Member Reviews

Disgustingly hilarious. Hilariously disgusting. You can never tell where David Sedaris is going and that's what makes his work so charming.

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This book was so much fun. I laughed out loud when the little girl turned herself inside out it was legit hilarious.

The illustrations were simplistic and perfect to accompany the text.

This is a fun read aloud, book for elementary school children.

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"Pretty Ugly" challenges the notion of beauty. The story introduces readers to Anna Van Ogre, a monster whose face inexplicably transforms into that of a rosy-cheeked human girl. The surprise factor is the highlight of the book, with moments that might make it more suitable for slightly older readers due to the initial shock factor. However, the story, while cute and amusing, left me with a feeling that it ends somewhat abruptly, as if there could be more to explore. Nevertheless, "Pretty Ugly" offers an unconventional and thought-provoking take on the concept of beauty. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The art is adorable. The story I think is meant to be I can look past the fact that she turns herself inside out (changes herself) to fit back into societal norms, a direct opposition of the idea that beauty is on the inside.

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David Sedaris delights in this quick, lovely children's book about a troll girl who loves making faces. To the tune of the saying "if you keep making that face it will stick that way", she makes the face of a human girl and gets stuck. The ending was humorous, though abrupt, and the pages will surely delight children. Wonderful illustrations throughout.

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This was very well-illustrated and different. I appreciate being able to read this ARC and am looking forward to purchasing this for my goddaughter and/or nieces and nephews.

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*reviewed from eARC via netgalley*

children's picture book (all ages appeal) - an adorable ogre makes an "ugly" face as a joke and is dismayed to find that her face gets stuck like that.

Funny little story skillfully illustrated by the late Ian Falconer (his last project before he died). Probably the sweetest ogre story you'll read this year, perfect for changing up your otherwise-getting-stale Halloween storytimes but also great for year-round silliness.

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A simple story of a childrens book about a girl monster who is always making faces. One day her face freezes as a pretty girl and is not happy about it at all until she finally decides to do something about it It's exactly the kind of thing you'd expect from Sedaris. A perfect Halloween read for kids and their parents.

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This was hilarious and unexpected. I was horrified when Anna, the main character, yanked her hand out of her mouth, but it was a good type of shock! Perhaps a bit scary for storytime, but a fun read.

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What an adorable read. I really think this book will be super popular at my library and I will highly recommend it to all my younger patrons for sure.

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An adorable read. I read this in support and in memory of Ian Falconer. It was a great follow up to Olivia! I am positive this will get great laughs and reactions out of the intended audience!

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My daughter can’t stop talking about this book. She literally laugh out loud when the girl “turned pretty” again at the end. She keeps saying I am ugly in ogre.

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A story about a monstrous girl becoming (horrifyingly) less monstrous! I was initially drawn to this children’s title because of author and illustrator. I think this will be a fun book for the younger crowd. The story is funny and the illustrations are so fun.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Astra Publishing House for an ARC in exchange of my honest review.

David Sedaris is my absolute favorite writer and I would read quite literally anything he wrote but I was so excited to see this children's book! Dedicated to his late sister Tiffany and based on funny faces his sister Amy makes, this cute story shows that beauty is quite literally on the inside for Anna the ogre. I loved the illustrations and they brought me back to the books I read as a little girl.

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Thank you for the EArc . The story was cute as were the illustrations but it felt unfinished almost as if it ended abruptly. I

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What a powerhouse combo to have hilarious writer David Sedaris team up with artist Ian Falconer, creator of the quirky and beloved Olivia children’s books! I was delighted to get an advanced look at this picture book via NetGalley. This book has moments of satirical humor and playful melodrama culminating in a rather gross (publisher’s promise) reveal. Much of this book is exactly what you would expect in a twisted take on the fabled warning “your face will get stuck that way”- but from an ogre’s perspective and standards of beauty. Still, prepare to be surprised! I recommend this book for all (except the most easily frightened young reader), especially since it is one of Falconer’s final pieces of unconventional brilliance.

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Cute picture book to remind kiddos of the real meaning of reaching deep inside and being who you are. Anna Van Ogre was her best when she was herself but when she started making terrible faces like bunnies, and of all things the scariest face of all...a child. She turns from ogre to button-eyed, pig-tailed, rosey-cheeked little girl who scares all her ogre family to worry. She has to reach deep down inside to find her true self! (haha!) Super fun story that kids will get a kick out of and maybe come up with some other wise tales their families tell them that aren't really all that true.

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I received an ARC of this through Netgalley book in exchange for an honest review.

This book is hilarious. And also touching. The main characters model unconditional love and support for their little one. And it kind of takes stereo types and turns them on their heads. Would be an especially great read for the Halloween season.

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What a delightfully funny picture book about a monster family where everyone admires their ugliness as they eat their dinner of nails! That David Sedaris is a hoot as author of Pretty Ugly. Beloved Ian Falconer created beautiful illustrations for this wonderfully silly book about ugly monsters. I was so sad to learn that Ian Falconer died shortly after finishing this book. This is a big book for all ages.

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Wow! I didn’t see that ending coming and I am sure our young patrons will love it!
The combination of the David Sedaris humour and the Ian Falconer illustrations will win over any young reader who likes a surprise and a laugh with their family as they read about Anna Van Ogre and her family!

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