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It's a Date (Again)

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Jeneva Rose does it again! Her first rom com was nothing short of AMAZING! Not gonna lie, 1 figured out who she truly loved right off the bat, but that totally did not ruin the book for me. If anything it made it better, because I loved reading how their love story played out and how Peyton realized that guy was the one she loved. This book was super cute, romantic without the spice, funny, and a bit emotional (especially when Peyton finds out her parents had both died when she was younger. I still struggle with the death of my dad, so that part hit home). If thrillers aren't for you and romcoms are, Jeneva wrote the perfect one. Not only is she phenomenal at thrillers, but proved she can literally write any genre

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It’s a Date (Again)
By: Jeneva Rose
Publisher: Montlake
Pub Date: 10/24/23

This was such a cute rom-com! And this is Jeneva’s first trip with a romance!
Peyton is running towards the man she’s in love with when she’s hit by a car. After waking up in the hospital she can’t remember who she is let alone anyone around her. Robbie and Maya are both her best friends and are determined to help her remember.
Unfortunately she can’t remember who the man was. Her friends knew she had been seeing 3 guys but no one knew who she was going to tell. So with know idea who she loves she begins to date them all again. Will she be able to remember who she is and what her life was?

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I did not enjoy this book. It was clear to me what the outcome would be before Peyton was even out of the hospital. Boring and predictable. It’s not a bad book necessarily, I just didn’t like it personally.

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Thank you to Montlake for an advanced copy of this book for review.

At first, I was really confused by this book. It was a complete mashup of all of the major romcom movies that are already in existence. It was so similar to 50 First Dates, the show The Bachelor, My Best Friend's Wedding, 13 Going on 30, etc... that I couldn't believe it was real. That is when I realized that it is a brilliant satirical parody, and I loved it.

Peyton is a serial casual dater. The book opens with her upset because one of the men in her life told her that he loves her, and she told him she didn't feel the same. She realizes that she DOES love him, and when she runs to tell him, home girl is thwacked by a vehicle, and falls into a coma, waking with no memory.

Three men show up to the hospital claiming to be her boyfriend, and she needs to date all of them again to realize who she loves.

This book is so over the top unrealistic that it was comical. All of the men gather together at various points and are so polite and non-competitive. Each of the men is a different version of the stereotypical "perfect guy." They all take everything in stride. No one pushes Peyton. Peyton is perfect, her best friends are the perfect best friends, her downstairs neighbor is like a mother to her, and everyone loves Peyton. Literally nothing can go wrong for this girl (minus being taken out by a fast-moving vehicle and losing her memory).

It was just so brilliantly cheesy that it was like this author took every "eat em up" money making thing about romcoms and included them all in one book. I think it is brilliant and I gave this five stars.

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𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: It’s A Date (Again)
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫: Jeneva Rose
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Adult Fiction, Romcom
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝: 10/24/23
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: ★★★
Source: Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Montlake for this ARC 💜! I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions expressed are my own.

This was a cute romcom with some of my favorite tropes: amnesia and "why choose"/serial dating. Peyton was afraid to get serious with anyone for fear they'll leave her. She dated several men at the same time and after her accident, they wanted to become exclusive. One of them even confessed his love for her, but she didn't feel the same way. A chance encounter with someone helped her realize the difference between what the brain wants and what the heart wants. She decided to confess her love to "him, " but she gets hit by car.
Her BFFs Maya and Robbie were her found family that jumped in to help her get her memory back. Maya was hilarious especially when three guys came to visit Peyton in the hospital. Tyler Davis was a rustic contractor who's been dating her for six weeks. Shawn Morris was the clean cut, tailored consultant she dated for two months. Nash Doherty was the tattooed chef with her for five weeks. Maya planned for Peyton to date them all again and decide who was the lucky guy. Her friend Robbie was against "The Bachelor," and just wanted Peyton to remember and feel better.

Peyton went on dates arranged by Maya but doesn't get her memory back during that time. Maya and Debbie took over with their comedic timing. Debbie and Peyton had a great relationship after the tragedy she suffered. The men soon revealed their true personalities, and Peyton remembered who she loved. Her choice was a little predictable, but it was sweet.

