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Five Nights

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I have to say that this book appealed to me and I have enjoyed it, but It did seem totally implausible to have so many bodies during a 5 day journey.
It was very formulaic, as if the author had been to a crime writers group and learnt the possible scenarios and then put them all into one story.

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That cover first of all is brilliant

I was hooked! And then I started reading it and was even more hooked. Never go on a cruise with rich people thought! IT seems like a very bad idea after reading this.

Great concept thriller and whilst some of it is unbelievable, there's nowt so queer as rich folk so you never know!

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Five Nights reads as the love child of Succession and The White Lotus in this thriller dripping with privilege, glamour and deadly secrets.

Wolf takes the locked room setting to new heights in this scandalous and suspenseful read. This is a book that just oozes suspense and suspicion. Like the privileged lives it follows, it is all about appearances that are deceitful, conniving and hiding more than a few secrets. Though Emily is a great in for the audience as the outsider peeking in for the trip, she is also not being entirely truthful to everyone around her. There are some great timeline narrative fractures that play influential roles in the story and serve to up the dramatic tension. You have multiple mysteries to solve and Wolf has packed the pages with clues, red herrings and rabbit holes for you to go running down. It is a sleek and well paced book that glitters and gleams.

The prose is sharp, including some excellent social commentary that leans more on the sun drenched scandal side of it. In particular, this is the sort of unfathomable wealth that then makes for the best headlines when a whiff of imperfection is uncovered. There is a really interesting thread about the lasting effects of trauma and survivor’s guilt, which feeds into some of the character dynamics in unexpected and surprising ways. There is a history here, teased and pulled out in small glimpses until you can fit all the pieces together. It is such a character focused plot - all centering around inheritance, legacy and the consequences of long buried actions. Everything is a facade and you have to reveal the villains hiding behind smiling faces. It is a luxurious nightmare.

Five Nights is a fantastic thriller, full of intrigue, glamour and a peek behind the curtain of the uber rich.

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This book had me guessing who was actually doing what. Who did what in the past and who might be attacked next! The backstory wasn't an annoying past/ present jumping back and forth, but was woven into the storyline so I didn't have trouble remembering what was happening when. The actual culprit took me completely by surprise as I'd suspected several different people leading up to the murder, then had to revise my suspects. I'd recommend this book

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rating 3.5 stars - this started of a little slow, although i was still gripped enough to keep reading. It picked up around the halfway mark and I sped through the last ~30% in one sitting wanting to know how things ended. At times it felt like there was a little too much going on and the ending felt a bit sudden/rushed. Could have done with another couple of chapters I think to wrap it up nicer but overall a good read.

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I did enjoy this novel. however I felt that it was a little long and could have been condensed some. I like the connection between characters and the back and forth in tense's. there was a lot in one book I think though. I would still recommend this to my followers and friends

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This book is a perfect escapism thriller. An ideal holiday read and I really enjoyed it. Short sharp chapters, easy to read, and a story that gets going early in the suspense.
This is a good psychological thriller on the open water which has a Succession/ Prosper vibe due to the squabbling siblings of the Patriarch and a storyline to at shows a clear indication that someone in the main party is a murderer. What we are looking to find out is who and why?
Emily and Bella are life long friends who have not seen each other in a few years after a traumatic event when they were crewing a yacht in Sri Lankan waters. They both have had very different lives in the interim, but now are reunited when Bella invites Emily on to her new husbands £5m cruise ships maiden voyage. But is history the only thing binding them together?
The story goes back and forth between the present with the Emily, Bella and her new multi millionaire hubby Mattia and his grown up children, and the past told by Viola, Mattia’s first wife and her telling of their story from first meet to their final anniversary and her demise.
Small clue half way through lead me to work out the main antagonist of the story.
If you like Catherine Cooper and Lisa Jewell this is a great author for you.

