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The Magic All Around

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Mattie is the youngest of the Russel Women. The Russel are a name in Georgia, living there in an old Victorian house, they have been called, witches, weird, and unique... their house is described the same way. Upon her mother's death, Mattie returns to the old Victorian house in Georgia, after living like a nomad with her mother, moving every few years to appease her restless body. Although Mattie expects her trip to Georgia to be a short one, as she returns she learns that her mother had left her an inheritance, which is conditional in that she must follow the steps her mother outlined for her to complete. As Mattie works through her requirements she is confused, angry, and lost feeling like she doesn't even know the woman she grew up with. But as she completes her tasks, Mattie begins to realize why her mother asked her to do all of these things, and learns more about herself than she thought possible.

-Enjoyable book
-A tab bit of Whimsey and "magic"
-Coming of age novel, self-discovery
-Cute characters, including the old Victorian House
-Happy ending
-Lightly romantic

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The Magic All Around follows Mattie Russell’s journey out of unexpected heartbreak and into an enlightening search where she unlocks clues about her unusual upbringing and a special gift. When Mattie learns to slow down and stop trying to be anywhere but where she is, she finds all of the reasons she needs to stay…family, friends, and love. Once again, Jennifer Moorman’s highly enjoyable storytelling welcomes you into a magical Southern town and introduces you to characters who make you want to move there.

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My Thoughts:
Jennifer Moorman had me a magical house with a pantry that always has the right ingredients for what you need. Add in Ivy Ridge, a quaint Georgia town, with lovable residents and festivals to rival Stars Hollow, and I'm gonna pick this up every time. Watching Mattie and others around her pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives after losing Lilith was just what I needed to start off the new year.

About the Book:
It's always been Lilith and Mattie, moving from place to place, exploring the US and experiencing new adventures. Mattie is left reeling after Lilith's sudden death. With her mother gone, she doesn't know what to do next. Upon returning to her mother's hometown for the funeral, Mattie learns her mother hasn't left her completely on her own. Mattie must complete seven tasks in order to obtain her inheritance. With things like taking a cooking class, planting a garden, and hosting a party, the tasks seem random. "But Mattie soon realizes that if she completes the tasks, she may unearth her mother's secrets, including the identity of Mattie's father... [and] more about the Russell family 'gifts' "

Read this if you like:
• Magical realism
• Small town fiction
• A magical house with a special pantry and a dream phone

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I love magical realism and Jennifer Moorman has become an auto=buy author for this genre. Another great heartwarming read. I loved how the house was a character itself. The way it responded to the families conversations made me smile as it seemed to know what they needed before themselves. It was a little slow in the beginning leading up to Lilith’s will reading, but after that I loved it. I loved the “magic” behind the family and all the projects that Mattie completed along the way. The romance was subtle at first but the banter between Mattie and Jonathan was good. Multiple POV, small town vibes, new friendships, and characters with great depth and heart. I loved the ending but it’s hard to say why without spoilers.

Thank you @wunderbookspr @harpermusebooks and @netgalley for the gifted copy

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Cozy little magical family story; the magic isn't prominent as it jumps between 3 POVs. The story really focused on finding yourself and making a life for yourself. Easy read that warms you up like a good spot of tea. 2.5 stars rounded up

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This book is a must read, and not just because it comes out on my birthday! 😊 This amazing, magical book has family, loss, love, second chances, finding yourself, and a magical house! When Mattie loses her mother, Lilith, she goes back to Ivy Ridge, GA to stay with her Aunt Penelope in the house that she visited every summer. Lilith left Mattie an inheritance, but she must complete 7 random tasks before she can receive her money and leave town. While the tasks seem random, they are anything but. They lead her on a journey of self-discovery and bring her the things that she didn’t even realize she wanted or needed. This book is full of a cast of wonderful characters and a house with a mind of its own. One of my favorite quotes: “Being different in a small Southern town was worse than wearing white after Labor Day-an unfortunate circumstance that people couldn’t help but gossip about.”
This was my first book by Jennifer Moorman, but it won't be my last!

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This book was like a warm, magical hug. I love stories surrounding strong independent women who are on journeys of discovery. The Russell women did not disappoint.

