Cover Image: Persephone Made Me Do It

Persephone Made Me Do It

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This collection of poetry was everything! Beautiful, moving, empowering….that will live in my mind and on my heart for a long time. Definitely going to get the physical copy to display on my bookshelf. Will also check out more by this author!

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This was a great collection of poems. I really enjoy this series of books by Trista Mateer. The theming is well executed.

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I totally fell in love with the latest addition to Trista Mateer's Greek Goddesses anthology! It was a mesmerizing blend of beauty and despair, tugging at my heartstrings in a way that only truly exceptional books can. The artwork was simply breathtaking, and the prose was pure magic. What more can I say? The only hiccup I encountered was that the digital copy I got seemed to have quite a few typos. It's probably due to the digital format and potential data transfer glitches, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

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Each poem was beautifully written in a way that most women could find some form of connection to or understanding regardless of the mythology influence.
I loved the authors use of the story of Persephone as the medium to writing such emotionally charged poems that spoke for so many women’s experiences. But at the same time the book read as though the author was specifically telling the story of Persephone through poetry. Trista Mateer is clearly an incredibly talented poet!

My only critique would be the chosen use of artwork throughout the book. It felt immature, unnecessary, and too modern when combined with such beautiful writing.

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(4.5 stars!)
Persephone made me do it is a collection of poetry, prose and artwork! I’m not usually one for poetry but surprisingly I loved this! Some of the poems and art really hit hard. I enjoyed reading through them and I loved the artwork! I didn’t realise this was the third in the series so I’ll have to read the previous ones! 🥰 definitely would recommend to read if you’re a fan of poetry!

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Trista has taken one of my obsessions and created amazing art in both visuals and words. Feminine rage is beautifully packaged but is a blunt-force weapon that heaves words and truth at you, running through butter like a hot knife.
The pain is forgiven because what a joy and relief it is to be seen. Heard by a woman like yourself. To read the words of a God created just like you. This book was simultaneously a joy and a kick to the heart, and I loved it.

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Persephone Made Me Do It, the latest creation by the talented wordsmith Trista Mateer, is a literary piece that tugs at the strings of your soul. This enchanting poetry collection is a lyrical exploration of love, resilience, and the raw beauty of the female experience. With its exquisite artistry and profound prose, Mateer transports readers to a realm where the real world collides with Greek mythology.

The book's title itself, Persephone Made Me Do It, is a promise of an unforgettable voyage. Like Persephone, who descended into the depths of the underworld and emerged transformed, Mateer takes readers on an emotional odyssey through love, loss, and rebirth. Her words, like Persephone's footsteps in the underworld, leave an indelible mark on your heart.

One of the standout features of this collection is the way Mateer skillfully weaves together art and prose. The collection is accompanied by striking illustrations and collages that not only enhance the text but also evoke powerful emotions. These visuals breathe life into the verses, offering readers a multi-sensory experience that is both captivating and immersive.

Persephone Made Me Do It is not just a book; it's an emotional sanctuary where readers can find solace, reflection and inspiration. Mateer's profound understanding of the female condition is on full display, and her vulnerability in sharing her own experiences makes this collection all the more relatable and moving.

Final Thoughts: This collection is a reminder that words have the power to heal, transform, and connect us in profound ways. If you're searching for a book that will take you on a journey through the labyrinth of the human heart and leave you with a renewed sense of wonder, this is a must-read. Prepare to be enchanted, enlightened, and moved by this exquisite fusion of art and prose.

TW: Abuse, death, fire, rape & sexual assault

Disclaimer: Thank you Netgalley and Central Avenue Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I love Mateer’s writing style, the poetry is so, so good. I think I loved this even more than her other poetry books, I have a soft spot for anything relating to Persephone. I appreciate how this is set as if the goddess and the poet are having a conversation, alternating between the two perspectives. The artwork was stunning I loved it so much, and many of these poems resonated with me and comforted me, as well as empowered me!

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"Loneliness has always been kinder to me than men have been."

made me emotional so I'd say it's pretty good 🤲 I usually stay far far away from anything poetry related it's not my cup of tea but sometimes, a book like this one comes along and reminds me poetry isn't to throw away entirely.

"You miss the girl I used to be but you refuse to admit she's gone."

I had a lot of issues with letters missing and the pages mixed with each other so I'm not sure if it's clearer in the proper version but I didn't like how confusing it is to know whose perspective each poem is from. some poems were modern, about the father etc then they were from persephone, sometimes I didn't know who was talking

"I wonder if all women must try not to be hurt by the men they love. And how is it love if it's so tinged with fear?"

it was still really good, so many quotes highlighted seriously it talked to me on so many levels and I feel like it must be such a cathartic read for survivors of SA.

