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Daily Wisdom for Women 2024 Devotional Collection

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For in depth study or when one is on the go. It is also designed for use when one has little or a lot off time on hand.

Each day begins with a heading, Bible verse and the translation used for easy understanding and flow. Each day also ends with a prayer. So beautifully written. And since it is God’s word, one can be sure of the boundless wisdom to be gleaned if one applies oneself to mediating.

The devotional is written in simple grammar so that anyone Lady with the basic educational background can read and understand.

Highly recommended

I received a copy of this book and this is my honest opinion.

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I was only given a 30-day sample. But I like to see what is in the back of the book. There is a mention of a Bible reading list. Also I would be interested to know if there was a categorized by theme of devotion. The devotionals given do seem fairly deep and would be a good start to time with God.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with guidelines.

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I love when the Barbour staff puts out devotions. They always contain great content well encouraging us to dig deep into our Bibles. I love that the theme was encouragement - with so much uncertainty in the world encouragement is something that we all need.

I found myself super excited to open this up and read it. This will be a wonderful devotion for women to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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What a beautiful daily devotion. I am a busy mom of 3 and this is the perfect breakdown to dive into the word and break off "smaller chunks" while still feeling bed. The text is easy to understand but perfect for all age levels. I will be purchasing this for 2024 for myself to enjoy!

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This is a devotional that we all need to have in our library. It is full of encouragement and hope. I received a sample of the book and really enjoyed it. It would make a great gift for any woman.
I received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I enjoyed reading The Daily Wisdom for Women 2024 Devotional Collection by Barbour Publishing. The theme throughout the book is encouragement, and we all need that!

The devotions are perfect for the person who is busy but knows how important it is to start or end your day in God’s word. It was a bonus to know that each daily devotion corresponds with a Barbour Read through the Bible in a Year plan found at the end of the book. The daily devotions have scripture, a short summary, and one of my favorite parts, a time of life reflection, followed by a prayer.

Some of the devotional titles include:

You are His
Always and Through Anything
The Whipping Waves of Life
The Days you Don’t Always Feel Strong

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"You're safe with God."
What a wonderful promise to start the new year, 2024 with. The theme of this devotional is: Encouragement. I think we women could use that in the months ahead. These daily inspirational messages correspond with a read the Bible in a year plan that is found at the back of the book.
Each devotional has a Scripture passage, words of encouragement and a prayer starter for the reader. I received a sample excerpt from this year-long devotional collection, written by four women staff members at Barbour Publishing, via NetGalley. My sample consisted of devotions for January 2024. Day one starts with, "God can manage it all." I did find the samples encouraging and would love to have the entire book myself. In my own unsolicited opinion, I feel this devotional would be a wonderful gift for any Christian woman who would find comfort in the daily reminders that God is ever present, encouraging us. I highly recommend it.

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This book is an excerpt, providing devotions from January 1st through January 31st of 2024. However, the daily topics are very inspiring and I look for to owning the complete book of 365 devotions. As an added bonus, Barbour’s Read through the Bible in a Year plan is found at the back of this book.

This is a great yearly devotional, with a reading plan, that is great for strengthening your faith. I Highly recommend it.

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Excellent collection of daily devotionals. The devotionals were quick, but I think that paired with the daily reading (not included in this sampler), this would be an excellent devotional to pair with an annual Bible plan. I really enjoyed this and will be on the lookout for the full collection in 2024.

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Encouraging Devotions

The four women of Compiled by Barbour Staff are a blessing to readers, who are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to read this Daily Wisdom devotional collection. In this particular devotional, the writers chose the theme of Encouragement, which you will read about throughout this 2024 edition of Daily Wisdom for Women. The scripture chosen for this theme is:

“In me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
(John 16: 33 NIV)

The writers present many instances in the bible of suffering, trials, and hardships, along with prayers and scriptures pertinent to the situation.

This book is an excerpt, providing devotions from January 1st through January 31st of 2024. However, the daily topics are very inspiring and I look for to owning the complete book of 365 devotions. As an added bonus, Barbour’s Read through the Bible in a Year plan found at the back of this book.

This is a great yearly devotional, with reading plan, that is great for strengthening your faith. I Highly recommend it.

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Inspirational daily devotion book for women. Each day begins with Bible verses, then devotional reading, and ending in prayer. Also, included is a Bible in a year reading plan. Highly recommended and wonderfully written daily devotions for 2024.

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3.5 ⭐rounded down

Daily Wisdom for Women is compilation of devotions designed for women.

Each day has a scripture, followed by a short devotional, and ends with a simple prayer. I only received a sample of the book to review, so unfortunately I wasn't able to preview the book in it's entirety, But I was given enough to get the feel of what it provided. However, I would have loved to see the Bible reading plan that accompanied each daily devotion.

I loved that each day pointed us straight to the word with a scripture, and then proceeded to apply it to our daily lives through the devotion. As a whole I enjoyed the daily encouragement to trust God's plan for my life, and to honor him through it. I felt like the meditations did a good job pointing us to God and His attributes, they were simple, concise, good for beginners or those looking for a short daily message.

However, I was a bit disappointed in the prayer samples. They were quite short, often self focused. While I believe they should be a prompt to point you in the direction of prayer, they often lacked the focus of worship.
Our time in the word should always point us to God, and who He is, what Christ has done for us. Which leads us to worship and prayer. We all know how to ask for things. Romans 8:28 says He does all things for our good, and His glory! Everything He has done for us, ultimately reveals who He is, and we should be in awe of that and Him. There were many great truths, add them to the prayer. What an amazing thing that we can even approach such a Holy God through His Son. Praise Him for it, He is worthy!

There were a few things that I thought might be misleading to some, such as in Psalm 16:7-8 when the prayer prompt was, I've got a good thing, I'm not letting go. But it is He who keeps us, Romans 8:38-39., John 10:28-30.

More than one version of the Bible was used, which I love to do when studying as well. However, I noticed most often when referring to The Message translation, the scriptures used lacked some of God's attributes. For example Psalm 4:1- "O God of my righteousness" was sadly not included.

All in all I enjoyed the scripture passage and the short applications which pointed us God's truth, It is such an encouragement to be reminded of who He is and all that He has done for us. We need to be in His word daily, and if this book encourages you to do that then it is a win in my book.

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Just a sweet little collection of devotionals. You wont get bored with with the daily grind if you remember to check your words of wisdom. They aren’t just for women, I think the positive daily note can be helpful start to your day.

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Positive, Relatable, and an all around perfect way to start your day!

One thing that I really look for in my devotionals and Christian reading is something that I can really relate to. I enjoy reading scripture and learning more about the Bible. There is always something new to learn!

However, I find that when the passages are taught in a way that translates to our lives, I connect to the verses in a deeper way. This book does that in a way that is also uplifting, and radiates positivity! I’d love to read the full year!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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Daily Wisdom for Women is a thought provoking, prayer inducing devotional for women. Designed to guide you through 2024, beginning on January 1st. I received a sample version and took the time to read through a month’s worth of entries. I love the cadence of each entry: a verse, a quick reflection or response, and then a single sentence prayer to get you started. The topics are applicable and meaningful to any woman in any stage of life.
I received a complimentary copy from the author and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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I enjoyed the writings of each day. I appreciated the "get to the point" style of writing. In today's world, a short concise piece of wisdom is perfect. However, I could never get a good feel of what the next day's topic or scripture would be. I found this book more scattered than I prefer.

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