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Crime and Cherry Pits

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"Crime and Cherry Pits (Farm to Table Mysteries #4)" by Amanda Flower was a very Cherry and a little 4th of July themed cozy mystery. The cherry theme went a tiny bit into the innuendo commentary a couple of time, but so barely that I had to remind myself I probably only went there because I have a teenager at home.

With the mystery part, I don't know if I missed something or it just wasn't there but I honestly didn't have any real idea for who the culprit might be. I had one suspect but mostly a a cliche type suspect not a genuine one. It wasn't them.

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This was the 1st book I’ve read in this series. I felt like I could easily read this as a stand alone, but I will go back and read the first 3 books. This is everything you want from a cozy mystery…a dog, a cat, two love interests, family troubles, and a murder. It wrapped up very quickly and provided a satisfying ending.

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Crime and Cherry Pits is the fourth book in Amanda Flower’s Farm to Table series. I thought the mystery its self was very good but the editing needs more work. I liked that I was unable to guess whodunnit and in fact I was shocked by who it was. I think this is what makes a mystery really good.
Surprises at the ending of the book. It was an easy read and a page turner. The cover is a real eye catcher. The characters were all great.
Our Sleuth, Shiloh Bellamy puts her self in a dangerous position once again. She seems to be the sleuth with nine lives. She also makes a decision about her romantic life. You won’t want to miss this book. Things at Bellamy Farm are moving ahead into the future and you don’t want to be left behind.
I recommend this book to readers of Cozy Mystery and fans of the Author. Crime and Cherry Pits could be read as a stand alone but characters are carried over to this book from the previous books of the series. I would recommend the books be read in order because it makes a better reading experience. This book is scheduled for release on 2/27/24
I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions expressed here in this review are my own.
#CrimeandCherryPits #NetGalley

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A great cozy mystery. Reads a bit slower than the others in the series, but still aa wonderful read.
Shiloh has secured a coveted booth at the Cherry Festival and things are looking up. She is working out her grandmothers will with her cousin, hoping for a quick settlement. Unfortunately while enjoying a competition, one of the competitors apparently chokes, and dies, and when fingers start pointing to Shi's cousin, she can't help but investigate. Lots of motives, opportunities, and suspects, but will she find the right one before she gets hurt?
Fun series. I love the building relationship that came through. Glad she finally made her choice!
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Another fantastic Farm to Table mystery by Amanda Flower. This time we find Shiloh at the annual Cherry Festival with her new booth and unfortunately a new murder. Her cousin, Stacy, and her have been locked in a tense situation over the money Shiloh found from their grandmother. After Stacy has a fight with her boyfriend (whom she just found was married) and he turns up dead, it is up to Shiloh to find the killer. With some interesting characters, twists and a bit of romance, this books is a great read and I cannot wait for the next!
Thank you to Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the advanced copy.

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I really enjoy series set on farms so I have a soft spot for this one. I like Shiloh but she is a bit of a pushover. This girl may be smart and hardworking but she needs to learn to say no. I really dislike how her cousin Stacey and father treat her, they are not nice people. That all being said, most of this story takes place away from the farm at the Cherry Festival in nearby Travers City. Bellamy Farms has been very lucky to gain a spot at a very prestigious festival and this is good news for all Shiloh has been working toward. Unfortunately at one of the Festival events, Shiloh steps in to try and save someone she thinks is choking only to have the police find out that he was poisoned and Shiloh's cousin Stacey is the primary suspect. Since Stacey and Shiloh are still at odds over their grandmother's inheritance Shiloh knows she needs to clear her cousin so things can be worked out. The mystery here was very good and I did not have it figured out till the very end. I hope in the next book Shiloh can find a little happiness, things were definitely looking up at books end. Thank you to #NetGalley and #PoisonPenPress for the opportunity to read early!

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Rural farm/festival cozy
Shiloh works hard to bring the family farm back to life, doing everything she can think of to conserve her money and turn a profit. Family issues aside and there are many, her organic farm is slowly turning the corner with all her hard work and the help of friends.
When she tries to help a choking man, she finds out his death was no accident and is determined to solve it.
Ms. Flowers pens an engaging cozy with a bit of romance, family drama and lots of intrigue.
I highly recommend for any lover of good cozies.
I received a NetGalley arc gratis and offer my opinion in the same

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Through NetGalley, I received a free copy of CRIME AND CHERRY PITS (Book 4 of the Farm to Table mystery series) by Amanda Flower in exchange for an honest review. Shiloh Bellamy has risked much by investing a significant amount of time and money in her booth at the Traverse City Cherry Farm Market. Since Shiloh discovered the missing part of her inheritance, Shiloh’s cousin Stacey has become hostile, so Shiloh didn’t expect a ring-side seat to Stacey’s breakup with her latest beau. Stacey’s now ex-boyfriend, the cheating cad, contends in the festival’s pit spitting contest and chokes on the cherry stone. When the death turns out to be more nefarious than natural, Stacey solicits Shiloh to save her from suspicion by solving the slaying. With high hopes for mending the relationship rift between herself and her cousin, Shiloh juggles her festival responsibilities with sleuthing and embarks upon a plan of action that will endanger more than her checkbook and her reputation.

I like this book and enjoy the series. I recommend the book to fans of the series and the series to fans of cozy murder mysteries featuring farms, organic produce, festivals, events, pudgy pooches, churlish chickens, and risks of business.

