Cover Image: Summoner's Circle

Summoner's Circle

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this book.

I felt like this has a lot of potential but fell a little flat at times. Things don't get as fleshed out until later on in the story, so the characters didn't hook me at the beginning at all. I'd be willing to read more to see what happens though because of that potential.

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I have to admit, Summoner's Circle by Coral Alejandra Moore was not my cup of tea. I found myself struggling to get through this book and ultimately decided to DNF it around the 30% mark. From the beginning, I could tell that this book was not for me, but I wanted to give it a chance. Unfortunately, I just couldn't connect with the story or the characters.
One of my main issues with Summoner's Circle was the pacing. The story seemed to drag on and I found myself losing interest rather quickly. The world-building also felt a bit muddled, making it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the story. Additionally, I struggled to connect with the characters, as I found them to be lacking in depth and development.
Overall, Summoner's Circle was not a book that resonated with me. While I can see how some readers may enjoy the unique world and magic system, it just didn't hold my interest. I appreciate the effort put into crafting this story, but unfortunately, it fell short for me. If you enjoy slow-paced fantasy with intricate world-building, you may find this book to be more to your liking.
2.5/5 STARS!

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Watching Dari grow into her powers and finding out the truth of what happened to her mother, at the school over the years and everything else revealed in the book was just awesome.

I had so much fun reading the book. It was fresh and unique. I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT <3

I can't wait to read more from this author

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This one was okay! Fairly easy to get into the world building but nothing happens for 75% of the book and then everything is rushed at the end. I did enjoy all the magic and mystical elements although the writing annoyed me. The author kept referencing the MC’s boyfriends southern drawl and there was a lot of hooking up scenes at the start which is “important” to the plot later on. I may pick up the sequel if I find it at my local library!

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There were times that I really enjoyed this book, it had cool magical concepts but I feel like as soon as a plot hole was revealed there was an afterthought bandaid explaining why it actually wasn’t a plot hole. I wanted to love this book, but it left me wanting. The voices of the characters changed style throughout the book and it felt a little disjointed.

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On the shorter side, this fantastical beginning of a young women’s supernatural journey in a small Oregon college town, a town where women regularly disappear.

I was really interested in the mythology of the world, with a wide range of magical creatures to learn about and explore. This definitely felt like a first book, where the groundwork of in-world knowledge is laid to be built upon in future books.

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The story line was interesting and I was excited to dive into this as a quick, easy read. Overall, I loved the concept and mystery aspects, although I do wish there was more world building to give us more context.

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"I don't think you're weak, Dari. I never have." She turned back to me with a sad smile. "I'm afraid you're so strong, you'd rather break than bend."

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


It took me a little while to get into this book, but that was on me. But once I got into Dari's story I wanted to know more. That could just be the noisy side of me, lol. In this new adult fantasy Dari finds out she has summoner's magic. She comes to know this after being attacked by a daemon and Mohawk tattoo badass mage named Ash saves Dari and her boyfriend Tyler.
There were times when reading I got lost when conversations were happening. I didn't know who was saying what to who, so I had to go back and reread just to understand what was happening.
The beginning did drag some and there were points when I was like why is this even in the story. But overall I did like the story line and I am looking forward to reading the next book once published.

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Dari is living a somewhat typical life at college, she and her roommate Grace get along, Her boyfriend Tyler is the perfect example of a southern gentleman with sex appeal. And she has a job at the library that she likes. Until one night she and Tyler are attacked and a strange mysterious woman saves her life, opening up a world that Dari never knew existed.
Her college campus is known for the disappearances of young woman, and Tyler's last girlfriend was one of them, but what if the disappearances have something to do with this new world Dari has been snatched into? As she discovers more about this world of magic and the beings that habitat in it, she struggles with knowing who to trust, but more importantly who is she or what is she.
Can Dari find out who she really is and still be safe?
Summoner's Circle is action packed with magic and mystery. Deception and strange friendships. I enjoyed the book and I liked how the possible enemy was always in question but never easily identified. I would definitely be interested in reading more about Dari's adventures and her journey to gaining more understanding of her powers and history.

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This book was fun to read and I could not put it down. I stayed up most of night to finish it as I could not find a good place to stop.
Would I read it again? Yes I would!
I am putting this with read read again section

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Dari lives a completely normal life in a town that is not completely normal itself. Girls have been going missing for years in this place, surrounded with a mysterious fog throughout the year. What Dari does not know is that she, infact, is in no way normal but possess powers she was never aware of, until an attack directed at her on her University campus. Forced to unravel the mysteries surrounding her, she is thrusted into a world of daemons, dragons and elemental magic, unable to trust the words of the people even closest to her.

Now the premise of this is pretty interesting but the execution was just not it. The story felt bland, boring and even made me sleepy at certain times. At one point i just wanted to finish it just for the sake of finishing it.

Tyler, her boyfriend, was a pretty strange character for me. He was shown as this cute, protective, puppy-vibes type of character until he was not and we see a plot twist and suddenly he is betraying her (as he betrayed literally anyone before her) but now you're telling me somehow she is different and he saves her out of everyone before, when we never got to see any development between the two or their relation aside from the sexual advances and stuff they had going on? yeah no, i don't liked that at all. Infact for the first half of this book, it felt like it was just THAT and not the plot line i thought i was promised.

Moving on to Dari, our main female lead. She was just annoying. I dont know how to best describe it other than this. I respect how she didn't want to burden anyone by making them protect her and i get that she was frustrated not getting the answers about her own life, but she was so stupid when she did do things on her own that i just think it would've been better if she just didn't do anything at all. But then again i don't have that much problem with her since her character was like an average university student full of flaws and i get that but i did not like how that whole Tyler thing unfolded because her responses and action made it just look like it wasnt that big of a deal and i didn't like that.

