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Avocado Magic

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Loved the concept of growing slowly, and to not be in a hurry to grow up, but enjoy life and to see the magic that’s happens before your eyes. Loved the beautiful illustrations.
Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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Avocado Magic is a wonderful book to share with young ones who feel that they are falling behind in any area of their life. The message provided by Levi is that everyone reaches their potential at the proper time. A beautiful message. You also learn how to grow an avocado tree from a seed.

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A big thank you goes out to NetGalley for the Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of Avocado Magic by Taltal Levi. I'm always looking for great children's books to recommend to friends and family with little ones, so I was excited to read this book and will definitely be recommending it.

I love that Avocado Magic by Taltal Levi helps kids understand that all things come in time with a little patience. Another thing that I liked about the story is it shows a family that has its own traditions like having birthdays under their avocado tree . . . a tradition that is shown to continue when the child starts their own family.

Five out of five stars is what I gave Avocado Magic by Taltal Levi. Even though I am an adult, I enjoyed this picture book, and I know I would have absolutely loved it as a little kid. This is a definite read for kids between the ages of three and five.

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Oh my goodness, talk about magic! Taltal Levi has crafted such an adorable and important book, enjoyable to all ages. The illustrations are beautiful, and the message and story of Ellie's lesson is one that everyone can learn from.

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Thank you NetGalley and NorthSouth Books for accepting my request to read and review Avocado Magic.

Muted illustrations consistent with the coloring of an avocado are seen. The story references growth. The author has shared the process of growing an avocado from seed, successfully.

This is a nice story with several parental teaching opportunities. I would gift this as a family gift.

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Beautifully illustrated and has a great message about believing in yourself. I received an advance review copy for free via Netgalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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"Avocado Magic" by Taltal Levi is a heartwarming story about a young girl named Ellie who is a bit disappointed that she didn't grow taller on her birthday. Her dad comforts her with a lovely comparison – she's like an avocado pit, small but full of magic. They decide to plant an avocado seed together, and as it grows, both Ellie and the little avocado tree go through a journey of change and life.

The warm, earthy colors in the book make the story feel personal and relatable. It's not just about growing plants; it's a tale about patience and the wonder of watching something grow from the very beginning. Plus, there are even instructions for kids to grow their own avocado tree, making this book not only charming but also educational. "Avocado Magic" is a great addition to any child's book collection, offering a mix of magic and a valuable lesson in growth and patience.

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A simple, sweet picture book about a girl eager to grow up - and to see her avocado seed grow. The pictures are full of joy, just like the joyful activities Ellie shares with the avocado seed that doesn't grow nearly as quickly as she'd like. It's the simple, gentle, colorful illustrations that keep this story from being overly sentimental. A story meant for sharing that's sure to lead to many new avocado trees being planted.

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The main character in this story wants to grow and is frustrated. Her dad relates her growth to an avocado seed. She nurtures the seed and helps it grow, and she in turn grows herself.

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Avocado Magic" by Taltal Levi is a charming tale that captivates with its delightful illustrations. The imagery throughout the book was pretty good, adding an enchanting dimension to the story. The narrative centered around Ellie, who was raised by her dad, and how he introduced her to the magical world of avocados. It's a heartwarming and imaginative tale that's sure to delight readers of all ages. Levi's storytelling and the artwork truly bring out the enchantment of avocados in a unique way.

And I'm grateful to NetGalley and NorthSouth Books Inc. for the opportunity to review this delightful e-ARC.

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Thank you to @netgalley and the publisher for this free eARC in exchange for my honest review.

I loved this little book, read it to my older daughter who's 7 and it came in just the right time. Today's life is so fast paced and everyone is always in a hurry - but there's no reason for it honestly!!
So little children just remember-when you wish you're all grown up right now - patience-you'll long for these sweet, innocent, worry-free time when you get older...
"You are like an avocado seed: small but full of magic"

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This was cute, a very educational story about patience and growth following the lifespan of an avocado.

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**Thank you to NetGalley and NorthSouth Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review**

Ellie has just had another birthday, and is upset that she isn't seeing her own growth happening overnight. Her father tells her that she is like an avocado seed, and that growth takes time. As the years go by and the avocado tree matures, so does Ellie. She takes it with her to college, and then to her new home with her husband. Pretty soon, she has her own son to tell about the magic of the avocado seed.

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Cute story with colorful illustrations. Message of patience and time to grow. Follow along as Ellie grows right along her avocado seed. Bonus is information on growing an avocado tree from seed.
eBook provided by Netgalley

Review will be posted on release date
Blog posting also on release date

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I really loved the premise of this book and I think it teaches a great lesson about growing at your own pace, and that the magic is within you always!. The artwork was absolutely beautiful, and I'm honored I was able to read and review this!

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Fun, colorful illustrations about a girl and her avocado plant and the changes they both experience as they grow up and leave home.
The family is traditional mom/dad daughter and extended family.
There are instructions at the end for how to start your own avocado plant from seed, so you better have an avocado pit handy!

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"Avocado Magic" is a beautifully written and illustrated book that teaches kids patience and appreciation of the growing process (plant and their own). Looking forward to sharing this read with my class.

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This is a sweet book about the magic of growing up and the beauty of family connection. I think my own sons would've enjoyed reading this book over and over again as a bedtime story when they were little.
The illustrations are absolutely gorgeous!

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As we follow Ellie in learning a kind lesson from her father about being patient and learning that magnificent things can grow from the smallest of seeds, my heart warms and feels happy.

Her father explains to her that growth takes time and just like an avocado seed she will grow.
So she takes care of that avocado seed and watches the plant grow and grow over the years until it becomes an avocado tree and Ellie gets to share it with her daughter! How fun is that.

Patience really does pay off. 😉

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I loved Avocado Magic by Taltal Levi. This picture book tells the story of a little girl who is in a hurry to grow up. Her father has a unique way of handling the situation. He tells her that like an avocado seed, she is full of magic, but that both of them need time to grow. Levi’s beautiful illustrations show both Ellie and the tree slowly growing and changing. By the end of the story, Ellie has gone full circle and is teaching her own child about avocado magic.

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