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Hypnotized by Love

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The premise of this book is amazing and frankly, a great new spin on the (clean) romance scene. It was a good steady read, unlike some of the emotional roller coasters I’ve been on lately. I was definitely into the big ooops at the beginning and then it went downhill about half way through. Savannah is in her mid-twenties and is an educated woman. Unfortunately, she still acts like a teenager in high school. She’s immature and insecure and I really didn’t like her. Mason is better but I didn’t find myself cheering for their love story. I’ve heard too many good things about this author and look forward to reading more of her books.

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2.5 stars.

I received an ARC copy of this novel for an honest review.

This was a quick and easy read. The beginning was promising - the premise of hypnotism between childhood friends turned enemies was interesting. Unfortunately, I think that it didn’t live up to its full potential.

I found savannah ti be a frustrating character - she was stubborn to an extreme, instead of making this a character trait/flaw of the character this became her entire personality and made her incredibly immature.

The reason for Savannah’s dislike of Mason is not revealed until almost halfway through the book. If this had been introduced earlier then there would have been more opportunity to develop her character and address the impact on her and her family - instead a lot of time was spent on her twins history.

I was left confused as Mason does not seem to know why Savannah had fallen out with him as a teenager, and seemed to love/like her despite her hatred for him. Why would he never question her complete disdain for him?

The dramatic twist at the end felt unnecessary as there were other elements of the relationship between Savannah and Mason that could have been developed/considered.

I have enjoyed other books from this author but this one just didn’t work for me. I’ll definitely look out for her future works though.

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“Hypnotized by Love” by Sariah Wilson is a captivating romance filled with charm and heart. Savannah Sinclair, a hypnotist with a unique approach, faces her high school rival, Mason Beckett, who becomes an unexpected participant in her sessions. As Mason undergoes hypnotism, he transforms into a fearless and open version of himself, leading to a whirlwind of emotions and a chase to protect him. Wilson crafts a delightful story with likable characters and a refreshing premise. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey and would recommend it to anyone seeking a sweet and engaging romance. 4 out of 5 stars!

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Savannah Wilson and Mason Beckett grew up together and were so close their moms would talk about planning their future wedding. It all blows up when he betrays her in HS and she never gives him a chance to explain. Fast forward several years and she is a Hypno-therapist and he is returning to town after his last book is a failure. He is hired to write an expose on her as a fake hypnotist and makes an appointment for himself.

This is a second chance romance or childhood friends to enemies to more. The story has some genuine funny moments and also lots of immaturity is shown by both MCs. The original reason for their break-up doesn’t seem that egregious but there are some more serious things revealed. Also the FMC doesn’t let him explain his actions saying she blocked him on all her media, phone and email. But they were attending the same HS. I’m not sure how big blocking was seven years ago. (Maybe it was a thing.) This book is clean for language and intimacy. And after reading a few of her books I only now realized that she lives in my home state. (3.5 Stars)

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A good book has my kids running into a room asking what Mom's laughing at .... I laughed so often they started leaving me alone.
And a few well chosen quotes had a friend clambering for this book too. I hadn't read Sariah Wilson before but this definitely won't be the last.

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I thought this was so cute and I read it in a day!

Savannah (a hypnotist) and Mason (a writer) are really cute. Savannah sure knows how to hold a grudge. When Mason comes to her because he's writing an article on hypnotists, the actual session becomes one of hilarity and sends them both on a journey that keeps them spiraling closer and closer to each other.

I love that her hate isn't so deep for him because the love feelings are there. You can just feel them oozing from her. But I'm glad that Mason gets her to be able to trust again.

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This book sat on my virtual shelf for 2 months. When I finally picked it up, it grabbed me pulling me into its story. I really enjoyed watching Savannah work through betrayals and coming to the realization that her assumptions had such a profound effect on her relationships.

