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What Mother Won't Tell Me

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This was a really good book. It maintained my attetion the whole time, being very tense at times and making me continue to read to know what would happen next.

I loved the main character Juno and her brother, I was rooting for them the all book and really wanted them to escape their horrible situation and be happy. The end was very satisying because of that.

The writing is also very good, I think it was a good translation.

Thank you to netgalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC.

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I enjoyed reading this book. Most of the book is limited dialogue, which I struggle with in hard copies, but I was fully immersed in Juno’s thoughts and inner dialogue. The book starts slow, but builds the characters and dynamics. The ending is fast paced and suspenseful.

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for this ARC opportunity.

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“Perhaps it was an accident, and Uncle Ole had an unfortunate fall. Onto a tree stump, headfirst.”

What Mother Won’t Tell Me
by Ivan Leon Menger

Thank you Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for this electronic copy of #WhatMotherWontTellMe

This book quickly drew me in, although I had suspicions pretty early on of what was happening it made it no less enjoyable in my eyes.
There was one character that most felt like such a throw away character introduced towards the end of the novel and the ending just felt so rushed and slapped together I was left disappointed considering how quickly I had devoured the rest of the book.

I almost would have liked to see it drawn out more and more develop.
But overall it was an enjoyable and quick thrilling read.

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A decent psychological thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat with action throughout. I found the dialogue to be a little cheesy, but it also plays its role in the overall plot (without giving spoilers). I also felt the book was overall very predictable, with clear foreshadowing indicators at every point in the book. Luca was a likeable but slightly confusing character (that's all I have to say about that). A super speedy read with appropriate pacing for this short thriller.

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What Mother Won’t Tell Me is a great entry into the sub-genre known as Scandinavian/Nordic thrillers. A translation from the original German to English, the story starts out idyllically, almost outright bucolic, but very quickly gives way to mounting tension, paranoia, gaslighting, outright lies, manipulation, a great deal of fear, abuse, violence, and the discovery of shocking secrets.

I loved the economy of this book. The most vital part of a thriller (especially a suspense thriller, in my opinion), is to keep the suspense pulled tight. So many suspense thrillers these days feel too long, as if the authors feel the need to flesh out too many characters or add a subplot where there need be none. This usually results in the reader being distracted from the main line of the story, and that tight web of suspense ends up slackening, letting us catch our breath. Suspense thrillers shouldn’t leave room for a reader to breathe. We should be so taken aback–so engrossed, even–that the very thought of putting the book down and taking a breath doesn’t feel like an option.

What Mother Won’t Tell Me feels almost like that. It’s an intense book about true isolation, parenthood, nature versus nurture, and stories. Not only the stories we read, but the stories parents tell their children and the stories children tell their parents.

My most major issue with this book was the ending, which I didn’t like. It didn’t feel like it fit. That’s a wholly subjective matter, to be sure. Otherwise, it’s a great read, and at about 250 pages, it won’t take up too much time, either.

I was provided a copy of this title by NetGalley and the author. All thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. Thank you.

File Under: Psychological Thriller/Suspense Thriller/Translation

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The story unfolds in a remote cabin, deep in the woods on an isolated island, where a young woman named Juno lives with her family—Mother, Father, and her little brother Boy. Their existence is governed by seven strict commandments designed to protect them from the lurking danger on the other side of the lake—the "strangers" who pose a threat to their idyllic life.

The narrative takes a sharp turn when Juno is spotted by a stranger, shattering the illusion of safety that surrounded her. The author skillfully builds suspense, unraveling the intricacies of Juno's isolated world and the secrets that have been concealed from her. The atmosphere is rife with tension as Juno grapples with the realization that her haven might be a facade hiding darker truths.

The novel explores themes of identity, family, and the consequences of living in isolation. As Juno confronts the mysteries surrounding her parents and her own existence, the story becomes a psychological maze filled with uncertainty and foreboding. The author's use of fairytales adds a haunting layer to the narrative, enhancing the sense of unease and mystery that permeates the story.