Also i would have liked this a little better if they dived further into the Dari and Ash relationship because i had no idea what was going on there at all.

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I was hooked from the cover and I’m so glad I got to read this. It had everything that I was looking for in this type of book. The fantasy elements worked well with the story and I was invested in what happened to the characters. Coral Alejandra Moore has a great writing style and I’m glad I got to read this.

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This was a good fast comfy cozy read for me. It did have some suspenseful movements along with some predictable movements and some twists and turns. I really like the Sabrina feeling I got from this book. I would definitely be interested in reading further in the series to see where this story line takes Dari, Ash and Tyler.

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"Summoner's Circle" shines as a standout in the new adult genre, the plot is filled with intriguing surprises. The main character, Dari, is an example of strength and self-reliance. Although the redemption arc that the author gave Tyler, it would be so much more interesting if he was kept as a villain. But there was still positives. The worldbuilding was splendid, I love the details about daemons, dusk and dawn and the elementals. The magic system is different and unique. This urban fantasy combines various elements seamlessly, which captivates and leaves me enchanted and hungry for more.

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This novel was a fast and easy read with an engaging plot. I really liked Dari and Ash as characters! Tyler I found to be a bit overbearing but that could be just a me problem. I do wish we could’ve had more scenes with Dari training and learning about the world she’s become a part of, information was given abruptly right before it became relevant-it would’ve been nice to have more of a world building chapter that was just quickly referenced later when it becomes relevant. Overall, the story was great and I look forward to seeing what comes next from this author!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Branching Narratives Press, for allowing me to read the ebook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

DNF 34%

I wanted to finish this book because it was short so I thought it will be a fast read. Indeed was fast but not the reading I expected. It will not be a long review and everything I write will be based only on where I read.
The biggest problem I found in this book is the lack of depth in the scenes and the characters. So the writing style of the author. I had a hard time following the actions of the characters and I often had to read a second time a phrase because I thought I had missed something. Which was not possible since everything happens in a sentence. This quick passage makes the character's flat and important moments that need to be expressed with their times meaningless.
What stands out though is Dari, the protagonist, interest in Ash, this mysterious figure who from what I understand is like her protector. What I’m sensing is that Dari’s interest in Ash is more than just curiosity but this is just a theory based on how far I’ve read.
Up to where I read the world-building is interesting and the fact that it’s set in a college makes it exciting because is the classic place where everything can happen.
I’m sorry to drop the book because the premises were there, but it seems more like a draft that needs to be revised.

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I tried multiple times to get into this book, but unfortunately, I just could not get past the writing itself. Everything is clean and well-edited, but it really seems like a first or second draft in terms of how developed the prose is. The writing is flat at best, amateurish at worst. The beginning is chock full of heavy-handed exposition that's just front-loaded instead of evolving naturally. Dialog doesnt feel real - it feels like, in most instances, it's only there to deliver more exposition instead of building up our understanding of the characters who are speaking. I really wanted to like this based on the cover and description, but the writing does it a disservice.

2 stars rather than 1 because I'm sure there are redeeming qualities to the book, but I can't get far enough to find them.

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"Sometimes young women go missing in Moonlight Bay, Oregon, but Dari Jiménez decided the sleepy college there was still the one for her."

This was really good! I enjoyed the world-building and the characters and the plot. No notes.

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"Summoners Circle" by Coral Alejandra Moore is an enthralling urban fantasy that weaves a tale of magic, mystery, and the supernatural, all set in the hauntingly atmospheric town of Moonlight Bay, Oregon. At its heart is Dari Jiménez, a young college student who discovers she possesses an extraordinary power hidden within her bloodline.

The story kicks off with a typical college life in Moonlight Bay, but the mundane quickly gives way to the extraordinary when Dari becomes the target of a scary supernatural creature in the dark depths of a stairwell. Just when she thinks all hope is lost, a mesmerizing stranger named Ash swoops in to save her. Described (by me) as both hot and badass, Ash is a tough, tattooed woman with a mohawk, who opens Dari's eyes to the arcane secrets of her true heritage. As the last member of an ancient bloodline, Dari is destined to fight against elemental fiends that threaten to breach the veil between worlds.

"Summoners Circle" is a rollercoaster ride from start to finish. The fast-paced narrative keeps readers on the edge of their seats, blending everyday college drama with an exhilarating magical adventure. The inclusion of Ash as a strong, enigmatic character adds a layer of excitement.

One of the book's standout features is the author's skillful world-building. The magical system within the novel is cleverly crafted, providing a fresh and cool perspective on the elemental powers that infuse the story with wonder and excitement.

As much as "Summoners Circle" excels in its storytelling, there is a slight blemish that might dampen the overall experience for some readers. Dari's character, while relatable in her vulnerability, can be occasionally complainey, which may detract from the story's otherwise strong pace and Ash's alluring presence.

Despite this minor drawback, "Summoners Circle" remains an enticing urban fantasy with a magnetic allure. Coral Alejandra Moore's skillful storytelling, combined with the captivating world-building and the hot, badass presence of Ash, ensures that readers will be enchanted from beginning to end. Fans of magical adventures will relish this thrilling ride and eagerly anticipate future installments in the series.

In conclusion, "Summoners Circle" is a mesmerizing blend of urban fantasy, magic, and romance, brought to life by the strong and alluring presence of Ash, the hot and badass savior. Coral Alejandra Moore has crafted a page-turner filled with excitement and wonder, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a fast-paced and captivating escape into a world of elemental fiends and supernatural intrigue

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