Cover Image: The Bachelorette Party

The Bachelorette Party

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Liked the thriller and the mystery of not knowing who was killed under the back third of the book. I wish we had more of New Orleans but overall good story!

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I ended up really liking this one! I know that bachelorette party thrillers are a dime a dozen, but this one was very well done and kept me guessing. I loved all the alternating POVs. The author putting each person’s role at the beginning of each chapter was so helpful in keeping all the characters straight. I also liked that we didn’t know which of the women had been killed right away. It reminded me a bit of One of Us Is Dead by Jeneva Rose. If you like domestic thrillers full of catty women, I think you’d like this one too.

4.5/5 stars

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This was a fun one, and a fast read. Fast paced and entertaining, I devoured this one pretty quickly. Not only did the mystery sustain you to the end, but the characters, flawed, as they may be, were relateable. I feel like we all know characters like this so it really brought the story to life.

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The pacing of this books is wonderful. It stays high energy throughout. The tense energy is consistent. The clues are dropped at good intervals. I really enjoyed trying to solve the mystery.

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A locked room whodunnit that’s entertaining and sassy. It would’ve benefitted by being a bit longer and fleshed out, but fun to read nonetheless. 3.5 stars.

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Thx to NetGalley for the arc of this murder mystery. It was an easy read and a clear who dunnit. It was fun and enjoyable but it had its flaws, as well. I don’t know if it’s just because it’s an early version but there were a few glaring errors. Times when the timeline or names were mixed up-just basic errors that wouldn’t fly in a high school writing class. I did not love the introduction of the detective in the second half of the book in order to ask questions and spell it out for the reader. I’m not huge on detectives anyway but to sneak one in when I had been reading about a group of women getting drunk was just sneaky. The combo of those two flaws made it feel very elementary.

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Seriously the best book! I really enjoyed these characters and appreciated the authors writing
I highly recommend this book! Five stars!!

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This was a fun read. Drama-filled short chapters that are told in alternating POV's. Overall, it was a fun read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper 360 for the E-ARC

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy of this book! Extremely intense multiple points of view narrative made this a particularly gripping read. The characters were so compelling and were rotten enough in very believable ways. I didn’t feel like characters were unreliably drawn into actions and situations that wouldn’t have made sense for them, which made this such a great story!

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Thank you Netgalley, Carissa Ann Lynch, and One more Chapter for allowing me the chance to read an advanced readers copy of The Bachelorette Party due to be published November 14th 2023.

I see a lot of reviews that people really didn’t like this but for me I loved every minute of it and the characters were so believable and I couldn’t wait to find out the end!! This is my first book by this author but it will definitely not be my last!!

Rosalee and five others go to an eerie, creepy mansion in New Orleans for her bachelorette party. Weird things happen and everyone has things to hide and Someone winds up dead 💀

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I really enjoyed this psychological thriller. I finished it in one day because the story just grabbed me and didn’t let go until I found out what was going on. It really picked up during the second half which was when the murder investigation was happening. I enjoyed this writing style from this author and definitely look forward to more.

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As an overall story this is not bad a locked room whodunnit. But there were some issues in the storytelling and character development. The writing was over-descriptive to the point at times it felt like someone was just trying to up the word count. There were elements that felt unfinished and other elements that made you question if they were at all relevant.
I didn't hate it but I don't know if I would be inclined to read another book by this author.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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The Bachelorette Party will hook you from the first page and will never disappoint! What should have been a wonderful weekend party, turns into a weekend from hell with a dead body added to the mix. The animosity the group feels towards each other is palpable. The reasons, unknown. And when the secrets are exposed well, the explosions can be heard all around New Orleans! But who is killed and why is frustratingly saved for the reader until the jaw dropping ending!

Rosalee is marrying Asher Beake, who she feels is the love of her life. A lawyer, he comes from a very wealthy family. Rosalee can’t help but wonder, why her? So as a group of family and friends organize a bachelorette party, to The Big Easy, with most of them not really wanting to be there it seems to go downhill beginning at the airport. The cast of characters, one of which will be dead by the end include:

Rosalee, the bride to be. A bit insecure due to the fact she knows her soon to be husband’s mother and sister don’t care for her thinking he could do much better. She has no family other than a cousin named Tinsley as her parents died when she was young in a car accident. She hopes everybody can just get along. But she is a bit concerned about one thing. She thinks perhaps Asher is cheating on her with one of the wedding party. And that is only one of Rosalee’s secrets.

Elizabeth Beake is Asher’s mother. She cannot particularly stand Rosalee and does not understand why her son would pick this mouse. She had always hoped he and his best friend from childhood, Georgia would finally see they were made for each other. Something Elizabeth continually says! She is still recovering from losing her husband last year and between this wedding and her daughter Bri’s antics she just wants the weekend to go quickly. Although Elizabeth herself does not share everything with her family.

Bri, the soon to be sister-in-law, does not care for Rosalee and tries to embarrass her whenever she can. She too doesn’t want her as a member of their family and will perhaps attempt to make some waves. But Bri is a drinker and sometimes is an embarrassment to herself. Why does she drink so much? We will find out!

Mara, the best friend, does not like either of Rosalee’s soon to be family. And she plans on showing them just how much on this trip. She wants to make their lives miserable. Yes, she’s a bit jealous and yes even though she planned the trip she has no money, but she adores Rosalee and knows how they have been treating her.

Georgia is Asher’s childhood best friend and doesn’t really know why she is here. She can’t imagine Rosalee wanting her here, but Elizabeth insisted she come. She was a nurse but left her position to start a yoga studio. She feels Rosalee has the wrong impression of her. Worst of all, someone is threatening her and could ruin what is left of her new career.

