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A Sure Duke

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I enjoyed this book more like a palette cleanser. It's cute and entertaining but it's not a book I would pick up again. I would also possibly not read the rest of the series.

I do think it was very cute the way both main characters connected, I just didn't love the plot.

I got an e-are of this book on NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A Sure Duke by Christi Caldwell is the third book in The McQuoids of Mayfair series. If you haven't picked up the first two books, don't worry. You can definitely read this one as a stand-alone but I recommend you pick the others up at some time as I enjoyed them.

Alexandra Bradbury and Dallin McQuoid are neighbors and come from very different backgrounds. She’s prim and proper while Dallin (and his family if you ask Alexandra's mother) is slightly scandalous,and unbothered by gossip. On a night when Alexandra does something completely out of the ordinary for her, she and Dallin discover they may not be so different and decide they want to know more about each other.

Unfortunately, everything changes very quickly. When Alexandra's father dies and they face financial ruin, Alexandra is committed to doing whatever is needed to protect her family. That includes becoming betrothed to a very wealthy Marquess when she comes out of mourning so that her mother and sisters can be protected.

When Dallin finds out, he thinks the worst of Alexandra but when something unexpected happens, Alexandra and Dallin are forced together on a journey to do whatever it takes to prevent a catastrophe for both of their families. During that journey, they realize that the budding feelings they had a year ago haven't changed but at what cost could they be together?

I enjoyed this book! If you're looking for a historical romance to pick up, consider grabbing this one. I'll definitely be picking up more by Caldwell in the future.

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Another great story about the McQuoids and their neighbors!

Alexandra and Dallin meet literally under the stars, which makes for a very romantic scene. A year later, Dallin is excited to talk to Alexandra again at her come-out but her family life has changed a lot for her and things don't go the way Dallin thought they would.

To add more complications, a family emergence arises for Alexandra and when she finds herself alone, it's Dallin who's available to help her out. They find themselves forced to put aside their opinions of the other to work together.

Can't wait to see who's next in the series!

(Sexual content)

ETA: abrupt ending. Needs an epilogue.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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Alexandra and Dallin have a meet-cute under the stars and can't stop thinking about each other. They meet again a year later only to find themselves instant enemies. A race to Gretna Green to stop an elopement finds them fighting and longing for each other.

This was a short, fun read with lots of tension in classic Christi Caldwell style. I loved it!

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I really tried hard to love this, but ...

An duke-to-be who's not sure about anything (don't let the title fool you) hasn't a clue what to do with the attraction he feels for the young lady next door. When they first meet, Dallin and Alexandra enjoy a memorable, albeit quick, moment in the stars but then her life falls apart and he does nothing to follow through on their connection. A year later, he's finally ready to make his move only to find she's engaged to the eldest son of a rival family.

A rather predictable road trip finally brings these two together, sort of, without really changing anything except their understanding of each other. I did enjoy the way the author had them baiting and provoking each other as a means of accepting they can never be together. We can completely understand why each feels the way they do, and why they let their hurt feelings dictate their actions.

I was a little let down by the resolution to the conflict - nothing new was established that changed the circumstances under which they first had to deny being together, and the rival heir was barely a two-dimensional character, whose own motivations are never explained. Of course Dallin and Alexandra do get their HEA, but I was left with a sense of wondering why all the fuss to begin with.

The biggest disappointment, for me, was in the bulk of the story - the aforementioned road trip - which consisted of so many contradictions and inconsistencies in the plot (timing, locations, etc.) that it was difficult to focus on the point, which was to show how they changed their opinions of each other as they got to know each other better. I adore this author and know she can write extraordinary stories, so I was really surprised to find this one so lacking in basic editorial oversight.

Still, I can recommend this book if only because it's part of an outstanding series and I trust the author will have better luck with the next book. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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Lady Alexandra Bradbury's continuous observations of the house across the street pays off, she's finally given the opportunity to discover the secret on the roof. With the McQuoid family gone and the dark of night, she makes her way up to the roof of the house only to be discovered by Viscount Crichton, Lord Dallin McQuoid. Under the stars promises are made, but death and debt changes Alexandra's dreams. When her sister runs away with a McQuoid cousin, she and Dallin must work together to avoid disaster. On the road to Gretna Green, gives them time to know each other, but more pain. This is a long road trip with delays, revelations and a few puzzling questions. Open bedroom door. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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I would like to thank netgalley and Montlake for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Enjoyable, but the title doesn't really match.

