Cover Image: Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair

Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair

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I'm not sure what it is but I'm in my romance reading phase of life. I've been really into reading romances lately. I'm also a sucker for their cute covers. I enjoyed Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair. It's about a new Mom who thinks her boyfriend is about to propose to her but ends up dumping her. She has to start over at her Mom and Stepdad's place. She learns life doesn't always go the way you'd hope and that's okay. It's okay to start over. I

I have to say I enjoyed this book but didn't end up loving it. I think the main thing that threw this off for me was the romance. I just didn't feel there were actual sparks there. I really could have done without it. I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more. He definitely was an interesting romance. I do give him that. I was having so much fun with Hannah helping out with the AirBnb & and all the work that went into it. Plus all the drama that ended up going along with it. I think it that was the main plot I would have enjoyed so much more.

Overall, this was a fun read. I really loved the single mom aspect of the story. I'm still new to romance but that's something I feel you don't see very often in romances. I also loved that it's about a new mom rediscovering herself and learning to go with the changes in life. Things happen and she learns to accept them for what they are. It's realistic which I like and don't like. I like it because it's always nice to see real life situations but also sometimes you want to escape real life. An enjoyable read and worth checking out!

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this was a pleasant surprise! netgalley arcs can be very hit or miss for me and i truly enjoyed this one. i thought it was a nice mix of romance & contemporary women’s fiction. hannah tate had lots of growing to do in terms of finding herself and love again, as did many of the other side characters in this story. i thought it was very funny and quirky. the romance and ending for this one just wrapped up a little too quickly and nicely for me. i wish we had gotten to see more of hannah and river developing their relationship.

overall enjoyed and would recommend this one! thanks to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to be an early reader.

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This fun and sweet read is perfect for fans of small-town romance. Set in the beautiful world of Sothern Georgia, Hannah Tate finds herself dumped. Picking up the pieces and her new baby boy - she moves in with her parents to start all over. She volunteers to help them with a rental property, but it's a ton of work and needs some desperate TLC! In walks, River - the hot neighbor next door who is hired to help her fix up the place.

I really enjoyed the hilarious banter between the two main characters, and Hannah's character totally related to me. Let's be honest: I can be a hot mess most of the time, and I could easily picture myself in her shoes. The sparks between Hannah and River fly, and I loved the whole HGTV vibe. I adored how River cherished Hannah and was willing to jump in, even with her being a single mother. The well-written plot was cute, and the spice was limited, but it worked well within the story. There were some cringe moments, but nothing that fully hindered the impact of the plot. I definitely recommend it if you're a fan of single-mom romance focused on a story of love, triumph, and redemption.

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As someone who lives about an hour away from Blue Ridge, I was really excited to read a book set there! It’s a beautiful place and this story made me fall even more in love with it.

I really enjoyed the characters in this book. All of them were lovable in their own way. It had a lot of laugh out loud moments as well! If you’ve looking for a good romcom for the spring time then I highly recommend checking this one out!

Thank you so much to Union Square & Co and NetGalley for the e-arc! This baby releases on February 13th so make sure to pick up a copy!

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If you like Emily Henry, you’ll probably like this author too!

The book was good, but it definitely was more women’s fiction than romance (and I don’t really enjoy reading women’s fiction). This just came down to preference for me.

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Hannah Tate mistakenly finds an engagement ring belonging to her Rockstar boyfriend and baby daddy. What she thinks is going to be a long-awaited proposal takes an unexpected turn. Hannah leaves Atlanta as a newly single mother to move in with her mother and step-father in Blue Ridge. Her job is to help renovate their unsuccessful Airbnb with her self-taught home decorating skills. Which just so happens to put her in closer proximity to her handsome hippie neighbor, River, who just so happens to be a contractor. Hannah has a complicated past and with the help of her friends, both old and new, and her family, she's able to navigate through life until she realizes the difference between who she wanted to be and who she actually is.

I have to admit that I've been in a bit of a reading slump to start off my year. This book definitely got me out of it! It's witty, comical, lively, and clever right from the get-go. It drew me in immediately. The way the author builds the characters is perfect. Each character has their own battle they're fighting.

