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Any Duke in a Storm

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Book 4 in Amalie Howard's "Daring Dukes" series. This book had a slightly different aspect than the others. Still focusing on islands in the Caribbean our duke is part French under Napoleon. He's also a pirate. Characters from other books appear in this one as well which is fun to see and it was interesting to see a well researched book about smugglers during that time in history. Fun characters that are easy to love, or hate respectively.

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“Tell me something true, Pirate.”
“Tell me something true, Viking.”


Something true? Amalie Howard has done it AGAIN with this book!! I absolutely adore this series and this new installment is no exception. We met the formidable Lisbeth Medford in the previous installment, but now it is her turn to take the spotlight in her own high stakes investigation.

Having spent two years undercover, she has built a reputation for herself as the legendary and feared Bonnie Bess—a pirate captain of a mostly female crew—and finally has her target within her grasp. But when her path crosses with the dramatic and smooth talking Raphael Saint, a shipless captain on the run from his own uncle who just so happens to be Lisbeth’s smuggling target, she realizes that matters of the heart may only cloud her judgement, but they will also bring her a life, love, and adventure she never could have dreamed of for herself.

Lisbeth is a spitfire but I also loved how despite her strength as a spy, leader, and independent woman, she also struggled with her identity throughout the book. Having worn so many hats, names, and faces, it was refreshing to see someone so powerful also dive into learning about themselves, their wants, and their needs.

Raphael was not what I was expecting at all and I loved it. With the humor and dramatic flare of Jack Sparrow, but the dashing debonair swagger of James Bond, he had a soft heart but also a wicked tongue in the best of ways. And, ahem, piercings… *melts*

I loved the dynamic between these two and how oftentimes Lisbeth took the more dominant role between them. They had a very equal partnership and it was refreshing to see them both take what they wanted when they wanted it but also dish it right back out. Also the fact that the author was able to wring such steaming hot spice out of multiple chapters of not complete intercourse was the sweetest teasing right up to THAT climax. It all paid off in the end and with danger, action, explosions, kidnappings, arrests, and amazing cameos by some old friends, these characters all get the happily ever after they deserve!!

All of the stars. I cannot wait to see who comes next!! (Please, please give us a time jump and some more Narina…)

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I have been provided with a review copy of Any Duke in a Storm from NetGalley for an impartial review. I was just drawn into this wonderful story and I just couldn’t get enough of it. It was just so easy to get lost in this great story. I just didn’t want it to end. I just lost myself in and I just couldn’t get enough of these interesting characters. I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author.

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This story was so good. I truly enjoyed reading Lisbeth's story and was even more intrigued by Raphael Saint! This book had intrigue and of course romance! I loved the diverse representation that Amalie Howard always includes in her books and this book certainly did not lack in any BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ representation. I'm always in awe of the research she does and how it comes through flawlessly in her writing!

This book kept me thinking about how women were so involved even behind in the scenes in espionage and were hired by the US Treasury to help with smuggling, which gave rise to someone in real life Elizebeth Smith Friedman, who helped to break codes for the Treasury during the 1930s and 1940s. I love the idea that fictional women (even after the fact) could give rise to real life code breaker.

I really just loved reading about Lisbeth and who she was and about Raphael as well and how motivated he was in trying to prove his father's innocence. I thought that the action was perfect and I wouldn't have changed a single thing and I really loved the callback to Valentine, the Duke of Thornbury, and his wife, Bronwyn.

Thank you so much to Amalie Howard and Sourcebook Casablance for giving me a copy. All opinions are my own.

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I really enjoy this book, it is very good!
I love historical romance 🥰
Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the book

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3.5 rounded up

Any Duke in a Storm is book four in auto-buy author Amalie Howard’s Daring Dukes series. Howard mixes fast paced action, adventure, steam and complex diverse characters to create a historical romance that is

Lady Lisbeth Medford, who we met in the previous book, is a spy for the British government trying to stop smugglers as a captain of a pirate ship. Raphael Saint, a disgraced French peer, who Lisbeth has targeted as a means to catch his uncle the notorious smuggler Prince. These two end up working together (unbeknownst to them) for a common goal.

There is lots of action, high seas high jinx, sexy banter, sword fighting and steamy! The chemistry between Saint and Lisbeth is so hot, their foreplay sword fighting scene will live in my brain rent free. They’ve got lots of verbal banter, piercings (him), dirty talk and Dom/sub angles. Lisbeth is a kicka$$ heroine but a heart of gold, she really loves her crew but projects such an “I am an island” vibe. Saint is full of “Falling first” vibes, Robin Hood energy and did I mention the piercings??? There is a young girl that left me laughing out loud a few times. As with the previous book, I enjoyed the diversity that Amalie Howard brings to her characters and how meticulously through her research it.