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Not my favorite by this author but it was still fairly entertaining as a young woman has an accident that leaves her unable to remember the man she had finally realized she loves. Faced with three potential candidates she re-dates them all trying to figure out who is 'the one.' A little funny, a little heartfelt and pretty good on audio. If you want something light hearted, this fits the bill. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Peyton gets hit by a car while running to tell the potential love of her life that she loves him back. She of course gets amnesia and wakes up to find she has three possible boyfriends. But which one is The One? This is a light fast funny rom-com. It’s the author’s first foray into the genre. I guessed early on who the real love interest is, but it was still enjoyable to follow Peyton figure it out.

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This is a story that definitely doesn't take itself seriously. I mean, a woman loses her memory and ends up with 3 (three!) very attractive guys competing for the position of her boyfriend! What is she, some sort of goddess? You can tell from the beginning that the author is trying to make fun of the romance tropes in a playful way, and for the most part, it works.

I enjoyed this slightly unconventional -- for a romance -- story. It was clear from the beginning this is not a "why choose", and eventually there would be only one guy for Peyton. And it is very obvious who that guy is from like chapter 3, so Im guessing the author intended it that way. But then, why do we need to go through the whole dating thing with the other guys when we are sure they're not "the one"? For a pure romance, there was not enough interaction between the two leads, even if there was enough hints that he is the one. There was, however, a couple of twists that I hadn't seen coming, so that was fun.

I loved one of the side characters (won't say who so I don't spoil it), and it seems that they're getting their own book, so I'll definitely read it when it comes out!

Overall, it's a fast-paced book that can get you out of a slump, with its crazy premise and some twists. If I didn't know the author came from the thriller genre, I would have guessed after reading the story. It's a fun experiment, and can't wait to see what the author comes up with next!

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4.25 ⭐️

Jeneva Rose has ventured into the romance genre and I am here for it!

When Peyton wakes up with amnesia and three different men vying to be her end game. This book was filled with so much of the classic Jeneva Rose banter and hilarity, mixed it with so much sweetness.

I guessed who she would end up with and I’m glad I was right! Hoping to read more romcoms by this author in the future.

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A fun but predictable rom com. I enjoyed reading but I had figured out the story a bit too quickly for me and found it difficult to finish! In saying this I will say it is well written and a good bit of fun to read!

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This was an okay debut rom-com. It was predictable from the beginning, but it was a fun and cute read!

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I'm a fan of Jeneva Rose and really love her writing style. Her thrillers have some of the best twists. I thought the premise for this rom com was fun but it was clear to me from the very beginning who it was that she loved. It made it hard for me to get invested in any of the dates/boyfriends because I already knew who she would end up with. I still think the premise was fun with the main character, Peyton, getting amnesia and having to date 3 guys over again to try and figure out which one is "the one". Even though I knew who her choice would be, I still had a good time reading about her dates. I look forward to reading whatever she comes out with next!

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I’m a major fan of Rose. I knew she could write a fun rom-com after listening to and absolutely loving her women’s fiction title The Girl I Was.
It's a Date (Again) by Jeneva Rose
There is nothing quite like her writing! She is something special and it shows in her phenomenal writing and storytelling.
This book was so cute and heartfelt. The romance is slow and so very sweet.
The characters are well-developed and the story is quite heartwarming.
I loved the story. If you love a sweet exhilarating romance, this one's for you.

“One lovestruck woman. Three handsome boyfriends—and strangers. A unique dating adventure awaits in a hilarious and heartwarming romantic comedy by New York Times bestselling author Jeneva Rose.”

I would like to thank NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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When Peyton wakes up from a coma, she's shocked to find she can't remember anything. When three guys turn up to the hospital all saying they're her boyfriend, Peyton is stunned. They all agree to let Peyton get to know each of them again to find out which one she wants to ultimately be with.

I was a bit apprehensive going into this romcom because c'mon - Jeneva Rose! She's the fab thriller writer we all love but romcoms?! I am happy to inform you that she nailed it with this book. I can't tell you how much fun I had reading this one. Yes it was predictable but the journey was so hilariously cute. I can't recommend it enough. If you want a book that will make you smile and smile big, this is the one.