The Russell women all have their own unique gifts and the house they live in, has gifts of its own. When Mattie’s mother passes away she heads back to Ivy Grove with her aunt, Penelope, to tend to her mother’s funeral and will. To Mattie’s surprise, her mother leaves her a significant inheritance all contingent on the completion of seven seemingly random tasks. This is a wonderful story of family, self-discovery, healing, and the meaning of home.

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The Magic All Around is a feel-good closed-door romance set in small-town Ivy-Ridge, Georgia where Mattie has returned to bury her mother, Lilith. After her unexpected passing Mattie is devastated and unsure of her future. Her mother was her whole world. Lilith, ever the adventurer has surprisingly left Mattie with a task list she must complete in order to receive her inheritance. Forced to stay with her aunt Penelope, Mattie tackles the list and, in the process, not only learns more about her mother’s past, but also more about herself as well. It doesn’t hurt that her first crush Jonathan, happens to be temporarily home in Ivy Ridge as well.

This reads more like a contemporary romance than magical realism, and for that I am grateful. The magical touches to the story are “just enough” for me to feel serendipitous and not over the top. Told in alternating points of view between Mattie, Penelope, and Jonathan we begin to get a picture of the Russell womens’ history in the small town, though I wish Lilith’s point of view was added as well. What could have been an amazing generational story, fails to include much about Sophia (the great aunt) and Lilith and Penelope’s mother. Despite my wanting more about the older Russell women, this is still a quick and charming read that’s easily devoured in a weekend.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Muse, and of course the author Jennifer Moorman for the advanced copy of the book. The Magic All Around is out on January 16th. All opinions are my own.

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A cozy, magical read about family, love, mothers and daughters and the power of finding home.

For fans of whimsical reads with a contemporary setting and a warm, happy ending.

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I’m sorry but I had to DNF this. I couldn’t get passed the choppy writing that had Penelope did this, Penelope did that. I’m missing the flow here and it’s taking me out of even concentrating on what’s happening.

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Fantastic read! I loved it! Highly recommend, thank you NetGalley for the opportunity. I love having the chance to read and review new books!

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Following her mother's untimely death, Mattie was feeling lost. After spending years accompanying her mother from place to place, Mattie was on her own to decide what was next. But before she had to make those decisions, she had to complete a set of tasks left by her mother in order to inherit her trust. What seemed like a meaningless exercise may be the very thing that brings Mattie the clarity she was seeking.

This year, I have read so many wonderful books in this sub-genre. I was always a contemporary reader, but it seems a touch of magic goes a long way with me. It was a treat learning about the Russell women's talents and seeing them in action, but I think it was the sentient house that was my favorite magical element here. That house had an agenda, and I was fully supportive of it. Aside from that, the house was simply a special place. It was a place of love and healing, but I could also say that about the town of Ivy Ridge.

When I was a teen, we moved from Brooklyn to a one-square mile town in New Jersey. I thought it would be the death of me, but I see it differently through adult-eyes. It reminds me of Ivy Ridge, one of the those towns that teens can't wait to flee, but when they look back on it all, they realize they were lucky to have grown up in such a lovely place. It was a "home" with a supportive community, and for both Mattie and Jonathan, it was a place where they could find themselves.

This book had so many elements that I adore. Themes of grief, healing, second chance love, family and friendship were all elevated by a bit of magic. I found myself fully engrossed in Mattie's personal journey, cheering for her and Jonathan as they figured out different aspects of their lives, and hoping for Penelope to reconnect with her past. With some delightful surprises and many sweet and tender moments, this book left me in an elated state while reminding me that there is magic all around.

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I absolutely adore a Jennifer Moorman book, I've never read one that isn't a 5-star read for me, they always have great characters with that little bit of magical realism threaded throughout the book.

In this story we have Mattie, who has returned to the Victorian family home in Ivy Ridge after the unexpected death of her mother, Lilith. Penelope, her aunt, lives there with Sophia and Robert, her godparents, but Mattie has only ever visited for short periods of time whilst growing up when Penelope looked after her for a holiday. Initially Mattie only comes back for the funeral, but ends up having to stay longer because of stipulations in her mother's will where she has to complete various tasks to inherit a sum of money (that she didn't even realise her mother had).