The characters are richly drawn, and Juno's journey of self-discovery is both poignant and unsettling. The relentless pursuit of keeping Juno isolated reveals the lengths to which Mother and Father will go to protect their secrets. The suspenseful plot and the folk tale elements converge to create a mesmerizing and atmospheric reading experience.

This is a taut thriller that captivates from the first page to the last. With its Nordic noir sensibilities and the infusion of dark folklore, the novel keeps us on edge, wondering what truths lurk beneath the surface of Juno's seemingly idyllic life. This haunting tale explores the thin line between protection and captivity, leaving an indelible mark on those who venture into its chilling pages. You absolutely have to read this one.

I just reviewed What Mother Won't Tell Me by Ivar Leon Menger. #whatmotherwonttellme #NetGalley

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A huge thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Poisoned Pen Press for providing this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A fairly slow-paced thriller that picks up by the end, and keeps you wondering if the siblings will survive to escape.

Unfortunately, I found this plot to be kind of slow and predictable, and the characters and plot weren’t enough to hook me to the end. To be completely honest, if I didn’t have the audiobook version to listen to while I was at work I probably would have DNF’d this book.

I kind of found the plot to be predictable, and didn’t like how weirdly attracted our main character was to the (spoiler) man she found to rescue her - considering she is 16 and he was most assuredly not. I get that she was sheltered, but it made me a bit uncomfortable to listen to, as an outside perspective. Even though there isn’t really any indecent behavior from this man and all the romance is entirely imagined by our main character, there was still something off about him and I could never fully be on his side. (Could be a translation issue, but I was always waiting for a heel-turn for him to betray them because something felt off the entire time.)

Speaking of, there was one specific spot that made me cringe so hard I seriously considered ending my entire read. I won’t spoil exactly what happens, but our main character decides to hide a book in her underwear and we spend ENTIRELY TOO LONG describing her sweaty body trying to “hold up her knickers.” I’m serious, that if I never read or hear the word knickers again it will be too soon. This could be an issue with the translation, but with the English version it felt like a WAY TOO intimate look at a child’s underwear and describing it falling down.

There were also a few spots that felt either too slow or too fast for what was going on. For instance, in the same “knickers” incident, our main character breaks into her father’s study and has her little brother keep watch. However, she spends entirely way too long in the study and causes herself to be trapped inside - even though her little brother gave her AMPLE warning when their mother stopped her shower. At other times, our main character did things horribly stupid for no reason other than to add tension to the novel - with one of them deciding to talk on the phone instead of text, even though her mother could come into the door at any second.

Once our main character learns the “truth” of her life, instead of amping up the tension it kind of fell flat, since I could tell how the rest of the book would end. However, I think if slower thrillers where the tension is more with HOW the characters escape, rather than shocking plot reveals or twists, this would work well for you. I kind of found the “twist” that the main character discovers to be anticlimactic, because the narrative is so obvious from the beginning what exactly is wrong.

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Juno know that to keep her family safe they have to follow the seven commandments. This is a thriller that looks at the dark side of family dynamics and could be triggering to some readers. There is child abuse and kidnapping in this story. This is also translated fiction so some of my issues with this book may be because things change in translation.
For me the characters were interesting and kept me wanting to learn more about them. From the very beginning the reader knows that there is something weird about Juno and Boy's life but we are figuring out things the same way that they are and seeing how each character handled the information was intersting.
The plot was good but I had some issues with the pacing. I felt like the events were happening quickly but also it felt like there should have been more time then just a few days for the whole plot to happen. I found the plot still interesting and was on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happened.
I think that the writing was one of the best parts of this book. It is definitely obvious that this author has honed his craft and I am excited to see more from this author.
The setting was my second favorite part because the isolated setting was very claustrophobic and I loved that element of this book. If you love isolated setting I feel like this is a book to pick up.
I had fun reading this book so my enjoyment was high I think that it also helped that I was able to sit down and binge the second half of this book in one day.

