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Queens of London

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Set in 1920's London, this fictional story follows a gang of female thieves, a female detective out to prove herself, and a homeless youth finding her way. As the story unfolds, the criminals are plotting their largest heist ever, while being followed by the detective. All the characters interact with one another in unique ways, enough to keep the reader invested to stay until the very end (no spoilers here!). This book was based on an actual female crime ring from the time period, which was also fun to learn.

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Woow what a ride this was, I loved it so much. Reading everyone’s stories and how living in that era affected and made everyone the same but also different. It was such a treat seeing the women go through different challenges and outcomes.

This gave me Peaky blinders vibes in the best way possible. I didn’t know when i started reading the book that the forty elephants were real and some of this story was pulled from reality. That was pretty cool.

I did feel though that the ending was a bit rushed and i was kinda of disappointed at how abruptly it ended. I wanted to read more about it, the dreamer in my wanted more of a happier ending lol It was still such a great historical story.

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A gripping tale of dark glamour, sisterhood, and shifting justice. The story explores female resilience, ambition, and the lengths women will go to in order to have power. I liked the lawless and likeable characters.
Many thanks to SOURCEBOOKS Landmark and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book had a great concept. All (pretty much) of the characters are based on real people. However, the book was just ok to me. THe plot was fairly slow to pick up and then dropped off suddenly into an ending that felt very abrupt.

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I loved that this book was all about women. The woman, in power, Officer Lilian Wyles, and the criminal, Diamond Annie, the Queen of the Forty Elephants.

Diamond Annie leads a ring of women that steal on the streets of London, from people, from stores, anywhere they can set up a heist. Officer Wyles is stuck in a man’s world, where she is treated like she’s incompetent and gets inconsequential jobs just to keep her busy. She wants to prove herself, so she is determined to catch Diamond Annie and dissolve the Forty Elephants.

Lilian and Annie are both strong, independent women. They both want to make their mark on the world in their own ways. I loved how each character was written. I wanted to be friends with both of them.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for my ARC of this book.

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What a fresh take on historical fiction and strong women characters on both sides of the law. This will be one of my top reads in 2024!

I was initially drawn to this book because I thought it was about the royal family, but it is not. The story is about a young girl and her dog on the run, a kind store clerk, the first female detective at Scotland Yard and a female shoplifting gang. The story is set in London in 1925 and told by multiple female characters.

Heather Webb gives readers a challenge to look at justice from different perspectives. Is stealing always wrong?? When you are starving is it ok to steal from others? The relationships between women was a very strong aspect of this easy to read book that was hard to put down.

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I have never heard of Alice Diamond or the 40 Elephants but with Heather Webb writing it, I knew I was in for a treat! I was immediately transported to London in 1925. The setting and the way of the times felt authentic as I read this multiple point of view book. I enjoyed following each of the character's points of views, they each were strong characters in their own right. Each had a great story arc and made me want to keep reading! Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for an advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

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Within the pages of this captivating narrative lies a world waiting to be explored. With its compelling characters, vivid settings, and thought-provoking themes, Queens of London offers a journey that transcends the ordinary. From the highs of triumph to the lows of despair, the story weaves a tapestry of emotions that resonate deeply with readers. As the plot unfolds, it unveils layers of mystery, intrigue, and revelation, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page. Whether seeking adventure, solace, or simply a momentary escape, this book promises to captivate and inspire, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of its readers.

Thank you to Heather Webb, Netgalley, and Sourcebooks Landmark for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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This was such a fun story! An all women's thieving gang in the time when woman are thought to be meek and shy. I loved the gang, how they fought to survive. It's even more interesting know it's based on a real gang and real women. Add to it, the person hunting, attempting to catch and shut them down, is one of the first women at Scotland yard! I found the story fascinating, it instantly drew me in, but I stayed for the characters and the well-written plot. I highly recommend this one!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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I have read before about the forty elephants and I kind of think these women were pretty badass! and this story also introduces the first women on the police force.. and they had to wear skirts? what the heck? But overall this story was really interesting!!!

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I LOVED this book and devoured it within 2 days (would have finished sooner if it wasn't for life happening!). It was such an interesting period of time that I didn't know about. I am not one to review a book by just rewriting the synopsis in my own words, but to just tell the world if I liked it or not and this is one I definitely recommend!

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This was a melting pot of stories, nothing that was really intriguing though to me.

I went into this book really excited, as I really enjoy historical fiction type books, and I honestly wasn't too impressed. Overall it was Meh.

