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Putting the Ice in Nice

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Oh better read then I expected! Made me laugh in places but yet it kept me intrigued! I enjoyed the dynamic’s between Beck and her friends. Great read!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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You simply can’t have read urban fantasy for any length of time and not have encountered Diana Pharaoh Francis. I’ve seen her name for years but never had an excuse to read anything. Not for lack of desire, but through a very, very long reading list. That was, until I discovered RJ Blain and went on a Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) bender. During the course of this, I picked up Dirty Deeds 2 — which is, I think, no longer available, alas — which is a compilation of novellas from several UF authors: Faith Hunter, Devon Monk, Jennifer Estep, RJ Blain, and yes, Diana Pharaoh Francis.

That is where I first encountered Beck Wyatt. Of course, Putting the Chic in Psychic is the second book in the Everyday Disasters series, so after being fascinated by Beck’s sarcastic, life’s-a-bitch-and-then-you-die-but-you-can-absolutely-make-that-everyone’s-problem point of view, I had to backtrack and read the first in the series: Putting the Fun in Funeral. (Note: the links on this post are NOT affiliate links, because they’re not available via Bookshop. Bookview Cafe, the site I am linking, is author-owned and would be my recommended place to get these, but I am not an affiliate and receive no personal benefit from that.)

Basically, Beck Wyatt is the living embodiment of my personal philosophy: I can do all things through spite, which strengthens me. When the people who are supposed to love and support you instead grind you down, tell you that either you don’t want what you want or that what you want isn’t important, try to keep you isolated and dependent, and are just generally assholes, you have two choices: let them win or take on an “I AM BECOME SPITE, DESTROYER OF EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR” attitude. Whew. I guess I identify with Beck a little more than I thought. My personal situation never contained a fake-Aunty-Mommy with literal magic who enjoyed thinking up and implementing creative abuses (for which I am thankful) but Becks and I kind of ended up in the same place: Life thinks it can take everything away from me? Take it, bitch. I’ll still stand back up and still kick your ass.

If you’ve spent any time reading urban fantasy at all, then you owe Diana Pharaoh Francis the opportunity to convert you to her fandom. She’s been around forever and she doesn’t get nearly enough credit, in my opinion. She should be much more of a household name than she is, and I think that’s a shame. And, of course, Beck is now a favorite of mine.

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This isn't the greatest witch story ever, but definitely readable. It's a bit short. I have not read the first two in the series but I had no trouble catching up. For people who worry about such things, there is one erotic scene, but it is easy enough to skip it.

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Diana Pharaoh Francis has a new adventure about untrained but powerful witch Beck Wyatt. One detective had learned about magic in a previous adventure, and he wants her help in a kidnapping case that has two missing children. After Putting the Ice in Nice (ebook from‎ Lucky Foot Press in conjunction with BVC) by helping a traffic accident victim, she is captured by the kidnapping witch, and discovers a whole new level of witch politics. Fun but needs a sequel to fully explain witch politics.

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I had high hopes for the story. However, the flow seemed forced and I struggled to keep reading. I did finish the book left disappointed.

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I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This made me so happy in the end!! I’ve read the books that come before, and where this book started and where it ended were on wonderfully opposite sides of expectation. I was expecting a great mystery and story, and bracing for heartbreak. Instead, I got to enjoy every detail and am now looking forward to the next one.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and BVC in conjuncton with Lucky Foot Press for the eARC. I am voluntarily revieiwng this book. This is part of a series, #3, and the first that I have read, It reads well as a stand alone. I liked the book, and would recommend. It is different, I liked all the characters, Beck, Damon and Lorraine. 4 stars

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I enjoyed this book and the sense of friendship it detailed. There was sadness and regret but ultimately the concept of moving forward and developing your own support system, your own family was prominent. Interspersed humor kept the darkness from taking over and gave the book hope.

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this is the first book in this series I have read. While I don't feel last hough I need to read the first two books in the series I am going to go one click them now. The story was fun and fast paced and I loved the characters and how they interact.

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This was a strong third book in the Everyday Disasters series, it had a strong concept overall. The characters felt like they belonged in this world and had everything that I wanted. Diana Pharaoh Francis has a great writing style and I’m glad I got to read this.

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"It pays to be nice... but only if you’re into blood, pain, and tears.

Beck Wyatt, a witch with very few f*cks to give, is back in action, and as usual, her life has gone pear-shaped. Her maybe-boyfriend has gone MIA. One of her bffs fell into a big hole and got Lifeflighted to the hospital. The cops want to help her solve a kidnapping with a side helping of murder. Even worse? Her recently un-estranged mom wants to have brunch."

This is a series that has been on my radar for awhile and I can't wait to dive in.

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