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Juno and Boy live with Mother and Father on an island and guard themselves from all strangers until one day Juno meets one and her life is turned upside down.
It was fine.
The writing was good.
It just kinda felt like…something I have already read or watched?
Atmospheric but not overly original.
Pretty entertaining and quick.

Thanks to NetGalley and Posioned Pen Press for an eARC.

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This was the kind of book that had you looking around every corner and bitting your nails in anticipation work what could possibly go next. The story line was nice and not to complex but the emotion and tension that the author managed to weave into her work was amazing and I couldn't get enough of it. This story had the constant feel of dread over hanging the characters which I found to be great work by the author to keep this feeling all while telling a very interesting story all at the same time which I'm sure wasn't an easy task. This book is all about our main character Juno who lives on an island with her parents and her brother. Her whole life Juno has been told that any outsider is a threat to her and her family so she lives very sheltered and afraid. It isn't until she is spotted by one of these strangers that Juno starts to question what her father's motives really were as everything she though she once knew ever her own identity gets irreversibly changed. I loved the simplicity of this novel but at the same time it told a very complex story. This was unlike anything I have ever read before and I couldn't get enough of it. For such a short read this is one book that throws you right in and manages to present a super in depth and interesting read right from the get go. There were so many twists in this book that I couldn't put it down. I'm so glad that I was able to check this book out because it was everything I never knew I needed in a story. This is the kind of book where you sit up all night with a flashlight just to see how its going to come together in the end. Great read, Im so glad that I was given the opportunity to read this story it was so much better than I was expecting.

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This is a quick and easy to fly through thriller. I enjoyed reading it. If you are a frequent thriller reader, then the plot can feel predictable.

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A tale of family secrets exposed. Juno and her brother Boy have been raised by their parents in an odd, off the grid sort of way- with no exposure to the outside world or technology, Now, though, the arrival of a stranger will blow all of that away, exposing things their parents were hiding. No spoilers from me but I suspect that others will, like me, guess what's really happened, That said, it's still a good read, with interesting characters, Thanks to netgalley for the ARC, Would make a good YA crossover novel.

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Juno lives on a remote island with her parents and younger brother. In complete isolation from the outside world, Juno starts to explore why they're on the island and why her parents won't allow her to go to the main land. I enjoyed this book at first, but the ending was rather quick. I did find that the plot lacked a bit of depth throughout and wanted a more solid progression. I would give the author another try as I really enjoyed the writing style and it did have promise. I just felt it was missing something. Otherwise, I would recommend this book as it makes you think long after you turn the last page. I look forward to this authors next book. Thank you!

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A quick and enjoyable read.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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For such a short book (235 pages) this story is jammed packed!

Juno lives on an island in complete isolation with Mother, Father and Boy her younger brother. Having been told her whole life that the strangers who visit the island are a danger to her family, Juno has lived her life in fear of outsiders.

When Juno is spotted by a stranger, her world collapses and she goes on a road to discovery that will threaten everything she knows, including her own identity.

The story is fast paced and kept me on my toes until the very end. While parts were a little predictable, there were plenty twists that had me on the edge of my seat right up to the very end.

Thank you to NetGalley, Poised Pen Press and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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The narration is fast-paced and thrilling, and the author never holds back any punches, delivering many hard ones to the reader regularly. To his credit, many of them landed fair and square. He has used the darkness of the theme and the setting of the lonely island to narrate a claustrophobic story. I loved his parallels with fairy tales, especially Thumbelina, which is referenced many times in the plot. The lonely princess and the brave prince to the rescue themes are effectively used in the narrative and even subverted a few times.

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First, I am so thankful to Poisoned Pen Press, Dreamscape Media, Netgalley, and Ivar Leon Menger for granting me advanced digital, physical, and audio access to this twisty, translated thriller before it's set to publish on January 9, 2024.