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I read Five Nights over a couple of days. It follows Emily who embarks on a five night cruise to New York at the request of her old friend Belle. A friend she’s not seen or spoken to in three years. Belle has recently married into the Scarmardo family and this cruise is pure opulence and luxury. However it’s not the voyage she expects, she receives threatening notes, someone dies and it appears someone does know her secret. This book is glamour and sophistication, it’s also deception and fear and will keep you hooked to the end. Thank you to NetGalley, Aria and Aries and the author for the chance to review.

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The premise of this book really intrigued me, but the story never really grew on me. The characters were boring and lacked development, the pacing felt very slowed considering the story only took place over a week, the plot twist were great, but felt a bit rushed.
I really liked the whole idea of it taking place on a cruise and I loved the fact that the plot twist was so far from what it had been leading up to.
It wasn’t a bad book, but it wasn’t that great either. However if you like a good mystery with a huge plot twist, but don’t need a big character development or the pace to be quick this book might be for you. The author writes very well and I am very tempted to read more of her stuff when she publish more.

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I loved this with its short, snappy chapters, strong female lead, dysfunctional family, glimpse into the lives of the rich and famous (even if only fictional). Full of secrets and lies, literally any one could have been the perpetrator and it definitely kept you guessing and changing your mind. You do have to suspend belief slightly - as in the heroine is the only one who can possibly catch the perpetrator, despite the police arriving, having a damaged ankle and being unconscious for over 24 hours. But just go with it and hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

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Embarking on a transatlantic journey from Europe to the US, the film unfolds on a luxury ship with predominantly unlikable yet affluent characters. Despite their lack of charm, the storyline weaves an engaging thriller, immersing viewers in a world of opulence tainted by dark secrets and hidden motives.

The characters exude entitlement and arrogance, making it challenging to form a genuine connection. Yet, these unlikable traits drive the narrative, establishing a dynamic fueled by personal vendettas, concealed motives, and intricate schemes.

The ensemble cast delivers commendable performances, infusing characters with charisma and cunning. The palpable tension among passengers, despite mutual disdain, creates an atmosphere where each interaction carries the potential for explosive revelations.

As the luxury ship sails across the Atlantic, the plot unfolds with well-timed twists and turns, skillfully avoiding melodrama. Cinematography captures the grandeur of the vessel and the moral decay of its inhabitants, creating a visual spectacle that complements the storyline.

While lacking likability, the characters' complexity adds layers, offering a compelling exploration of human nature and consequences of unchecked privilege. The film stands as a testament to skillful storytelling, demonstrating that even detestable characters can deliver a gripping cinematic experience.

In conclusion, the film provides a captivating journey into the world of unlikable wealthy characters, presenting a suspenseful thriller that transcends the limitations of its disdainful protagonists. As the luxury ship ventures through treacherous waters, the audience navigates the morally ambiguous depths of deceit, ensuring a memorable cinematic experience that resonates long after the credits roll.

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⭐️ 4.5 stars rounded up.
This was everything you want in a thriller and more! It’s intense, fast paced, gripping and left me shocked.

I was hooked in the first few chapters and I didn’t see any of the twists coming.
I really enjoyed the authors writing style and read this in less than 24 hours, I just couldn’t get enough!
Thank you NetGalley and Aria & Aries for the opportunity to review this book.

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I loved the setting for this book, the cruise ship, the weather, the glitz and glamour all helped build the story and atmosphere. I didn’t particularly like the main characters Emily and Belle but enjoyed learning more about their past as the book progressed. The Scarmado family were the ones you love to hate, entitled and spoilt but I did find myself drawn to a couple of them by the end. This book started off slow but packed a punched at the end, full of twists and turns (although a little far fetched)
It was engaging and kept me reading, a light read for a thriller, with short chapters, perfect to pull you out of a slump.

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What a great setting for this book.
A very coherent storyline bringing past and present together easily within the,plot.
Good minor and major characters, each with their own back story.
Did not guess the murderer until the end.
Loved reading it.

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Estranged friends, Emily and Belle are reunited after almost three years. They get on the cruise ship of Belle's new husband. From the moment Emily joins the ship, she gets threatened. She tries to keep her secret and stay alive while people start to get injured.

I loved the plot and and it kept my interest through out the whole plot. I loved how the plot unraveled and the ending was enjoyable.

