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Counting on a Cowboy

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4 star

I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, pain, secrets, and heartbreak.

If you have not read the below they are also in this series:
Wishing on a Christmas Cowboy (Star Valley, #1)
Betting on a Good Luck Cowboy (Star Valley, #2)

This is Lyric and Thatch’s story. He never planned on putting down roots but this town calls to him and he decides to settle. But he needs to earn a living. He wants to work on improving his score at the rodeo, so he enlisted the help of a yoga instructor. Lyric is used to dealing with a challenging client, but he might just be the most challenging. She was once married to a cowboy, but it ended in disaster. She knows she needs to keep her distance but that is proving very hard. Can she or will the pull be too much?

I recommend this book.

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Counting on a Cowboy is the third installment of Star Valley and it's just as adorable as the first two. Small town and fake dating contemporary romance at it's finest. We meet Lyric and Thatch in the first two books and they are great characters so I was looking forward to this book. It just didn't hook me the way the others did, I found the timeline was too fast paced in terms of the story and the romance. It threw me off a bit; although, I still enjoyed the story. It's a lighthearted romance that covers some important topics.

Thank you Netgalley and Forever PUB for this ARC!

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Counting on a Cowboy by Sara Richardson is the next book in her Star Valley series. While I typically like cowboys and the fake dating trope this one just didn't do it for me. While I liked Thatch even though he keeps going after the girl that doesn't like him, the girl (Lyric) just felt mean as she strings him along in the beginning because she will not date a cowboy after an abusive relationship with an other cowboy.

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I really ended up enjoying this final installment in the series. The PTSD of our heroine from an abusive relationship hit home with me. Her reactions to some situations really made sense.
The fact that our hero is SO GONE for her really made this book work well for me. Would definitely recommend!

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Counting on a Cowboy by Sara Richardson is a fun, sweet romance novel that features Thatch, a now bronc rider trying too win the local rodeos big event and the money that comes with. To win he knows he needs an edge and seeks assistance from a yoga instructor, Lyric. Lyric is recovering from her divorce from another cowboy and isn't thrilled to be working with Thatch but he offers to help her out as well, in exchange for flexibility training. Does their professional relationship turned fake dating, turn into a real relationship or just some fun?

Sara Richardson has once again written a sweet, sexy, smoldering cowboy romance novel with the fake dating trope. Her characters are well developed, are realistic and have us falling on love with them. The storyline is unique and fun and has us cheering for both characters.

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Thatch is a former SEAL now looking towards becoming a bronc rider. Being a bronc rider is rough on the body and was recommended yoga to help out. Lyric is still dealing her her traumatic past with her ex-husband and isn't much for opening hear right now. When Thatch asks for help with the yoga training she comes up with a deal that'll work for the two of them.

This was a pretty enjoyable slow read. There was plenty going on to keep me. I loved the small town feels, i really like the fake relationship trope. I loved seeing the support and care everyone had for ones another. I liked the side bit where Lyric was putting so much care into helping out a student when she sees some concerning signs and with her past she wanted to make sure that student was okay. I enjoyed seeing that romance slowly but surely happen to the two. I mean Thatch and Lyric already had some sort of feelings for eachother but with Lyrics past she really was making sure there was that wall between the two and slowly but surely that wall crumbled and I enjoyed seeing how everything played out. Then there was this one moment I kinda suspecting would happen which I won't be saying was kinda predictable and yet I still liked how it played it all in the end. Really enjoyed it.

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Beautiful story of love and redemption. My heart ached for Lyric every step of the way! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free advance copy.

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This novel is a red hot and sassy western romance with complex characters, and small town charm. There is a blend of passion, humor, and heartache. The pacing occasionally lags but the emotional payoff is worth it.
Many thanks to Forever and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is Thatch and Lyrics story.

Thatch is settled in Star Valley with his brothers and their construction firm but has secretly taken up bronc riding in hopes of joining the rodeo circuit. He's due to compete in an upcoming event but his trainer thinks that he's too stiff and needs to improve his flexibility in order to be a real competitor. Lyric is a yoga instructer that Thatch has been interested in for a while but who has turned him down. She was previously married and has built a wall around her heart and her defenses are high for the opposite sex. She's just started a yoga class with high school girls who are trying to make up for missing/failed gym credits but she's drawn to one of the girls in particular when she sees an incident between the girl and her boyfriend. When Thatch reaches out to Lyric for private yoga lessons to help with his bronc riding, Lyric decides that maybe they can help eachother out. She will help him with his flexibility and keep his bronc riding secrets if he helps her keep an eye on the young couple. It turns into a fake dating situation when their friends start noticing the time they are spending together and it doesn't hurt that them acting as a couple helps in keeping an eye on the younger couple. As usual in these situations the fake relationship starts to become very real but will Thatches connections to the rodeo and Lyrics past be the roadblock that keeps them from their happy ever after?

I have really enjoyed every book in this series and Sara Richardson's writing style. I like that the stories aren't full of over the top drama and I really love her characters. Thatch isn't pushy about his feelings for Lyric and gives her the space she needs from him while also being so supportive and protective of her and he's very level-headed about the young couple situation and tries to help Lyric from projecting her history onto their relationship. Lyric was at times a little over the top with her assumptions but given her history, it's completely understandable. Neither of them love misleading their friends about their relationship or Thatch's rodeo dreams so they are careful to not be too misleading but they also aren't afraid of leaning into their feelings when necessary.

Overall, this was a really great addition/ending to this series and I look forward to reading more from Sara Richardson.

