Cover Image: InvestiGators: Agents of S.U.I.T.: From Badger to Worse

InvestiGators: Agents of S.U.I.T.: From Badger to Worse

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Member Reviews

Sons review: I loved it. It was good. It was funny. I loved Bongo and Marsha. My favorite part was the ginormous rocket. 5 stars!

Moms Review: The second book in the series built well off the plot of the first book while introducing new characters Bongo and Marsha. It was fast paced, funny, and full of action. I am really intrigued by the b-plot where we got to check in with Monocle at the farm base. I also didn't expect that villain in the main plot. Overall I felt more interested and engaged in this book than the first one, so solid 5 stars.

Overall this series has been one my kids happily read and reread. The characters are fun, the humor on point (though sometimes a little too punny for mom) and the story pulls you in on a wild ride.

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Another delightful installment in the world of the InvestiGators. My 7 year old loves the antics, humor, and artwork; I love the word play that continues to build reading skills and vocab while reading for pure pleasure. Not going to lie, I laughed out loud myself, a few times too. The badgers are a duo after my own heart (though I'm glad I'm not footing their bill!).

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I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The story follows the endearing duo of Mango and Brash, two alligator investigators who are members of S.U.I.T. (Special Undercover Investigation Teams). Their latest mission involves a mysterious plot with a mischievous badger, and readers are taken on a hilarious ride as they uncover clues, solve puzzles, and navigate through witty banter and unexpected surprises.

"InvestiGators: Agents of S.U.I.T.: From Badger to Worse" is an absolute joy to read, making it an excellent choice for bedtime stories or reading sessions with family. Its clever humor and engaging storytelling will keep children eagerly flipping through the pages, and adults will appreciate the book's smart wit and hidden gems.

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InvestiGators is a fun series that my 7 and 8 year old boys enjoy. This one was an easy, enjoyable read for them with some humor and great pictures. If you are looking for a funny, detective type book for your middle grade kids, I recommend this one!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy. Opinions are my own.

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My son and I read this together! We loved how bright and vibrant it was. He loves graphic novels as all kids his age does. We loved the puny jokes and found ourselves laughing out loud! I would highly recommend this book to anyone!!

I received an arc from NetGalley!!

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My two sons are huge fans of the Investigators and Agents of S.U.I.T. series. I read this gifted ARC copy with my two sons and they loved this addition to the Agents of S.U.I.T. series. Personally, I found that sometimes it felt like it jumped around too much and that the transitions weren’t smooth but I am not the intended audience. My sons were split on which enemy and book they liked better but they both gave From Badger to Worse two thumbs up and five stars. This continues to be an auto-buy series for my family.

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A hilarious adventure with S.U.I.T.’s B-team, b for badger that is. As a fan of the original InvestiGators series, I am thrilled to get to see the other characters from the agency get some adventures of their own. Once again John Patrick Green’s punny humor is the star of the show. Bongo and Marsha are delightfully oblivious to the world around them while working the case and this leads to some of the best parts of the story. Overall a wonderful addition to the InvestiGators universe.
Thank you NetGalley and First Second Books for early access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Another great addition to the Investigators/Agents of Suit series by John Greene. My students absolutely love these books and this one will be no different. The silly puns and jokes are always enjoyable. Will absolutely be purchasing 2 or 3 for my library.

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I, as well as my kids, love John Patrick Green! I appreciate his punny approach in writing his stories and how each book connects to the previous one. Overall, great read.

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ARC Copy...If you read the other Investigators and Agents of suits comics, yep you expect whats going to happen! Undercover, secret agent action, talking animals, lots of B-puns everywhere and the most expensive mission costs ever!

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This was a great addition to the agents of suit and investigators series. The book was easy to follow even if someone never read the previous books. It was thought nice to have some parts mentioning story lines or characters from the other stories. Sometimes there were parts of the story that didn’t transition well to the next story line, jumped around to another storyline. Maybe have it as a separate chapter or a sentence like meanwhile back at HQ. If a kid like dog man or captain underpants they will most likely like this story.

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The newest book of Agents of S.U.I.T. is a hit with my students. The silly B-Team crew keeps you entertained with their silly jokes and adventures. It's a fun quick read that will have your kids fully immersed in the tale.

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My daughter and I read this together. She absolutely loved the book and thought idly was funny and couldn’t get enough of it. As a parent reading it I wasn’t overly impressed but I’m not the target audience for this. Overall it’s a great book for younger children into silly spy books.

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My 9 year old son loves John Patrick Green. He said this book wasn't as good as Book 1 in Agents of S.U.I.T. because he liked the alien enemy better than the bee enemy. The bee enemy in this book wasn't his favorite, but he is excited for the next book and is hoping for ghosts. Anything by John Patrick Green is a must read for him. Thank you!

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The InvestiGators series is adored in our household! They're easy to read in one sitting because you want to know what happens next! Suit's B-Team, Marsha and Bongo the badgers, solve bungalow burglaries in Bora Bora - how's that for alliteration! This series is perfect for independent readers or reading together with a parent - plenty to keep parents engaged :) Highly recommend!

My 8.5yo says "It was so funny, as usual. I liked it when GI found out that they had six-star hotel rooms and he went "Oh I thought they only went up to five..." I love all the B "bee" jokes like "what should bee do" and when Bongo said they were European, a lady said "well if you're a-peein go to a restroom" I laughed out loud!! There was also a samurai bee with a stinger sword. At the end there was a ghost that was the general inspecter... I think that's a prequel to the next book and I CAN'T WAIT!"

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This was a new addition to the InvestiGators series and followed a lot of the same principles. Very punny which seems to be the norm for these books, although I will admit that it was less forced and less overwhelming in this story. Not sure if that was because Green has fewer puns or if it's just that they were better integrated. Or that I'm getting used to this style and able to see past it to the story behind.

As always, the artwork is consistent with the previous books. So, bright, colourful, with solid lines and easy to distinguish characters. Although I suspect this is for the target age group, it helps me enormously because I have a hard time with graphic novels where the people are all drawn the same or same enough that I get them muddled.

The badgers are not my favourite characters. They just seem a little too selfish and oblivious in some ways for me to truly like them and root for them. In the first chase, I was thinking it was ridiculous how much they were basically disregarding the consequences of their chase, so I was happy to see that they got brought to task for it. But if that's my only complaint, then that's not a big deal really.

I enjoyed the little clues as to what was going on in both storylines, and I am intrigued to see what happens next.

If you liked the previous InvestiGators, this one won't disappoint. At all. And if this is the first volume you're picking up, I think it does a good job of introducing the series without requiring reading the other books.

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An epic, hilarious adventure from start to finish that my kids said deserved “10 stars!” I don’t know who enjoyed this more - me or my kids - and we finished it in one sitting. We loved following Marsha and Bongo, S.U.I.T.‘s B-Team, as they went undercover to solve the bungalow burglaries in Bora Bora.

Packed with jokes and spy tech galore, plot twists, callbacks to book one, spectacular illustrations, and appearances by Cilantro, Mango, Brash, and others, this newest installment in the Agents of S.U.I.T. series is sure to entertain and delight readers of all ages!

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More Agents of S.U.I.T. Adventures! I love the InvestiGators books, and enjoyed this spin off title set in the same high tech spy world, but following the adventures of the B-team. Kids of all ages will enjoy this colorful, silly mystery. The first half of this book did feel a little slower than its counterparts, but the pacing picks up quickly once the badgers are sent on their mission.

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