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Five Nights is a quintessential beach read. This is the book that will leap off book shelves in airport book shops this summer and be packed beside suntan lotion in beach bags. This was a glorious distraction from real life over the last couple of days, glamour, luxury, excess, secrets, deception , ghastly characters and twists and turns on a luxury cruise ship.

There was a Succession feel from this family which entertained me and while it was a little slow to start from a third of the way in the pacing improved and I read this quickly.

A page turner , perfect escapism thriller, recommend.

4 stars.

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Rachel Wolf has certainly written a rollercoaster of a read in Five Nights. I've been on plenty of cruises but none have been as exciting as this one. Belle and Emily have been friends forever. They lost touch after the yacht they were crewing on was attacked by pirates and Belle was taken hostage for three days. Three years later Emily - back working in a factory in the UK - receives an invite to the inaugural cruise of a new cruise ship owned by Mattia Scarmardo now Belle's husband! The twists and turns now start and not everyone gets off alive! A brilliant read which I recommend.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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A suspense thriller reminiscent of TV hit Succession if it took an even darker turn.

The plot: Emily hasn't spoken to her friend Belle in years. Now married to the head of a huge wealthy family, Belle invites Emily onto a cruise with her for moral support. And maybe protection... Because Belle has news that will upset the family's grown children, putting their inheritance at risk.

Over five nights, battle lines are drawn, arguments ensue, and very soon lives are put at risk. Can Emily survive - and keep her own secrets?

This is a light and fast-paced thriller that you will either buy into, or potentially bounce off if you can't suspend disbelief for a little while. Luckily I took the former route and enjoyed the (cruise) ride.

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The story takes us on a cruise ship owned by a very rich family. The father has remarried a very young woman, Belle, and his children, five in number, are not very happy. In truth, their wedding took place very soon after his first wife, Viola, died. Belle invites her estranged best friend on board because she fears someone is out to hurt her. Five days on the open ocean...what could go wrong? It turns out that a lot - secrets, murders, betrayals are only the tip of the iceberg.

I really, really enjoyed the book. I hope it finds its way to Bulgarian readers as well. We read the story through the eyes of Emily, Belle's friend. Ah, every now and then we come across Viola and her stories in the past tense. I was quite curious as to what happened to her and in the end my heart was broken. I really wanted another ending for her. The biggest shock for me was the revelation she makes to Belle and only she knows about it. I really didn't expect it, and it definitely took a star up because I'm rarely surprised in books like this anymore.

In the course of the story, we find out why Belle and Emily haven't seen each other in three years. We also get to know the heirs of the rich family up close. All five were quite different and interesting, but I liked Jimmy's portrayal the most. I admit that I didn't expect the ending with Emily either. I assumed that the murdered person would be someone else. Quite a few surprises. The chapters are short, the style is well sustained, and the action is dynamic. It kept me on edge all the time and I was building theories even while I wasn't reading. Luxury, secrets kept for years, murder, scandals and a huge dose of betrayal. I highly recommend the book as it is definitely worth reading.

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Thanks to Netgalley & the publishers for the ARC! I've read a few novels previously about murders committed on cruise ships, and it's just super interesting to me. There are tons of murders on cruise ships that never get investigated & crimes that go unpunished based on where the cruise ship is registered/nearest boundary. It's wild! This book did not fulfil my desires to learn more about the cruise ship criminal justice system. Dun dun dun...
About 14% in, I wanted to DNF, but I didn't. I said, 'BB, you already quit 2 books today. You need to follow through with this one, and it's on a cruise ship!' Well. I'm mad at two days ago me, because I did actually finish this book and it was not a fun read. I did a lot of skimming for key words; murder, death, killing, whatever. There's a lot of filler in this book, and I just wanted the author to get to the point. Instead of prolonging this past 'ohmyGod what did we do 3 years ago?!' and current 'how evil is this family?!' Ugh. I was just over it with both big 'reveals'.
All in all, this is a basic thriller. I'm just over these formulaic thrillers with unreliable narrators and these 'twists' at 50% and 80%.

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