*I recieved an early copy from NetGalley for voluntary review

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This is the kind of cowboy romance that makes you melt!
Thatch is so sexy and rugged but kind and patient as he deals with Lyric. There's a bit of suspense as well as lots of romantic moments not to be overlooked!
Thank you to the author and Netgalley for this arc.

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Thatch and Lyric are part of the same group of friends and while he's asked her out and would like nothing more than to have what his friends have with her, Lyric isn't interested. When he needs help to get his scores up so he can enter the upcoming rodeo, it's suggested he take up yoga and he knows just who to turn to. Problem is, Thatch doesn't want to tell anyone he's entering the rodeo, and he also doesn't want anyone knowing he's doing yoga, so they come up with the idea of secretly dating. The more time they spend together and get to know more about the other, the more they like each other. Can they date for real, especially with Lyric wanting nothing to do with cowboys because of her ex? I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Love love loved this book! It's the first book I have read from Sara Richardson and now I cannot wait to read more! After reading this book I did find out it was the third in a series, but can be read as a stand alone as well (like I did). Thatch Hearst wants to improve his standing as a bronc rider and is practicing for the upcoming rodeo days. To improve his flexibility he turns to Lyric who runs a local yoga studio. They are already in the same close friend group and he’s been attracted to her for a while and decided to ask her out but she declined. Lyric was previously married to a rodeo rider and it was abusive. She has decided she will never get in a close relationship again. But in order to keep an eye on a troubled high school girl in her yoga class, she enlists Thatch’s help to be her "fake" boyfriend. I really liked all of their friends and once we meet Thatch's parents, his mom is the best! Great romantic ending and epilogue!

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Thatch is a ex navy seal who runs a construction company. He has taken up bronc riding and plans to surprise his family at the upcoming rodeo. Lyric runs a yoga studio and still hasn’t over what her abusive ex did to her. I loved these two together and watching them come together.

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I do love this author. A cowboy romance with substance! Loved the complicated characters of Thatch and Lyric and how their relationship blooms, despite all their individual reasons for not letting it happen.

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A perfectly fine cowboy romance, but nothing too memorable. Those who like cowboy romance will like this. Thank you for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars

I love Lyric and Tatch, and that’s why this story frustrated me so much. Just like their friends have seen it all along, throughout this series it was obvious to me these two would be fire together. This story starts with the revelation that Tatch feels that connection and has asked Lyric out, but was turned down. None of their friends know this, but things have gotten a bit awkward between Tatch and Lyric. They become even more awkward when they end up in a fake relationship, almost by accident.

Fake romance stories are usually my cup of tea. Yet the feelings Tatch already has for Lyric when it begins, as well as the knowledge that Lyric wasn’t going to let herself give into her feelings for this great guy, had me leery. Yet when it came to the relationship that grows between these two, it works. Yes, there are some mixed signals Lyric is throwing out, but she was also opening up to Tatch and starting to feel safe with him. It was lovely.

Where my frustration comes in has to do (mostly) with the timeline. It seemed the rodeo would be in just a couple of weeks, then it was more than a month away, then it was next week, etc. As far as I could tell, Tatch only had one yoga session before they were talking about how great yoga was doing for his bronc riding performance. Plus, the yoga aspect of this book was another thing that bothered me. As someone who has practiced yoga for many years and at many different levels, I have to say that Lyric is a terrible yoga instructor. I’m no expert, but I did expect an author with so many books under her belt to consult an expert. It may not bother someone who has never done yoga or is a beginner, but it was annoying me every time she was “teaching” someone. Not to mention the pupils she had, from Tatch to his family to the high school students, who were totally disrespectful of her when she was trying to teach them. I know it seems a silly thing, but it comes up a lot throughout the story so I couldn’t let it go.

Thankfully, that connection I mentioned between the couple saved this story. As well as their wonderful friends and other side characters. But I can’t help but lament how much better this book could have been with a few tweaks.

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I really enjoyed this book it! Its one of those book that you just feel part of the friend group and you can't wait for more. Thatch has this big heart but he doesn't want to put himself out there for someone again who doesn't or can't love him as much as he loves them. He cares so deeply for his friends and would do anything for them. Lyric is a broken soul just looking to move past something that seems to continue to haunt her years later. She loves her friends but alway has no problem keep everyone at arms length. I loved Thatch's dad I could not stop laughing at his silliness. This is a small town with big hearts and they will help everyone which is pretty amazing. This book does have some tough topics and sexual content so it may not be suitable for all. Overall it was a fun read and worth the read.

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Richardson is one of my go-to cowboy authors and never disappoints. She takes on a very serious subject, domestic violence, in this one that is timely and heart-wrenching all at the same time. Thatch’s patience makes him the perfect book boyfriend. A must read for any fans of this series.

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I never read cowboy romances until bookstagram and let me tell you Richardson is the queen of a cowboy romance! These books are just simply delightful and this doesn’t fail to delight. Thatch is a rodeo rider looking to improve. He turns to yoga instructor Lyric. Lyric swore off cowboys but this cowboy may be the one to thaw her heart!
Thank you #readforeverpub and #NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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A huge thanks to Forever for a copy of Counting on a Cowboy by Sara Richardson. I've really enjoyed the other books in the Star Valley series but this one wasn't my favorite.

I liked Thatch and Lyric together but I didn't like their fake dating. I also wasn't a fan of the storyline with them mentoring/meddling Elina and Franco. It seemed overly involved and what teenager would want to go on a double date with a couple in their 30s. I did like that we saw our favorites from the first two books.

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