The backstory was a bit confusing and it did take me a bit to get into the characters but that could have been just me in a reading slump. This can be read as a standalone but I do think you get a better idea of Lisbeth if you read the previous book.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from Sourcebooks Casablanca, NetGalley and the author. All opinions are my own.

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ARC copy kindly provided through NetGalley but all my thoughts are my own.

Lisbeth is an undercover spy and Raphael is a disgraced French peer. Both are trying to take down the Notorious Smuggler, Dubois. These two team up even though they don't trust each other at all and drive each other crazy. Can they trust each other or will they succumb to their animalistic desires for each other?

Lisbeth is my new all-time favorite heroines. She's fierce and unapologetic but constantly struggles with her growing feelings for Raphael. This was also probably the spiciest of the series and I lived for it. Ships blow up, there's sword fights and dangerous squalls and secret smuggler islands. This was all my catnip and I absolutely LOVED IT.

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Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for this ARC!

- I was not expecting to be obsessed with this book, but it was so good that I bought the whole series after finishing it!
- I love banter, and this had banter plus swordplay?!? What more could you ask for!!
- There are very clear discussions of consent, and the spice was 😳😳😳
- I loved the way this addressed the many systems of oppression going on throughout the book!
- The pacing is great, and there was action driving the plot forward at all times.
- There's a lot of jealousy/possessiveness with tons of dangerous situations! However, it never crosses over into a toxic space, which is such a hard thing to balance so well!
- I hadn't read the first three books, but it was still easy to follow what was happening. Characters from earlier books show up, but everything is explained well enough that you can read this without reading the first three.

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Any Duke in a Storm is a standalone in the Daring Dukes series by Amelie Howard. Following a government spy undercover as a fierce cutthroat captain and the pirate with a common enemy whom she falls for .

There's so much about this book that I enjoyed. The story has action, adventure, and sexual tension that delivers in delicious steam.

Lisbeth is fantastic. She's intelligent, strong, independent, and not afraid to embrace her sexuality. She brought solid Queer rep to this historical romance, the author's notes says she wrote her as Demiromantic Pansexual, and she succeeded in my opinion.

Raphael was a delight. He's more than meets the eye, clever , charming, cunning , and loyal. He's not your typical pirate but more of a Robin Hood of the high seas. I loved his banter with Lisbeth and the fact that he fell first.

The two aggravated and instigated each other to no end, and I was here for it. It built the sexual tension wonderfully, and I couldn't wait for them to give in to it. And oh boy did it deliver, both are dominant in the bedroom, plus a surprise praise kink and piercings in intimate places. 🔥🔥

Any Duke in a Storm is a wonderful historical romance with a morally grey MMC, a strong capable FMC, a deadly hurricane , smuggling , fighting, top notch steam, and a HEA .

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WOW! I loved this book so much! I don't even know where to begin with this review. The MCs in this book are so perfectly written - they are flawed and they are vulnerable but they are also kind, caring, and so into each other it was delightful to read. The spicy scenes are very spicy and well written. The plot is exciting and entertaining and is written in a way that really brings the MCs together beautifully. I loved The Duke in Question (book 3 in this series) but I think I loved this one even more. Now, I need to go back and read the 1st 2 books in this series. This is a great way to start your 2024 reading year off!

Thanks #NetGalley for the advanced copy of #AnyDukeinaStorm by Amalie Howard in exchange for an honest review which is written above.

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Any Duke in a Storm is the 4th book in Amalie Howard"s Daring Dukes series. You want to take a wild guess as to which book of the series I started on? Yep, this one! Luckily it stood alone. I"ve read a number of Ms. Howard"s books in the past, so I knew I was in for a steamy treat. I never guessed, however, that in this book I would find one of my most favorite romance heroes EVER! Truly, I swear my Kindle glowed every time Raphael made an appearance. ~Sigh~

In 1868, Lady Lisbeth Medford, Countess of Waterstone is on a mission. A famed British spy, she is currently working on behalf of the American Treasury. Lisbeth's target is known as the Prince of Smugglers, a cruel and brutal man. Her cover is "Bonnie Bess", a feared ship's captain, and she must infiltrate a smuggler's ring in the West Indies. Her identity has been compromised and she must flee, but going forward may be even more dangerous! Raphael Saint, the Duc de Viel, is taken onboard as the new sailing master. He is beyond aggravating and also extremely charming, but Lisbeth must be on guard at all times, as Raphael may be part of the smuggling ring she's trying to bust. As new threats come her way, she must learn if she can trust the man, as they just might have to work together in order to survive.

