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Grief Is for People

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Grief is for People was an excellent read. I loved the mix of dealing with a home invasion burglary but also grieving a close friend's death to suicide. Crosley did not pull any punches in describing how grieving a death, especially one from suicide, is different from other types of death. It was beautifully written.

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Sloane Crosley poignantly writes about loss, grief, collective grief, suicide, friendship, and humanity as she recalls losing one of her closest friends to suicide. This book is profound and heavy, but it is so relatable to the common experience when we lose a loved one.

I nodded my head as I read, as her observations and musings struck a chord with my thoughts on loss and grief. She brings in other authors including Joan Didion and other perspectives on grief and loss as she shares her own.

She too had to deal with a home robbery, as I did when I lost my father. She lost one of her dearest friends, and under different circumstances, yet every word resonated with my experience as I am sure it will with other readers.

I realized that I have missed out on a couple more titles by this author, and immediately added these to my 2024 TBR. Cult Classic and Look Alive Out There are on my list.

If you want to read your inner thoughts on life on the page, pick up a Crosley book. She says what many of us are thinking - this portrait of grief is not set out in neat little stages, and I was consoled as a reader witnessing a favorite author grapple with loss just like I had.

Obvious trigger warnings - it's in the title.
and the author should know that Sloane kept autocorrecting to alone. Not surprised at all. Darkly humorous.
#newbooks #essaycollection #bookstagram #griefbooks #suicide #death #loss #grief

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Beautiful essay collection by a favorite author. Loved the way she revealed various aspects of her grief and the story of her friendship over the course of the book.

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Didn't finish this - I like Sloane Crosley, but this felt like a continuation of her past work. Not my favorite, but will get a copy in our collection for her fans.

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I loved Sloane Crosley’s GRIEF IS FOR PEOPLE. It was powerful and moving and had a unique structure and entry point into the memoir.

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this is a book I would gift someone going through it
Crosley talks about grief in such a comforting and level way but still acknowledges the pain and the illogical thinking
Not her easiest book to read but one of her best

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This books talks about everything except for grief then remembers it is story about grief. That’s how the book comes alive. It’s memories. It’s not wanting to touch the pain. It's a scrapbook for her working relationship and friendship with Russell. What a way for him to be remembered.

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I've been a Sloane Crosley fan since picking up I Was Told There'd Be Cake on a new books table many years ago and laughed all the way through. This memoir has her trademark sharp wit, but the subject matter is heavier than previous books. Crosley weaves together a robbery and the death of a close friend by suicide, both of which happened within a month of each other one summer. Her obsessive quest to recover some of the stolen jewelry is really about the loss of her friend. Some of the steps she takes made me very nervous, but since it's a memoir I knew she was going to be okay in the end.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Farrar, Straus and Giroux for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Holy moly, this little book packs a punch. I am blown away by the authors vulnerability and humour in this memoir, despite its heavy subject matter. A beautiful meditation on grief (of both people and things) and how it evolves over time, this books is incredibly personal, yet universal. We are all touched by grief, and Sloane’s moving words are poetic, a warm embrace we all need when the feeling of losing someone is too much to bear.

A truly stunning read.

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I am such a huge fan of Crosley's nonfiction and this book did not disappoint. For anyone coping with abstract grief, Crosley's latest is a must-read.

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Generally an entertaining novel, with lots of important and thoughtful sentiments explored and valued. Crosley anecdotally and curiously unpacks one of the hardest years of her life in an incredibly enthralling fashion that had me quite entertained and drawn in until the very end.

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Sloane Crosley has turned two, seemingly unrelated but life-changing events—a targeted home burglary and the suicide of a dear friend—into a moving treatise on love and loss. I was gripped by the complex feelings that the story of her first loss, of her not especially beloved grandmother's valuable jewelry, inspired in me. Crosley truly mourns the theft, (and I am 100% on board) though she is told that "grief is reserved for people, not things". This was a violation on many levels, and Crosley's exploration of the incident and its aftermath is truly compelling. The loss of her dear friend and former boss eclipses this event, of course, but again puts her in a grieving gray area, that of the close friend who felt like family, but is not. Crosley digs deep here, soul searching and literal searching, and her story, despite its overwhelming grief, still allows space for her wit and intelligence to shine.

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It took me a few days to read this one because parts of it affected me deeply. I enjoyed how this is not just about grief, but also about loss; and how in Crossley's case two events coincided that made her have to deal with these losses concurrently and as a result, maybe even more deeply.

I want to write more about it, but it would be too personal and go into spoiler territory.

