Cover Image: Don't Want You Like a Best Friend

Don't Want You Like a Best Friend

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What in the West Virginia is going on????
For the most part, this was a cute and fun read. The Parent Trap but make it Regency England.
I was easy enough to follow and I enjoyed the relationships and friendships that were built.
But the last 10-15%???? How was anyone okay with this? And the epilogue just doubled down on the incest??? I am not okay.

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4.5 Stars

Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend is a thoroughly charming historical romance with a decidedly modern flair, aiming for delightful and scoring a perfect tone. This book was an excellent choice for my first read of the new year. It’s not one inundated with high risks, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing at stake, either. Gwen and Beth are the young heroines of this tale, didn’t fall in love on purpose, but when it happened, they certainly fell with purpose.

Emma R. Alban sets up the matchmaking premise of the series with Gwen’s father and Beth’s mother as the focus of their daughters’ attentions. Or perhaps intentions is the more accurate description since they’re scheming to get their parents to fall in love with each other. Or fall back in love with each other. Or admit they love each other. Everything applies in their parents’ case. Gwen and Beth have an ulterior motive beyond bringing their father and mother together, though, and that’s where the tension lies. What’s a young woman to do when she’s expected to catch a young man’s eye and work toward a marriage proposal, but doesn’t want that expectation to fall on her shoulders? Furthermore, what’s a young woman to do when she does fall in love but then society dictates that love is wrong? It’s a thoroughly inconvenient nuisance.

Don’t Love You Like a Best Friend reads like a script that needs the Shondaland treatment (think Bridgerton). Alban’s writing translated to “watching” each scene play out in my imagination, envisioning the clothes, the teas, the balls, the manners and social conventions, and Gwen, her father, and the best of their extended family living life to the fullest give this book all the joy. It left me anxious to see what matchmaking mischief Gwen and Beth will be cooking up for a certain couple of someones in book two. It’s sure to be full of manners and miscues.

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YALL!!! Oh my god, this book is SO GOOD!! Seriously, I had so much fun with this book!! I went from sobbing to tears of laughter so many times! Beth and Gwen are everything!!! No one else even needed to be great because of how great they were but even the side characters were so lovable! I love Cordelia, Dashiell, Albie, Bobby, Meredith, Mrs. Gilpe, and Mrs. Stelm so so much 🥰 I loved the hijinks and the plotting and the romance and the grandeur and the emotions and literally just every single thing about it! I cannot wait to read James & Bobby’s story, I seriously need it in my hands right now lol please do yourself a favor and pick this book up, I cannot recommend highly enough! 💜

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4/5 Stars
TLDR: Bridgerton. Make it Sapphic. Sprinkle in some Parent Trap

It is debutante season in 1857. Beth is in her first season and Gwen her fourth. Beth is feeling the pressure to find a rich husband so she and her mother will not be out on the street. Gwen is in zero hurry to partner. Beth hates the endless balls and Gwen makes games of them. The two of them soon realize their parents know each other (maybe hate each other) and conspire to get them together. In the process, the two women realize there may be more to their friendship.

I really enjoyed this book. Alban created characters that the reader will care about. This is true for the main characters and the supporting cast. There were times when I could physically feel the ache in my chest. Not only did the author write the story of Gwen and Beth, she wrote a story about strong, determined women of the time.

I do think the story could have been 75ish pages shorter. There were a couple times it felt long and/or repetitive. Don't let this stop you from reading the book though. It was very enjoyable and I am looking forward to the next book!

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend (eARC) — 5 ⭐️

𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: January 9, 2024

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 —
💗 Friends to Lovers
🏃‍♀️ Fast Paced
👑 Victorian Era
👀 Multiple POVs
✌️Second Chance Romance
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+ Rep
🔓 Open Door Romance
💪 Strong Characters + Development

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐢𝐟 —
🥂 You need some liquid courage sometimes
👯‍♀️ Parent Trap is your favorite movie
🍪 Comfort pastries are needed on bad days
⛲️ You enjoy late night strolls in the garden
🃏 You never pass up on a good bet

𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰: AHHH, immediately five stars from me! Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend has the same magic that I felt while reading the Bridgerton series, and I could not stop reading this tale. I adored the characters, especially the parents, and the shenanigans had me laughing out loud! The plot was complex with a mix of love, schemes, politics, and laughter, and the story ended beautifully. Plus, the author set up her next book perfectly, and I cannot wait to get my hands on You’re the Problem, It’s You (big fan of the nods to Taylor Swift)!

𝐓𝐖: physical/emotional abuse, sexual content, alcoholic tendencies, parental death, misogyny

Thank you, NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager, for providing me an eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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4.5 stars
Don't Want You Like a Best Friend is the sapphic Bridgerton/Parent Trap baby I didn't know I needed. This book was the perfect blend of steamy and sweet, with plenty of funny moments throughout that had me invested the whole way through.

