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Consort of Fire

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I loved this book! It was such a great combination of 🌶️ and plot, and the plot didn’t seem like an afterthought. Fell in love with all of the characters, and can’t wait to read more of this series, whether it follows other High Court members, or Ash/Sachi/Zanya. I won’t be able to stop thinking about this fantasy romance, and I won’t be able to stop thinking about Ash.

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Consort of Fire is book one in the Bound to Fire and Steel series by Kit Rocha. It is a mix of fantasy and passion with dragons, a cursed heiress and an assassin thrown into the mix. As this is a first book, there is a lot of world building and we are introduced to a plethora of people, no least Sanya, Sachi and the Dragon (Ash) are the main trio of the book, and the story is told from multiple POV’s.
This book was a bit heavier on the fantasy than I’m used to and definitely from this author who’s Beyond series I devoured. This book had romance and action with some good characters and an interesting story line. You’re definitely going to want to read it if fantasy is your thing.
ARC received for a fair, honest and sometimes long review. All opinions are my own. 😊

More of my reviews can be found on my blog:

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I need book two like ASAP! I’m saying that as a compliment - the world building?! Impeccable!! The characters?! Fantastic!! The romance? Not only spicy, but it also has just enough sweetness that it’s so satisfying to see them all together and to know that they belong together. Kit Rocha has done it again and I will be eagerly anticipating the second installment!!

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Okay. OKAY. I’m actually writing this within five minutes of finishing this book so that I’m thinking clearly but also NOT clearly at all.

I LOVED Consort of Fire. The romance between the earth and its Dreamers, the trust and faith that the Dragon is able to build in a relationship with two women who have been nothing but hurt their entires lives, the spice- THE SPICE. *chefs kiss*

To be 1,0000% honest, the first 75% of this book is light world building (but oh how the world can be so beautiful!) and soft history of the three main characters, with a decent amount of spice.

But once that back 25% of the book hits!!!! That’s when the drama, intrigue, and adventure truly begin! I haven’t ever read a magical world like this (though I have only been reading fantasy for about a year) and I cannot wait to keep going with this series!!!

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For all of you Fourth Wing fans who have been chasing the high of dragon fantasy but wanted even MORE spice — this one is for you.

Sachi is a princess who has been raised her entire life to seduce The Dragon, a god and dragon shifter who rules over the earth along with other gods empowered by the Everlasting Dream. She has also been sent to kill him. And if she can’t get the job done, her handmaiden, lover and trained warrior, Zanya, will do it for her. If they don’t, both their lives and their future together are at risk.

The Dragon, Ash, has been accepting consort after consort from the human kingdom for centuries, but none has truly had what it takes to be his partner. Could Sachi… AND Zanya… be the surprise he’s waited for all this time? And what will he do about the fact they want him dead?

This premise, story and the lore surrounding the Dream and Void had me enthralled. Sachi, Zanya and Ash were all such complex and interesting characters and I loved getting each of their POVs. You are truly rooting for all of them. And who doesn’t love a dragon shifter??? Plus, the side characters, especially Ash’s fellow gods, are all so entertaining, even when things seem dire. And while the spice starts off slow burn-ish, when it hits, it HITS. This is one of the spiciest books I’ve read.

Thank you Kit Rocha and NetGalley for this ARC! I enjoyed it so much!

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I liked the Mercenary Liberians series by this author and expected similar with this series. It is entirely different from that series. This is high fantasy. Very good world building. Good character development. A plot that carries over for the next books. One problem is solved but it loads to a far bigger problem that is left hanging. Good start to a new series.

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Consort of Fire by Kit Rocha was not quite the epic romantasy that I was expecting, but it 100% lays the foundation for what I think may be the next big name in the genre and I AM OBSESSED.

The novel centers around Sachielle (the princess), Zanya (the assassin), and Ash (the Dragon). Sachi and Zanya have been raised since they were young girls to work as a team and kill the Dragon, the god who protects the land that humans would otherwise destroy. Sachi, posing as the King's daughter, is sent by the kingdom to be the Dragon's consort as a fulfilment of the promise that the people will send the Dragon a wife every hundred years. Zanya, posing as her handmaiden, is tasked with ultimately assassinating the Dragon. To complicate matters, Zanya and Sachi are secret lovers, and should they fail, Sachi's life will be forfeit due to a curse. What neither of them anticipates, however, is that in gaining the Dragon's trust, they've also gained his love. Can Sachi stand to kill the only man to ever show her love and kindness? And can Zanya kill the Dragon to save Sachi's life knowing that it'll leave her with a broken heart?

I certainly went into this book expecting more plotting and squabbles, but much of the conflict centered around internal emotions. There was a lot of character/world building, but the ending is absolutely explosive. All of the elements come together to build an even more captivating story line to come in book two, and I honestly can't wait!

