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Lonely For You Only

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It felt almost like a tease. Having Scarlett and Tate have all this tension but still be insecure about it. Made me want to grab him and say, "Go ravage her!" I'm conflicted, I really liked the story but couldn't relate to the characters. There were a couple of things I did love. They both show their vulnerability to each other. They both genuinely care for the other. And I loved how supportive and encouraging Scarlett’s parents are. I wasn't expecting Lancasters to be such good parents.

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The characterization is strong, but I didn’t care about Scarlett, and I found her inner monologue tiresome. There was a lot of information shoved up front. It’s not really relatable in any context. I’d guess three stars for audiences.

Thank you to NetGalley and Blackstone for the ARC.

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"You make me feel like I can conquer anything.”

I love Monica Murphy. I first read her when One -Week Girlfriend came out more than a decade ago and have since been reading almost everything she wrote... like 90% of her catalogue.

Scarlett and Tate.

Billionaire heiress slash influencer and washed-up boyband member is not really an unlikely pair. While I don't really bother much with celebrity gossip because there are lot of trouble and heartbreak going on in the world, reading this book is somehow like an indulgence to take a glimpse into their glittery world.

While I love Scarlett, I think she was written so naively given the fact that she grew up in NYC, her father was Fitzy Lancaster, she went to Lancaster Prep, etc... I just thought being "sheltered" and "naive" is sort of the same but also different... but anyway... overall, she and Tate stole my heart.

It's a feel-good story... this is something you'd want to read when you want to escape this anxiety-inducing world. It's like watching a romantic, new adult netflix or hallmark movie. I totally recommend it!

Grateful to N€tgalley and Blackstone Publishing for the opportunity to read this book ahead of everybody else

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Scarlett Lancaster, may have privileges that wealth and power but she has the desire to find herself outside of her father’s shadow. While Tate Ramsey feels burdened by his past mistakes and hopes that his future is brighter.

Their first meeting is like a fireworks show, compete with an unexpected kiss, which sparks the main plot-line.

All the moments that led to gradual transformation of their fake relationship into something with genuine feelings was truly beautiful, even while they deal with their personal issues and the complexities of love in a modern and digital world. Tate’s side of their bargain may be unbalanced towards Scarlett, but the way he cares for her and looks after her is such a perfect book boyfriend trope.

The third act drama was harsh but Tate’s grand gesture was so beautiful and is very reminiscent of how their relationship begun.

There is a really minute cameo from a well-loved Lancaster couple. If you can spot it.

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This was such a sweet story. I loved Tate and Scarlett. This fake dating/it girl and bad boy/celebrity romance was everything. I adored how hard Tate fell for Scarlett and how much they cared for each other. Four stars

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Monica is and will always be a MUST READ!!!! This enemies to lovers + fake dating had me on the edge of my seat!

I didn’t want this book to end, I just wanted more and more. When looking for an unforgettable hero, pick up a Monica Murphy book.

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I was enchanted by this story from chapter one. I loved how that one meeting changed their lives forever. From their first touch, they were electric. Scarlett’s pink dress caught Tate’s eye immediately and his only thought was: gorgeous. They might have been mean to each other at first but after Tate wrote and recorded Red about Scarlett, a plan to fake date and improve both of their social standings formed. Scarlett and Tate’s fake dating plan is better than revenge for both of them against those who wronged them. Tell me why their love story is one of my favorites.

If you didn’t catch on there are 9 different Taylor Swift song titles above 👆🏻Monica Murphy is a huge Swiftie, just like the rest of us, and incorporates easter eggs into all of her books, so I thought I would do the same with my review. I absolutely loved trying to find all of them in this book!

The super fast progression that Tate goes through from a struggling musician to flying across the country to produce an album within the span of a week shows just how influential the media can be. I really loved that component of the story, how social media and the public’s opinion has so much sway over certain industries. This story gives readers a peak into the life of a celebrity and the real issues they face with that status. The doubt that no one will approve, the fear that they could lose everything, the worry that they could get in trouble with management, and so much more. Plus these two are still young adults but have been in the spotlight for years and just want to make their mark on the world.

My one issue with this story is the ending. It felt super rushed and not fully formed. I knew at about 70% in that there was no way there would be enough time for a proper “conflict” and a thorough resolution to happen with how much of the story still needed to take place. I was correct, the ending was super abrupt and the conflict was resolved in about 2 pages.

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Thank you, Valentine PR, for allowing me to read an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I love Monica Murphy's Lancaster Universe Lonely for You Only, which was a great addition to the other books from the Lancaster Prep series. I especially loved it when Scarlett Lancaster (MFC) mentioned her cousins (the main characters from the Lancaster Prep Series).

