Cover Image: Garden of the Midnights

Garden of the Midnights

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Member Reviews

Garden of the midnights was filled with mystery, murder, and secrets.

William’s personality pulled me in from the start. I loved the times he needed to be serious and dashing, but also the times his fun and charming personality was brought to the front.

Isabelle was a sweet and lovable leading lady and I connected with the struggles she faced with trying to please her father, but also to stand up for what she wanted.

The scenes between William and Isabelle were my favourites.

I enjoyed this gothic historical mystery and looking forward to more by this author.

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A stunning cover, intriguing mystery plot, and a sweet romance make Hannah Linder's Garden of the Midnights a great recommendation for historical romance readers. Linder's unique writing voice allows the story to flow well, adding hints of gothic elements not usually seen in this genre. As I've come to expect from Linder's works, this one also has a faith element that feels true to the Regency era. A great read,

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Garden of the Midnights
by Hannah Linder
Pub Date01 Oct 2023
Barbour Publishing |Barbour Fiction
Christian| Historical Fiction| Romance

Barbour Publishing and Netgalley have provided me with a copy of Garden of the Midnights for review:

Once more, she begged him to meet in the garden at midnight.
“If you love me,” said the letter.
However, if he loved her, he would never come.

The accidents are not the result of chance. The actions are deliberate. Upon discovering the danger at Rosenleigh Manor, English gentleman William Kensley pleads with the only person he can trust for the truth about his past-until that person is murdered.

William's world is tipped into destitution as the secrets unfold into scandal, leaving him penniless and alone. Isabella Gresham's friendship and love provide him with the only comfort he needs. If he does not have their nonsense at the seashore, their laughter, their reckless adventures has does he have anything at all?

He should have known that would be taken from him as well. When a hidden enemy emerges from their acquaintances and threatens Isabella's life, William may be the only one willing to risk his life to save her. He may free Isabella from her captors, but will he still have to lose her heart?

There are some who sacrifice everything for love. There are others who sacrifice love for everything else. In this haunting tale of rigid social prejudices and heartaching regrets, the greatest decision of their life will be determined in the garden of the midnights.The greatest decision of their lives will be decided in the garden of the midnights, in this haunting story of rigid social prejudices and heart-breaking regrets.

I give Garden of the Midnights five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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If you read bridgerton and thought it needed a touch more action and mystery then this book would be perfect for you! Really enjoyable

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I try to grab every title from Hannah Linder! This one didn't disappoint. We're introduced to William Hensley of Rosenleigh, experiencing threats on his life and after his servant dies revealing a secret with his last breath, he finally, though reluctantly leaves his estate to pursue answers.

In his quest to solve the mystery of his birth, he encounters Isabella Gresham, a young woman, dissatisfied with society. Their friendship grows but adversity will tear them down and apart. This story, beautifully written, kept me in suspense until the end. A great mix of backstory and suspense.

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publsher for the ARC and for the opportunity to post an honest review.

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This novel was clean, with the romance very gentle. It felt a thought story went from dramatic moment to dramatic moment which didn't feel very realistic - some readers may like this, but it was not my preference.

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This book has a little bit of everything: anger, jealousy, pride, hatred, love, and a happy ending. The story is so easy to follow and has a natural flow - I loved the way Linder intensifies the events until the reader is completely captivated by the story. I couldn't put it down.

William is the main character and early on falls into poverty and loses his money and friends. The only constant in his life is the love of Isabella Gresham but eventually, that love and relationship are also threatened. An evil and dangerous man in Isabell's social circle emerges and Isabella finds her life is endangered. Will William be the one to save her? If he can save her will he have to walk away from their love?

Thank you to NetGalley for an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really loved this book. I enjoyed watching the mystery play out. Very entertaining.
Many thanks to Barbour Publishing and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is a forbidden lovers trope. It’s a regency romance and a Romeo and Juliet feel to it. There is suspense and romance to it that keeps you wanting to know more. I loved all the surprises. I know I should never judge a book by its cover, but this one left a different expectation to it. I thought it was going to be dark, but this book was a bit light, which I am not complaining, but don’t do what I did and judge it by its cover. I have been wanting to read Hannah Linder’s book and this is the first but it won’t be the last.

I received this book through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Another great story by Hannah Linder. She transported me to England where we met some wonderful characters and went on a rollercoaster of emotions.

I was completely surprised by the way the story evolved. There was intrigue and romantic suspense. William to me at times fell flat. I mean he is not your typical rogue, strong character. Don't get me wrong he is strong in certain areas of life but physically he almost seemed weak. Isabella was at times a bit too clueless to what was happening in her life but I am glad that she stood up to her father who just didn't seem to have any remorse for the actions he had taken.

I did not see the ending resolving the way it did but I am glad that I was caught off guard because it definitely had me turning the pages.

If you enjoy Gothic Regency vibes then you will enjoy this story. There was a ver light faith thread. I wish it could have been a bit more meaty as the content of forgiveness could have been deeper in the storyline but it was good nonetheless.

I received a copy of this book for review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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In the historical fiction genre, this book was a bit of romance, bit of mystery and totally engaging. I enjoyed the easy flow of the story. William and Isabella's story is an adventure that takes you through anger, resentment, joy, friendship and love. This was my first book by Hannah Linder and I will continue to read her works.
There are some insinuations that the situation of being kidnapped could end in assault so be aware if that's a trigger for you.