The romantic aspect was also *chef's kiss*. The authors really took their time to allow their characters to build a natural tension and connection. I hesitate to call this a slow burn, because there was certainly plenty of steam throughout, but the authors were very conscious about when and how the characters gave their hearts and their bodies.

Overall, Consort of Fire is one of the best reads of the year for me, and I can't wait for more in this series to come!

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This book was sooo yummy 🥵 the plot was perfection and the characters even better. Exactly what I expected from KR! BUUUUUTTTTT the spice?!?!?! Blew my mind!!! Completely unexpected but I absolutely devoured and loved it sooo much

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I absolutely loved this book! This will be more of a personal reaction review than any attempt at objectivity. The combination of the romance and the fantasy, especially the pacing worked really well for me. I am not really a fantasy reader, and this hit all of my romance spots. I loved the worldbuilding, and each new revelation (about the characters, the magic systems, the world) was exciting to discover. The book delicately balances the intimate connections demanded by the magic in play (telepathic bonding between the consort and the dragon) and all of the secrets that each of the people in the relationship are keeping.

I am in a Discord group hosted by the authors.
I received an advance review copy from NetGalley.

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I was provided an ARC via NetGalley to offer an unbiased review. This book is scheduled for release on 28 Nov 2023. If you like romantic fantasy, you should just plan to take the day off work.

A not-so-fun-fact about me: I don't read blurbs or summaries about books before I read them. When I say I had no idea what this book was about when I requested it through NG, I'm not even exaggerating. Horny dragon book? That's what I got, and boy howdy, did it deliver. And it was a queer horny dragon book? Even 👏 better 👏!!

Anytime authors are doing worldbuilding, especially in fantasy, there is a learning curve where the reader needs to have space to take it all in. My favorite version of this is where the author starts in the middle of the action, and assumes the reader is smart enough to pick up and roll with it using context clues. Even though I wasn't 100% sure what was happening at the beginning, they laid the bread crumbs just enough to get me through a 400 page book in 2 days.

I'm not going to compare this book to anything else out there, but if you enjoy unique stories with a diverse cast of characters and some pretty spicy on-page sex scenes, you will want to add this to your TBR. I'm already pumped about the next book in this world!

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Wow! This book is unlike any other I’ve read. A dragon-shifter- god is gifted a consort every hundred years, in exchange for protection along the protected land borders. The consort (Sachi) is sent with her handmaiden, a trained assassin (Zanya), to kill the dragon. If they don’t kill the dragon in time, Sachi will die because she is cursed. Seems simple enough- kill a god, escape and survive.
Except it’s not, because the dragon can feel their emotions. If they feel hesitation about killing him, he will know. They must fall in love with the dragon- who has kept them safe and protected for the first time in their lives… in order to kill him!

I thought this story’s FMC was Sachi, but it seemed like it was actually Zanya, at least in my mind. Or maybe, it’s both; but I felt that Sachi’s character development was not as strong as Zanya’s. I’m not sure if there’s going to be a second book, but this felt like a lead-up to a second book with some kind of war event or something similar. I could see the author developing Sachi’s character more in the second book. The dragon’s character also needs a bit more depth and development. Yes, he seems like a kind, reverent male, a fierce protector and god, but I don’t know much else about who he is. None of this is negative, just observation. I liked the dragon, I didn’t LOVE him. I’m not sure why.

This book gets spicy and it’s all contributing to the plot. It’s not just spice for the sake of spice. (FFM scenes).

“ “Sweet, beautiful Sachielle. You burn with joy, and I want it all over me.””

I really enjoyed this book. It was different and it was not predictable. I would recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy and wants something that’s not faeries!

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From bestselling author kit Rocha comes a new fantasy series and that is going to leave readers wanting more! I loved everything about the book. From the characters and their journey through the book to the sexy times to the world itself. I can’t wait to read the next one!

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free ARC for an honest review.

“To the people who dream of a better world. And then fight to make their dreams come true”. What a beautiful opening line❤️

This is the first book I have read by Kit Rocha and it will definitely not be the last! This was an action-packed, SPICY fantasy romance, with excellent world-building and a great ending to lead into the next book in the series.

The dynamics and sexual tension in the first half of the book between Ash, Sachi and Zanya is beautifully written. And when I tell you the second half of the book is spicy, I mean it is SPICY🥵. I loved how open and accepting this book was of different types of love and didn’t just force Zanya out of the picture and promote a standard male/female relationship - Ash is just amazing.

As for the plot, this was also beautifully written and well thought-out. There is a good build up of angst - Sachi and Zanya were sent to kill Ash but, of course, hopelessly fall in love with him. You are left wondering how they will overcome their curse, and it’s a pretty good ending to be fair - I did not expect it to go the way it did and I was pleasantly surprised!

Can I also just add that this is the first fantasy book I have read where I can actually understand how the names are pronounced yet they still sound magical?! I don’t know if this was intentional from Kit or just a coincidence but it definitely helped with having an easy read and not worrying about how the names are pronounced for a change!