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~ ARC provided through NetGalley ~

I was given an eBook version of "Grief is for People," but I knew within the first twenty pages that I needed my own hard copy. I had never read Sloane Crosley's work before, but I was familiar with her last novel, "Cult Classic." I knew nothing about "Grief" besides the fact that it was a memoir, and it took me by surprise. In this work, Crosley explores the never-ending journey of grief from what felt like a new vantage point. I feel like most readers are familiar with non-fiction that explores the death of a parent, a child, or even a romantic partner (Crosley herself mentions Joan Didion's "Year of Magical Thinking" multiple times). What I found most interesting was the vantage point Crosley inhabits, as a friend of someone who took their own life. Maybe it's because I've personally navigated this less coveted version of grief before multiple times, but I felt like ever note and theme of this book struck a chord with me. This book is incredibly dark, very sad, and hard to explain, but for me, it helped me sort through a lot of feelings that I've had about my proximity to death and grief in a way I've never done before over a work of art. So far, one of my favorite reads of 2024.

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I love Sloane Crosley and I love the way she can imbue any topic with a dash of humor. Grief is for People was no exception, navigating a burglary that left her deeply unsettled, followed by the loss of her best friend in a manner that was both a little silly and deeply reflective. I felt more connected through the beginning as she rummaged through her experience of living through both of those events; the end meandered into musings on New York during the pandemic that I was less interested in but were still (characteristically) well-written.

This is not necessarily a rec because of similarity in writing style, but another author who I believe did a good job on the subject of grief is Kathryn Schulz, in Lost & Found.

Thank you to FSG for offering the opportunity to read and review!

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“Following the death of her closest friend, Sloane Crosley explores multiple kinds of loss in this disarmingly witty and poignant memoir.“

Years ago I had a friend who lost a child. She and her husband took their daughter home from the hospital, spending time alone with her one last time. I might not make the same choices as my friend, but as someone whose children are all still living, I refuse to judge a mom who doesn’t.

I feel similar after reading this book. What with its honest vulnerability and tender subject matter, I will not be assigning a star-value to her words. I vibe with some. Some, not-so-much. What I can, fully, attest to, is the author’s powerful command of language. Her writing is raw, lyrical, surgical.

If you’ve lost someone to suicide, be gentle with yourself.
If you haven’t, be gentle with the author.

Thanks to NetGalley and Farrar, Straus and Giroux for this weighty ARC.

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I was given an advance copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I don’t know how Sloane Crosley does it. She takes this subject matter that is SO grim—the suicide of her best friend, and her grief—and turns it into a reading experience that genuinely plumbs the depths of her feelings but is somehow NOT grim. It’s actually rather comforting to move through her feelings with her, especially if you have also lost someone you love.

In the I Was Told There’d Be Cake days, I kind of thought of Sloane Crosley as a glib, skimming-the-surface writer who sacrificed real, difficult feelings for cleverness and quirkiness, but either I underestimated her, or she has honed her skill so sharply over the course of her writing career that she can now tackle this thorniest of personal experiences in such a way that her wit only adds more nuance to the exploration.

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Loss is universal. Grief is universal. I don't think anyone writes more eloquently about those shared experiences than Sloane Crosley. With her ever present wit and wry, Sloane dives deep into her own personal losses of being burglarized and losing her dear friend to suicide within a short span of time. She also touches on the pandemic and what an odd sphere of time and loss that was for us collectively. Such a touching read like only Sloane can carry out.

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An incredibly beautiful, poignant, and raw book from an author whose writing I adore. Crosley writes about the seemingly endless process of grief - tying in an unexpected robbery of her precious family jewelry with the unexpected violent death of one of her closest friends just one month later. She talks about her devastation, frustration, denial, anger, despair, and all of the confusing emotions that accompany the death of a loved one. I felt like I knew Russell intimately and could feel the love Sloane felt for him in these pages.

"Maybe I can put my pain in a cabinet. But the drawers keep popping open. The grief does not cotton to being squished. It takes the form of painful blooms in the chest that require attention, often in public. I stop in the street, putting my hand over my heart like l've just remembered something. Or else I sit on planes with tears streaming down my face."

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I don’t know that it’s right to say that reading a book largely about suicide and the conscious act of processing trauma and grief was “lovely.” But this book was truly so lovely in such a painful and cathartic and difficult way that really humanized the experience. I love how deeply philosophical this book is, how it’s more interested in pulling at threads and making you think than it is with providing tidy answers about grief with a bow on top. I also loved the way that, though it’s a work of nonfiction, it finds ways to be creative with timelines and perspective shifts to keep things engaging. I just wish I could have read it physically the entire time- when I listened to it on audio vs reading it physically, I didn’t retain as much and felt a little lost and swept away in its ebbs and flows.

Sloane Crosley is truly such a spectacular talent; this was my first time reading her work and I’m really looking forward to moving through her backlist and reading more from her in the future.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review! I also listened to the audio version of this book through my personal Everand subscription.

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