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Peyton has a man tell her he loves her and after initially rejecting him, she has decided that she does indeed love him back. But when she head to tell him just that, she's hit by a car and wakes up with amnesia. The biggest problem? Three boyfriends show up proclaiming their love for her.

This book was so good! The thing I loved most about it was the banter between the friends: Peyton, Robbie, and Maya. You get immersed in their friendship really quickly and fall in love with all three of them, especially when Maya and Robbie decide to help Peyton figure out which guy she really loves by doing a deep dive on all of them.

Beyond that, the hilarity of the dates and Peyton just trying to figure out who she is made this one hilarious romcom that also has a lot of heart to it.

All in all, this is a really well-written romcom that everyone (except maybe Scott) will adore.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the gifted copy. My reviews are always honest.

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I’m not sure what else I expected in a story following a woman re-dating three men after losing her memories, but the humour was too unrealistic and over-the-top for me.

Mere minutes before Peyton Sanders is ready to confess her love to THE ONE, she gets hit by a car, waking up with retrograde amnesia and three men at her hospital door vowing they are her perfect match.

This reminded me a lot of Skip to the End by Holly James in that it was obvious from the very beginning who Peyton would end up with. I liked the final choice, but there wasn’t a strong enough focus on their relationship to convince me of their chemistry.

This might be a better fit for a reader who doesn’t mind suspending their disbelief for the silliness and fun of the story.

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Though rom-com is not the typical genre for Jeneva Rose I normally am sucked into her books by her wonderful writing style so I figured I would enjoy this book. Boy, was I wrong! Not only did I enjoy this book it is one of my favorites for the year!
The characters in this book are fabulous. They were each realistic, fun, interesting and relatable. Being that it is a very character-centered storyline it helps that the characters have depth and likability.
Peyton is looking for her true love. She knew who he was once but tragedy struck and she lost her memories of the person she was planning to give her heart away to. So know her friends Maya, Robbie and Debbie are helping her figure out if it's one of the three men she was dating. Each man is very different from the others and she is hoping her heart will lead her to the right guy once again.
Though I predicted who was her ultimate match, the journey that Peyton had to go on to determine who was truly in her heart was fabulous. I felt all the emotions that she was going through and could tell she would make the right choice in the end. There were some points in the book that had me laughing out loud. Maya was hilarious and her stand up routine was memorable!
I highly recommend this entertaining and delightful book! The storyline is leisurely paced and engrossing. It is definitely a book you could read in a day but I took my time to enjoy getting to know these well-developed characters.
I am extremely grateful to Montlake Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this lighthearted book in exchange for an honest review.

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I have read Jeneva’s thriller books so I was excited to see her switch genres and see if she could pull off a rom-com.. and I was pleasantly surprised. I did end up guessing the ending pretty early on, but I don’t feel like that ruined my reading experience. This book is about Peyton, who is suffering from amnesia after getting hit by a car on the way to profess her love to someone, She spends the book trying to find out who she was on her way to see. While dating the 3 men who show up at the hospital saying they’re her boyfriend . I thought it was a refreshing book for the rom-com genre. This was a quick and enjoyable read!

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This was a fun and entertaining read! This story follows Peyton who suffers from amnesia after being hit by a car on her way to tell the man she loves that she loves him. So when she wakes up at the hospital, there are three men there by Peyton's side, all claiming that they are dating her. So which one of this men are the one she really loves?
I just loved Peyton's best friends Maya and Robbie! They were so hilarious and wonderful. This book feels like a warm cozy hug and had very relatable characters. For being Jeneva Rose first romcom I have to say that she did a really good job. I have loved her thriller "You shouldn't have come here" and I'm excited to see if she will continue writing more romcoms. But I can really recommend this one if you want a quick, funny and easy romcom.

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This is my first book by this author.

I think it is well written, and I loved the characters. They are unique and well fleshed out.

However, I DNF’d it about half way through because I had figured out the ending about 50 pages in.

I would like to try one of this authors thrillers though, because I loved her characters and wicked sense of humor!

Thank you to Montlake and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this book to read and review.

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