The story was overall well written. I loved the Bad Boy x Good Girl trope this book brought out. In my opinion, it was easy for me to get into the main characters, Scarlett and Tate. I do wish, however, that Scarlett's character had been developed more in-depth. Although, I know this was a young adult romance and not an adult romance, so it would not be a complex character arc/development. The book did seem to have been written at a fast pace, as Scarlett's book was lacking in some ways compared to the other books in the Lancaster Prep Series. For example, in the other books, the MMC was groveling for a longer period (not just one chapter). Although, I think this was due to Scarlett knowing about Tate's intentions in the beginning. If she didn't and he went ahead to do what he did it would be like the other books.

Tate 100% became a new book boyfriend from the Lancaster Prep Series. He adored Scarlett and took the time to understand her on a deeper level. I do wish though that there was more of a plot of Tate and Ian challenging for Scarlett.

Overall, I liked that we got a story about Scarlett Lancaster. I cannot wait to see a story concerning her twin brothers. OR any of the other Lancasters we haven't seen a story yet about.

Rating - 3.5/5
Spice Rating - 2.5/5

- Fake Dating
- Enemies to Lovers
- Bad Boy x Good Girl
- He fell first
- First Love

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I received this book as an ARC in exchange for a review. Thank you to NetGalley for this opportunity.

Monica Murphy is a new author to me and I was not sure what to expect, as the cover does not give much indication of the book's contents. I went into this pretty much blind outside of a brief skim of the synopsis.

Some tropes you will find in this book are “rock star meet cute”, “forced proximity”, “opposites attract” and “redemptive love”.

This book was a sweet story with a satisfying slow burn that turned into steam, much too close to the end. I felt myself wanting….more. More of the banter. More of the steam. More exploration of their desires.

Overall, I enjoyed this read and will be looking into more books written by the author!

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This fake dating romance about a young heiress and an ex-rockstar is definitely a must read.

This slow burn romance all starts when Scarlett has her 18th birthday party. Her dad hires the lead singer of the since broken up band, Five Car Pileup. After Tate sings for Scarlett's party he finds her backstage. Due to reporters, the two share a steamy kiss that breaks the internet. To help his career, Tate and Scarlett agree to fake a relationship. While faking this relationship the two soon start to feel something genuine.

I loved these characters as I got to see the development of their relationship throughout the story. I also love a great fake dating book and Monica Murphy did just that.

Huge thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read this book early!

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This was a light-hearted, fun read that easily earned 4 stars for me! Definitely a slow burn with some spice! The characters are young, 18 & 21, so expect some of the drama that comes along with that:) Overall a fun read! Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I love the Lancaster Prep series, but I couldn't get attached to these characters and their relationship 😐

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It was great to be back in the Lancaster world once again. I really enjoyed the premise of this story where we have Scarlett our high society heiress and Tate our rugged, bad boy Rockstar. These two couldn’t be more opposite if they tried, but that’s what makes this story so intriguing. They both have their own internal battles they are fighting to overcome, and as the story and their love progresses, so does their transformative relationship.

Their initial meeting had me kicking my feet. I mean, how many times did I as a little girl dream of meeting my boy band crush and him falling in love with me and us living happily ever after? Well, my dream never came true, but Scarlett’s sure did! Even though their relationship initially started out “fake” as it evolved, so did their love, respect, understanding, and connection.

If you’re looking for a cute, fun new adult romance with very little drama, a heiress trying to figure out who she is outside of her family, and a Rockstar trying to redeem himself after destroying his career years ago, and fake dating centered around this story then this book might just be for you.

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For lovers of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce and fans of fake dating, slow burn, and enemies to lovers romances!
In this addicting celebrity romance by Monica Murphy, Young heiress Scarlett Lancaster is having a huge 18th birthday celebration, where her father hired a pop star to perform. Scarlett is disappointed when Tate Ramsey, former lead singer of Five Car Pileup and former drug and alcohol addict, appears on stage. However, he blows the crowd away.... even Scarlett is impressed. When an unexpected kiss between the two occurs after his jaw dropping performance, the two agree to a fake dating scandal to help boost each of their careers. But will their fake feelings remain fake?
This book was a slow start, but do not give up quickly! I fell in love with Tate and Scarlett from the get go and found myself rooting for them the whole entire book. Monica Murphy did an amazing job writing about young love. She wrote in a way that is very relatable, especially with Scarlett. It is not everyday you can relate to a character in a book, so I appreciated being able to resonate with the main character.
Spice, but not too much spice, just lots of love!!! I highly reccomend!

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Another book featuring the Lancaster offspring as Scarlett, the overshadowed daughter of Fitzy turns eighteen and struggles to find her place in the world. When her father hires former boy and singer Tate Ramsey to provide the entertainment at her party, even though she would’ve preferred Harry Styles, she still managed to get papped kissing Tate in a shot that quickly went viral as the world fell in love with the latest “It’” couple boosting both their profiles and revitalising the singing career Tate had saw implode in an alcohol and drug fuelled fog a few years before. To keep the momentum going his manager and record company are quick to propose that Tate and Scarlett keep up the pretence of being a couple.