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2.5 stars - I have mixed feelings about this book. The fmc ends up being so whiny and insufferable. She had a very traumatic experience in high school when a rumor was spread about her, but considering the extremely close relationship she had with the mmc, it just doesn’t make sense to me that she wouldn’t at least confront him about what happened. She realizes she was wrong, but then does it again! The mmc is likeable in a way, as he’s so understanding about the fmc’s feelings, but he’s so smirky! The constant smirks and mischievous looks just put me off. The premise for this book sounded so interesting, but the most interesting bits, like the mmc being hypnotized, are barely part of the plot in the end. The quality of the writing was good, but I just felt way too much frustration for this to be a very enjoyable read.
Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for providing me access to this eARC for my honest opinion!

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This was a surprisingly fun read with a new twist on the whole rom-com scene. Mason is dreamy. This was a little like friends-enemies-lovers in a way. I loved getting to know Mason through others perspective and not just Savannahs. The hypnosis was a main part of the story, but more of in the background. A main part of Savannah and mentioned through our, but not the main target of the story. I will say Mason was interesting that first night though after he went under. Follow along for some funny hijinxs, slow burn romance, secrets revealed, family time, tested friendships, and more.

For my friends that don't like steam, the most that happens is kissing/making out. You could easily skip over those few parts and not miss much from the story.

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3.5/5 stars

This is a contemporary romance/romantic comedy. It is my eighth book by this author.

The author writes enjoyable rom-coms. I did like this one. However the narrator Savannah at times acted too juvenile (she is 24).

I adored Savannah's job as a hypnotist/hypnotherapist. This is such a fun job. I just wish that we had gotten to see a lot more of it.

I adored her identical twin sister Sierra. I love identical twins. And really liked how Sierra tried to help her sister throughout the book.

However Savannah has not spoken to her former best friend Mason in six years. This is the part that was a bit too juvenile for me. The friends to enemies to lovers part was good. And the actual explanation was quite good. But the fact that they had no communication for that long did not make sense to me.

But overall I still did enjoy reading the book.

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Savanna is a hypnotist she helps her clients overcome their issues this can be anxiety, addictions or more. This non traditional job attracts skeptics, which includes Mason Beckett her high school nemesis and the boy that broke her heart in high school.
Masons life has taken a turn his latest novel was a disappointment and the only job he can get as a writer is writing about the local hypnotists that happens to be Savanna. He wants to write and be authentic so he knows he will have to be hypnotized. But when he goes under he wants to shed his negative nature and opening himself up to new experiences, but in the middle of his appointment a fire alarm goes off and when he walks out he has a weird look in his eye and he finds himself saying saying yes.
Now that Mason is hypnotized he’s acting different he’s opening up and telling people things, he’s fearless, Mason actually likes this new version of himself.
Savanna is chasing Mason all over the place frantically trying to keep him safe, but at the same time she finds herself falling for him but she knows deep down she can’t fall for him while he’s hypnotized, but the problem is he won’t stay still enough to get him to snap out of his trance.

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Sariah Wilson’s Hypnotized by Love peaked my interest, as I haven’t seen any romcoms featuring a hypnotist as the FMC. It was enjoyable to read something so different than many romances. However, I found myself getting irritated at Savannah. She came across as very immature emotionally, which didn’t fit with her possible life choice of becoming a therapist. I usually don’t mind unlikable characters- life is filled with unlikable people. 🤣🤣. However, Savannah just seemed like parts of her didn’t fit together - her character felt dis-jointed. This affected my enjoyment of the book. I loved Mason, but wanted more for him throughout the story. It was lighthearted, funny, and had a good cast of characters.

I will definitely read Sariah Wilson again.

I feel that Wilson did a very good job with bringing attention to eating disorders without it being a main aspect of the story. Content warning: eating disorders, adult/minor relationship. I recommend for those who love a funny enemies to lovers lighthearted, quick read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC.

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Another greatbook from Sariah Wilson. Full of fun and angst of being teenager's . Mason was a great guy with no clue of why his and Savannah’s longtime friendship ended so abruptly. Well he had an idea of why but not the ultimate reason. There were a lot of funny scenes whenever they were together, Thank you to NetGalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Hypnotized by Love
Author Sariah Wilson
Available now!