One of my favourite ✨spicy✨ quotes:
Sachi: “Do you trust me, Zan?”
Zanya: “With my life.”
Sachi: “Then be a dear and fuck his face.”

If you’re a fan of fantasy romance, especially where a dragon and other mythical creatures are involved, this is a book for you!

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Sachielle of House Roquebarre is a fierce powerful woman, the type you love reading about. The Dragon is surprisingly enticing and I love the twist! This book is enjoyable, sexy and well worth a read.

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“Her love for you burns so bright inside me, handmaid. You and I could take her to the brink and leave her there for hours, and she wouldn’t crave her own release as much as she craves yours right now.”

Kit Rocha's Consort of Fire, first book in the Bound to Fire and Steel series, delivers a spellbinding fantasy of magic, secrets, and passion. An ancient dragon god demands the ruler's heir as a companion every century. Sachielle, a cursed heiress, and her assassin lover, Zanya, face a five-week challenge: slay the dragon or lose all. But the dragon's true nature surprises, unraveling desires and secrets.

“You’re my tether. Without you, I’d be only darkness.”

As someone who's really into fantasy romances, I was genuinely excited when I heard about this new series from Kit Rocha. And I've got to say, I was pretty engrossed in the story right from the start. One thing that usually gets to me with fantasy books is the whole intricate world setup that can sometimes get overwhelming. But surprisingly, that wasn't an issue here. The world-building was solid, and I didn't have any trouble keeping up with the characters and places.

“You’re my light. And you’ll be his, too.”

Speaking of characters, Zanya, Sachi, and the Dragon make for an interesting trio. What I appreciated was the slow yet meaningful way the authors developed trust and emotions among them. The Dragon's patient demeanor definitely caught my attention. Consort of Fire maintains a perfect pace while delivering ample steaminess. Though I longed for a touch more romance, it's important to note that this isn't a standalone. I'm looking forward to how the relationships evolve in the next book.

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This book was a pleasant surprise for me. The plot is riveting and there is plenty of action and drama to keep you sucked in. The spice wasn't overdone, I loved the pacing of it. The dynamic between the three main characters was very well written. I will definitely be reading the next book. Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC!

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The dragon. The wolf. The huntress. The Siren. The Phoenix. The lover. The betrayer. The void. The dreamer. The ravens.
This book has an ephemeral grittiness that is hard to put in a category. It’s a dangerous world with dangerous people with suspicious motives. Pawns in a chessboard that none fully comprehend.
This book takes awhile to really get started. It’s not an action centric book but there are plots afoot.
It’s right on the edge of magical realism and that made it complicated for me. There were elements that I really enjoyed but I’m going to have to process it a bit more to determine if it’s for me.

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2.75 stars

I have to preface this saying that Kit Rocha are among my favorite authors, and the Beyond series to this day is still one of my favorites; that being said, I couldn't connect with this book at all.
I liked the world we're in the story. It's captivating and your submerge immediately.
I liked the mythology with the dragons, and I adored the fantasy elements.
The romance was great, and I liked the FFM relationship, which I knew I was going to like because I love how KR writes romance... BUT separately, I didn't care about any of our main characters.
There are several POVs in this book, and I found myself not caring about any of them, which in the end took me off the story. It wasn't until the last 80% that I find myself enjoying the story again, which makes me wanna read the next book, but still, it's a shame it took more than half of the book to enjoy it which is the reason for the rating.
Still, I definitely recommend this one if you like fantasy and romance because it might not have (fully) worked for me, but it might be a favorite for you.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a great start to the Bound To Fire and Steel series, I’ve enjoyed previous work from Kit Rocha and thought this book had everything that I was hoping for. The characters were strongly written and I enjoyed how good the fantasy elements were. It does the dragon god perfectly and I’m so glad I got to read this. It left me wanting to read more in this series.

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Consort of Fire is the first book in a fantasy romance series that involves a FFM (Female/Female/Male) relationship. At first, it took me a bit to get into the story and understand the world being created. However, once the story got going, I was hooked! I really loved the dynamic between Ash, Sachi, and Zanya. It was really refreshing that Ash wasn't jealous of Sachi and Zanya's relationship and that the side characters all accepted it without question as well. I also really loved that their personalities didn't change and they didn't do things that go against their character just because they were in love or falling in love etc. I also really liked a lot of the side characters and their personalities. I'm looking forward to seeing if their stories become part of the series or if they will only follow the main characters in this story. I did get a bit choked up at parts and there were parts that I genuinely wasn't expecting to happen but it was overall a very entertaining book. It is the beginning of a series but it doesn't end on a cliffhanger. The ending was satisfying but it does create the setting for the next book. I am interested in reading what happens next but the ending was good enough that I'm content with waiting until the next book is released.

Just FYI, I received an ARC via NetGalley, and this is my honest review of it.

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