Thank you to NetGalley, Hannah Linder, and Barbour Fiction for the chance to read this kindle arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Read another by Linder and really enjoyed it, this one did not disappoint! an atmospheric Regency mystery that includes a forbidden romance, suspense, secrets and scandal!

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The cover of this one drew my attention. The novel’s premise sounded enjoyable. Yet, once again, profanities seeped in and sullied an otherwise beautiful, complex story.

I did so love the twisty mystery hidden beneath the offensive language. The author has quite a gift for crafting a plot to keep the reader guessing and yearning for more. I just wish the story were clean!

Content: alcohol, profanity, illegitimate child, tobacco

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Garden of the Midnights
by Hannah Linder

I love a new author to me, and I was very intrigued by the premise of the story. Also, can we just take a minute to admire the beautiful book cover.

I enjoyed the writing, and I’m always looking for really good Regency romances, and this would fit the bill. I thought the characters were engaging and I was really immersed into the period.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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I loved this book! The cover is gorgeous too so that's a bonus. I think the author did a great just immersing us into the regency Era with her writing and I really loved the mmc.

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First time reading this author and wow! And the cover!

I liked William and Isabella and all the twists and turns their relationship took. The writing is engaging and the mysteries kept me reading and trying to figure out the plot.

The moments between the main characters and the way it all developed had me hooked.

Highly recommend!

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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Wow. what a book what a writer!! I think possibly this is the best book that I have read this year. This book will reel you in from the very first chapter and you cannot wait to find out what the next chapter brings. Garden of Midnights gives you insight into an undying love between a man and a woman. A love that was not wanted. That was denied and not allowed to grow, but still it persisted. This novel shows the distance between the different levels of society and how they could not dwell together. Her father wanted the best for her and would not allow her to even consider a man of lowly estate, not even as a friend. She thought she had to please her father and deny her feelings. William a man reared as a gentleman, heir to an estate left to him by his grandfather finds out that he is nothing and a nobody. That it’s all a lie and he does not even know who his parents were or who he is. Plus the fact that someone wants him dead and several attempts are made on his life .He becomes very bitter and throughout lessons in life he learns to forgive those that he had reason to hate. Isabella a beautiful woman and only child raised in society and in that day there’s only one goal and that is to marry well. Her father has already picked out the man she is to marry and is adamant about it. But this man is not what he appears to be and that unfolds as the story continues. This is certainly a novel that will hold your interest as it is filled with many dangers and turmoil and strife. Linder has certainly written a winner in this novel, for it is one that you cannot put down.
Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Fiction for the opportunity to read and review this novel. All opinions are my own

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William Kensley can no longer ignore the fact that someone is intentionally trying to kill him. When the only man he trusts to tell him about his past is murdered, William flees Rosenleigh Manor. Uncovering his family’s history plunges his life into scandal costing him his wealth, status, and friends. His only solace comes in the form of Isabella Gresham, a woman now far above his rank. When Isabella is taken captive, William will risk everything to rescue her.

Garden of the Midnight is a slow-paced Regency tale that mostly sticks to the romance genre, despite a few sprinkled moments with suspense. Hannah Linder pens antagonists and villains that really make the blood boil. Unfortunately, the protagonists didn’t elicit equally strong emotions. They lacked romantic tension and never felt more than friends. In several instances, characterization was inconsistent (ex. the protagonists and heroine’s father).

While the gothic vibes didn’t shine through, Linder created vivid settings. She painted clear images that stuck in my mind. All in all, after reading her three novels, I’ve come to think I might not be the right reader for Linder’s style. I can see these novels appealing to Regency fans who like tales that are heavy on the family drama and light on the mystery.

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Hannah Linder is an author that needs to be on everyone’s radar. Her writing is so beautiful – full of history, mystery, romance and so much more. Garden of the Midnights takes you on such a fun journey, and will have you guessing until the end. If you’re like me, you’ll not take a moment to stop turning the pages so you can figure it out!

I love the way Linder weaves faith into her stories as well. It’s just tastefully done and not overpowering. That combined with themes of forgiveness and family makes this book a winner! Historical fans will enjoy being back in Regency time with Linder’s latest release. I highly recommend not only reading this book, but putting her on your auto buy list!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Someone is trying to kill William Kensley, but why? He flees his childhood home in search for answers. He meets Isabella Greshem, who he believes to be his sister, and they develop a friendship when she saves his life. Then he realizes he is not who he believes he is. Now known to be unrelated, he and Isabella fall in love -- but his reduced station in life means he has nothing to offer her, and he won't impoverish her. Meanwhile, a man she has refused is willing to to get her at all costs.
I was excited at first to see a long-lost-sibling live story, and disappointed when it changed. Then I really enjoyed the romance. The circumstances that developed their love are unique and very sweet. Super swoony book -- except they went full Romeo and Juliet. They decided they needed each other, then couldn't be happy without each other, then hoped to just die together because they couldn't live apart. As Romeo and Juliet heartily proved, that is an unhealthy obsession. This would have been one of my favorites but for that melodrama. (At least William admitted her father loved her as much as he did.) Also, William accused God of taking several things from him that were actually taken from him by other people. He then declared he forgave God -- who never wronged him. I was glad to glad he chose to serve God. Loved the mysteries, action, romance (to a degree), and how she saved him. Loved her friendship with sweet Bridget.

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