Thank you, @suzyapprovedbooktours, @sariahwilson411, and #montalakepublishing, for my #gifted e- arc of this beautiful book!

Hypnotized by Love has a sweet premise with a second chance enemies to lovers trope. Now, six years after high school, Savannah and Mason meet again and learn how to trust. Filled with themes of trust issues, unresolved issues from the past, and self- growth, Hypnotized by Love features flawed characters, make- out sessions, and the sweet truth that we all deserve love and forgiveness.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. It started out strong, and I had really high hopes. After the first few chapters, the book became very slow and repetitive for me. While it is an enemy to lovers, it is actually best friend to enemy to lover. There were A LOT of things that could have been avoided, or made the story line a little better with just a little bit of communication. But again, almost the whole plot was based around rumors and miscommunication. I think that this story had so much potential, and it just fell a little flat for me.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for my honest review!

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Hypnotherapist Savannah faces an unexpected challenge when her high school crush turned nemesis, Mason, returns to town and makes an appointment. Tasked with writing an exposé on hypnotherapy, Mason finds himself suddenly saying yes, when he would usually say no.
However, Savannah isn’t sure what to make of the sudden shift. Is this who he really is or was he heavily influenced by their hypnotherapy session? While trying to keep the entranced Mason safe, she must confront the dilemma of falling for a man who may not be entirely himself. The story takes a look at love, self-discovery, and the difficulty of reconciling hurt from the past.

Childhood besties turned enemies turned lovers, Savannah and Mason are fun! I like how they challenge each other throughout the book. The banter is enjoyable and the side plots keep the storyline interesting.
I enjoy more of a slow burn and think it could have been more fun had the worrying about Mason’s suggestibility gone on longer with him pushing her buttons but I could see how it could have made the book too long.
I don’t have anything particularly negative to say about the book other than it felt like it was missing *something* which I couldn’t put my finger on. It perhaps it was the accelerated timeline of the whole book or the connection to the characters but I couldn’t justify more than 3-3.5 stars.

If you want a light, easy to follow romance with some twin switching, hypnotherapy, and forbidden love, you would likely enjoy this book.

Big thanks to Montlake, Sariah Wilson, and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Sariah Wilson never disappoints! I was so excited to receive an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review! She does such a great job of making me fall in love with her characters! I know absolutely nothing in real life about being hypnotized, everything felt real and I was easily able to picture it all and believe in it! This book was a quick, fun read that had lots of chemistry and a little bit of spice! I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it to a friend!

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Quick, cute YA title. I think I’m a smidge too cynical for the “fake hate that almost instantly dissolves into true love” storyline in play here. Also the male lead is too perfect- any of his shortcomings are just misunderstandings- while the narrator doesn’t seem like such a prize that she would be the object of his affection. Easy read, free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Hypnotized by Love ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A super cute, closed door romcom.

Savannah Sinclair is a hypnotist that has helped a lot people overcome their fears, addictions, or past trauma. She loves her job and getting to help others. She knows there are some who are skeptical of her work, which is why she’s agrees to have an article written about her. However, the person writing it is her high school nemesis Mason Beckett. He moved back to town and insisted on it and wants to be hypnotized to see what all the fuss is about. During their session, the fire alarm went off and now Savannah is worried he is still in a trance. Can she get him to snap out of it? Having to spend all this time together will bring up some old feelings.

Overall, I liked this book. It was a cute, closed door (other than some steamy kisses) romcom. I loved Mason’s character and liked Savannah’s too and their banter. There was a hard topic within this book that was brought up, but it was handled with care.

This was my first book I’ve read by this author, other than a short story, and I can’t wait to read more! This book has already been published, so be sure to check it out. Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for my advanced readers copy. This is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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loved this romance and how the characters changed through the story. also loved the friends and all of the interesting things that happened during the story. loved the growth of the main character and all of her trials .

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