What Mother Won't Tell Me is a story about two young kids who live on Northland, an island cast away from everything else and the rest of the world, but Boy and Juno don't know that. All they know is that they live on the island with their mother and father, who are protecting them from strangers who are planning to attack their island and take them away, but ultimately, that is just not true. What we have here is an excellent old-fashioned kidnapping/abducting tale, where the children have been gaslit for YEARS as they are raised by complete and utter strangers, hidden away from the rest of the world, and trapped.

When our book opens up, it's not long before Juno begins to find bizarre occurrences that distract her from her normal duties, cluing her in that something is amiss on their now-not-so-cozy island. Turns out the Italian government has been looking for her for years and they've sent one of their operatives abroad to gain intel and a plan on excavating these children from their imposters of parents.

I was on the edge of my seat as this tale was unfolding and almost lost my appetite at how realistic this story felt, for I feel we're always hearing of similar stories in the media when it comes to long-lost children.

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Juno her brother Boy and her mom and dad are all happy living on an island tucked away from everyone else in the world. Juno however is getting older and more curious about the world around them and she doesn’t mean the island. Her mother hates discussing anything not having to do with their happy little family not her dead sister the strangers they fear… Not anything. The only visitor to the island is a man they call uncle O and he delivers the mail but when he comes Juno and Boy must hide. When her dad finally seems to give in and explains to Juno that he did something very bad because he felt guilty he testified against some bad people that is who the strangers are and why they want to kill him and his whole family. This seems to satisfy the teenager until the night she met one of the strangers. What he would have to say would change her opinion of her parents and calls her to change her mind about who she really should fear.. This was such a good book a really really good book and there is so much I am not putting in my review as to not ruin it for anyone else but trust me when I say if you love books about living a lie and finding out the duplicity of those your closes to in so many other good tropes the you’ll definitely love What Mother Won’t Tell Me, I couldn’t read this book fast enough it was so good so compelling intriguing captivating every good word I could think of that’s this book. If you love unraveling the mystery and love a good thriller then you’ll definitely enjoy this one. The only reason I am rating this book 4 stars is because Juno’s relationship with “the stranger “I found so suspect due to their ages but it truly is a minor point and really doesn’t change the agenda of the plot. I want to thank poison pen press and NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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This is a book that does a brilliant job of leading you to believe it's one thing, and turning out to be something else entirely. Apologies for almost my entire review being in a spoiler, but it's impossible to talk about this book without talking about the twist, and I DEFINITELY don't want to spoil that for anyone. So here's my spoiler-free review: this book was VERY GOOD.

<spoiler>From the beginning, I was certain that I was reading a fantasy novel. The touches of the real world were few and far between enough that the unfamiliar overpowered them, and I was fully convinced that we were somewhere else, where the politics and dynamics of the world were unfamiliar enough that there would be some kind of justification for the family's isolation. As the story went on though, layer by layer the fantasy fell away leaving a story of children whose lives were shaped by a heartbreaking situation.

The real-world inspiration from cases like Madeline McCann was clear, but the story manages to be distinctive enough in its own right to steer away from following real world events to a T. I didn't see the twist of the children's origins coming, and Juno/Elle's recontextualising of her life was brilliantly handled - her shifting memory of Ruth's death hit especially hard.

I will say, I wish the full reveal had come a little later in the book - I would have preferred a slow drip feed of hints leading up to the discovery than getting everything all at once, but that's an extremely minor nitpick in what is otherwise a brilliantly paced novel.</spoiler>

I also have to take my hat off to the translator - I forgot multiple times that I was reading a translation, and would get temporarily confused by my Goodreads recommendations suddenly all showing up in German. The book flows beautifully, which was a welcome joy.

All around, I loved this book. Highly recommended to fans of unsettling settings, journeys of discovery, and protagonists with unusual perspectives on life.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a quick read for me! I don't feel like there was a major twist in this story, everything felt pretty laid out but I still like how quick paced it was. The character development was great and you really connect with Juno and Boy. I wish there was more information about Luca and what his motives were but overall I enjoyed this!

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