What to Expect:
✨️Opposites Attract
✨️Small Town Romance
✨️Fear of Commitment
✨️Emotional Scars
✨️Single Mom
✨️Loving Thy Neighbor

What I Didn't Like:
❗️ The constant mentions how it "fits" almost every time she breastfed her baby and how her baby is her "comfort" every time she holds him during a difficult situation. It seemed excessive to me.
❗️The chapters were a bit too long

Overall, it was a slow paced read, but not boring. The characters are relatable. It was cute, and it made me laugh.

Thank you to Netgalley, Laura Piper Lee, and Union Square & Co. for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Hannah Tate, beyond repair was an enjoyable read for me, I absolutely loved the characters and it made me laugh out loud a couple times. The storyline is something I haven't read before and I loved that!

The writing style of this was great aswell, and because of that I was able to really get all the way into this story. Especially the way that River was written made me very curious about the book, I really wanted to get to know him and see the reasons behind his actions. The only thing that bothered me a little about the writing style were the nicknames for Hannah's parents. G-ma & Big Daddy sounded a little cringey after a couple chapters.

This book will make a perfect read if you like reading about:
• small town romance
• finding yourself after a break-up
• being a single mom
• "the boy next door"

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I really enjoyed this romance debut about a bisexual single mom who returns to her small town Georgia home to help her parents renovate their property to start a new air bnb. Funny, heartfelt and steamy, this was grumpy/sunshine, opposites attract perfection with tons of relatable mom moments. I'm excited to read whatever the author writes next. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review!

Steam level: some open door scenes

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Hannah Tate was always told she was a mess by her boyfriend. After so long hearing things, they start to feel like the truth. She just had a baby, he was a wanna be rockstar and just when she thinks he is proposing to her, he breaks up with her. Listen, the AUDACITY of this guy. I wanted to punch him frequently and couldn't wait for her to get out of that relationship and into something new.
When she moves out of her apartment with her little one, closer to her mom and step dad, she meets River. River likes her for who she is, he won't try to change her and she won't try to change him. That is all fine and dandy until needing someone to be there for you is met with "why are you trying to change me" fights.
I honestly thought both of these men didn't deserve Hannah Tate. Hannah Tate deserves someone who is selfless and just wants to be there for her no matter what because that is what growing together means. It doesn't mean that you can go on being like you were when you were alone, there is someone else to consider now and if you don't, it is just not going to work out. These men were let off the hook easy, but Hannah is a better person than I am.
Thanks to Union, Laura Piper Lee and Netgalley for an early copy.

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Laura Piper Lee's debut novel, Hanna Tate, Beyond Repair, delivers a heart-wrenching punch from start to end.

At some point in our lives, we can all relate to Hannah Tate's desire to rise above our circumstances and achieve the life we deserve, whether in motherhood or our romantic lives.

If I had to describe this book in one word, it would be "relatable". The author did an excellent job creating an emotional bond between the reader and the characters throughout their journey. Their struggles evoked strong emotions in me, which made me feel like embracing and punching them at the same time.

If you're looking for a heartwarming women's fiction book with a touch of romance, I recommend reading Hanna Tate, Beyond Repair by Laura Piper Lee. Follow Hanna Tate as she navigates new motherhood, heartbreak, healing, and unexpected romance.

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I really went on an emotional journey with this book.
I started off thinking I was going to DNF. I don't typically like books with babies, and the writing seemed to be trying too hard to be modern, quirky or relatable. However, I quickly fell in love with Hannah Tate. I loved hating who she hated, and her friends made me smile! Their texts were cute and the format wasn't overdone!
Then we get into her and the cabin. The book did a lot of fast forwarding, which I understand but ultimately hated. I feel like once I got invested in a situation, we skipped to a few weeks later. We got to hear next to nothing about the renovation project or the connection between River and Hannah.
It felt like problems were introduced and resolved so quickly, I didn't have a chance to truly emotionally invest in them before we were onto the next one.

