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Before I'm Gone

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This was a good book. I connected with the characters. I felt engrossed with the plot. I would read another book by this author.

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One of my favorite books of the year! (2023)

Palmer is strong and independent, a loner. She had a rough life and has a good job at a bank.

Kent is solid and a good guy.

Kent helps Palmer write her "before I go bucket list" when she receives a devastating diagnosis.
We learn about what she wants, and we also learn about what Kent wants as his own additions to the list.
I liked the Instagram aspect of the book. The emotions in the story had me crying hard at times but I wouldn't reclaim one tear in order to undo the reading. The book was That good. just powerfully emotional

I love a good road trip book and a good love story. I love books that make one think what would I do in this situation? Would I have a bucket list? Do I live life to the fullest (no) and should I try to improve on that since tomorrow is not promised?
There was one part in the ending that surprised me but in a good way. Can't remember the name of one character it's bothering me that I can't remember but that part made me smile.

In the dedication the author dedicates the book to Singer Lana Del Ray and had I known this before I read the book I would have listened while reading. I heard her songs after and thought yes they fit in nicely with the book.

So I strongly highly recommend this tear jerking powerful story of love, friendships, road trips, life, life changes, and endings with beginnings.

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A sensitive book about following a wish list before the brevity of life makes it impossible to achieve. Well written book! I'll follow the writer's work!

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"Before I'm Gone" by Heidi McLaughlin is an emotional rollercoaster ride packed with enough quirks to make even the most stoic reader crack a smile. From the lovably eccentric antics of Grace to the hilariously awkward encounters of Ben, this book had me laughing, crying, and cheering on its unforgettable characters every step of the way.

Grace, with her bucket list and penchant for skydiving in her senior years, is a force to be reckoned with. Her zest for life is infectious, and I found myself rooting for her wild adventures while simultaneously marveling at her ability to defy societal norms with a wink and a grin.

Then there's Ben, the reluctant hero who finds himself roped into Grace's escapades against his better judgment. His dry wit and sarcastic remarks had me snickering throughout the book, especially as he navigates the unpredictable whirlwind that is Grace's world.

McLaughlin's writing effortlessly blends heartwarming moments with laugh-out-loud humor, creating a story that is as touching as it is entertaining. Whether it's Grace's outrageous schemes or Ben's bumbling attempts to keep up, there's never a dull moment in this delightful tale.

"Before I'm Gone" is a testament to the power of friendship, love, and embracing life's quirks with open arms. With its endearing characters and laugh-out-loud moments, this book earns a solid four stars and a permanent spot on my shelf for those days when I need a dose of humor and heart. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on Grace and Ben's unforgettable journey!

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It’s more of a 3.5 star for me. I liked it but didn’t love it. Normally it’s a story that I’d love so maybe I just wasn’t in the right mood for it 🤷🏻‍♀️

Before I’m Gone is definitely an emotional read. I can’t imagine being in Palmer’s shoes, never having anyone in her corner and then finding out she would only have 6 months to live.

I loved how Kent stepped up and gave Palmer everything she deserved by going on the road trip and completing as much of their bucket list together.

Thanks to Netgalley and Montlake for a copy of Before I’m gone in exchange of an honest review.

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Despite the sadness, the novel uplifts with themes of seizing life's moments and cherishing love and companionship. Palmer's resilience and Kent's unwavering support create a poignant and authentic relationship, offering valuable insights on treasuring each day. The book navigates themes of choice, love, loss, and acceptance, leaving a lasting impact on readers. A moving and heartfelt read that inspires reflection on life's preciousness.

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Good story that keeps you wanting to read. Loved the main character and the story as a whole. It was well written and very well done.

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A great read by Heidi McLaughlin. There was so much emotion. I love the writing style and the development of the characters. This is definitely a tear jerker and a solid read.

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"Before I’m Gone" is a poignant love story about Palmer Sinclair, who, upon learning she has advanced brain cancer with only six months to live, creates a bucket list. Kent, a paramedic who responds to her emergencies, joins her on this journey, and they develop a deep bond. Despite the inevitable sadness, the book inspires with themes of living life to the fullest, experiencing love, and finding solace in companionship. Palmer’s resilience and Kent’s unwavering support make for a touching and believable relationship, teaching the reader valuable lessons about cherishing every moment. The novel navigates through themes of choice, love, loss, grief, acceptance, and moving forward after loss, leaving a lasting impact on the reader.

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Wow, this is a love story between the macho ex army paramedic and the isolated lonely woman with a brain tumour. It's very corny but also different to the usual type. I would recommend to the lovers of romance

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A good romance, lovely characters and I do believe it will find its public! Quite sorry for the late review ♥️

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This was such a great book. When I first started the book I found it quite slow and was like okay not sure what is going on but I am so glad I kept reading as this story is so sad but beautiful and enjoyed reading about our characters and their journey. The only thing that knocked off a star was at the end you do not find out the whole story as to what happened to FMC when she was a kid (all I'll say as it will spoil it).