It's Beth's first (and most likely only) season in town. Her mother expects her to find a suitable husband and do it rather quickly as her cousin is set to inherit their home and belongings. Gwen is a seasoned pro at being a debutante, but not so much at finding a husband. The two become fast friends and it's not long before they realize their feelings might be more than a little friendly.

Seeing Beth and Gwen slowly begin to realize their feelings for eachother was like watching the perfect falling in love montage. I loved how supportive their parents and friends were of their relationship. All of the secondary characters were great and I loved spending time with them. I'm so excited that the next book in the series will follow Bobby - he and Albie were two of my favorite characters in this book.

The only thing that kept me from loving this novel is that the second half seemed to drag on a bit. Gwen and Beth realize their feelings are mutual rather early on (the mutual pining was great!), but much of the second half feels a bit redundant. However I'm super impressed that this was a debut and I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for a review copy.

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Such a fun book! I absolutely loved my time reading this story and I loved Beth and Gwen. Them slowly realizing they were falling in love was so perfect. I also loved the other plot line of them getting their parents together. I preordered a signed copy and I cannot wait to get my hands on the second book!

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Genre: historical romance
London, 1857

Beth Demeroven and her mother Viscountess Cordelia Demervon, are desperate for Beth to find a husband, now that her father has died and the uncle who has inherited wants to cut them off. At a ball, Beth meets Gwen, daughter of the Earl of Havenfort. Gwen is in her fourth season, but seemingly not actively trying to find a husband. They realize that Beth’s mother and Gwen’s father knew each other years ago, and decide to try to set them up. They realize though, that maybe the people who belong to each other are Beth and Gwen themselves! Even as their own relationship is blossoming, Beth has agreed to marry a titled lord with wealth and land, in a decision that may separate her from Gwen permanently.

When I saw sapphic romance set in the Victorian era, I knew I had to read this book. I loved the setup - queer romance with a parent trap twist, but the execution didn’t work for me. The book is written in third person present tense, which ended up being less of a problem for me than I expected, once I was used to it. (I know tense and POV isn’t something all readers spend a lot of time thinking about, but I’m hyper focused on the concept of perspective and how it relates to storytelling).

I always believe that historical romance is an invitation to step into a fantasy world of the author’s choosing, and not always “historically accurate.” What didn’t work for me was the very modern tone the overall narrative utilizes while clinging to its political historical backdrop. Beth and Gwen felt more like 21st-century twenty-year-old women than 19th-century debutantes. There is an uncomfortable amount of excessive drinking and partying, and while I’m not always looking for “proper manners” out of my historical romance heroines, Beth and Gwen felt out of context as the daughters of peers. I think that younger readers, those who enjoy new adult/college romances, and readers newer to historical romance. I also think that many readers looking for explicit Sapphic historical romance will find this satisfying.

Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for an eARC for review. Don’t Want You Like A Best Friend is out 1/9/24.

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I loved this debut novel, releasing tomorrow, from Emma R. Alban! Charming and sweet, this sapphic historical was filled with great characters you loved rooting for, the right touch of politics and intrigue, and was a compelled joy to read! I can’t wait to read You're the Problem, It's You, her next book in the series.

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I wanted to love this novel. I loved the premise and we need more sapphic historical romance so I was really excited to read Don't Want You Like a Best Friend. Yet I just could not connect very easily with the story. From its almost juvenile-like tone in the interactions between the FMCs who are both 20 and 22 years of age; which made the novel almost feel more young/new adult to me as a reader. I liked both Gwen and Beth but they never felt like fully formed characters. I found myself more invested and drawn to the supporting characters: Gwen's dad, her cousins Albie & Bobby as well as Mrs. Gilpe & Mrs. Stelm. They felt more fully formed characters to me.

I was trying to put my finger on what it was about the writing style that just didn't flow for me as a reader and I finally figured it out when I read in the about author section that the author is a screenwriter. This novel definitely reads like a screenplay with added filler in the way the author names the characters and tells the reader what they are up to transitionally throughout the paragraphs. Which unfortunately often took me out of the story.

Again, I really wanted to love Don't Want You Like a Best Friend, the premise was excellent with finding oneself in love with their best friend in an era that did not accept it as well as the whole parent trap angle of trying to get their widowed parent's a second chance at love, yet it just did not fully hit the mark. The bones of the story were excellent, sadly, I just needed a bit more.

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Thank you to Harper Collin’s for sending me an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! I really enjoyed this book and I think others are going to eat this up!

Beth and Gwen are both very likable characters their experiences as queer women in the 1800s is still so relevant to this day. I will say that their friendship felt a little too insta-lovey at the beginning as they had only met once and already acted like best friends [before they realized their romantic feelings]. Aside from that, I really did enjoy their romance arc and loved how they fought against all odds for their love.