This was an easy and relatively angst free, slow romance. I did feel that although the characters were likeable, they weren’t particularly relatable, and the story felt that it could’ve been condensed as there was a lot of Scarlett just hanging around. I will confess to having serious wardrobe envy especially when it came to Scarlett’s handbags and, if I was her, I’ d be tempted to pet them and call them pretty as well. While I finished Lonely for You Only, it’s not one of my favourite reads from this author and not one I think I’ll be rereading and for that reason I’m giving it 3.5 stars.

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Nous sommes dans l'univers de la Lancaster Prep avec ce nouveau roman de Monica Murphy. Nous aurons une romance contemporaine en une rock star et une héritière. Le fake datin opère et nous ravit au fil des pages. Bien que cela fasse partie d'une saga, ce roman peut se lire de manière indépendant.

Tate Ramsey et un jeune homme de 20 ans qui a connu un beau succès dans le passé avec ses chansons. Ce dernier a vu sa carrière complétement détruite à cause d'un scandale. Toutefois ce nouveau contrat pour une soirée d'anniversaire privée va le propulser de nouveau sur le devant de la scène. La jeune femme était fan de notre héros adolescente et la flamme ne sera pas complètement éteinte. Quand on est une star, tout est mis sous le microscope des paparazzi et le baiser échangé n'échappera pas à la règle. Les voici exposés aux réseaux sociaux et s'il veut profiter d'un renouveau de carrière, il va devoir se plier aux règles et accepter cette fausse relation amoureuse. J'ai aimé voir que sous de fausses apparences, un rapprochement réel sera possible. Nos héros devront faire face à des sentiments naissants et aux retombées lorsque tout sera révélé au grand jour.

Scarlett Lancaster est une jeune femme de 18 ans. Ce qui a débuté de manière ludique et anodine prend prend un chemin inattendu. Il y a une certaine naïveté chez la jeune femme qui la rend fébrile mais aussi touchante. Ce que j'ai apprécié dans ce tome, comparé aux autres, c'est qu'on ait moins d'étreintes charnelles. Elles apparaissent aux bons moments et ne ternissent pas le récit. On voit vraiment les prémisces de cet amour et cela fait chaud au coeur. Nous verrons le développement de ce couple et on craint que des coeurs soient brisés. Le monde de Tate n'est pas des plus solides et le moindre petit rebondissement pourrait tout envoyer valser.

Bref, ce roman c'est avant tout un passage vers l'âge adulte. C'est une romance douce et intéressante qui traitera des mensonges, des jalousie et des trahisons, de la famille et évidemment de l'amour. Une lecture très sympathique.

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This is a coming of age romance where Scarlett Lancaster who is not your typical heiress has an opportunity to live outside of her family obligations and it’s at her birthday party that she meets Tate the man she had a crush on when he was a member of the boy band she loved.
I don’t want to give too much of the story away but what follows is a well written journey as Tate and Scarlett agree to fake date but what happens when feelings come into play……
As you would expect from Monica Murphy this read does have some drama but it’s perfectly mixed in with the love. Lonely for You is a sweet, entertaining, enjoyable read with characters that are easy to relate to.

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DNF at 30%. Unfortunately this book wasn't for me.

I wasn't enjoying the story neither connect with the main characters.

I thought the book was a little bit juvenile for me. The way they talked seemed a bit childish, even thought it's normal because she's just turned 18.

I felt that the characters didn't have much personality.

It seemed that we had a lot going on but at the same time nothings was happening. And the plot was obvious for me and that's one of the reasons why this book didn't work for me.

Even though I didn't enjoyed, I want to thank you Valentine PR for the opportunity to read this e-arc

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My oh my. Rich heiress Scarlett has a massive 18th birthday party with a special guest performance from Tate Ramsey! Tate is a former boy band member who fell hard from the top. He’s been living quietly for awhile avoiding the paparazzi until he gets an offer he can’t refuse from Scarlett’s dad. After the success of the party performance Tate’s career gets the second chance he’s been looking for, but with one catch Scarlett is apart of it. Off to La they go for Tate to start his comeback album, and his new relationship with Scarlett. From barely knowing each other to having to spend all their time together these 2 grow closer fast till things come out and try to ruin everything.

I did enjoy this book but after finishing it I’m left wondering what happened with Ian?

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Lonely For You Only is a fake dating romance between a billionaire heiress and an ex boy band member. It was a fun and quick read, but I felt like it could have been a bit longer. I had a hard time connecting to the characters, and I wish there was more on page relationship building. There was a lot of pop culture references to famous musicians and it was fun to follow the process of Tate writing an album.

Overall, I felt the side plots to be a bit far fetched at times, but I still really enjoyed this book and the vibes were great.

Thank you Valentine PR for sending me an advanced copy of Lonely For You Only!

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