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Designs on the Duke

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Thank you NetGalley for this read I always love Alexa Aston's books. This book is about Abby and Elijah who were each brought up with one parent but in so different of a way. When Abby's father died his friend came for her and they traveled the world together. Then she settled in London to open a furniture store with her own designs.
When they meet she is to furnish his home for him. They each did not want to marry. His father was a terrible person and hated his sons enough that he left them an empty house. His twin who would have become the duke dies saving a woman and her daughter from a fire. That leaves Elijah. In the end they find love and Abby's business is a success. How they get to the end is the fun in the story. As always this author makes it interesting.

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When Love Comes Calling, Will They Answer?

Abby did not intend to marry. Her goal was to design beautiful furniture for the ton to buy. Then, she fell in love with a man who wanted nothing to do with such a thing.

Elijah returned from war, and he was suddenly a duke. He wanted nothing to do with love, marriage, or children because of his cruel father who abandoned him, along with his mother and brother. No one who saw him today could deny he was his father's son, but his father had never seen him and died thinking he was not his. Would bitterness continue to dog Elijah's footsteps? Perhaps, literally running into Abby was exactly what he needed to change the course of his life.

Since neither Abby nor Elijah wanted love or marriage, what happened when they found themselves falling in love with one another? Would they let stubbornness get in the way of happiness? For the answer, you might want to read this story. It started with a tragedy, but would love turn sorrow into joy? I recommend this story to those who enjoy Regency romance with challenges to overcome.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book and this is my freely given opinion.

This has been a fun series, with all stand alone books. In this one, Elijah and his elder, twin brother, are in Spain, during war time. They are in a local village trying to prevent looting when his brother impulsively runs into a burning house to save the people within. He manages to escape, but dies in Elijah's arms from smoke inhalation; an emotionally devastating loss for Elijah. As he mourns his loss, he receives notice that his estranged father, the Duke of Bradford, has died, which would have made his dead twin the next Duke - except he is now dead, making Elijah the heir to the duchy.

Elijah, while his heart breaks mourning the loss of his brother, feels nothing for the loss of his father, because he has never known him. His father had rejected his sons, and turned their noble-born mother within months of their marriage out to live in a run down cottage in a remote estate, to raise her children in poverty with no help, when she was pregnant, thinking she had betrayed him and was pregnant with another man's child, never allowing her to prove her innocence. Shame on him, because apparently Elijah grew up to be the spitting image of the prior duke.

Elijah takes on the unwanted reins of the dukedom, to bring his mother back into Society and give her the lifestyle that she was rejected from, but deserves. But he has vowed to never marry and a let the hated line of his father die with him. When he arrives to London though, he finds that his spiteful father did everything he could before dying to make inheriting as difficult as possible for his heir, including stripping as many of his properties as possible of all furniture, goods, and servants, hoping that they could be liquidated and given to charity before his death. Luckily Elijah and his mother still had the funds, but are not stuck trying to refurnish their homes before they could take up residence.

Abigail Trent's story starts a bit further in the past, when she was a young girl, raised by her father, an impoverished baron. Unfortunately she had lost her mother earlier, and was now watching her father die, and fearful of what her future holds, as she cannot inherit, would lose her home, and there was no money for her future. Luckily her father contacted his close friend, a world-travelling Earl, Lord Ladiwyck, to return to England to help his daughter. When they meet, he offers Abby a choice to go to school and have her come out like others of her rank, or join him in his travels and experience the world, and learn through her travels. The young teenage Abby chose to be the travelling companion of the unconventional earl and spends the next decade travelling the world, and experiencing the art and culture of the world. This experience inspires Abby to design and she uses her talent to design furniture, and with Ladiwyck's help and and investment, she returns to London to design furniture, and open a studio and store to sell her designs.