This story was absolutely thrilling! You could almost feel Lisbeth's ship, the Syren, rolling beneath your feet as a storm brews. If you like strong female characters, you will absolutely love Lisbeth! She has been working as a spy in the guise of Bonnie Bess, a ship's captain with a terrifying reputation. The woman was a great captain, could fight as well as any man, and was respected by friends and feared by enemies. But Lisbeth was also lonely; she didn't have any long-term relationships. She was divorced and was friends with her ex-husband, who was also a spy, but the marriage was one of convenience. Most relationships don't last long, as she must feel something for her partner, be it a man or woman. Then there was my man, Raphael Saint, the Duc de Viel. Oh, my! (Pardon me, I had to get some ice cubes, he's THAT hot.) Raphael's father was given the title of the Duc de Viel in France as a reward for bravery in battle. However, his uncle, Charles Dubois, has his own brother killed in rage and jealousy, and now Raphael had nothing but a burning vengeance to make the man pay. Raphael is absolutely charming and funny, but also very caring. He was a diverse character, having Indian, Island, French and other blood. Raphael was a beautiful man, with some VERY intriguing piercings! At first he had Lisbeth believing he was a sot, as he didn't want her to know his true plan. He had respect for the woman, and knew she was no wilting flower. (The sword fight between the two was possibly the highlight of the book!) As they learned to trust each other and work together, Lisbeth learned that the Prince of Smugglers she was trying to take down was also Charles Dubois, Raphael's uncle! There was sexual tension between Lisbeth and Raphael at the start, and it grew stronger on every single page. Once they began sexual relations, my Kindle caught fire. Nothing was behind closed doors, so to speak, so be warned of graphic content Steamy, sexy graphic content. Ms. Howard manages scenes like this with flair, wit, caring and steamy goodness. I won't ruin the excitement of the story for you; some scenes will put you in mind of old pirate movies. I loved that Lisbeth called Raphael Pirate, and he called her Viking. Not only was the story exciting, but there were some marvelous supporting characters. Smalls, a huge man, was one of Lisbeth's greatest crew members. Charles Dubois was a horrible man, but his role was extremely well-written. My favorite supporting character, however, was Narina, an orphan girl from one of the islands Lisbeth visited. The young girl wanted to be a pirate; that angelic little girl had quite the potty mouth on her. She was a scene stealer whenever she appeared. Her pirate-speak was hysterical, and wait until you hear what she calls crew member Balzac! This book was a wonderful adventure, and I look forward to every story Ms. Howard comes up with!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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This series has been such a delight. Each book just got better.
This installment has a landless French Duke who was an also a smuggler/pirate and a female pirate/smuggler/treasury agent.
The banter and sexiness in this book are top notch. Lots of action and adventure and secrets.

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Any Duke in a Storm. My fellow readers. Man-o-man what an amazing book. This book is a fantastic read. I had to give this book a five star rating.
If I could have given this book a rating of five or more, I would have. The plot was very interesting to me. I loved the mystery and spying on one’s enemies. The hunt for the elusive pirate that has brought havoc among the seas. The determination of two fearless characters who makes it their ultimate mission to track down said character. But in the mean time Lisbeth and Raphael must learn how to get along and Raphael doesn’t make that easy for Lisbeth or her people. Here’s where the fun begins and I absolutely had the best time of being entertained by two people who clearly have the hots for each other. This sexual lust is so strong between Lisbeth and Raphael that the other refuses to be the one to bend first. Trying to work together for a common cause is not working it’s magic with the two. I love Lisbeth no holds barred, hard character nature.
I can see why the writer has written her character this way. She’s a woman in a mans world, whose a Captain of a ship with men. The odds are sorely not in her favor. Further reading in the book I really took a liking to the writing of Lisbeth’s character. So did Raphael.
But his is a different kind of liking. I liked his character as well, but Raphael is a bad boy, whom I imagined his mother boxed his ears all day. I love how his character is written with a little charm, a strong protector, a heck of a lot of a bad boy. Confident sexual dominance. And one well described naked body to have the female locking her legs around his thighs screaming harder and faster.
That silver French tongue oh his causes so much trouble for him. I myself love the sexual innuendos that he shares with Lisbeth every time he talks to her. I enjoyed the book immensely. I loved the humor among the characters, particularly between Raphael, Lisbeth and Smalls. But I really loved the suspense and mystery of hunting down the foe who destroyed so many lives.
The excitement and entertainment is a plus. The heat is a major plus, plus. I give this book two snaps and a, Raphael can you give my mons a replay again with that French tongue of yours ? Until, next time my fellow readers. Read on!
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow oh wow!! What can I say about this book! It was such an amazing journey in storytelling. I enjoyed the traveling and the adventure. The love story was phenomenal and genuine. Saint is my new favorite hero in this series. Lisbeth was a wonder..

