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The Bachelorette Party

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4.5 stars - Overall, this was a good book. It was a fast-paced, whodunit type of book. It goes through the POV of 6 women who go to New Orleans for a bachelorette party. We are not told who died but that someone dies in the beginning. I was interested in the book until the very last chapter.

Thanks to Harper 360 and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley and Carissa Ann Lynch for the ARC of The Bachelorette Party!

Overall I really enjoyed this book and the plot. The book follows a group of family and friends that go to NOLA for a bachelorette party and the murder that happens on the last night. While the book did have some twists and turns I wish it had a few more as I figured out all but one last twist.

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A fun, quick read where everyone has a motive. Each chapter is told from the perspective of one of the six women on the bachelorette trip, exposing secrets along the way. A few twists along the way keep you hooked to figure out what really happened that night in New Orleans, and what will be left of the survivors.

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Easy, quick whodunnit mystery filled with intrigue and fun little twists. Part 1 in the book is a multiple POV, and I love multiple POV thrillers. Part 2 goes through all the Detective interviews. The writing was oversimplified in my opinion; I want to be SHOWN my characters, not explicitly TOLD about them. I just wanted more from the actual writing, because the plot delivered. That’s my only real complaint though. I liked the resolution by the end (totally knew the mother in law was involved some how, but loved her character development). The setting was great, I liked the spooky New Orleans vibe!

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A good ole classic “who-dun-it”! I’m always ready for a murder mystery. I appreciated the set up of this one - we had the opportunity to be exposed to the murder, then go back in time and witness the group dynamics between those involved, then to the resolution of the case. I liked getting a peak into the characters interrelationships and, knowing what would happen, look for little tells or try to pick up on clues before disaster struck. The “twist” was a little predictable, and I can’t say the book offers anything unique, but it was a fun quick read.

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Thank you to NetGalley & One More Chapter for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

This was a fast paced and quick easy read, that I enjoyed! Rosalee and her group of girls (some she loves, some she hates) head down to New Orleans for her Bachelorette weekend. Each event they have during the weekend brings the tensions higher, and tempers flying. By the last night there’s a body found, and one of the girls is dead. But who has been murdered, and why? In Rosalees opinion each girl has a motive and a reason she doesn’t trust them. The murderer is someone I didn’t see coming, and the twist that comes in the epilogue was shocking.

If you’re looking for a quick and eerie read, this is it. I absolutely loved the descriptions of New Orleans, and the dark history behind the estate they were staying

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The Bride
The mother in law
The sister in law
The brides best friend
The grooms best friend
The brides cousin.
The group take a trip to New Orleans for a fun filled bachelorette weekend. All of the women have their secrets and all have a hatred for one or more of the other women in attendance. What was meant to be a trip to hopefully bring the women closer, ended in a murder.
Super fast paced and easy to read while jumping between all of the characters. I ate up all the drama these women carried in their lives and the ending was extra shocking.

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The Bachelorette Party had me hooked from page one. Once I started reading I couldn’t put it down.

The plot twist left my jaw on the ground, this whole book was like a real life game of clue and I loved it.

The Bachelorette Party is a multi-pov suspense thriller that will keep you entertained from start to finish. Not only throughout the whole book you don’t know who the killer is but you also don’t know who was killed! This book blew my mind!

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I started this book and the next thing I know I was finished!! This was a great whodunnit summer read! I was captivated from the very beginning! It begins with a crime scene and a body is found. Then it takes you through the scenes up to the murder. A Bachelorette Party that takes place in New Orleans with all the drinks and drama!! Each chapter is written from a different POV, which I absolutely loved. This was such an easy read from start to finish with a great twist at the end that I really didn’t see coming. If you like Lucy Foley then you would love this story!

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The Bachelorette Party is an easy-to-read thriller that follows six women as they attend a bachelorette party in New Orleans. The book is divided into three, uneven, parts. I thought part one, in which the story of the bachelorette party is told from multiple POVs, was interesting and kept me wanting to read. Throughout part one, as secrets are revealed, it becomes obvious that the relationships between the women are quite complex. There is the bride-to-be, the mother-in-law, the groom's sister, the cousin, the best friend, and the groom's childhood friend. Part two is told through the POV of a random detective. This is where the book lost me. I didn't care about this detective and it didn't add to the story to switch the POV to her. The pacing also changed during part two and became much slower. I actually stopped caring what happened. Finally, part three was composed of only two chapters. Unfortunately, by the time I got to the end, I just didn't care about the big "reveal." While I think the premise has potential, overall, the Bachelorette Party simply wasn't for me.

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Another easy fast paced thriller. About a bachelorette party trip to New Orleans. Six women get together to celebrate Rosalee’s marriage to wealthy lawyer Asher. Six people go to NOLA but only 5 return. I loved the setting of this book. So fun!

I loved part one of this book the best. I loved getting to know each girl on the trip and their relation to the bride. It seems like everyone has their flaws from her mean mother-in-law to her selfish friends to a very distant cousin. I found part one very fun and entertaining. Then someone ends up dying and the drama starts. In part two I love that at first you have no idea who is dead. I loved this!! At first I thought it was the bride! Each chapter is an interview between one of the girls and the police detective. Slowly you start to put the pieces together of who is dead and how it happened.

I had a lot of fun reading this book. There was a lot of drama and relationship development between the characters. This book kept me engaged and I just wanted to figure out who died!! This is an easy fast paced read for anyone who likes thrillers.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harpercollins360 for a copy of this book. Make sure to check this book out on its publication date November 14th!

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I found this book to be a fast and easy read, but I wasn’t blown away by the content. The story made sense and I feel like a lot of readers will really enjoy it, but it just personally didn’t do it for me. Definitely give it a try for yourself!

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Good book! This book had suspense, intrigue, and many twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and a bit crazy lol this story was a bit different for me but I definitely enjoyed reading it! I will definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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