Mattie is used to constantly travelling the country with her mother, so isn't used to staying in one place for too long a period of time, so this is different for her, but she starts to slowly put down roots, albeit very reluctantly at first.

I loved all the gentle magical aspects of this, how each member of the family has a slightly magical touch, including the house itself and the radio etc. playing various songs to suit the occasion, very funny! I loved how the tasks each led into one another and brought different people (and unexpected family) into Mattie's life, making her slow down a bit and reassess what she actually wanted to do with her life.

A quite gentle book, but just such a lovely read. One of those books that makes you have a big sigh of happiness at the end that everything has worked out as it should.

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I completely fell in love with this book I was concerned at first because I felt the book was dragging on a bit in spaces, but it was necessary. The back story on each character was thought out and told in a way that kept the story alive and rolling. It was not just to add pages to the book. I was completely invested in Mattie and her relationships with her family, new found friends and family, and her love interest. Jennifer Moorman did a phenomenal job with this book, I am currently looking to see if she has a back log.

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Mattie Russell finds herself back in her family home after her mother unexpectedly passes away. She’s always spent summers here with her Aunt Penelope, but feels determined to leave after the funeral. Unfortunately for Mattie’s plans, her mother’s will includes a testamentary trust. Mattie has to complete 7 seemingly silly tasks within four months in order to inherit the money she didn’t even know her mom had.

As Mattie goes around town taking cooking classes, planting flowers, and more to complete the tasks, she starts finding clues that lead her to her birth father…and she starts to fall for the cute neighbor next door that she kissed ten years ago.

The Magic Next Door is enchanting and full of love and cozy mystery. I absolutely adored this book and reading it left me feeling cozy and warm inside. The magical elements of the house were so intriguing. Mattie and Jonathan’s relationship was really sweet as was her relationship with Penelope. The pacing was a little slow and the dialogue was a bit repetitive at times, but overall I really enjoyed this read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Muse for the ARC.

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This is a hug in book form and what I wanted PRACTICAL MAGIC (movie) to be. If you like Sarah Addison Allen you’ll love this!

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Lots of family, love, grief, and magic suffusing it all. Wonderful holiday reading. Great for fans of Alice Hoffman.

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Unfortunately, I might have read this at a wrong time as I was craving more high fantasy than cozy rom-com vibes. Otherwise, if you like magical realism, family relationships, romance, and self-discovery then this one is for you.

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Lilith and Penelope are magical sisters, but whereas Penelope is steadfast and dependable, Lilith is a free spirit who flits around without setting up roots. Even when Lilith has a daughter, Mattie.

Following Lilith’s death (something she knew was coming), Mattie returns to her hometown to stay with Penelope for the funeral, but winds up with a to do list to inherit several hundred thousand dollars from her mother.

And of course there’s neighbor boy who Mattie met once like 15 years ago for 15 minutes who also happens to be in town for his ill father.

So of course love is predetermined. And all the women are supernaturally pretty. And every character lacks depth.

There is magic but it’s barely a focus regardless of the title. Not for me.

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My thanks for the ARC goes to NetGalley and Harper Muse. I'm voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: Women's Fiction, Magical Realism, Romance Elements, Fantasy
Spice Level: Sweet (past pregnancy mentioned, kissing)
Magic System: Soft system with undefined rules
Themes: Family love, Romantic love, Loss, Finding yourself

What a thoroughly enjoyable book!

Mattie is adrift after the death of her nomad-like mother, and this is primarily the story of her figuring out her life. Her Aunt Penelope and Jonathan, the boy Mattie kissed when she was seventeen, are also on journeys to find peace with the past and move forward.

I wish there was a little bit more about the family magic. It seemed like Penelope was going to talk to Mattie about it more specifically, but that was a minor point. I would say the magic was embodied in the Russell home as though it was a character separate from the people, and each family member received gifts for herself to help her on her journey.

The entire book gave me a warm feeling like a hug and a cup of coco. I loved seeing how Mattie learned more about her mother and herself through the list of requirements her mom gave her to keep her inheritance. I can easily see this being made into a movie because it's so vivid.

I highly recommend this book.

Happy reading!

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