could have been a shorter novel and be the better for it. There are many unnecessary things in it, be it characters, plot lines, or events.

I enjoyed the read, but I'm sure I will not revisit it.

Thank you for the advanced copy!

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Mister Lullaby surprised me with just how good it is! The author had to deal with several different characters, including an array of killers, and he pulled it off beautifully.

I can’t really share much without getting into spoilers. If you want a really good read about our world being threatened by another, though, this is the book you should read. And now, I can’t wait to read The Nightmare Man!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC. This review contains my honest, unbiased opinion.

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Mister Lullaby is a standalone horror story by author, JR Markert. While standalone, this one does link slightly to his previous novel, The Nightmare Man. I’ve yet to read that one but it was based on the hype and popularity around that one that I eagerly picked up this one and now intend to go back and read The Nightmare Man. This creepy chilling small town supernatural horror mystery is an excellent read and one I couldn’t put down. The book is fairly fast paced and is told my multiple POVs. The style reminded me of Stephen King. I’m looking forward to reading more by this author.

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