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Such a wonderful read! I could not put this down.

The BEST part of this book! The main character had such a wonderful arc, and even the steretypical jerk ex had charming growth. I found myself wanting to yell at the love interest multiple times, but by the end I found myself rooting for him.

A couple of plot points felt like they were started and then forgotten, or tacked back onto the end. I also would have loved to see more of Big Daddy’s story. Overall a fun plot idea and very easy to follow.

Not my favorite romantic moments. I thought a lot of it was corny, and felt rushed. BUT this was more than made up for with every other aspect of the book. I laughed out loud at multiple points, and had so much fun reading this.

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3/5 stars

I think a lot of readers will feel very seen by "Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair" which is why I am ultimately going to recommend this, especially to readers looking for themes relating to:
- single motherhood
- feeling like you're 'behind' or 'failing' in life
- finding oneself after leaving a relationship
- conscious co-parenting after a breakup

For me, what kept me from enjoying this as much as I wanted to was the character of River. I'm very conflicted about him and his actions, and making him the final love interest rubbed me the wrong way. This is one of those instances where I can't see Hannah and River staying together after the book ends, you know? For a brief second I really thought Hannah and Killian might work it out, and while I am ultimately glad that didn't happen I didn't think River was the best choice for Hannah either. I would have been more happy if she had decided to be single and happy with her parents instead.

Anyway, all this to say, I think a lot of people will like this book and it will make them feel so seen. But for me, there were some character issues I couldn't get past.

*I received a free ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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This book was both simple and predictable. The idea was cute, and I liked the idea of a young mother trying to find confidence in herself. But that was pretty much the highlight. River was only fine as a hero. I didn’t find him all that interesting or attractive, and that definitely made it hard to get into the book. Also Hannah’s character passed “quirky” and moved into “irritating and unbelievable.” Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the e-arc.

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A great contemporary romance, a true heart felt nostalgia that left me wanting more! It has set me on a mission to read all of her books in as little time possible!

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I had a really good laugh reading this (in a good way) and the supporting characters were fantastic. There was a lot of love in this book and I thought the relationships Hannah had with her friends and her parents were so relatable and sweet. I would have read this book just for the supporting characters, if I’m honest.

I truly think this would have been better being marketed as a journey of self discovery as opposed to a romance. The romance was really not the point of this novel and it didn’t add a lot to the story, in my opinion.

It was fun, sweet and a little bit sexy but it isn’t one I’ll be thinking about and wanting to re-read.

I would recommend it if you love funny, relatable and very sweet characters with wonderful dynamics that you just can’t help but love. Also, babies. If you really love babies.

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rtc when i could calm myself down and regain the ability to form some coherent thoughts.

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This was quite a funny book. Inside Hannah’s mind is complex and interesting. I found myself smiling at a number of her comical thoughts and situations. The supporting characters were good as well and were a good added layer to the storyline. However… I was thoroughly annoyed at the many, many and I mean many, times her political views and social agenda were brought up and shamed those not feeling the same way. Whether I agree with some of them or not, I read books to escape, not this. Because of it I lowered my star rating.

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This was a fun, quick read and it was great to see Hannah (main character) evolve and prioritize her needs and those of her child. Thankfully her loser boyfriend is out of the picture quickly as it was painful to read their interactions. He was just not that into her! This one covers friendship, family, personal growth, and the importance of solid relationships.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for access to this ARC.

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I got an e-arc through Netgalley, this in no way affected my review.

This was such a fun read that made me laugh out loud at certain moments. The writing was so good and it really pulled me in for the entire book. Hannah Tate is such a funny main character and her internal monologue was so relatable at times.

The love interest irked me though. I really liked River for most part of the book. He treated Hannah and Bowie amazingly and also helped Hannah become more like the person she wanted to be, without pushing her in certain directions. But near the end, he started to seem more and more like a grown child?? He literally disappears for a while because he needs ‘time for himself’ and barely seems to be sorry for it??

I also loved how everything played out with her ex, it was so refreshing to see it handled like it was in the book!

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