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3.5 stars
Dallin and Alexandra are interesting, relatable, captivating, intriguing, entertaining characters. I went through all the feels with these characters throughout this story. I enjoyed them as individual characters and a couple. Their road trip adventure was interesting and had many entertaining parts. I connected with these characters and their plight. The secondary characters added to the fabric of the story. There was a subplot that I didn’t completely understand the point to and I wanted more from the ending than what we got. I found the writing easy to read and the story to get into. Overall it is an entertaining read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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What a fantastic page turner! I read this book in one day. I could not put it down at all and had the silliest grin throughout this pleasurable read. This historical/regency romance has fun, humor, mystery, danger, and a Hero and Heroine I couldn't help but fall in love with. A ABSOLUTE MUST READ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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what a page turner! I couldn't stop reading and then I remembered that it's in the same series as Heiress at Sea, one of my favorites from the last year.
Alexandra made me cry, the difficulties in her life, her family, and her dreams. I couldn't help but cry and wish for a happy ending for her. Dallin is very compelling especially when he shows how much he loves her and wants to be with her
Alexandra and her sisters are very curious about their neighbors, the Mcquoids, especially with the great rivalry between their families. But Alexandra wants to see that strange terrace where men usually spend their time.
One night when the family seems to be traveling, they decide to enter the house and solve the mystery
and is surprised by the eldest son of the family, Dallin Mcquoid . Only one night and a brief exchange for both of them are enough to fall in love, but when tragedy hits Alexandra's family and she is forced to make a very difficult decision, Dallin reappears in her life to complicate things
A bumpy road trip, extravagant family members and a slow burn passion that seems to set all the pages on fire are the elements that keep me turning pages and wishing for more
Thanks to Christi Caldwell and Montlake for give me a copy of this beautiful book in exchange for my honest and voluntary opinion

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Loved this third book in the McQuoids of Mayfair series, it was a page-turner!

This is the love story of oldest brother Dallin and the beautiful girl next door, Alexandra. After a meet-cute on his rooftop under the stars, Alexandra's life is turned upside down by the death of her father, loss of her family fortune and a younger sister who elopes to Gretna Green with her next door crush's cousin.

Alexandra's waited until her mourning was complete for a chance to begin a courtship with Dallin only to be sacrificed to an arranged marriage with a meanie duke to save her family. Luckily though, she has an irresponsible sister who she has to stop from eloping and Dallin has an irresponsible cousin who he also has to stop. They meet up on the road to Gretna Green, go from friends to enemies to friends to lovers, get accosted by a highwayman, have to share one room at the good ole inn, and admit their true feelings for each other.

This was a compulsive read for me. It was hard to put down. I loved every minute and can't wait to read the next in this series. If they come out around Christmas every year, this series will continue to be my Christmas Eve read of choice.

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A Sure Duke is the third book in Christi Calwell’s the McQuoids of Mayfair series and it is a great addition to the series. It can be read as a standalone although the entire series is delightful.
Lady Alexandra Bradbury has lived opposite the boisterous McQuoid family all her life but she has never been permitted to mingle with the scandalous family by her very proper parents. Raised to be a dutiful daughter she is secretly fascinated by the antics of the family – especially when they gather on the rooftop. One night uncharacteristically acting on a dare Alexandra sneaks into their house and up to the rooftop and meets Dallin McQuoid, the heir.
Dallin McQuoid is enchanted by the outwardly prim Lady Alexandra and the glimpses of the daring woman she could be. After spending a magical night in conversation discovering all the things they have in common, Alexandra and Dallin dream of a possible future with each other.
Until tragedy strikes and Alexandra is forced into mourning for a year. Circumstances force Alexandra to discard her wishes and sacrifice her happiness for her family. When they meet again a year later, Dallin cannot see the lady that enchanted him under the stars – just an uptight Bradbury that holds his family in disdain.
When an unexpected crises involving their families forces them on a journey across the country – will it be an opportunity for the star crossed lovers to finally unite?
I really liked this story. Alexandra and Dallin were well-matched leads and we really rooted for them to reach their happy ever after. Alexandra was prepared to sacrifice herself for the good of the family and although it was frustrating that she didn’t tell Dallin why she had to marry someone else we can understand why she didn’t. Dallin also didn’t ask her to explain what he overheard but also was understandable since nothing had ever been declared between themselves. I loved that the road trip gave them an opportunity to know each other better and overcome their misunderstandings.
The side characters are all really interesting and although I have not read the other two books in the series I definitely want to go back and read through them. I would have liked an epilogue but overall this is an enjoyable story with likeable leads.
I received an advanced review copy from Netgalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily. I loved Alexandra and Dallin and definitely recommend this to all.

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A frustrating but well-written historical romance with a happily ever after, of course. It took me a bit to get into the writing, as it started off hard to read due to what felt like overwritten sentences and uncommonly used words. I did read this through a reading slump, so it took me awhile to finish, but it was always in the back of my mind, and I'm very happy that I did. While I wish there had been more to the ending, I thoroughly enjoyed the adventurous romance between Alexandra and Dallin.

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Alexandra is a stuffy marquess’ daughter who has been curious about the eccentric McQuoid family across the way. One chance meeting with Dallin has both Alexandra and Dallin looking forward to her debut into society where he can claim a dance with her. Unfortunately, Alexandra’s father dies and leaves the family without funds, forcing Alexandra to accept an arranged marriage to provide for her mother and sisters. When Alexandra and Dallin meet again, he believes that she is as haughty as he expected and she believes him to be cold and unfeeling. But it’s pretty much all due to her keeping secrets about her family circumstance and him being jealous that she’s already engaged. When Alexandra’s sister elopes with Dallin’s cousin, they both end up chasing after the couple to prevent scandal. And of course, as they travel together, they do finally kinda sorta communicate with each other.