My absolute favorite part of this entire book though was Gwen’s relationship with her father. Even in today’s day and age, there are still so many cases where parents are unsupportive of their queer children and it was such a nice tough to make Gwen’s father her biggest supporter. The way that he sensed her feelings for Beth before she did and made her realize the relationship between the women she’d grown up with was so sweet. Considering the time period of this book, having him be a queer ally, and an overall ally of women, was the perfect addition to this book!

I also enjoyed the scene’s where Beth admits her love for Gwen to her mother and continuously reinforces the fact that Gwen is not just her friend. The emotions in the book were so genuine and relevant, and I truly felt like I was right there with Beth.

I can’t wait for everyone to read this book and learn to love Gwen and Beth the same way that I do <3

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"Don't Want You Like a Best Friend" by Emma R. Alban is a debut novel that takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions. What intrigued me the most was the unique premise of Beth and Gwen's plan to set up their parents while discovering their own unexpected love story. It reminded me of the classic movie "The Parent Trap," but with a ENCHANTING and “historical” twist.

As the story unfolds, you can't help but be drawn into the lives of these two strong and complex characters. The sapphic representation between Beth and Gwen is beautifully portrayed, showcasing the power of love and connection.

While there were moments when the plot felt a bit overwhelming with all the twists and turns, I still enjoyed reading it. Maybe my overwhelming feeling is reflected on the rating but I did give it my best show. It was fascinating to see how the historical backdrop influenced the characters' choices and the challenges they faced.

One aspect that stood out to me was the diverse representation of different family structures. The story explores what family means when there's only one parent involved, highlighting the strength and resilience of these unconventional families. It's refreshing to see such inclusivity in a novel, as it allows readers to relate to and connect with the characters on a deeper level.

Overall, "Don't Want You Like a Best Friend" is a must-read for anyone seeking an engaging and heartfelt story. The highs and lows, the thrilling moments, and the tender romance will hopefully keep
you hooked.

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Don't Want You Like a Best Friend is the sapphic Victorian era romance I've been waiting for. This book had me swooning and kicking my feet. I really loved Beth and Gwen. The yearning between them was absolutely perfect. I also adored the Parent Trap vibes and Beth and Gwen trying to get their parents together. The ending was perfection and I can't wait for the next book to see if they'll end up in a lavender marriage. I had so much fun reading this! There truly is no yearning like sapphic yearning.

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Don't Want You Like a Best Friend is book one in the new amazing Mischief & Matchmaking series by Emma R. Alban.
I love when a book exceeds my expectations, and this one absolutely did that!
Emma has such talent for writing some of the most witty banter and cheeky humor!
The writing style was light and easy to follow, the characters were lovable, and the story had me hooked from start to finish.
Beth and Gwen, were some of the sweetest, relatable characters I’ve experienced.
I loved how we got to see both sides. The POVs switches regularly between Gwen and Beth which I really enjoyed.
This book is an absolutely delightful debut queer Victorian romance, full of humour as well as heartfelt moments.
Don't Want You Like a Best Friend is a gorgeous exploration of love, friendship, history, and self-discovery
A marvelous book that embraced me wholeheartedly and melted my heart.
Yay! I literally can’t wait for book two You're the Problem, It's You!

Thank You NetGalley and Avon for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Thanks to the publisher for giving me an early copy of this book for review purposes.

I love Dress by Taylor Swift as much as every other totally sane person that had her as their top artist of 2023, so when I first heard about the sapphic Bridgerton adult romance of my dreams with friends to lovers and a Taylor Swift title, I made my way swiftly to Netgalley to request an ARC and very very thankfully got approved.

This is a Bridgerton x The Parent Trap romance between two girls, Beth and Gwen, that all starts with Beth and her widowed mother coming to London for the season to find Beth a husband. At the first ball of the season, she makes fast friends with Gwen, who decidedly has no interest in finding a husband, and when their parents meet each other, the two girls instantly come together to get their parents together. And they happen to fall in love with each other along the way.

I absolutely loved this book! I fell in love with Beth and with Gwen, especially with Gwen, and was completely entranced by their romance. Not only that, this book is fun at it's heart and doesn't make us read about period-typical homophobia. Is it a magic world where our two protagonists can get married at the end of the book? No. But there's no traumatic coming out scenes, there's no homophobic people that betray them. This is a queer-friendly historical romance which was just very nice and healing to read about. I didn't know that going in, and I was so pleasantly surprised by that fact. This is a book that cares about it's characters and makes you care about them in return.

This is also a dual POV book, and it definitely needed to be. I loved Gwen's chapters more, admittedly, because her character arc is a more dynamic and she has more vibrant people in her life. She's bitter and funny and utterly in love and had me swooning.