Tinsley is Rosalee’s only relative, the cousin she went to live with when her parent died. At first Tinsley resented Rosalee’s presence as she and her mother had always been best friends. Tinsley, a bookworm who kept to herself always had to work hard for what she had whereas Rosalee was the life of the party and was able to go to college because of the money she was left when her parents died. She still lives paycheck to paycheck and oh, by the way, she’s paying for everything because Mara is waiting for her “windfall”.

Just remember this…they all have secrets and bitterness towards each other. Anyone of them could be pushed to the limit and accidentally, intentionally kill! And the anticipation of the who, what, where how and why will kill you!

Thank you #NetGalley #OneMoreChapter #TheBacheloretteParty #CarissaAnnLynch for the advanced copy.

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I read this book on my flight to Rome where I would be staying in an old mansion which added to the suspense. It was your typical locked room whodunnit. I liked the layout of the book with the opening scene starting with the detective examing the crime scene then jumping between the POVs over the weekend. I figured out who the victim was midway based on some hidden Easter eggs in the opening scene but you don't find out until midway through the interviews who it is.

Is it bad that I wasn't rooting for any of the characters and I was hoping all of them didn't get a happy ever after?

Rosalee - Pathetic; Needs to grow a spine; Why get married to Asher when you don't trust him?

Mara - Villian; Typical mean girl

Georgia - Only added for the plot; We all know she didn't write the note because it would've been way too obvious

Tinsley - Needs to grow up and accept that Rosalee has moved on and they're no longer 10 year old girls

Bri - I still have no idea what was going on there

Elizabeth - Momster in law; Why was an 80 year old lady on a bachelorette trip with 30 year olds?

I feel like the cover could have looked better.

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This fun premise and pretty good pacing is undermined by poorly edited writing and fairly clunky dialogue- with a second pass this book could be a fun read with some enjoyable, if predictable, twists. I don’t think the reader is meant to like any of the characters too much, but I disliked them so much that I was muttering “yes!” when the murder finally happened, which I felt a bit bad about. The New Orleans setting is fun, although I wish the author had spent more time weaving it into the story beyond referencing bourbon street, because it feels like an untapped well. Overall this book has a lot more promise than it manages to deliver on.

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Thank you to NetGalley and One More Chapter for the chance to read this book. Frome the very beginning it holds your interest as a body is found hanging at a party in a landmark New Orleans mansion. There are six people at the party and all of them have resentment with one or another of them. There is Rosalee - the bride to be, her BFF Mara from her college days, her cousin Tinsley who at one time was more like a sister, Bri he future sister-in-law, Elizabeth her future mother-in-law and Georgia, her future husbands long time best friend. As secrets each has is revealed the party becomes chaotic and a dead body is discovered. But whose body is it??
Through interviews with each person the detective in charge pieces the story together and solves the case. There are some big surprises but the best part was the descriptive atmosphere of New Orleans. The food, music, bars, beads and Bourbon Street put you right there with the cast of characters. I enjoyed the book and spent some time trying to figure who the body was and who killed her. Very good story and I recommend it.

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First, the premise of this book is like catnip to me. A bachelorette party! In NOLA (where I had my own)! A mystery! And the first half was, in my opinion, a 5-star book. The tension between characters, the layered backstories, the gothic atmosphere -- I loved it all.

The story fell a bit off to me once we got to the investigation. Tonally, it felt like a new book. It was still good, but personally, I'm not a huge fan of police procedurals, so I'm not sure I would have picked it up if I'd known how it was set up. I did appreciate how the reader doesn't know who died until the very end! I found the reveal - not whodunnit, but how we found out whodunnit - to be a bit flat though, unfortunately.

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Rosalee is engaged to Asher and her best friend, Mara, wants to give her a bachelorette party to be held at an old mansion in New Orleans. Also invited is her Elizabeth, her mother-in-law (to be) who doesn’t approve of Rosalee. Also, Asher’s sister, Bri, who is unmarried and not very feminine. Add to that, Tinsley, who works at a bookstore and loves books is coming. When Rosalee’s parents were killed when she was a young teen, she went to live with her aunt and cousin Tinsley. Last, but not least, we have the lovely Georgia who runs a yoga gym and who Elizabeth wants Asher to marry. A number of characters but all of them have secrets and some have grudges against others in the group.

As they arrive, they are feted with great food catered for them and endless alcohol. As tensions build and tempers flare secrets and grudges are released ending in the death of one of the attendees. Who died and why?

This is one of those good whodunits that makes you feel like it’s a slam-dunk as to the guilty party. Oh, but I was wrong. It’s a good story and one that keeps the reader guessing. Do enjoy!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Read How: 📱
Setting: New Orleans, Louisiana
POV: 8

The Bachelorette is such a fun popcorn thriller that will keep you up all night because every chapter ends on a cliff. If it wasn't for my responsibilities I would have finished this book in one sitting. 🙄
This story is told by the bride-to-be, best friend, cousin, future mother-in-law, future sister-in-law, and the groom's best friend. I know it may seem like a lot of characters but the way the author wrote this book it was seamless. Trust me when I say, that everyone had something to hide, and it drama on of drama.
This book is perfect if you like drama, New Orleans, and a bit of murder. 😂

Thank you so much Netgalley and Harper 360 for a copy of The Bachelorette Party in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance review copy in return for an honest review.
This book was a little too fast paced for me. I wish it had more time to explain things and paint the picture. But I did not see the eventual twist at the end.

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