Elijah and Abby meet, and he becomes her first and biggest client, and he agrees to help her become more known in Society to help develop connections to the Ton, for her business. Abby is very intent on becoming a success in her business, and like Elijah, thinks to forgo marriage. But as they grow closer and more attracted, they start to rethink their ideas of the future. But because of a failure to communicate, they each think the other is still not interested in a future of marriage and family, leading to a dance of misunderstanding, and fear of having their hearts damaged.

I enjoyed the story for the unusual backgrounds and childhoods of the two main characters, who are now living within the rigid expectations and social norms of Society, but really are not a part of it. Also, I thoroughly loved the secondary love story that came about around them as well, as it was a sweet second chance at love story that I found quite adorable.

3.75 stars out of 5

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I liked the idea of the FMC having a profession she was passionate about and the MMC supporting her. But they were so uncommunicative in ways that didn't totally make sense to me and there was so little reason for them not to be together that it left me wanting more emotionally. The historical detail was very good, and the secondary plots were a nice bonus element.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC, opinions are my own.

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I am a sucker for any book that includes dukes and mayhem. I loved this and cannot wait to read more by this author.

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I've really been liking this series. All of our heriones have a trade/business of their own as does Abby in this book.

The previous Duke of Bradford, disowned his wife and twin sons before they were born. The boys spent many years in the Army with Elijah losing his brother Gil there. As the old Duke was ill, he was so spiteful that he sold all of the house furnishings to make it hard for the new Duke. Elijah never planned to be a Duke and now he needs to buy a ton of furniture, enter Abby with her furniture design and new shop.

As with many other romances, both characters claimed they didn't want to marry because of their own circumstances. So it was a bit frustrating at times how they would act thinking the other wouldn't want them for the long haul. The additional fun part of this book is watching Elijah's mother find love and herself again.

Some other characters made some short appearances from previous books, but their roles weren't critical for this story. I really hope Miss Slade gets her own book. A romance mystery, perhaps?

Thank you to Dragonblade and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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Designs on the Duke by Alexa Aston is an entertaining story of a duke and a furniture designer. Abigail Trent had been fourteen when her papa died. That same day, the man he had asked to be her guardian showed up and offered her a choice between traveling or staying in England, attending school and have a traditional come-out. She chose traveling and learned far more than she would have staying home. Now she had returned to England after more than ten years and was starting her own furniture business, designing it herself based on what she’d seen in her travels. Elijah Young, second born twin had just held his brother in his arms as he died when he received a letter that their father had died, and his brother was now duke. Of course, he was gone too so it was left to Elijah, who was none too happy. Their father had banished their mother shortly after she announced her pregnancy, accusing her of cheating. Now, standing before God and everyone, except his father, was an almost carbon copy of him in Elijah.

Abby and Elijah were attracted to one another almost from the moment they met. Both swore to the other that they would never marry. Elijah because he didn’t want to reproduce his father’s seed and Abby because she wanted no man taking over her business. It was an entertaining story watching them avoid one another. Elijah’s father had sold every stitch from inside his homes before he died to make it more difficult for his heir, an heir he didn’t believe was his offspring. Abby solved that problem by refurnishing his London home for him, with the assistance of his mother, who became Abby’s close friend. It was an entertaining story, rooted in the laws of the time that a married woman and all her possessions belonged to her husband: a fact. Elijah’s mother fell in love with Abby’s guardian, Lord Ladiwyck, and they were to travel to India. It was the perfect situation. Aston wrote some good characters here, and a decent, if not new, plot. The story was fun to read and the reader cheered at the outcome along with the participants.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Designs on the Duke by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #AlexaAston #DesignsOnTheDuke

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Major Elijah Young and his twin brother, Captain Guilford Young are son's of a duke. Denied their parentage by their father, life wasn't easy for them and their mother. When the old duke dies, Gil is the new duke, but an act of heroism changes the succession. Elijah becomes the new Duke of Bradford. Miss Abigail Trent has traveled the world with her uncle. Now settled in London, she pursues her dream of opening her own business selling furniture of her own designs. An independent woman in trade and a new duke work their way through emotional obstacles to find their happiness. Another pleasurable read in an series focused on independent women and the men smart enough and strong enough to never deny their dream.
Open door on a desk and a billiard table.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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Designs on the Duke is the fourth book in the Suddenly a Duke series.