The ONLY thing that I wanted more of from this book was for a 400 page romance, there was not enough of just Beth and Gwen for me. I needed a bit more pining. I needed more scenes with them on their own (both before and after they get together). I did love how fleshed out the side characters all are, and especially for a debut I think Emma Alban did an incredible job making me care about all of her characters. The only downside of having me fall in love so much with the side characters is that there's less time spent with our main couple, which I was left wanting more of by the end of the book.

I need book two immediately.

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A gorgeous purple Leni Kaufman cover, an incredibly well written historical fiction Sapphic romance debut with tons of mutual pining, a great Parent trap secondary plot and an overall beautiful queer New Adult love story. Give me more please!! I'm so excited this is the first in a new series. I can't wait for the second book!! Highly recommended for fans of Lex Croucher or Amalie Howard. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!!

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🌟: 4.5/5
This book exceeded all of my expectations! It delivered on the romance, with an adorable friends to lovers storyline, but it also packed a surprising emotional punch, making for a delightful debut that I'm excited to follow up on when You're The Problem, It's You comes out later this year.

Gwen and Beth's immediate kinship was nothing short of adorable. The pair connects immediately, and it's so entertaining to watch them both come to the realization, which is apparent to us as readers, that what they feel for each other is beyond friendship. Both characters were delightfully oblivious to their deeper feelings, despite Gwen seizing every opportunity to get her hands on Beth and Beth not wanting to spend time with anyone other than Gwen (and I was living for it).

This book also delivered some pretty wonderful supporting characters, whose relationships with the main characters only added to the enjoyment of the story. One standout in particular was Gwen's relationship with her father. The pair were so tightly bonded, it really did feel like it was the two of them against the world, and some of my favorite moments throughout the book came when they were both comforting each other over their heartbreak from the relationships they could not pursue with the Demerovens. I also really grew to love Bobby, Albie, and Meredith over the course of the story. They are so eager to support Gwen, and later Beth, which allowed for both heartwarming moments and hilarious hijinks.

The only thing that kept this book from being a full five stars for me was the writing style. I always say I don't have a preference between first or third person until I actually start to notice which form is used, because then I am taken out of the story. I don't think the third person used in this book is poorly done at all, it just took some getting used to, and it didn't impact my overall enjoyment of the book as a whole.

Marketed as The Parent Trap meets Bridgerton, this debut romance novel following the love story between two ladies of the ton is sure to be a hit amongst many historical romance lovers out there, and I am eagerly awaiting book two in the series to see what mischief Gwen and Beth can scheme up in their matchmaking of James and Bobby.

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Thank you Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager Publishing, for the e-arc1
Immediate 5 stars upon finishing! This really had every element I love in a good romance book. Sapphic central romance, second chance romance for their parents, a bit of fantastic spice, and just the right amount of tension. This book brings everything I love amount period romances, like pride and prejudice, and makes it queer and spicy.
Our two main characters, Gwen and Beth, complement each other perfectly. They both have so much passion and energy! They are truly perfect for each other. The parts where they thought they couldn't be together had me tearing up. The author definitely knows how to get people invested in the characters. Their parent's part of the romance is also excellent. Their second chance at happiness was executed perfectly, and I don't think I have ever been more happy for two characters.
Can't wait for the next book! I have my fingers crossed hoping for another book. I would love to see how the story continues.

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Don't want you like a best friends had a wonderful premise that I was interested in reading. I started the book and was enjoying it, but I found myself growing more and more frustrated with how juvenile the writing was. I was thrilled to be reading a historical queer rom com, but then I found out it also had the "parent trap but the main characters still get together" aspect of it and I was very put off. I ended up dnfing this book around 35% of the way in. I will give it three stars for the queer historical rom com aspect, but its just not the book for me.

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A lighthearted historical Sapphic friends to lovers story with a parent trap subplot.

Beth and Gwen became fast friends at Beth's first ball of the season. When the two women (ages twenty and twenty-one) find out Beth's mother and Gwen's father were in love with each other in their own youth, the two can't resist matchmaking their widowed parents. As they scheme, Beth and Gwen start falling for each other, but Beth needs to marry to ensure security for herself and her mother. What are two debutantes to do?

I love a story with supportive friends and family, and this one does not disappoint. I did find it a bit weird that Beth and Gwen were scheming to become stepsisters in no small part so they could stay together, but it fits the historical setting, and the author did a good job of not making it seem too strange. I also liked the political background of the act passing that would allow women to divorce.

Beth and Gwen are interesting, dynamic characters who care deeply about their parents and other family. Gwen is just a little bit spoiled and petulant, and Beth has the righteous attitude of being young. I'd definitely recommend this for people who love historical Sapphic romance with a splash of spice.

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