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The beautiful and curious Alexandra Bradbury has a chance encounter with Dallin McQuoid on a starlit night when she sneaks onto the rooftop of his family home. They feel an immediate attraction. Though they were neighbours, due to the dynamic of their family they had never met before. Unfortunately, tragedy strikes for Alexandra and she is forced to assume responsibility for her household. A sudden family crisis brings the two together on a journey, as they strive for the same goal, to protect their family.

I am a big fan of the historical romance genre, and one of my favourite things is how easily I can get lost in them. The writing in The Sure Duke, however, was initially very hard to read. Many sentences were overwritten, almost seeming to run on forever. I had to read some of these sentences 3 times over. But once I got used to the pace and flow of the writing style, it was much easier to follow along.

Both main characters are very likeable and have an adorable dynamic together. The plot was very exciting once the journey picked up and I had a really fun time. The romance is slow-burn and mildly spicy. I did find, however, that there was a lot of repetitive pining and misunderstanding for my liking throughout the journey and the resolution at the end was just so abrupt and left me wanting. A little more wrap up would have been great, it was almost as if it were missing one more chapter! I did enjoy reading about the many side characters and would love to see a spinoff novel with Wingrave one day. I also found out after reading that this is actually the third book in a series featuring the McQuoid siblings.

I’m not sure at what stage in editing I’m reading this novel, but I’ll only mention it here because I was very confused. At one point Alexandra’s siblings’ name is changed to Ellis, and there is a bit of confusion because both her younger sisters are referred to as the youngest.

Other than that I very much enjoyed reading this story and I’m so glad to have discovered this author and hope to read more from them!

Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for sending this book for review. All opinions are my own.

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Fans of Caldwell's series will not be disappointed with her latest installment, A Sure Duke. Alexandra and Dallin's story follows Caldwell's usual format and the couple receives their HEA. This reader would have preferred an additional chapter or two, but will take updates in the next installment in the series.

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i am a sucker for historical romances… and this was good.

it’s a slow burn, even though it starts with an instant love. the book begins with alexandra (the female main character), who from her window has always watched with curiosity the terrace of their neighborhood. one night, she is dared by her sister to go to that terrace so she goes. she thinks there is no one at home instead… there is our Dallin (our male main character). she hears him, tries to hide, but she is discovered so they start talking, and he starts sharing his passion for traveling and the stars.
when she returns at home, her mother tells her that her father died and they have lots of debts so after that night they no longer see each other for one year…till they encounter again at a ball.

𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗮 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗯𝘂𝗿𝘆: i liked her character, she was very brave for going alone to find her sister. i also liked how she was willing to sacrifice herself by marrying another man who didn’t love just for the goodness of her family. i also really liked her sisters - except maybe for cora, daphne was my favorite personally- cora is young and madly in love so she runs away with her lover but she doesn’t think about the consequences that would have come afterward. her mother was horrible honestly, who makes her daughter wed a man she doesn’t want to only because of money? but i get this is a period where if you were a woman, you counted less than zero, so money had to come somewhere.

𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝗰𝗤𝘂𝗼𝗶𝗱: i liked that he wasn’t the usual alpha male character and he knew the social injustice that there was during that period between male and female wasn’t fair. the words he said in the last chapter to alexandra just melted my heart. he never stopped loving her from the day they met. i also really liked his family, how they were bound to each other.

i would have liked if there was an epilogue because the end felt a little incomplete at the end. the beginning also was a bit slow but both of them are personal, i think. the book is well-written.
would i advise this book? yes, if you like cute romances, an easy read and you have free time

thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received.

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Once upon a meeting, they started to fall in love. Then they lost touch and ended up enemies. Until they accidentally went on a journey together and continued their interrupted relationship to its satisfying conclusion. Enjoyable read with both main characters being admirable in their love and loyalty to family with the sentiments reflected back at them just as deeply.

I received an ARC from Netgalley and leaving my review voluntarily.

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Alexandra and Dallin discover a magical connection despite their differences. But their romance is brought to a sudden end by death, financial ruin, and Alexandra’s forced engagement to another man. When a new crisis arises, she joins with Dallin to avert disaster. Against all odds, will their stars finally align?

This beautifully written novel is sensual and emotional with characters you can’t help but root for. Alexandra and Dallin clearly belong together, but after the rift between them, they have to rebuild their trust. It’s an entertaining and heartwarming journey.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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I loved this entertaining read!
Alexandra meets Dallen when she sneaks into his house and onto the roof to see his astronomy equipment. They have an instant connection.
Things beyond Alexandras control happen and she doesn't see Dallen for a couple of years. Her circumstances have changed, and she is engaged to an unfeeling marquess to save her family from ruin.
When one of her sisters elopes to Gretna Greene with Dallen's cousin she follows them to stop the wedding. Along the way she runs into Dallen.

The chemistry between the two was wonderful and who doesn't love a good road trip in Regency times!
This book will keep you guessing all the way to the end.

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