Elijah returns from the war after receiving word that his father has died. He never knew his father having been exiled to a one-bedroom cottage with his mother and older twin brother. Gil died in the war while saving a woman and child from a fire. Now Elijah is the Duke and plans to restore his mother to the life she was denied from his cruel and petty father. Elijah returns to London only to find that his father sold off all the contents of all but one of his houses in order to make it difficult for the son who inherits to take their place.

Abbie has had a life of hardship also from a man withholding her mother's dowry. Abbie's mother died young, when her father dies, a friend from her father's past arrives and offers her a choice to travel and see the world or live in London. Abbie wisely travels the world with which inspires her love of furniture. Now old enough to be on her own she is opening a furniture shop to sell her designs to the ton who can afford them. Abbie needs to attract one member of society to get her business the attention off to a great start.

Elijah and Abbie meet by chance. Abbie sells furniture and Elijah needs to buy furniture. The more time they spend together the more they see the many ways they make each other happy.

This was a wonderful story of two people believing they will never marry for their own reasons but end up finding they are exactly what the other finds missing from their lives. Great characters and a great plot to get them together.

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4 stars

Good story, glad Elijah got over his ridiculous idea of not perpetuating his line. His mother had been badly treated by his father. His elder twin had got killed in the peninsular war and so Elijah inherits the dukedom. Abigail had a very unusual adolescence. She was given the choicce by her guardian of a normal debut or to go around the world exploring with him. She chooses the latter. I did think her being in Trade would have been historically a very bad think socially but was willing to give the story a by in this respect. If there's one thing I felt was a bit stilted was the romantic interaction. If felt, to me as though a list was being ticked off: 1st kiss, 2nd kiss, oral satisfaction etc.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Very enjoyable read, it has everything, a Duke - handsome, and so full of charisma and charm.
A Heroine who is in need of a man just like him, but who is strong in her own way.
And in written so well by Alexa, who never fails to entertain me with her brand of storytelling.
Recommended read.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review

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Major Elijah Young loses his twin brother and gains a title at the same time. After years in the Army he doesn't want to take his place in society, but will for the sake of his mother.

Miss Abigail Trent has travelled the world with her guardian and discovered a talent for design. She is determined to use that in her new business.

In this historical romance series the various heroines are independent talented women. Each story is separate so can be read on its own.

In this one both hero and heroine have had unusual upbringing that have shaped their characters. There is a lot of emotion and entertainment in this slightly steamy book. It is very easy to fall in love with all the characters. The story is interesting from start to finish. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

Great fun.

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Designs on the Duke. I can only give a heck yeah good review. This book was excellently written. The plot was entertaining. The plot was very logical for the story. The characters and the story worked well within the story. The characters were simply amazing. I thought that Abigail was simply amazing. She flowed through the book like a Duchess. Her ability of running a furniture store, a shop, and designing the furniture was brilliant.
The writer focusing the secondary story of London slowly accepting woman in the employment field is bloody great. Who was their while Abigail was going through this is non only Elijah and Magnmus. Elijah he was wonderful. His charm, intelligence and his magnetism exploded in the book. The story about his brother was very heartfelt and touching.
I’m so glad that his mom was their for him. The romance is just toooo sweet. I give this book two snaps and a, Oooo Duchess of Bradford, I didn’t know that you could get down like that! Until next time my fellow readers. Read on!