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For the first time ever, Shiloh has managed to snag a highly-coveted booth at the Cherry Farm Market in nearby Traverse City, Michigan. When a man dies during the cherry pit spitting competition – a festival highlight – and the death is found to be murder, Shiloh’s cousin Stacey is at the top of the police’s suspect list. To clear her cousin’s name and to find the actual killer, Shiloh conducts her own investigation.

This is the fourth book in this series, which I have enjoyed since the very first book. That’s not surprising, though, as I have yet to be disappointed by a book from this author. I like Shiloh and her determination to make the family farm a success, and most of the recurring characters who are her family, friends and neighbors, although some of them really bother me. As nasty as her cousin has been to her so far in this series, it’s surprising that she would put this much effort into solving the murder, but she does. As usual, I love Huckleberry, Shiloh’s little pug, who steals the scene many times. I laughed to myself when he barked at Shiloh’s high heels – an opinion I share :)

At first, the murder victim seems like a nice, if eccentric, guy, but as more information is gathered, it turns out he wasn’t such a great guy after all. In addition to Stacey, there are quite a few people on the suspect list. I had a suspicion about one of them but wasn’t certain about it until it was revealed in the book. Given that character, the motive was predictable.

I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher. This is another great series by Amanda Flower.. Looking forward to the next book Shiloh has been accepted to have her booth at the Cherry Farm Market in Traverse City. While there she sees her cousin Stacy and finds out she has been seeing leading actor who seems to be still married.before the day is done, Shiloh becomes entangled in another murder and this time she’s trying to prove Stacy is innocent.

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This was a cute, cozy mystery. Despite being predictable, it was a fun read! Fans of cozy mysteries will enjoy!

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Another good read in the series. Shiloh is working at a cherry festival when a man dies during the cherry pit spitting contest. When her cousin is high on the list of suspects she steps in to help the police solve the crime. I did enjoy this one, although I enjoy most of the books by this author. Would highly recommend.

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I'm a fan of this author and I enjoyed Crime and Cherry Pits very much.
Shiloh is excited to be part of the Cherry Farm Market in Traverse City, Michigan.
While working hard to get her farm up and running successfully, Shiloh needs her father to share his inheritance with her cousin, but her father is refusing.
Shiloh's cousin becomes a suspect in a murder investigation, and she asks for her help.
Soon Shiloh and her adorable pug Huckleberry find themselves sniffing out clues and getting into trouble.
This is a typical cozy mystery, light hearted and fun, and I did not figure out whodunit in advance.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of the book.

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Crime and Cherry Pits by Amanda Flower is the fourth book in the Farm to Table Mysteries. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series. Crime and Cherry Pits did not feel like it was written by Amanda Flower. The main character, Shiloh was okay along with her friend and farm worker, Chesney. Hazel is a sweet girl who prefers to spend time with Shiloh versus her grandparents (who dislike Shiloh). There seemed to be a few people in the town who disliked Shiloh. Shiloh’s cousin, Stacey, is an unlikeable character. I wish the author had not included Stacey in the series. Stacey feels she is entitled to a portion of the treasure that Shiloh’s grandmother left for Shiloh to find. Since Stacey sold her part of the farm, I do not know why she feels deserves part of it or why Shiloh feels she should share it with her. I was not a fan of this particular storyline. We follow Shiloh while she is working at the festival as well as doing her chores on the farm. The mystery was simple. I did like the method of murder which was unique. Shiloh asked questions in between her other activities. It was an easy to solve whodunit despite the lack of clues. The pacing was off in the story and the same details were repeated (over and over). Crime and Cherry Pits lacked the humor that is normally present in Amanda Flower’s cozy mysteries. The characters have evolved little since the beginning of the series. My favorite character is Shiloh’s pug, Huckleberry. He is a cutie. While I enjoy the author's other cozy mysteries, I will eschew the Farm to Table Mysteries.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Crime and Cherry Pits by Amanda Flower was a cute, but unsatisfying, read, with a standout character in the little pug Huckleberry. No, he’s not a main character and we don’t hear his thoughts but I fell in love with the little furball. The other characters in the book, from our MC, Shiloh, her farm worker and friend, Chesney, her love interest(s), Quinn and Milan, and pseudo surrogate daughter, Hazel, were all fine but not memorable. On the side of characters I greatly disliked are Shiloh’s family, her cousin and her father (really, I hated them, without much provocation).

Taking place during the cherry fair in Michigan, I thought the writing was alright but the plot meandered a bit. Part of a series, you don’t need to read the previous books to get into this, but I did hope this would build up Shiloh and some of the other characters’ personalities further. The story was basic and I think adding more nuance to Shiloh and those around her would have helped. The bones to do that are definitely there, I hope this series takes the plunge in the next book. I also felt the ending and wrap up were too sudden and without any clues, which was unsatisfying.

If you want steady reading without any major curveballs or having to think too much, you’ll enjoy this. Huckleberry is absolutely adorable and parts of the story were cute, but this was very middle of the road otherwise and could easily be remedied, which is frustrating to this reader.

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My first experience with this series and author. I found this to be a pretty typical cozy mystery. The Michigan setting is nice as is the cherry festival turned crime scene. Readers get what they expect: an amateur sleuth who is starting a new life back with her family roots. Overall a quick, enjoyable read.

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