Nothing really stood out, the characters had some back stories. Overall it wasn't the page turner I thought it would be.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for my E-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This read was out of my normal wheelhouse but I still found it a great read! I love how women centered it was. There were three different points or narratives of the story, all centered around an orphaned girl named Hira. There is Alice, who you can think of like a mob boss but for a women team— which is pretty bad*ss. There is Dorothy, who has a soft spot for Hira, similarly to Alice. And then there is Lillian, who is a police woman on the Scotland Yard, trying to earn respect as a female cop in a very male saturated field. It is 1920s London after all. All 4 female characters are lovable in their own regard and come from different walks of life. The story was really empowering while I think also being close to realistic, especially with the relationships with the men in their lives— the cruel uncle, the cheating store owner, the abusive husband… etc. It adds fuel to their fires.

Thank you Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the read!

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This book was so good! I loved that we see the story from 4 pov's and the life of crime they resorted to in order to get ahead in life. It was well written, entertaining and left me wanting to know more.

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This is the story about a real life women's gang in London and the woman police officer trying to arrest them. I listened to this on audio and really enjoyed it. Be sure to listen to the notes at the end of the story.

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Quick and Dirty
-multiple POV historical fiction
-post-WWII London setting
-morally ambiguous characters
-richly drawn and atmospheric

What Worked
So, if you’ve been following me for a while then you know that I love Beezy Marsh’s series of books on Alice Diamond and her band of female thieves. I was a bit unsure what to expect when I heard that Heather Webb had written a novel about the same character/gang. Luckily, Webb’s version is just as entertaining and felt fresh as a daisy despite the similar focus. Alice is a little softer but still tough as nails, and the rest of the gang is just as fearsome. There is no one vying for her spot, rather this story is about Alice trying to further solidify her hold on London. And in Hira we have an unexpected heroine, a young orphan trying to find her way in a mad, mad world. I loved how richly detailed the novel is, effectively drawing you into the story and making you feel as if you’re walking the streets of London!

What Didn’t Work
Honestly, I didn’t find much fault in this book other than the ending. It felt a little more neat than I would have liked given the moral ambiguity of the characters and the complexities of their relationships. But, in true Heather Webb fashion, I was so caught up in the drama that I didn’t mind all that much.

Read This If
If you enjoy good vs bad dynamics, seedy back-alley gang fights, and tough-as-nails female characters, then this is the book for you!

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In this complicated and fantastically written historical fiction novel, Heather Webb introduces her readers to the notorious lady crime boss, Alice Diamond, and her Forty Elephants who robbed and roamed London in the 1920s and 1930s. Following Alice, runaway orphan Hina, shop girl Dorothy, and lady police inspector Lilian, readers alternate between these four women’s perspectives as they watch Alice carry off heists with Hina as her lookout with Lilian on their tail -- and Dorothy is simply in the wrong place for Alice and the right place for Hina. Bringing readers to the seedier side of London in the early twentieth century, Webb brings the complicated moralities and the difficulties of woman- and girlhood in a male-dominated world. All four women have their own struggles with the patriarchy and male systems of power, and readers witness these conflicts throughout the novel. As always, Webb’s characters are the best part of the story and shine with all their complexity, ambiguity, and hidden motivations. The women’s relationships with each other, especially with Hina, are really well done and reflect the solidarity and grudging respect they have for each other despite their opposite loyalties and interests. Once again, Webb has created another masterful work of historical fiction following some truly remarkable women.

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On the dank dark streets of post WWI London, a gang of women are hiding in the shadows. In a society where women are held to strict societal standards, these women decide to upend those standards and instead, prove maybe it isn't such a man's world after all. Equal parts vicious and raw, this book will take you on a journey unlike any other. The cast of characters will endear themselves to you, as you root for this ragtag band to take it all for themselves. Ambition has no limits in this powerful tale of an all female crime syndicate that dominates London.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily and all views expressed are my own.

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Queens of London, another great page-turner by Heather Webb, is a story of two strong and determined women who want to rule the streets of London. Alice Diamond a.k.a. Diamond Annie, leader of a crime gang called Forty Elephants, organizes high-end department store heists, and Lillian Wyles, the first female detective, in a male dominated police force are each other’s nemesis throughout this gripping cat and mouse story. Hiro Wickham, an orphan, keeps you intrigued throughout adding a mystery element.

Heather Webb, a great storyteller, brought her real and fictional characters to life in the underworld of 1920’s London. Webb had me sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time as I became engrossed in this fast paced story. I highly recommend this must read to those who enjoy historical fiction.

Many thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark via NetGalley for the opportunity read and review an advance copy of this wonderful book. I was under no obligation whatsoever to write a favorable review and all opinions are my own.

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I didn't think I would like this book. It's not exactly my typically topic in that one if the main characters is a criminal, but Heather Webb did a great job of building all of her main characters in an honest and authentic way. She doesn't try to make anyone ask good or alll bad; she has sympathy for all her characters but still is able to create them with a critical eye and not whitewash bad behavior. I ended up really enjoying this book. It's was a very interesting read on the different paths of women at a specific historical moment.

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