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It takes a woman who has lived an unconventional life to see through the barriers the Duke of Bradford has erected to the man beneath the facade. Having been discarded by his father even before he and his twin brother were born, Elijah has been summonsed home to take up the responsibilities of the Dukedom in the wake of his brother who died in battle. He discovers that his father's abuse continues to haunt him from the grave when he uncovers the state in which he finds his new home. Miss Abigail Trent was fortunate that her guardian gave her a choice between the path usually followed by a debutante, or to accompany him on his travels around the world, experiencing new sights and smells and meeting interesting people along the way. It awakened a passion in her for exquisite furniture and the designs she creates opens the way for her to establish an exclusive furniture business. More than anything, Elijah requires furniture to fill his empty houses, but he soon realizes that Abby can also fill his empty heart. The novel is well-written and emotional in parts, but it is mostly about finding a love that brings healing to a wounded spirit. I enjoyed this standalone romance, a copy of which I received as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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This is a lovely story full of soul searching and romance. All of the characters are delightful and interesting. Some of the characters from the previous books play a part in this story as well. The story is a standalone love story that is filled with sizzling desirous attraction, billiard lessons, so much compassion, heart wrenching sadness that had me shedding a few tears, and a few situations you might want to have your lady's fan handy. The story is interesting from start to finish. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

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Major Elijah Young newly minted Duke of Bradford meets Miss Abigail Trent on his return to London and the pair fall in love.

A short and sweet read. Not much in terms of conflict, the main issue between the main couple is the inability to communicate their wishes to one another. Enjoyable, unfortunately it just didn't wow me.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC, opinions are my own.

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Not the strongest offering from Alexa Aston, but still a very enjoyable story. It was so great to follow the relationship between Abby and Elijah go from business to friends to lovers. It probably veers the most from the previous books in the series because Elijah never considers that Abby's desire to be a businesswoman would make her an inappropriate duchess. His only reluctance to get married comes from the hatred he holds for his father. I loved that Abby decided to take the more unconventional path and travel the world with Ladiwyck. She was a really interesting character and probably the most confident of all the women we have met in this series so far. Although it was nice to see some of the characters from the previous stories, their presence was more of a stretch than in the other books. I realize it couldn't work because of the overall premise of the story, but I would have loved to have had the previous duke see Elijah before he died to know he had messed up. My only real complaint about the story was that I felt like Gil's death was both made a big deal and an afterthought all at the same time. It's brought up as this huge loss and also barely mentioned.

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When Major Elijah young returned home to take up his responsibilities as the new Duke of Bradford, he finds that his spiteful father (whom he had never seen) has sold every piece of furniture, rugs, and all other décor in all of his houses. Miss Abigail Trent spent a decade traveling the world with her guardian Lord Ladiwyck. In her travels she studies styles, customs, and furniture designs in different countries. She is just the person to help Elijah and his mother put their several homes in order, starting with his townhouse. While working to furnish his townhouse, Elijah and Abby fall in love. This is a charming story that tugs at your heart strings. The characters are wonderful. Abigail is smart, talented, and independent. Elijah is tough, determined, has a heart of gold, and needs a great big hug. Marriage is a touchy subject, especially when Abby doesn’t want to give up her business. Things don’t seem so unreachable when they meet two great examples of unconventional marriage. This is a lovely story full of soul searching and romance. To make it even better, there is a second romance, Mama and Lord Ladiwyck. Great read!
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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An endearing and beautiful love story. I loved the push and pull of the relationship. Abby is a furniture designer which is an unusual occupation and a high-five to Alexa for giving us a story with a character with an unusual occupation. Elijah and Abby’s adversity to marriage is quite amusing considering, of course, that we know that is just the thing that will happen. Both of these characters burrow into our hearts and grab and pull us into the story. A lovely story.

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An immediate attraction they tried to ignore because for each of them, matrimony was out of the question. He wanted his line to end, because of his cruel father. She wants the freedom and independence to run a business. Each one is focused in their respective duties and responsibilities but love can not be denied. So, now the question is, how to backtrack from their “no marriage” declaration. Entertaining and educational!

I received an ARC from Netgalley and leaving my review voluntarily.

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