Spicy and Amazing!

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I like Howard and love this series and was waiting for this one. Great characters, more global, and as always good steam

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What a fun steamy read! Lisbeth/Bonnie Bess was such a badass and I loved Saint! I haven’t read any historical romances with pirates/smugglers before, but I really enjoyed this so I will have to check out similar books and the previous books in this series!

This definitely made me blush and kept me captivated the whole time. Lisbeth and Saint had so many adventures trying to capture Charles Dubois. Women rarely have such strong roles in this time period so it really made Lisbeth stand out to me. I adored every scene with Nari and her desire to be and talk like a pirate.

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In this riveting historical romance, that masterfully weaves a tale of intrigue and passion. Lady Lisbeth Medford, under the guise of pirate captain Bonnie Bess, embarks on a dangerous mission to dismantle a smuggling ring in the West Indies. The narrative takes an intriguing turn with the arrival of Raphael Saint, the Duc de Viel, whose mysterious past adds complexity to the story. The book excels in its rich storytelling, blending action-packed adventure with a deep, emotive romance. The characters are exquisitely crafted, particularly the strong-willed Lady Lisbeth and the charmingly multifaceted Raphael. The author's thorough research and attention to historical accuracy greatly enrich the narrative. This novel is a captivating blend of suspense, romance, and adventure, making it an unforgettable read.

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Pirates and spies, oh my! I love me a good lady pirate and this book fulfilled on it with a ship full of (mostly) women sailors. The relationship between Bonnie Bess and Raphael sucked me from their first agreement. The characters are diverse and gripping. They give lots of enemies to lovers fodder which anyone can enjoy!

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book and this is my freely given opinion.

This is book 4 of the series continues Amalie Howard's trend in writing historical romances with bold characters of a wide spectrum of backgrounds/cultures, and you can see her love of her own culture and history in this story, and in her note afterwards. She turns the typical Victorian historical on it's head and being a woman of colour, and in an interracial relationship myself, I love that about this series.

This can be read alone, but if you have read the previous books in the series, you would recognize previous characters and relationships that have occurred in the preceding books. The main female character here, Lisbeth Medford, the Countess of Waterstone, has been a significant secondary character before, as the former wife/spy partner to the Duke of Thornberry, Valentine Medford, from book 3. She was an intriguing character then and this is her story, as she continues her career as an undercover agent for the Queen, working with the Americans to thwart smugglers in the Caribbean. To that end, she has taken on the persona of Bonnie Bess, a notorious female captain of the Syren, and has been living essentially as a pirate for the past couple of years. She is trying to get in close enough to capture noted heads of the smugglers, Charles Dubois and Mr. Madge.

Raphael Saint, the disgraced French Duc de Viel, is also engaged in sea trade and smuggling. But he is not a mere smuggler; he has many depths and motives, including acting as a sea-faring Robin Hood, to help the less fortunate in the region, as well as build his fortune. But a chief motive for him is to also seek revenge against his uncle, Charles Dubois, and vindicate his father, who was stripped of the title of Duc, and his estates when accused of treason against the French emperor. After losing his title, his envious and jealous half brother, Dubois, had him incarcerated in a sanitorium, where he was beaten to death. Dubois appears to have wanted his brother's honours, except that is not how titles work, and Raphael stands in his way.

Dubois, in his furtive efforts to get rid of Raphael, manages to capture and incarcerate him. But Raphael manages to escape and in his efforts to get beyond the reach of Dubois and rally his own resources to fight back, he finds himself getting onto the first ship leaving the island he was held on, which was the Syren.

This Raphael and Lisbeth, aka Bonnie Bess, first meet. He is enthralled by the beautiful, but deadly powerful woman, and she is angered, frustrated, and alarmingly distracted by the handsome, apparently insouciant, carefree drunk, and they butt heads.

This is quite the high seas adventure story with a lot of action and passion, mostly set amongst the islands, and then in New York and France. Lisbeth starts out disgusted and not trusting Raphael. But then she finds out that underneath his facade what a complex but caring man he is. However, she is a spy and not used to trusting or revealing herself to others. She has a duty to the British and American governments, and a mission to complete. As such she has a lot of secrets she is keeping from Raphael, that if revealed, could ruin his regard for her, but if she does reveal them, it could also destroy her ability to complete her mission.

An exciting, vibrant action adventure story, with a fascinating cast of characters beyond Lisbeth and Raphael. I loved the foul mouth character of Narina, and some of the secondary characters.

4.25 stars out of 5

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was such a good freaking time omg!! Raphael is definitely on my smoking hot MMC list! Lovvvved it. I cannot stop recommending and gushing about this in my book club server on Discord!

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