"When my father isn't around, my mother becomes a person again."

thank you for the opportunity to read this arc, I love Greek mythology and the myth of persephone, it was so interesting to read this point of view and for her experiences to be mixed with all women's experiences.

"If you had a father like mine,
there was a day when he stopped looking at you
like you were a child and started
looking at you like you were a woman.
I was a princess
until I was old enough to be a bitch."

(so many quotes but last one i promise)
and my personal favorite :

"Some daughters
must survive their fathers the way hikers survive
encounters with bears.

Stay still long enough
and maybe he won't see you.
Pray he is not hungry."

[review posted on gooderads and a video will be posted on tiktok and instagram if the author allows it]

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Thank you so much to Central Avenue Publishing, Trista Mateer, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of Persephone Made Me Do It to review!!

The Myth & Magick series is one of my favorite poetry series ever and this was added to that list! I love the format of the series and really enjoyed how Mateer writes a conversation between herself and Persephone.

I also really felt the conversation between “you, before” and “you, after” is such an important part of this collection. Whatever you may face in your life, the conversation was relatable and I think most women will understand. I think the conversations about mother and daughter work similarly.

This was a needed addition to the Myth & Magick series and it fits extremely well with the other collections in the series.

Mateer remains one of my favorite poets and I am excited to see her next work!!

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E-arc provided by Netgalley

I think this is my favorite in the series, I loved all of the pictures interspersed throughout and I also enjoyed the poetry, it is a quick read but so worth it

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I was very excited to start this book as I love both poetry and Greek mythology.

I cannot recommend reading this on kindle though as the formatting is completely off and taking with it many letters and words. Comparing the two editions (Kindle & Netgalley Shelf), actually half of the verses are missing. Hopefully, this was only in the ebook I received.

I did appreciate the pictures and illustrations, but they did not stick to one style, thus disrupting the reading flow.
Most of the poems were beautiful and really resonated with me, especially the anger expressed.

All in all a great collection, worth a read. I will be reading more from this author, the series intrigues me.

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This was a really lovely poetry book, a lot of very relatable thoughts and feelings to connect with. Beautifully written.

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I always enjoy reading Trista Mateer's poetry. It always resonates with me, and once again it did with this book. I've really liked this whole series by her. I also enjoy Greek Mythology so I really appreciated how it was intertwined in this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Like always Trista Mateer didn't disappoint, i've been reading this series since the very first book and have loved all of the book that are out yet. Just like all the previous book in the series, this book too, made me cry with sorrow and with power, made me want more and want nothing at the same time.

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The style is neat- I’d say if you like “junk journaling” this is your vibe and type of book- the poems are what you’d expect, telling a story throughout. I enjoyed it and would read more by this author!

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An excellent collection of poetry that discusses mother/daughter relationships, what it means to grow into womanhood, and to grieve the person you once were and reclaim your power. My favorite kind of art work and poetry piece all in one. I loved the interweaving of the goddess Persephone throughout.

I received this as an ARC for NetGalley.

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I don't have enough words to express how grateful I am for receiving an early copy of this book. Thank you, netgalley and Central Avenue Publishing.

I love poetry but it is difficult for me to find a book that I really enjoy. Trista Mateer's books never missed. This one included.

It hits close to home, I love all the themes she explores and I can read her poetry all day long and I still couldn't get enough.

The way she threads mythology in her poetry is exquisite. She's also the only poetry author that always brings the tears out of me.

I will read everything Trista will publish.

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I enjoyed this collection the least out of the three that currently comprise the series it belongs to. It's still a wonderful collection of poems, and I still absolutely love the mixed-media style pages interspersed throughout the collections, but I didn't fall in love with it the same way I fell in love with the other two collections in the series. I really wish I had loved this collection because I was absolutely captivated by the other two in this series.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the arc in exchange for a fair review
I was a massive fan of Aphrodite Made Me Do It, so I was thrilled to be given the chance to be an Arc reader for Persephone Made Me Do It. This second collection focuses on experiences with mother-daughter relationships, trauma, men, patriarchy, and girlhood while being spliced with pop art and collages. A personal favorite was the comparison of Persephone to the young women who live through abuse and come out still gentle. While I enjoy the style that Trista Mateer uses, I understand that poetry is very personal, so those not fans of more modern poetry will likely struggle to enjoy this collection. I'm excited to see whats next for Mateer

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