Overall a great read and would recommend!

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I guess I'm in the minority for this one. I did not love it. I promise I tried to, though.

The writing was overly descriptive and elementary, so it dragged for me. I kept waiting for the story to get in gear, but even when it finally did, it was going nowhere... which is ironic since that was the point where the characters start traveling.

The worst thing for me was that I felt no emotion for the characters. This woman was dying, and yet, I felt nothing for her. I didn't even care enough to root for them as a couple. There was no chemistry, and it all felt so forced and unrealistic. Had the author managed to develop the characters better, I know I would've kept reading at least to see their relationship develop.

So, at 38%, I'm calling it quits. Wow, I really did feel like I'd read a lot further than that.

Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for allowing me early access to the ARC ebook edition of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Kent and Palmer’ journey is a testament to the power of love to heal even the most shattered of souls. With its seamless blend of humor and devastation, this novel will have you reaching for tissues one moment and grinning like a fool the next.

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I didn't love this one but I also didn't hate this one. However I'm not sure how I feel about this one.

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Are you craving for a tear-jerker? Something that will break your heart into pieces? Well, look no further and pick this book up. What an emotional and poignant romance!

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A great read by Heidi McLaughlin. So much emotion. I love the way she writes and the story she tells.

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Beautiful story, guarantueed to make you cry. You follow an amazing woman, who has no one to share her life with, and then realizes her time is limited. One guy she barely knows convinces her to start living before shes gone. This story is about love and loss and much more, its incredible.

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is my first experience reading something by this author and it certainly won't be my last. This is a beautifully written, emotional story that will pull at your heartstrings and not let go. Be sure to have a box of tissues ready when you read this, because I guarantee you will need them. Growing up in a foster home, Palmer learned from an early age that you can't really rely on anyone else but yourself. As she got older she did well for herself and created a secure life. She had friends, but was always careful not to get attached or too close to them. She focused on her career and basically made work her whole life. After a health incident at work, Palmer learned she had cancer and only a short time to live and she opted for living those last few months instead of going through treatment. She made a bucket list of all the things she wanted to accomplish before her life was taken from her. Kent was the paramedic that responded to her emergency call at work and also later at home. When he treated her at home, he saw her list and decided he wanted to be the one to help her cross off those items. He barely knew her, but he felt a connection to her and felt this was something he was meant to do. As they spend her final days together, they became best friends and those feelings soon turned to love.
I knew from the start that this would not end with a happily ever after, but would be a sad and emotional story. No doubt, it certainly was, but it was also a beautiful story that brought home the fact that you should enjoy every single day of your life to fullest and make the most of each day. This book really put my heart through the wringer, but that's ok, because it was also very inspirational. This was a brilliantly written story with fantastic characters that were relatable and lovable and this is a book I am happy to recommend!
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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I’ve read over a dozen Heidi McLaughlin books. And I think this one may just be her best one yet - it’s definitely my favorite of hers. To start with, you need to know this isn’t a romance where you get a happy ever after. But it IS a beautiful, heartwarming, heartbreaking LOVE story.

Abandoned at an orphanage when she was five, Palmer Sinclair has lived her whole life solitary, without family or close friends. When debilitating headaches turn out to be more than just migraines, she writes a bucket list of things she wants to see before her terminal illness ends her life.

Paramedic Kent Wagner has been a casual acquaintance of Palmer’s for years - he drops off his car loan payment every month in person at the bank where she’s a loan officer. When his ambulance gets called to attend to Palmer’s medical emergencies not once but twice, Kent learns of her diagnosis. And when his own world falls apart, he decides to help Palmer complete her list. After all, who better than a paramedic to accompany a person with a terminal illness as she travels around the country?

As someone who wants to see all the things in all the places, I’m inclined to enjoy stories about people going from place to place to experience the world. And I thoroughly enjoyed Kent and Palmer’s journey - even as they had to make adjustments as Palmer’s health declined. But what made me love this story so much is how Palmer and Kent perfectly met the needs the other had. It was as if two random puzzle pieces had been wandering around, at loose ends, until the trip helped them discover who they fit with.

But as I said, this story does not have a happy ending for our hero and heroine. Have the Kleenex ready because there’s nothing sadder than two people who belong together and made each other immeasurably happy, being torn apart by death. Especially after such a short time together.

Despite not getting the ending I wanted for Palmer and Kent, I absolutely adored the ending for Kent. It was the perfect amount of sweetness and hope I desperately needed to lift my aching heart after the heartbreaking end to Kent and Palmer's travels.

There haven’t been too many books recently that have touched me so deeply. This one is gonna stay with me for a long while.

* thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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